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Hey friends, welcome back to the channel.
So I have recently decided to take something called the 10% pledge, which is where you donate 10% of your income to effective charities for the rest of your life.
是以,我最近決定參加一個名為 "10%承諾 "的活動,即在餘生中將收入的 10%捐給有效的慈善機構。
Now, I actually took this pledge back in 2019 for my personal income, but this year I've decided to take the pledge for my business as well.
實際上,我早在 2019 年就為個人收入做出了這一承諾,但今年我決定也為我的企業做出這一承諾。
So we as a business from now on forevermore are gonna be donating 10% of our business profits to effective charities every year.
是以,從今往後,我們企業每年都會將企業利潤的 10%捐獻給有效的慈善機構。
And so in this video, I want to share a little bit more about what is the 10% pledge, why I am taking it, and why you might want to consider it as well.
是以,在這段視頻中,我想與大家分享一下什麼是 10% 承諾,我為什麼要這樣做,以及為什麼你也可以考慮這樣做。
What is the 10% pledge?
什麼是 10% 承諾?
Okay, so the 10% pledge is run by a nonprofit called Giving What We Can.
好吧,10% 的承諾是由一家名為 "盡我們所能 "的非營利組織發起的。
They are not partnering with us or sponsoring this video in any way, just for the record.
And there's two aspects to the 10% pledge.
10% 的承諾有兩個方面。
There is the 10% bit, and then there is the fact that you are donating it to effective charities.
有 10%這一點,還有一個事實是,你把錢捐給了有效的慈善機構。
Now, the first thing to say is let's talk about this effective bit of effective charities.
What is an effective charity?
Now, the key thing here is that just like there are some businesses that are better or more effective than others, there are also some charities that are more effective than others.
This was a real game-changing insight for me when I first heard about it like five years ago, which is that not all charities are created equal.
Like people who specialize in researching the effectiveness of charities have found that sometimes there is a 100 times difference in effectiveness between a less effective charity and a more effective charity.
就像專門研究慈善機構有效性的人發現的那樣,有時一個有效性較低的慈善機構和一個有效性較高的慈善機構之間的有效性相差 100 倍。
Like what these guys say on the website is many people lump charities into one doing good bucket.
Others are skeptical that donating works at all.
The reality is that not all charities are created equal.
Most do good work, but the difference between good and great can be substantial.
Some charities are significantly more impactful than others.
And they've got a really good post on their website about effective giving 101.
他們的網站上有一篇非常好的文章,介紹有效捐贈 101。
So what does it mean to give effectively?
Well, give means using our resources to benefit other people.
那麼,"給予 "意味著利用我們的資源造福他人。
When we see suffering in the world, it's natural to feel an emotional pull to do something about it.
Giving to charity is one way to turn this emotional response into direct positive action.
But then you have the effectively bit, which is where you're achieving the best results with the resources that we choose to give.
In essence, giving effectively involves taking action on the basis of where our charitable giving can do the most good, rather than doing some or a little bit of good.
There's reason to believe that choosing where to give can be more important than choosing how much to give.
Since charities often differ considerably in how effective they are, it's worthwhile to take the time to research which ones can produce the greatest benefit with each dollar.
Okay, so why is it important to give effectively?
There are many pressing problems facing the world from extreme poverty to the mistreatment of animals to existential risks that threaten humanity's very survival.
Moreover, there are millions of charities to choose from, 1.5 million charities in the US alone, and it isn't always clear which ones we should support.
此外,有數以百萬計的慈善機構可供選擇,僅在美國就有 150 萬家慈善機構,而我們並不總是清楚應該支持哪些慈善機構。
And by giving effectively, you can significantly increase your positive impact in the world.
Let's see how this is true with an example.
Suppose a donor is considering making $1,000 donation to one of two charities, charity A, which offers corrective surgery for blindness-inducing cataracts, and charity B, which provides sightseeing dogs to individuals with limited vision.
