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I'm Sean Levy, the director, co-writer, and co-producer of Deadpool and Wolverine.
So, what made you finally wear an honest-to-God costume? This scene happens at the midpoint of the film, where Deadpool and Wolverine, this unlikely duo, are on this quest, and they come across an incongruous diner in the middle of this void landscape.
And it's really the first meaty dialogue scene between the two.
This has always been one of Ryan's and my favorite scenes from the moment we wrote it because it puts two iconic antiheroes in this incredibly generic trope of the Americana road movie.
So, the mismatch of these visuals, two superheroes sitting in a booth in a fifties diner, that was a thrill. Want to talk about what's haunting you, or should we wait for a third act flashback? Uh, go fuck yourself. As the scene evolves, what we reveal here, in something of a monologue, in my world, you're, um, you're well regarded.
兩個超級英雄坐在五十年代餐廳的包廂裡,這種錯位的視覺效果令人激動。想談談你的心結嗎? 還是等第三幕的倒敘? 去你媽的隨著場景的發展 我們在這裡用獨白的方式揭示了什麼 在我的世界裡 你 呃 你很有聲望
Is, he's a fan.
He is somewhat reverential, and in fact, envious of the mythic status of the Wolverine.
他對 "金剛狼 "的神話地位有些崇敬,事實上也有些羨慕。
It's a quieter scene than we're used to.
It's a longer, dramatic monologue than I think Wade Wilson has ever done.
這是一段比韋德-威爾遜(Wade Wilson)還長的戲劇性獨白。
When my girlfriend left, man, I just- You had a girlfriend? Yeah.
當我女朋友離開的時候 我就 你有女朋友了?有啊
When we met, she was a dancer.
We had a whole life. And it was a joy for Ryan and I to write because this film is as funny, I hope, as people expect, but we were really aspiring to make it genuinely warm-hearted and meatier on a character-rooted emotional basis than maybe people expect out of a Deadpool movie.
And I think the emotionality of the film may very well prove to be its most subversive element.