字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We're going to talk about Universiad. We're going to talk about Taiwan and Universiad. 我們要談談 Universiad。我們來談談臺灣和 Universiad。 Phil, you went to quite a few of the games. 菲爾,你去看了不少比賽。 Two of them. 其中兩個。 Yeah, and how did you think of the games? 你覺得這些遊戲怎麼樣? They were, they were... 他們,他們...... There's some... 有一些... What was that? 那是什麼? Where's the sound coming from? 聲音來自哪裡? Yeah, no, they were good. It was a lot of fun. 是的,不,他們很好。很有趣 People were... the crowds were loud and everything, and I got to see, you know, world-class athletes doing what they do best. It was exciting. 人們......人群喧鬧,什麼都有,我看到了,你知道,世界級運動員在做他們最擅長的事情。太激動人心了 Do you feel like Taiwan gave all of their energy and warmth to receive these athletes from around the world? 你是否覺得臺灣付出了全部的精力和熱情來接待這些來自世界各地的運動員? Definitely. Yeah, they were very supportive of everybody, doesn't matter what country they were from. 當然。是的,他們非常支持每個人,不管他們來自哪個國家。 It feels that way, because quite a few of them went back home and started to write on blogs and talk about Taiwan quite a bit. 感覺是這樣的,因為他們中的很多人回到家鄉後,開始在博客上寫文章,並經常談論臺灣。 And some of the things they talked about, we thought, are pretty funny. 我們認為,他們談論的一些事情非常有趣。 So today, we're going to go through some of these, quote-unquote, lasting impressions of Taiwan on these Universiad athletes. 今天,我們就來回顧一下這些大運會運動員在臺灣留下的印象。 Because, after all, they come from all different backgrounds, all sorts of cultures. 因為,他們畢竟來自各種不同的背景和文化。 But, seeing as someone who has been to Japan before, what did you... you're a Canadian, right? 但是,作為一個曾經去過日本的人,你......你是加拿大人,對嗎? Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 So, what did you think of Taiwan when you first came here? 第一次來臺灣時,您對臺灣有什麼印象? It's hot. 好熱 And humid. 還很潮溼。 Yeah, really hot and humid. 是啊,又熱又潮溼。 But, I don't know, I was... it took me a while to find toilet paper. 但是,我不知道,我......我花了好一會兒才找到衛生紙。 What? 什麼? I was expecting it to be in rolls. I didn't realize that it comes in, like, these square packages that you have to, like... 我以為是卷裝的沒想到它是方形包裝,你必須... Oh! 哦! So, you weren't sure if those could go... 所以,你不確定這些是否可以去... Well, I didn't know what it was. I couldn't read Chinese at the time. 我不知道那是什麼。我當時不懂中文。 And my friend, like, sent me a picture, like, by the way, this is what toilet paper looks like. 我的朋友給我發了一張照片,順便說一下,這就是衛生紙的樣子。 Oh, that's a very thoughtful friend. 哦,你真是個體貼的朋友。 Talk to the mic, talk to the mic. 對著麥克風說話,對著麥克風說話。 Taiwan is actually, like, the last country who used this kind of toilet paper. 實際上,臺灣是最後一個使用這種衛生紙的國家。 Really? 真的嗎? Yeah. 是啊 Taiwan... 臺灣... Yeah, because we used that when we were poor. 是啊,因為我們窮的時候用過這個。 Oh. 哦。 When you're really poor, you don't even use toilet paper. 當你真的很窮的時候,你甚至都不用廁紙。 Well, I guess. 嗯,我想是的。 Or leaves. 或樹葉。 I don't want that part. 我不想要那部分。 Oh, we got a packet right here. Okay, let's talk about toilet paper for a second. 哦,我們這裡有一包。好吧,我們先談談衛生紙。 Do you find this to be a good, sort of, applicant, or, you know, something that you can apply and get these done? 你是否覺得這是一個很好的申請人,或者,你知道,你可以申請並完成這些工作? Like, Philip. 比如,菲利普 Do I find that it works? 我發現它有用嗎? Do you find that it works, basically? 你覺得它基本上有效嗎? And if it doesn't, what's wrong with it? 