假設一位捐贈者正在考慮向兩家慈善機構中的一家捐贈 1,000 美元,A 慈善機構為致盲的白內障患者提供矯正手術,B 慈善機構為視力受限者提供觀光犬。
On the conservative end, it costs about $1,000 to reverse a severe case of visual impairment, i.e. about $1,000 to literally cure someone's blindness if they're affected by this disease.
保守地說,扭轉一個嚴重的視力損傷病例大約需要 1000 美元,也就是說,如果有人患上這種疾病,大約 1000 美元就能真正治癒他的失明。
Conversely, it typically costs $30,000 to $50,000 to provide one sightseeing dog.
相反,提供一隻觀光犬通常需要 3 萬至 5 萬美元。
So I think this example is pretty interesting.
There is another thought experiment.
Imagine you're walking in a park and you see that there's a pond and you see that there is a child drowning in the pond.
Would you jump into the pond to save the dying child?
Of course you would.
Anyway, like, yeah, it's not even a question.
Anyone would do that.
What if you're wearing a really expensive pair of shoes or your expensive suit?
Would you jump into the pond ruining your suit to save the child?
Of course you would.
You'd have to be a real psychopath and associate path to not do that.
Who cares about the few thousand dollars that your suit costs if you can literally jump in and save the child?
And you're like, okay, cool.
Well, what if you were walking on the border of France and Germany and you see the pond and you see the drowning child, but they're over the border.
Would you still walk over the border, assuming you're not gonna get shot by the border force and go and save the child?
Yeah, of course you would, right?
Like just because they're technically in a different country doesn't mean their life is worth any less.
And of course you would still give up your fancy expensive suit in order to save the child.
Then the thought experiment continues.
What if there was a wall?
A wall separating you.
You know, you're in the French and German borders.
There's a wall.
You can't see the child on the other side of the wall, but you know the child is there because you can hear the child.
You can hear the child drowning and you have to, you know, get up and scale the wall, jump onto the other side and then save the child.
Would you save the child?
Again, of course you would.
You would have to be dumb not to save the child.
Just because you cannot see the person who's drowning does not mean the person is not drowning.
And you know that if you were to take action, you could save that child.
And then the question becomes, what if you knew with certainty that there is a child dying right now, let's say in a random country in Africa or something like that.
And you knew that there's a child drowning and you can't see the child, you can't hear the child, but you know that that child is drowning.
That child is dying.
And what if you knew that if you were to donate $5,000 to an effective charity like the Against Malaria Foundation, for example, you could literally save this child's life.
如果你知道,如果你捐出 5,000 美元給一個有效的慈善機構,比如抗擊瘧疾基金會,你就能拯救這個孩子的生命。
Would you do it?
Is the life of a child in a developing country worth any less than the life of someone in America or someone in the US or someone in Germany or Canada or the person that you can see?
The whole idea behind, you know, Peter Singer's philosophy here, which I broadly agree with, is that all lives are created equal.
彼得-辛格(Peter Singer)的哲學思想背後的整個理念是,所有生命生而平等,我對此深表贊同。
And so if there is stuff that we can do to save those lives, then, you know, living an ethical and moral life means choosing to do that stuff.
Now, when I first heard this, I was like, yep, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree.
And then I felt really shifty when the question came to, would I donate $5,000 to save the life of a child?
然後,當問到 "我是否願意捐出 5 000 美元來挽救一個孩子的生命?
And I'm like, well, yeah, in theory, but like, you know, I don't have that much money.
This was back when I was working as a doctor and it's like, it's kind of expensive and like, oh, it feels weird because I really wanted to buy the Apple Vision Pro and like, it starts to feel like a weird sort of, like I'm being told I'm a bad person for not donating 100% of all of my money to save the lives of people because then I can't live and stuff.
