Hey there here so welcome to the VRTech channel I didn't think I was going to make this video this early but yet it's official Sony PlayStation just unveiled the adapter that's gonna let us use our PS VR 2 to play SteamVR games directly on our PC launching August 7 so yeah let's discover everything in details about this new adapter and how we're gonna use our PS VR 2 to play our PC VR games and also the bad stuff so well let's get into it all right here we are so let's start with the good things and everything that we actually need to know to use our PS VR 2 with our PC this adapter is gonna let you use your PS VR 2 on your PC gonna be available starting August 7 for price of 59.99 dollars 59.99 euros and 49.99 pounds at selected retailers or to directplaystation.com these adapters we suspected will use as connection to your PC display port USB and it's gonna need a power adapter as well all to connect a single USB type-c cable that comes out from the PS VR 2 they don't actually talk about the power adapter I think it's gonna be included but it's actually funny that you're gonna need a display port 1.4 cable to connect the adapter to the PC there's something that you have to put on your own on top of the 59.99 cool after that you're gonna need a PS VR 2 PlayStation app on the PC that is gonna work like a bridge to have the headset work directly on SteamVR so yeah PlayStation app and SteamVR needed of course because yeah at that headset with the straight wired connection to it there's no need for the PS 5 at all that's very cool indeed because with this kind of a connection we're gonna be able to like push the full resolution to the displays without going through the compression or compression that usually happens with other headsets like the MetaQuest 3, the MetaQuest 2, the MetaQuest Pro.
嘿,歡迎來到 VRTech 頻道 我沒想到我會這麼早就做這個視頻,不過索尼 PlayStation 官方剛剛發佈了一款適配器,可以讓我們用 PS VR 2 直接在 PC 上玩 SteamVR 遊戲,這款適配器將於 8 月 7 日發佈。以及如何使用 PS VR 2 在 PC 上玩 VR 遊戲的細節,還有不好的地方,讓我們一起來了解一下吧。99 美元、59.99 歐元和 49.99 英鎊,可在指定零售商或 directplaystation.我們懷疑這些適配器將作為連接到您的 PC 顯示端口 USB 和它會需