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hi everyone welcome to listening to music a chill English podcast and I'm miss music today's episodes title is social media so let's get started today let's talk about social media do you use social media Instagram Facebook tik-tok there are so many social media apps do you think social media is helpful is it useful or do you think it is bad for us I have a bad habit of scrolling through my phone watching videos looking at your phone like this is called screen time sometimes I don't even realize how much screen time has passed has this happened to you you start scrolling through videos and then suddenly oh it's one o'clock in the morning research says that it is bad to look at your phone before going to bed the bright light of our phone screen keeps our brain and eyes awake and alert the bright light makes our body think it is time to be awake do you think this is true these days my phone apps know what I like they are always recommending videos for me to watch the algorithm social media algorithm is in the app the platform it filters and recommends what we see I am always getting recommended funny videos or cute cat videos I can't stop watching them it can be addicting so the social media algorithm really knows what to show me it knows what I spend most of my time watching I've been watching a lot of cookie mukbang videos lately there is one specific cookie shop I am very interested in they have a new set of cookie flavors every week I am always so curious what the new flavors will be I don't even follow the cookie store on social media but I am always seeing these videos on my feed anyways social media is it good is it bad what do you think it's difficult for me to say if it's good or bad I do think it can be both I like social media because it is so easy to connect with friends and family I live really far from my family
嗨,大家好,歡迎收聽 "聽音樂 "英語播客,我是音樂小姐,今天的主題是 "社交媒體"。tok 有這麼多社交媒體應用程序,你認為社交媒體對我們有用嗎?手機螢幕的強光讓我們的大腦和眼睛保持清醒和警覺,強光讓我們的身體認為是時候清醒了 你覺得這是真的嗎?我總是收到推薦的搞笑視頻或可愛的貓咪視頻,看了就停不下來,會上癮,所以社交媒體算法真的知道該給我看什麼,它知道我大部分時間都在看什麼。我甚至都沒有在社交媒體上關注這家餅乾店,但我總能在我的feed上看到這些視頻,總之社交媒體是好是壞,你怎麼看?
I only get the chance to visit them about once a year so it's really nice to see their pictures and stories posted online I can stay updated with recent news also social media can be good for finding learning materials it's so easy to study a new skill or language there are a lot of helpful videos if I don't know something I can easily find a YouTube video that explains what I need social media also allows us to reach a wider range of people you can chat with people from all around the world we can learn a lot from other people and cultures then what are the bad parts of social media like I mentioned earlier social media can be addicting the hours the hours of screen time do you find yourself looking at your phone all of the time or your Apple watch always checking I think that's a big problem for a lot of people we are getting less sleep because we find something interesting on our phones and we don't want to stop we are making less connections I see people together at restaurants only looking at their phones they aren't talking to each other or families on vacation they take a couple of pictures upload the pictures to their social media and then go back to scrolling on their phones they aren't experiencing the vacation together something else I have noticed especially with AI is this unachievable goal to be perfect an unrealistic level many people on social media use Photoshop or editing programs or AI to make themselves look better bodies that are not real faces that are not real a person's whole life that is not real I'm not sure how I feel about AI but I'll make a video about it in the future I think we have to remember not everything we see is real on the internet and also most people on social media only want to share the happy moments the best moments the moments to brag about they never talk about the sad low and ugly moments so just remember not everything is as it seems don't be jealous of other people let's just be happy for them no matter if it's all fake or not because we really just don't know focus your energy on your life let's enjoy the helpful uses of social media and remind ourselves to take breaks from our phones so let's try and enjoy our lives as best as we can as always thanks for listening to music I'll see you next time bye bye
我每年只有一次機會去看望他們,所以能在網上看到他們的照片和故事真的很好,我可以隨時瞭解最新的新聞。社交媒體也可以很好地查找學習資料,學習一門新的技能或語言非常容易,有很多有用的視頻,如果我不知道什麼,我可以很容易地在 YouTube 上找到解釋我所需要的東西的視頻。社交媒體還可以讓我們接觸到更多的人,你可以和來自世界各地的人哈拉,我們可以從其他人和其他文化中學到很多東西。社交媒體的壞處是什麼?就像我之前提到的,社交媒體會讓人上癮,你是否發現自己總是在看手機,或者你的蘋果手錶總是在檢查?我還注意到,尤其是在