那時候我還在當醫生,這東西有點貴,感覺怪怪的,因為我真的很想買蘋果Vision Pro,而且開始覺得有點怪怪的,好像有人說我是個壞人,因為我沒有把所有的錢100%捐出去救人,因為那樣我就不能活了之類的。
And so like, for years, I was like, yes, I agree in theory, but like, there's nothing I can do about this because I don't wanna give up my entire, I don't wanna like, I don't know, give up my life in the UK and go and work for a charity.
That sounds boring.
Maybe I'm a bad person for not wanting to work for a charity.
I don't wanna give up my quality of life just so I can save the life of kids in developing countries.
Like, you know, that kind of thing.
You can imagine that, you know, the confronting nature of that situation.
But then I came across the 10% pledge and there's this thing that very, like many thousands of people, tens of thousands of people around the world do where they just give 10% of their income to charities, effective charities every year.
但後來我看到了 "10%承諾",全世界成千上萬的人都在做這件事,他們每年將收入的10%捐給慈善機構,有效的慈善機構。
And that 10% feels like a good number for me.
對我來說,10% 是個不錯的數字。
It was like 10%, for most people, in most parts of the world is not really gonna change your quality of life.
對大多數人來說,在世界上的大多數地方,10% 的收入並不會真正改變你的生活品質。
In fact, what Giving What We Can tells us based on the research is that if you earn $60,000 a year post-tax, you are in the top 1% globally.
事實上,"盡己所能 "的研究結果告訴我們,如果你的稅後年收入為 6 萬美元,那麼你就是全球收入最高的 1%。
You might not think that if you earn $60,000 a year and you're living in like New York or California or someplace that you're in the top 1%, but you are, you are the top 1% globally.
你可能不會認為,如果你年薪 6 萬美元,住在紐約、加利福尼亞或其他地方,你就屬於最富有的 1%,但你確實是,你是全球最富有的 1%。
In fact, if you earn more than $19,000 a year, you are in the top 10% globally.
事實上,如果您的年收入超過 19,000 美元,您就屬於全球收入最高的 10%。
The scale of global inequality is so insane that by leading a normal life in a developed country like the US, the UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, that kind of thing, you're probably in the top 1% globally.
全球不平等的程度已經到了令人髮指的地步,在美國、英國、加拿大、德國、澳洲等發達國家過上正常生活的人,很可能就是全球前 1%的人。
And so when I realised that, I was like, okay, at the time I was earning like 40K a year as a doctor.
所以當我意識到這一點時,我就想,好吧,當時我作為一名醫生,年薪大概有 4 萬。
It's like, if I were to donate $4,000, 4,000 pounds, it's not really gonna change my life in any meaningful way.
這就好比,如果我捐出 4000 美元、4000 英鎊,並不能真正改變我的生活。
But that 4,000 pounds or $5,000 can literally save the life of a child.
但是,這 4000 磅或 5000 美元卻可以挽救一個孩子的生命。
Holy shit, that's pretty cool.
There's also this guy called Greg Lewis who did an analysis of how many lives a doctor saves in their career on average.
還有一個叫格雷格-劉易斯(Greg Lewis)的人,他分析了一名醫生在其職業生涯中平均拯救了多少人的生命。
And this was actually updated in 2023.
而這實際上是在 2023 年更新的。
I'll link all three parts of his analysis down below, but essentially being a doctor in the UK, if you were to model statistically how many lives does that save, you land on over the course of your entire career working as a doctor, you on average save somewhere around seven or fewer lives.
People get all up in arms about this.
Like if you wanna read all the stats and all the analysis, there'll be a link down below.
Yes, of course, doctors are good for things other than just saving lives.
And of course, it's important that that doctor that you saw when you were struggling held your hand and was nice to you and stuff like that.
But if you take a kind of mathematical approach to how much like trying to quantify the impact of a doctor, for example, working in a country like the UK, for example, you land on the number of a few lives saved in the course of a career.
So if I were to work 40 years as a doctor, I can save maybe seven lives on average.
是以,如果我當了 40 年醫生,平均可以挽救 7 條生命。
If I were to donate 10% of my income as a doctor every year to effective charities, I could save more lives than that in the developing world.
