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  • Just when fans thought that the hate against Le Seraphime had calmed down a bit, Source Music released another documentary to show the members' vulnerable sides and the hardships they go through as idols.

    就在粉絲們以為對 Le Seraphime 的仇恨已經稍稍平息的時候,Source Music 又推出了一部紀錄片,展現了成員們脆弱的一面和作為偶像所經歷的艱辛。

  • However, instead of this making the public sympathize with the members, it had the opposite effect.


  • When Easy first came out in February of this year, the song itself received lukewarm responses, but it wasn't the worst thing.

    今年 2 月,《Easy》首次推出時,歌曲本身反響平平,但這並不是最糟糕的。

  • Problems quickly emerged as the music video, which was shot in a church, faced backlash for being disrespectful towards Christians.


  • The b-side track, Smart, was also accused of plagiarism due to similarities with songs like Water by Tyla, Woman by Doja Cat, and Calm Down by Rima and Selena Gomez.

    由於與 Tyla 的《Water》、Doja Cat 的《Woman》以及 Rima 和 Selena Gomez 的《Calm Down》等歌曲相似,副歌《Smart》也被指抄襲。

  • Additionally, critics went on to claim that the members had also copied Tyla's choreography and even imitated her accent, leading to charges of cultural appropriation.

    此外,批評者還稱,成員們還抄襲了 Tyla 的舞蹈編排,甚至模仿了她的口音,導致了文化挪用的指控。

  • Some also found the dance moves inappropriate due to EunCha being a minor.

    有些人還認為,由於 EunCha 是未成年人,舞蹈動作不合適。

  • The backlash only intensified from there, reaching its peak on February 29th when Le Seraphime won first place on Mnet's M Countdown and had an encore performance to celebrate their win.

    2 月 29 日,Le Seraphime 在 Mnet 的 M Countdown 節目中獲得了第一名,並舉行了加演來慶祝他們的勝利。

  • That infamous stage drew a lot of criticism, with netizens coming together to talk down on the members' vocals and how disappointing the performance had been for idols who had been in the industry for some time now.


  • The negativity continued with their Coachella performances on April 13th and April 21st, despite making history as the fastest Korean act to perform at the festival.

    在 4 月 13 日和 4 月 21 日的科切拉音樂節上,儘管他們創造了在該音樂節上表演最快的韓國藝人的歷史,但負面新聞仍在繼續。

  • Their live vocals were once again heavily criticized and social media were flooded with negative comments, with some even going as The group also got caught up in the feud between Min Heejin and HYBE and faced accusations of cult involvement and were even criticized for debuting before New Genes.

    他們的現場演唱再次遭到猛烈抨擊,社交媒體上充斥著大量負面評論,甚至有人說他們是在 "閔熙真和 HYBE 之間的恩怨",並被指控參與邪教組織,甚至被責備比 New Genes 早出道。

  • Things managed to calm down a bit after a while, even though the hate continued to be present.


  • Then things got worse once again when Source Music dropped the trailer for Le Seraphime's second documentary titled Make It Look Easy.

    當 Source Music 發佈 Le Seraphime 的第二部紀錄片《Make It Look Easy》的預告片時,情況再次變得糟糕起來。

  • This wouldn't be the first time that a K-pop group, Le Seraphime included, put out a documentary to showcase the hardships of the idol life.

    這並不是包括 Le Seraphime 在內的 K-pop 團體第一次推出紀錄片來展示偶像生活的艱辛。

  • The group's first documentary was The World Is My Oyster, and it showcased their journey from pre-debut till the release of their debut album Fearless while Make It Look Easy shared the group's experiences from 2022 leading up to their mini-album Easy.

    該組合的第一部紀錄片是《世界是我的牡蠣》(The World Is My Oyster),展示了他們從出道前到發行首張專輯《無畏》(Fearless)的歷程,而《輕鬆製作》(Make It Look Easy)則分享了該組合從 2022 年到發行迷你專輯《輕鬆》(Easy)的經歷。

  • The documentary explores both the personal and professional obstacles the members encountered along the way, as well as moments where they persevered through difficulties.


  • In one scene, Eun Chae is seen struggling with hyperventilation during a rehearsal for the Unforgiven showcase but pushes through to finish her performance.

