字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello there! 你們好 So, after watching Deadpool and Wolverine, many people wanted to find out who is the dancer in the opening scene of the movie, who pulled off those killer moves to the end scene hit. 是以,在看完《死侍與金剛狼》之後,很多人都想知道電影開場的舞者是誰,是誰完成了那些殺手級的動作,讓結尾的一幕一炮而紅。 Yes, Ryan Reynolds didn't actually dance. 是的,瑞安-雷諾茲其實並沒有跳舞。 I wish I could dance like that, oh boy. 真希望我也能像那樣跳舞,哦,天哪。 Ok, this is Nick Pauly, a professional dancer in Ryan Reynolds' dance double. 這位是尼克-保利,瑞安-雷諾茲舞團的專業舞者。 Nick Pauly was his name and he did a lot of that choreography and very much, a big chunk, credit to him, of the dancing. 尼克-保利是他的名字,很多舞蹈編排都是他完成的,其中很大一部分舞蹈都歸功於他。 He plays Dancepool in the Bye Bye Bye scene to the end scene hit song. 他在 "再見再見 "場景中扮演 Dancepool,伴著片尾曲。 Here he shows those moves from that choreography. 在這裡,他展示了這些舞蹈中的動作。 Well, such an incredible and life-changing opportunity for that guy. 對他來說,這真是一個改變人生的絕佳機會。 He said that this secret has been so hard to keep. 他說,這個祕密一直很難保守。 He definitely nailed that dance, the choreography, but also managed to capture Deadpool's energy, making an incredibly iconic and memorable moment. 他不僅成功地完成了舞蹈的編排,還成功地捕捉到了死侍的能量,創造了一個令人難以置信的標誌性時刻,令人難忘。 I can't believe it, to be honest, it feels like a dream. 老實說,我簡直不敢相信,感覺就像在做夢。 And this is the Dancepool audition process. 這就是 Dancepool 的試鏡過程。 Nick Pauly shared on his Instagram the story how he was involved in Deadpool and Wolverine. 尼克-保利在自己的 Instagram 上分享了他如何參與《死侍》和《金剛狼》的故事。 It was in February 2024, when he got a call from his agent to tell him he needed to learn the Bye Bye Bye dance immediately. 那是在 2024 年 2 月,他接到經紀人的電話,告訴他必須馬上學會 "拜拜舞"。 And Nick started learning and practicing the dance. 尼克開始學習和練習舞蹈。 He was under pressure to get it done quickly, so it didn't go well at first. 他迫於壓力,必須儘快完成,所以一開始並不順利。 A few moments later, he finally got it right and sent the clip to the Deadpool and Wolverine team. 片刻之後,他終於弄好了,並把片段發給了死侍和金剛狼團隊。 That's the story, and I agree with him. 我同意他的說法。 It's crazy what can happen in 30 minutes. 30 分鐘內發生的事情太瘋狂了。 By the way, the original choreography for the song was created by the legend Darren DeHansen. 順便提一下,這首歌的原始舞蹈編排是由傳奇人物達倫-德漢森(Darren DeHansen)創作的。 There would be no Dancepool without him, for sure. 沒有他,肯定就沒有舞池。 You know, I own the rights to Bye Bye Bye. 你知道,我擁有《再見再見》的版權。 So Nick Pauly is the man behind Deadpool's mask in Deadpool and Wolverine dance sequence. 尼克-保利就是《死侍與金剛狼》舞蹈片段中死侍面具背後的那個人。 Whoever had the idea to add this song to Deadpool and Wolverine is a genius. 把這首歌加入《死侍》和《金剛狼》的人真是個天才。 The fighting part is much easier than the dancing part. 戰鬥部分比跳舞部分容易得多。 And one more thing. 還有一件事 NSYNC has renamed the original music video for Bye Bye Bye to the official video from Deadpool and Wolverine. NSYNC 已將《Bye Bye Bye》的原版音樂視頻更名為《死侍與金剛狼》的官方視頻。 That's all. 僅此而已。 Thanks for watching. 感謝觀看。 Please like, subscribe, watch more videos, and see you next time. 請點贊、訂閱、觀看更多視頻,下次再見。 Take care. 保重。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 死侍 舞蹈 尼克 舞者 完成 動作 死侍和金剛狼》幕後花絮 - 製作《死侍拜拜》舞蹈場景 (Deadpool and Wolverine Behind the Scenes - Making of Dancepool Bye Bye Bye Dance Scene) 7 0 kkh44388 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字