如果我每年將醫生收入的 10%捐獻給有效的慈善機構,我可以在開發中國家拯救比這更多的生命。
Crucially, yeah, those lives would be in the developing world, they wouldn't be in the UK because it's actually fairly cheap to save the life of someone in the developing world, about $5,000 in the Against Malaria Foundation.
最重要的是,是的,這些生命將在開發中國家,而不是在英國,因為在開發中國家拯救一個人的生命其實相當便宜,在抗擊瘧疾基金會大約是 5000 美元。
It is very expensive to save the life of someone in a developed country because all of the low hanging fruit like vaccines and sanitation and food and poverty, like broadly that stuff has been taken care of.
But basically a country like the UK is willing to spend an enormous amount of money to extend someone's life by even just one year, whereas that amount of money could save 10 lives in a Sub-Saharan African country, for example.
但基本上,像英國這樣的國家願意花費鉅額資金來延長一個人的生命,哪怕只是一年,而在撒哈拉以南的非洲國家,比如說,這筆錢可以挽救 10 條生命。
And that was pretty mind blowing to me when I realized this.
I was like, oh, hang on, if I agree that all lives are created equal, and I agree that the life of someone who happens to live in London is worth no more than the life of someone who happens to live in Nigeria or Ghana or something, then, huh, interesting.
我當時想,哦,等等,如果我同意 "人人生而平等",而且我也同意碰巧住在倫敦的人的生命並不比碰巧住在尼日利亞或加納或其他地方的人的生命更有價值,那就有意思了。
By giving away, by donating money to certain charities, I can actually save more lives than literally working full-time as a doctor, working 60 hours a week in the UK's National Health Service.
通過捐贈,通過向某些慈善機構捐款,我所能拯救的生命實際上比在英國國民健康服務機構每週工作 60 小時的全職醫生還要多。
Mind blowing.
And so eventually that's why in 2019, I decided to take the 10% pledge for my personal income.
是以,最終這就是為什麼在 2019 年,我決定為我的個人收入做出 10% 的承諾。
Yes, of course, in an ideal world, I would be a full-on philanthropist and donate millions and millions and millions to charity, but there's something around not letting perfect be the enemy of good.
I think for a few years, I also felt like, well, 10% is not enough then.
我想有幾年,我也覺得,好吧,10% 是不夠的。
I should be donating 90% of my income to charity because I can just live on the poverty line in the UK and stuff, and 90% of my income should go to charity.
我應該把 90% 的收入捐給慈善機構,因為在英國,我可以生活在貧困線上,90% 的收入應該捐給慈善機構。
And because I thought I should do that, I ended up not taking any action at all.
And then I spoke to some people about it and I realized I was being dumb about it.
Like, yeah, honestly, I don't wanna give all my money to charity, at least not yet.
While I'm young, I like having a nice quality of life.
I like growing my business.
I like being rich.
But I'm very happy to give 10% of my money to charity and have been doing for the last five years.
但我很樂意將我收入的 10%捐給慈善機構,過去五年來一直如此。
And now that's gonna be the case for our business profits as well.
So this year, our business is projected to do about 2 million pounds in profit.
是以,今年我們的業務預計將實現約 200 萬英鎊的利潤。
If these projections work out, we will be donating $260,000 to charity.
如果這些預測能夠實現,我們將向慈善機構捐贈 26 萬美元。
And if, for example, you look at the stats on the Against Monero Foundation, it costs $5,500 to save a life.
舉例來說,如果你看一下反對門羅基金會的統計數據,拯救一條生命需要花費 5500 美元。
That means this year, we as a business will be saving 47 lives if we were to donate that money to the Against Monero Foundation.
這意味著,今年,如果我們將這筆錢捐給 "反對門羅基金會",我們作為一個企業將拯救 47 條生命。
That's pretty cool.
