字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 How did it go? 戰況如何? 注意:以下內容為藍星的預言的內容,如果不想劇透,請看其他部影片。 I don't know if she managed to destroy their supply before she died. 我不知道她陣亡之前,到底有沒有毀了對方的藥草庫。 You killed her! 是你殺了她! This time one of your ridiculous omens has killed one of your clanmates. 這一次,你那可笑的預言害死了族裡的一隻貓。 She was my sister too. 她也是我(鵝羽)的妹妹。 Stop! 住嘴! We lost. 我們輸了 We had to retreat and Moonflower's dead. 我們必須撤退......月花也死了。 What's wrong? 發生了什麼事? Is she really dead? 她真的......死了嗎? We should never have been sent into battle. 我們本不應該發動這場戰爭的。 I was only interpreting the signs from StarClan. 我只是把星族的指示詮釋出來。 Well, maybe you should learn to interpret the weather rather than prey. 也許你應該先學會怎麼詮釋天氣而不是獵物。 Would StarClan have blessed a battle with a storm like that? 天氣那麼糟,星族會讓我們出征嗎? Perhaps Goosefather was more eager to satisfy his clanmates' wishes than those of StarClan. 也許鵝羽(字幕錯誤是 Goosefeather 才對)只是想滿足少數貓兒的野心,而不事在詮釋星族的旨意。 Enough! 夠了! Goosefeather is not to blame for our defeat. 這次的失敗不能怪到鵝羽頭上。 All warriors risk their lives for the sake of the clan. 戰士本來就該為部族犧牲, It's part of the warrior code. 這是戰士守則! Our wounded need attention. 我們的傷者必須趕快接受治療。 Arguing won't help them. 再吵下去一點幫助也沒有。 I'll get more supplies! 我去拿更多的藥草來! Come on, Goosefeather. 來吧,鵝羽。 You can hide from your clanmates, but it'll be StarClan that judges you. 你躲起來好了,星族早晚會審判你的。 註: 這片影片的內容是來自 藍星的預言(上冊) P.135-137 原文書在P.137-139 (已校對)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 預言 詮釋 戰士 內容 天氣 守則 藍星的預言戰鬥的後果 (Bluestar's Prophecy: The Aftermath of Battle) 41 2 111s011 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字