如果沒有,那是怎麼回事? I don't know, it's fine. 我不知道,挺好的。 It's a perfect square you can fold it into. 你可以把它折成一個完美的正方形。 It's fine. I mean, what I do like about it is how it's, like, versatile. 還不錯我的意思是,我喜歡它的地方在於它的多功能性。 Like, if I need to, like, blow my nose, I don't need to, like, try to rip it off of the roll. 比如,如果我需要擤鼻涕,我不需要把它從捲筒上撕下來。 I can just take one. 我可以只拿一個。 That's true. 沒錯。 Just don't confuse it, you know. 只是不要混淆,你知道的。 Don't, like, blow your nose and then put it, or vice versa. 不要先擤鼻涕,然後再放鼻涕,反之亦然。 Well, usually when you've used it once, you get rid of it. 通常用過一次就會扔掉。 Oh, is that how you're supposed to do it? 哦,你應該這樣做嗎? How poor are you over there? 你們那邊有多窮? Alright, anyway. 好吧,不管怎樣。 Toilet paper is one thing. 衛生紙是一回事。 That was your first impression of Taiwan. 這就是你對臺灣的第一印象。 You couldn't find toilet paper. 你找不到衛生紙。 Yes. 是的。 What else do you think is worth mentioning that may actually come up on this list of people's lasting impression of Taiwan? 您認為還有哪些值得一提的事情可能會出現在這份人們對臺灣的深刻印象清單上? Well, people were friendly and helpful. 人們都很友好,樂於助人。 I mean, at that point, it wasn't really, like, you know, it wasn't really more than anywhere else. 我的意思是,在那個時候,它並不是真的,就像,你知道的,它並不是真的比其他地方更多。 I didn't feel like people, except for actually once when I was trying to find a hiking trail with my friends that I just met, my new classmates. 我不覺得自己是人,除了有一次,我和我剛認識的朋友,也就是我的新同學,一起試圖找到一條遠足小徑。 We asked this woman in a family mart, and we asked her if she knew where the trail was. 我們詢問了家庭超市的一位女士,問她是否知道小路在哪裡。 And then she walked us all the way there, and it took, like, ten minutes. 然後她陪我們走了一路,大概花了十分鐘。 I mean, it wasn't a short walk. 我的意思是,這不是一個短的步行路程。 So that was nice. 所以這很好。 She accompanied you. 她陪著你。 So she showed us, because she figured, you know, she directed us. 所以她給我們看了,因為她覺得,你知道,是她指引了我們。 Also because Taiwanese streets are really hard and confusing. 還因為臺灣的街道真的很難走、很混亂。 Yeah, they're strange. 是啊,他們很奇怪。 So anyways, I guess that's why she thought it was probably necessary. 總之,我猜這就是她認為有必要這麼做的原因。 Did she leave you with a packet of toilet paper just in case? 她有沒有給你留一包衛生紙以防萬一? She did not. 她沒有。 And I don't know if we'd want to take it on a hike with us. 我不知道我們是否願意帶著它去遠足。 Alright, so Rachel and Yvonne, we're going to run down a list of some of these athletes' lasting impressions on Taiwan. 好了,蕾切爾和伊馮娜,我們將列出這些運動員給臺灣留下的深刻印象。 Alright. 好吧。 And you're going to tell me whether or not you think it's true about Taiwan, okay? 你要告訴我,你認為臺灣的情況是否屬實,好嗎? Okay. 好的 First off, convenience stores are convenience. 首先,便利店就是便利。 Yes. 是的。 They do everything they open anytime. 他們隨時隨地都能做任何事。 Yes. 是的。 Do you guys feel like you're being spoiled with convenience stores in Taiwan? 你們是否覺得臺灣的便利店把你們寵壞了? Yes. 是的。 Definitely. 當然。 Have you ever been to convenience stores outside of Taiwan? 您去過臺灣以外的便利店嗎? Anybody? 有人嗎? Yeah, for sure. 是的,當然。 Korea and Japan. 韓國和日本。 Okay. 好的 How do we compare? 我們如何比較? But the ones in Japan are like the same. 但日本的也一樣。 Well, yeah, yeah. 嗯,是的,是的。 Right. 對 The one in Japan is kind of the same. 日本的也差不多。 If not better, right? 不是更好嗎? Japanese convenience stores, they have more selections of usually beverages or food. 日本的便利店通常有更多的飲料或食品可供選擇。 Yeah. 