That means that like me sitting here and filming these fricking YouTube videos, which may or may not be sponsored by random sponsors and selling courses and stuff, I can be a multimillionaire, I can live the life that I want.
And on top of that, I can donate $260,000 to charity this year and do that 10% thing for the rest of my life.
除此之外,我還可以在今年向慈善機構捐贈 26 萬美元,並在我的餘生中做那 10%的事情。
And just this year alone, by doing that donation, we as a business will have saved 47 lives.
僅今年一年,我們企業的捐款就挽救了 47 條生命。
That is fricking mind-blowing.
You know how hard it is to save 47 lives?
你知道拯救 47 條生命有多難嗎?
Like imagine there's a burning building and there are 47 lives in that building and you're able to go in and like save each of those lives.
想象一下,有一棟樓在燃燒,樓裡有 47 條人命,而你能衝進去拯救每一條生命。
Like saving one life is a heroic thing, right?
Being able to save more than one of those by simply writing a check, by simply donating money that doesn't make a difference to my life anyway.
That's just fricking mind-blowing.
And that's why I took the pledge in 2019.
這就是我在 2019 年宣誓的原因。
But for the last few years, I have felt a bit weird about this pledge because I took the pledge in terms of personal income.
Like the business is making millions in revenue and profit, but my personal income is actually like, I don't know, a hundred K or something like that.
Because for tax reasons, it's useful to just not take income out of the business and it's all in the business and it's invested in the business.
And so for a while now, I've been thinking that as a founder of a business that's doing very well, it's a bit, if it feels wrong to be taking the 10% pledge and only doing it like from my personal income.
所以一段時間以來,我一直在想,作為一個生意做得很好的企業創始人,如果只從個人收入中拿出 10%來做承諾,是不是感覺有點不妥?
And so I've decided that from now on, my business, my holding company, like whatever businesses I do in the future, we'll be donating 10% of our profits to effective charities every year.
是以,我決定從現在開始,我的企業、我的控股公司,就像我今後做的任何企業一樣,我們每年都會把利潤的 10%捐給有效的慈善機構。
And since making that decision, I signed the pledge on our team offsite in Portugal a couple of weeks ago.
And it's really brought a new sense of purpose to what I'm doing with this business.
I have at various points felt like, oh, I've got enough money.
Why do I wanna make another course?
What's the point?
Yeah, we can make some apps, but like, it's just to make money.
Who cares?
Oh, another sponsored video.
Who cares?
But weirdly, now that I know that every time that we like the business makes money, A, I get richer, which is kind of fun because it's like points in a video game.
Like in them cash in for stuff in real life.
But also for every $5,000, for every $50,000 in profit the business makes, we're literally saving a life.
此外,企業每盈利 5,000 美元或 50,000 美元,我們就等於拯救了一條生命。
That's really cool.
And that gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, a reason to like more of a reason to try and grow the business and do fun stuff with the business because there's this, we're not just trying to make YouTube videos for the sake of it.
這給了我每天早上起床的理由,給了我更多努力發展業務和做有趣事情的理由,因為我們不只是為了製作 YouTube 視頻而製作視頻。
And yeah, it's nice getting comments and emails from people saying like, oh, your videos have helped me get through med school and stuff.
是的,收到評論和郵件的感覺很好,人們會說 "哦,你的視頻幫我順利完成了醫學院的學業 "之類的話。
But knowing that me talking to a camera and doing that consistently can make enough money to save lives.
It's just like really, really, really cool.
There is a charity evaluator called GiveWell.
有一個名為 GiveWell 的慈善評估機構。
They're also nonprofit.
They do loads of research into what are the most effective charities.
They like really make sure that the maths works for the charity.
They like try and quantify the impact.
They make sure that, you know, a lot of charities have admin budgets.
And so they make recommendations every year.
This year we have decided that these are the top charities to donate to if you wanna maximize the impact of your donation.
I suspect those charities that we would donate to as a business would probably be either in the health sector or in the education sector.
But, you know, that's a TBD.