    在一個場景中,恩彩在排練 "不可饒恕 "表演時因過度換氣而掙扎,但她還是堅持完成了表演。

  • Her fellow members and staff then applaud her once the show is over, moved by her resilience, which brings her to tears.


  • Another part of the documentary shows Chae Won getting an IV drip while shooting the music video for their 2023 album Unforgiven, while in another scene, a staff member urgently pleads with the documentary director to stop filming as Sakura appears to be in severe distress.

    紀錄片的另一部分顯示,彩元在拍攝 2023 年專輯《Unforgiven》的音樂錄影帶時正在打點滴,而在另一個場景中,一名工作人員緊急懇求紀錄片導演停止拍攝,因為櫻花似乎陷入了嚴重的困境。

  • Despite the documentary being relatively short, it was met with very strong reactions by netizens.


  • Fans, as expected, were both touched and enraged by some of the scenes.


  • Some liked how seemingly honest and raw the whole thing was, with a Reddit user commenting, I'm impressed at how honest they were about how tough it all is on a day-to-day basis.

    有些人喜歡這種看似坦誠和原始的方式,Reddit 上的一位用戶評論說:"他們如此坦誠地講述日常工作的艱辛,讓我印象深刻。

  • Make It Look Easy is the perfect title.

    Make It Look Easy》是一個完美的標題。

  • So much hard work goes into a few moments on stage, I can't imagine the pressure of all that knowing there are people out there looking for ways to criticize.


  • However, there was also some criticism over how HYBE had shown these moments to the public in the first place, especially knowing they could have done something to stop it.

    不過,也有一些人責備 HYBE 當初是如何向公眾展示這些瞬間的,尤其是在知道他們本可以做些什麼來阻止這一切發生的情況下。

  • As a counter-argument, fans highlighted a moment where staff advised Chae Won to cancel filming a couple of scenes due to her not feeling well.


  • Despite knowing she would likely insist on continuing, they stressed that her health should come first and she shouldn't work while unwell.


  • In addition to showing the girls' struggles with insecurity, illness, and criticism, HYBE's documentary reveals something rare, artists often push themselves too hard even when they're not well.

    除了展現女孩們在不安全感、疾病和責備中的掙扎,HYBE 的紀錄片還揭示了一個罕見的現象:藝術家們即使在身體不好的時候,也常常把自己逼得太緊。

  • Even though the company might tell them to prioritize their health, they continue to promote and practice, determined to show their hard work even if it means battling their own limits.


  • As expected though, the documentary and the members received a good amount of criticism.


  • For once, HYBE was accused of trying to gain sympathy for the members through the documentary.

    這一次,HYBE 被指責試圖通過紀錄片博取成員們的同情。

  • Many felt the release of the documentary seemed calculated, with some commenters suggesting it was way too soon for a quote-unquote sob story.


  • They argued that without a comeback since Coachella or Visible Progress, the whole thing might backfire on the members.

    他們認為,如果在科切拉音樂節或 "看得見的進步 "之後沒有復出,整個事件可能會對成員產生反作用。

  • To these people, the issue of the documentary is the constant emphasis on their hard work, especially since hadn't apparently shown results that people can recognize.


  • It was also pointed out that the documentary was filmed during the Unforgiven Era, when they were already getting criticism for poor live singing.

    還有人指出,這部紀錄片是在 "不可饒恕時代 "拍攝的,當時他們已經因為現場演唱不佳而飽受責備。

  • So, the argument goes that if the girls had indeed practiced or improved as much as the documentary showed, then it would have shown during the Easy Promotions, but instead, it was one of the eras in which they got the most criticism.

    是以,有觀點認為,如果女孩們確實像紀錄片中展示的那樣進行了練習或取得了進步,那麼就應該在 "輕鬆晉級 "時期播出,但這恰恰是她們受到責備最多的時期之一。

  • A commenter wrote, It's just another HYBE propaganda.

    一位評論者寫道:這不過是 HYBE 的又一次宣傳。

  • The company need to stop selling sob stories to gain sympathy and start sending them to vocal classes.


  • A part in the documentary, which became the point of a lot of discussion, was when Hyunjin talks about the backlash she got for saying that she wants to change the idol industry in her debut teaser.


