字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Did you know that breakdancing was included as an official sport in the Olympics for the first time in Paris? 您知道霹靂舞在巴黎奧運會上首次被列為正式比賽項目嗎? This year, for the first time, you could watch dancers from different countries show off their breakdancing skills at the Olympics. 今年,您可以在奧運會上第一次看到來自不同國家的舞者展示他們的霹靂舞技巧。 It's a pretty smart move by the organizers to attract a younger audience who might think the Olympics are boring. 主辦方的這一舉動非常明智,可以吸引那些可能認為奧運會很無聊的年輕觀眾。 During the Paris Olympics, quite a few memes popped up, but one of the funniest and most popular is about an Australian breakdancer. 在巴黎奧運會期間,出現了許多備忘錄,但其中最有趣、最流行的是關於澳洲霹靂舞舞者的備忘錄。 Ray Gunn the stage name of 36-year-old Australian breakdancer Rachel Gunn. 雷-岡恩(Ray Gunn)是 36 歲的澳洲霹靂舞舞者瑞秋-岡恩(Rachel Gunn)的藝名。 Gunn is also a professor at Macquarie University. Gunn 還是麥考瑞大學的教授。 She's been into breakdancing since 2008, so she's been doing it professionally for almost 15 years. 她從 2008 年開始接觸霹靂舞,是以從事職業霹靂舞已有近 15 年的時間。 But Ray Gunn didn't make it past the day's event, scoring zero points in... 但是,雷-岡恩沒能通過當天的比賽,在... I wouldn't say people were laughing at her failure, but they were surprised by how unprofessional her dance looked compared to others. 我不敢說人們在嘲笑她的失敗,但他們對她的舞蹈與其他人相比顯得如此不專業感到驚訝。 It was like a younger sibling showing off what they learned at summer camp. 就像弟弟妹妹在炫耀他們在夏令營學到的東西一樣。 And of course, people couldn't resist mentioning that Rachel Gunn has a Ph.D. in cultural studies, specializing in breakdancing culture. 當然,人們也忍不住提到,雷切爾-岡恩是文化研究方面的博士,專門研究霹靂舞文化。 But just because she knows so much about it doesn't mean she has to dance as well as the pros at world championships. 但是,她知道這麼多並不意味著她必須在世界錦標賽上跳得和專業選手一樣好。 Either way, the situation is pretty funny and entertaining. 無論如何,這種情況都非常有趣和好玩。 Woopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop! Woopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 奧運會 舞者 備忘錄 巴黎 澳洲 專業 雷槍表演澳洲奧運霹靂舞者 (Raygun Performance. Australian Olympic Breakdancer) 15 0 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字