And I think it would be cool if my team and I get together once a year and we like celebrate how much money we're gonna be giving to charity.
And then we decide collectively based on what GiveWell has recommended, which charity we wanna donate the money to.
然後,我們根據 GiveWell 的建議,集體決定把錢捐給哪個慈善機構。
And we'll be sharing details of that in my email newsletter if you feel like subscribing.
It's called Life Notes.
And each week I send like summaries of what I'm thinking about, what I'm reading, what I'm listening to, conversations I'm having.
And it's just sort of notes from my life that I share with you completely for free.
You can subscribe down below.
There'll be a link and you can unsubscribe whenever you feel like it.
And also, if you've gotten to this point in the video, then, and you might vibe with some of this stuff, then I would really recommend you check out givingwhatwecan.org.
另外,如果你在視頻中看到了這一點,那麼,你可能會對其中的一些東西產生共鳴,那麼我真的建議你去 Givewhatwecan.org 網站看看。
I think if you go to givingwhatwecan.org slash Ali, that is a tracked link because they're big on statistical tracking and stuff.
我認為,如果你訪問 givingwhatwecan.org slash Ali,這是一個跟蹤鏈接,因為他們非常重視統計跟蹤之類的東西。
And if you use that link in particular, and if you do decide to take the pledge and they say, how did you hear about us?
And you mentioned my name.
That's kind of interesting because there's the 47 lives or whatever that we're saving through donating money to charity.
這有點意思,因為我們通過向慈善機構捐款,拯救了 47 條生命或其他什麼東西。
But then there's also the additional impact that we as a company can have by me making these videos.
That if, for example, 10 people, even just 10 people watching this video were to also then take the pledge and also then start donating that money.
舉例來說,如果有 10 個人,哪怕只有 10 個人觀看了這段視頻,他們也會做出承諾並開始捐款。
That actually magnifies my impact, which is kind of nice and kind of cool.
And you can kind of see the stats of this.
And so I'll put a link down below if you wanna check it out.
But on the Giving What We Can website, you can see, for example, how rich am I.
但是,在 "量力而行 "網站上,你可以看到,比如,我有多富有。
When I was working as a doctor, it would have been maybe post-tax income, maybe like 35,000, something like that.
我當醫生的時候,稅後收入可能是 3.5 萬左右。
Yeah, so back when I was working as a junior doctor, I was in the richest 2.3% of the global population.
是的,所以當我還是一名初級醫生時,我是全球人口中最富有的 2.3%。
And my income was 13.5 times the global median.
而我的收入是全球中位數的 13.5 倍。
And then they take how the cost of living into account.
And they tell you like, if you were to donate 10%, you would still be in the richest 2.9% of the global population.
他們會告訴你,如果你捐出 10%,你仍然是全球最富有的 2.9%。
Your income would still be 12.2 times the global median.
您的收入仍然是全球中位數的 12.2 倍。
And each year, your donation could treat 610 children who are suffering from malaria.
每年,您的捐款可以治療 610 名瘧疾患兒。
You could give 2,134 vitamin A supplements.
你可以補充 2 134 種維生素 A。
And you could save almost one life for a longer and healthier future.
Oh, and if you do decide to take the 10% pledge, and this video has influenced you in any way, I would love it if you would please drop me an email, ali at alib.com.
對了,如果你決定參加 10% 的認捐活動,而且這段視頻對你產生了任何影響,我非常希望你能給我發一封電子郵件,地址是 ali at alib.com。
And do mention that you've taken the pledge.
We'd love to hear some more details about you and stuff, whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
If there's enough people, I've been toying with the idea of making like a little telegram group, or doing like an annual meetup of other people who've taken the pledge.
You know, something like that, but it just depends on what the numbers are.
So please do email me if you decide to take a pledge based on this video, or based on anything else that I've shared.
Anyway, that's it.
If you're interested in watching the video that I did five years ago when I took the pledge as an individual, that'll be linked over there.
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you hopefully in the next video.