是啊 Yvonne, you've been to Japan and Korea, right? 伊馮娜,你去過日本和韓國吧? How does Korea's, you know, 7-Eleven or, you know, they don't have Family Mart, I guess. 韓國怎麼會有 7-Eleven 或 Family Mart 呢? It's not as good as Taiwanese because like we make coffee, we make hot food, we microwave everything. 它不如臺灣的好,因為我們會煮咖啡、做熱食、用微波爐加熱所有東西。 We even have to make bubble teas. 我們甚至還要製作泡沫紅茶。 They don't do that. 他們不會這麼做。 That's true. 沒錯。 They don't do that in Korea. 韓國人不這麼做。 And this is speaking from, coming from someone who actually lives off the nearest Family Mart. 而這一切,都來自於一個真正住在最近的全家超市附近的人。 Yes. 是的。 To the company. 致公司 Yes. 是的。 Okay. 好的 So, it's convenient here in Taiwan. 所以,在臺灣很方便。 Rachel, you've lived abroad before. 瑞秋,你以前在國外生活過。 Yeah. 是啊 So, I was in Montreal for half of my life and the convenience stores, they're closed at 11 p.m. 我在蒙特利爾待了半輩子,便利店晚上 11 點就關門了。 Oh, actually, yeah. 哦,事實上,是的。 I remember that. 我記得 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等,等等,等等,等等,等等,等等。 Don't, but there's 7-Eleven. 不要,但有7-Eleven。 No? 不是嗎? No. 不 7-Eleven is the closest. 7-Eleven 是最近的一家。 But in Montreal, no. 但在蒙特利爾,沒有。 Really? 真的嗎? We don't have that. 我們沒有。 We actually don't have 7-Eleven in Montreal. 實際上,蒙特利爾沒有 7-Eleven 便利店。 Oh, that's because you don't have it. 哦,那是因為你沒有。 But if it was there, it would be open 24 hours. 但如果它在那裡,就會 24 小時開放。 I would hope so. 我希望如此。 Because, I mean, 7-Eleven is always open 24 hours. 因為,我的意思是,7-Eleven 總是 24 小時營業。 In the other, in the rest of Canada, it is. 而在加拿大其他地區,則是如此。 On Vancouver Island, they just have... 在溫哥華島,他們只有... Of course we have 7-Eleven. 當然,我們有 7-Eleven 便利店。 We have, we have, okay, I lived in West Vancouver where we had one 7-Eleven that used to open 24-7 and then it stopped doing that by the time I hit high school. 我們有,我們有,好吧,我住在西溫哥華,那裡有一家 7-Eleven 便利店,曾經 24 小時營業,後來我上高中時它就不營業了。 As long as I can remember, even when I went back to Canada, you know, this year, the town that I'm from is like 7,000 people and there's one 7-Eleven and it's open 24 hours. 從我記事起,甚至當我回到加拿大時,你知道,就在今年,我的家鄉只有 7000 人,只有一家 24 小時營業的 7-Eleven 便利店。 Interesting. 有意思 So I guess it's not always the case. 所以我想,情況並非總是如此。 It's not the same everywhere. 各地情況不同。 I just assumed 7-Eleven never closed. 我只是以為 7-Eleven 從來沒有關閉過。 We have jokes in English about how it doesn't close. 我們用英語開玩笑說它怎麼也關不上。 I don't remember any of them. 我一個都不記得了。 But we do. 但我們有。 Don't ask me. 別問我 I was about to ask you. 我正想問你呢 Okay, well, that's one thing. 好吧,那是一回事。 Convenience stores are very convenient. 便利店非常方便。 What about lining up? 那排隊呢? Apparently these athletes also think that Taiwanese people really love lining up. 顯然,這些運動員也認為臺灣人非常喜歡排隊。 Taiwanese people really love lining up but I don't. 臺灣人很喜歡排隊,但我不喜歡。 Like what kind of lines are you talking about? 你說的是哪種臺詞? Have you ever lined up for anything that you thought was sort of silly? 你曾為你認為有點傻的事情排隊嗎? Um, I lined up for Lady Gaga's concert ticket. 我排隊買 Lady Gaga 的演唱會門票。 Okay, well, yes. 好吧,是的。 You gotta line up for that one. 你得排隊等候。 Is that kind of silly? 這是不是有點傻? No, something silly that you lined up for. 不,是你排隊的傻事。 Like food. 比如食物。 Food, like what kind of food? 食物,什麼樣的食物? Sometimes not even restaurant food, right? 有時甚至連餐廳的食物都不是,對吧?