字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This apartment's built in the 1970s, there's 12 units in this apartment. 這棟公寓建於 20 世紀 70 年代,共有 12 個單元。 This unit is 35 meters square. 該單元面積為 35 平方米。 My inspiration is definitely to do with the limitation and the constraint this apartment has. 我的靈感肯定與這間公寓的限制和約束有關。 And so I wanted to see if I can fit a big house into a small apartment. 是以,我想看看能否把大房子裝進小公寓。 I actually kept the layout pretty much as it is, including the internal walls and the plumbings. 實際上,我基本保留了佈局,包括內牆和管道。 The design of the living space revolves around how to create a living and home office in the same space. 起居空間的設計圍繞著如何在同一空間內創建起居室和家庭辦公室展開。 Spaces do need to appear and disappear when you need them to. 空間確實需要在您需要的時候出現和消失。 It even comes down to the furniture you pick needs to be flexible. 甚至連傢俱的選擇也要靈活。 My lounge chair can converse from a lounging to an office chair. 我的休閒椅可以從休閒椅變成辦公椅。 And at night time that gets folds away and the TV reveals itself. 到了晚上,這些東西就會被摺疊起來,電視就會顯現出來。 The dining space isn't something I use every day, and it's only special occasions when guests visit. 餐廳空間不是我每天都會使用的,只有在客人來訪的特殊場合才會使用。 So you can slice out to form a very comfortable dining space for four to six people. 是以,您可以把它切成一片一片的,形成一個非常舒適的用餐空間,可供四到六人就餐。 The kitchen is definitely the feature. 廚房絕對是一大特色。 It's four meters long, so you've got three meters of clear bench space. 它有四米長,所以你有三米寬的工作臺空間。 Everything is concealed. 一切都被隱藏起來。 A window is punched through between the bathroom and kitchen to borrow daylight from the bathroom area. 在浴室和廚房之間打通了一個窗戶,以便從浴室區域借用日光。 The glass between the bathroom and the kitchen is a privacy film, and it's activated just by a press of a button. 浴室和廚房之間的玻璃是隱私保護膜,只需按下按鈕即可激活。 This apartment doesn't have any outdoor space. 這間公寓沒有任何室外空間。 I need to bring the sense of outdoor in here. 我需要把戶外的感覺帶進來。 To achieve that I put a green wall on the bathroom. 為此,我在浴室裡砌了一面綠色的牆。 The moss is real moss being preserved. 苔蘚是保存下來的真正苔蘚。 For me that's a backdrop for then to put real plants in front of it. 對我來說,這就是一個背景,然後在前面擺上真正的植物。 The shower, you're standing on the timber tiles and surrounded by green. 淋浴時,你站在木質地磚上,四周都是綠色。 It kind of refreshes you. 它能讓你神清氣爽。 One material used in the living is the mirror for the cabinet doors and stuff, including the skirting. 起居室使用的一種材料是用於櫥櫃門和其他東西(包括踢腳線)的鏡子。 So that is used to give the illusion of extended bigger space. 是以,這就給人一種空間擴大的錯覺。 Designing small space is a very tailored way of designing, so everything needs to be carefully considered. 小空間設計是一種非常有針對性的設計方式,是以一切都需要仔細考慮。 You've got to know your lifestyle, so what's important for you. 你必須瞭解自己的生活方式,什麼對你最重要。 Thanks for watching. 感謝觀看。 Subscribe to our Never Too Small channel by clicking on the logo and the notification bell to receive updates on our latest episodes. 點擊徽標和通知鈴訂閱我們的 "永不嫌小 "頻道,接收我們最新節目的更新。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 空間 公寓 廚房 單元 設計 綠色 永遠不會太小 1970 年代的墨爾本小公寓 - 35 平方米/370 平方英尺 (NEVER TOO SMALL 1970's Melbourne Tiny Apartment - 35sqm/370sqft) 34 2 張芸慈 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字