  • The phrase has become the topic of ridicule by K-pop fans, who insist that she has done nothing noteworthy to keep her word, and apparently, Hyunjin has seen all these comments.

    這句話成了 K-pop 歌迷調侃的話題,他們堅持認為她沒有做任何值得注意的事情來遵守諾言。

  • In one scene, she's heard telling HYBE's founder, Bang Si-hyuk, At the beginning, I didn't really pay attention to what people are saying, but as time passes, I feel more responsible about what I said, so I feel like I should do more and wonder if I'm doing enough.

    在一個場景中,她對 HYBE 的創始人 Bang Si-hyuk 說:"一開始,我並不太在意別人在說什麼,但隨著時間的推移,我對自己說過的話越來越有責任感,所以我覺得自己應該做得更多,並懷疑自己做得是否足夠。

  • In response, he tells Hyunjin to just keep on writing songs and to pay no mind to what the company and the public are saying.

    對此,他讓 Hyunjin 繼續寫歌,不要在意公司和公眾的看法。

  • Both Hyunjin and Bang Si-hyuk got backlash for this, though, especially the latter.

    但 Hyunjin 和 Bang Si-hyuk(尤其是 Bang Si-hyuk)都是以受到了反擊。

  • In netizens' opinion, it was unwise for the founder of the company just to tell an idol to not take into consideration criticism that comes from the people who listen to their music.


  • Commenters said, Why shouldn't they pay attention to public opinion?


  • His logic is strange, and this is exactly why people say you need to be around good adults to guide you, but Le Seraphim is stuck there.

    他的邏輯很奇怪,這正是為什麼人們說你需要身邊有好的成年人來引導你,但 Le Seraphim 卻被困在那裡。

  • Hyunjin was also labeled as naive for even thinking that she can change the industry despite being a part of it and playing into the industry's demands.

    Hyunjin 還被貼上了天真無邪的標籤,因為她甚至認為自己可以改變這個行業,儘管她也是這個行業的一員,並且迎合了這個行業的要求。

  • Another heavily discussed part of the documentary is when Sakura breaks down in tears and talks about how she regrets becoming an idol.


  • During that part, Sakura said, I don't know why I chose to be an idol.


  • For what?


  • Rather than say that it was the wrong choice, I want to ask if being an idol is what I do best.


  • Whenever I make a mistake, I think to myself that had I chosen something else, I too could have been good at something.


  • Sakura goes on to share that despite the criticism, being an idol is what makes her happiest.


  • She admits she doesn't usually doubt her talent, but negative comments sometimes make her question herself, so she finds it hard to understand why she puts herself through so much pain and struggle.


  • Instead of this being just another moment in the documentary showing how the hate that the girls received impacted their feel bad for her.


  • They felt that Sakura was being paid a lot for a job she wasn't excelling at and saw the situation as just an attempt by HYBE and Sakura to seek pity and sympathy.

    他們認為小櫻的工作並不出色,卻得到了高額報酬,並認為這種情況只是 HYBE 和小櫻尋求憐憫和同情的一種企圖。

  • A Korean netizen commented, You can leave once your contract is over and if you can't wait that long then just pay the penalty.


  • It's not like you were scammed into becoming an idol.


  • Another one said, If you're that scared then just give up.


  • The argument stands that Sakura has been an idol for 13 years now and is still scared to sing live, despite having plenty of time to improve her singing skills and overcome her fear.

    櫻花已經成為偶像 13 年了,儘管她有足夠的時間來提高歌唱技巧和克服恐懼,但她仍然害怕現場演唱。

  • To the majority of people, companies should definitely train and prepare idols, but idols also need to take responsibility for their own skills, whether that's improving them or trying not to regress.


  • So, to most people, it's strange that some idols who clearly lack talent still pursue careers as artists in the K-pop industry and then expect to be babied and coddled.

    是以,在大多數人看來,一些明顯缺乏天賦的偶像明星仍然在 K-pop 行業從事藝人職業,並期望得到呵護和溺愛,是一件很奇怪的事情。

  • However, a lot of Le Seraphim fans were baffled at the netizen's lack of empathy when it came to Sakura.

    然而,很多 Le Seraphim 的粉絲對該網友在談到櫻花時缺乏同情心表示不解。

  • A Twitter user criticized fan culture for lacking compassion, questioning how anyone could see a girl losing her confidence due to the constant harassment and think it's just a ploy for sympathy.


  • Another one argued that it was weird to see the girls go through turmoil and hardships and then call it a PR stunt.


  • Fans also pointed out that Sakura used to be a very confident performer during her days in AKB48 and IZ1, but that confidence was lost with the intense hate train against her and the rest of the Le Seraphim members.

    粉絲們還指出,櫻花在 AKB48 和 IZ1 時期曾是一個非常自信的表演者,但隨著對她和 Le Seraphim 其他成員的強烈仇恨,她的自信也隨之喪失。

  • It's not like this is the first time that Sakura has expressed these insecurities either, and the other members, who netizens and antis claim are much more talented, expressed similar feelings.


  • They have all shared their struggles and doubts about not feeling good enough, so feeling sympathy for them isn't the same as coddling or babying.


  • The most mentioned argument was that instead of HYBE offering a sob story to try and turn public opinion in favor of the girls, they should have shown them improving, practicing, and accepting the valid criticism.

    提到最多的論點是,與其讓 HYBE 編造一個可悲的故事,試圖讓公眾輿論傾向於女孩們,不如讓她們展示自己的進步、練習和接受有效責備的過程。

  • Fans believe the documentary has already addressed the issues, but the public is dismissing it because it doesn't match their view of the documentary, during which they're shown in the practice room sometimes from 9am to 5am.

    球迷們認為紀錄片已經解決了這些問題,但公眾卻對此不屑一顧,因為這與他們對紀錄片的看法不符,在紀錄片中,他們有時從早上 9 點到凌晨 5 點都在練習室裡練習。

  • The members also say that they want to improve multiple times during the documentary, leading fans to say the whole documentary is them practicing and taking lessons, them being vulnerable is also part of their journey as an idol.


  • Another thing that was brought up a lot was the double standards that the members are currently dealing with.


  • If the documentary had aired and it showed the members just having fun, performing in random gigs, and goofing around, they would have been eaten alive by everyone and told to get to the practice room and improve.


  • As a netizen put it, they can't plan around their hate train if they had their way, they'd never release any content or music again.

    正如一位網民所說,他們無法計劃自己的 "仇恨列車",如果按照他們的方式,他們永遠不會再發布任何內容或音樂。

  • The documentary was created for their fans to share their journey up until the easy era, highlighting both the successes and struggles.


  • It's understandable if the criticism against them would come from a good place and with the genuine intention of wanting to see the members do better, but this is a hate train that just on their social media accounts including TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.

    如果對他們的責備是出於好意,是真心希望成員們能做得更好,那是可以理解的,但這是一列仇恨列車,就在他們的社交媒體賬戶上,包括 TikTok、Twitter 和 Instagram。

  • The members had already disabled comments on their personal accounts, but deciding to do the same on all their social media was definitely a cause for concern.


  • This might just be Source Music trying to make it impossible for users to delete their comments so they can get sued for malicious comments, but even that hasn't helped in trying to tone down the hate that Le Seraphim has been receiving.

    這可能只是 Source Music 試圖讓用戶無法刪除他們的評論,從而使他們因惡意評論而被起訴,但即使這樣也無助於平息 Le Seraphim 所受到的仇恨。

  • Multiple TikToks have been made to harass the members, whether that is about the documentary or unrelated issues.

    有多個 TikToks 對成員進行騷擾,無論是關於紀錄片還是無關問題。

  • Even though Source Music and HYBE's tactics backfired once again, it would be a lot more reasonable to direct the hate against the company instead of criticizing the members for being vulnerable and human.

    儘管 Source Music 和 HYBE 的策略再次適得其反,但將仇恨指向公司,而不是責備成員的脆弱和人性,才是更合理的做法。

Just when fans thought that the hate against Le Seraphime had calmed down a bit, Source Music released another documentary to show the members' vulnerable sides and the hardships they go through as idols.

就在粉絲們以為對 Le Seraphime 的仇恨已經稍稍平息的時候,Source Music 又推出了一部紀錄片,展現了成員們脆弱的一面和作為偶像所經歷的艱辛。

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