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  • Pitch three, day three.


  • Ah, shopping.


  • The great American tradition.


  • From leaving Thanksgiving dinner and busting down the doors of a Best Buy for a cheap TV, to the endless stream of Amazon boxes arriving on our doorsteps, from sea to shining sea, we love a shopping spree.

    從離開感恩節晚餐,衝進百思買(Best Buy)的大門購買廉價電視,到亞馬遜(Amazon)的包裝盒源源不斷地送到家門口,從大海到光輝的海洋,我們都喜歡瘋狂購物。

  • But shopping has changed a lot from the mall trips of our youth.


  • You don't just go to Journeys for a pair of Converse anymore.

    你不再只是去 Journeys 買一雙匡威鞋了。

  • Now every shoe brand in the world is available to you online this instant.


  • How do you make a decision?


  • Google, Reddit, TikTok, Pinterest, the group chat, all those Chrome tabs and screenshots you've been saving?

    Google、Reddit、TikTok、Pinterest、群組哈拉,還有你保存的所有 Chrome 瀏覽器標籤頁和截圖?

  • Online shopping was supposed to make things easier, but now things are more fragmented than ever.


  • What if you could take this overwhelming shopping experience and whittle it down to something personalized for you?


  • That's what today's founder is doing with her new app called Locker.

    今天這位創始人的新應用程序 "Locker "就是這樣做的。

  • But when investors aren't in your target demographic, how do you sell a solution to a problem they don't even have?


  • Will our investors get over their decision fatigue and make their way to checkout or abandon this startup in the cart?


  • I'm Josh Muccio, welcome to The Pitch, where real entrepreneurs pitch real investors for real money.

    我是喬希-穆奇奧(Josh Muccio),歡迎收看 "The Pitch "節目,在這裡,真正的創業者會向真正的投資者推銷,爭取真正的資金。

  • Hey everyone, I'm Beck Bamberger, managing partner of Bad Ideas Group.

    大家好,我是貝克-班伯格(Beck Bamberger),Bad Ideas Group 的執行合夥人。

  • Hi, I'm Al Becherra, the managing partner at Interlock Capital.

    大家好,我是 Interlock Capital 的執行合夥人阿爾-貝切拉。

  • Hi, I'm Gillian Maness, managing partner of Structure Capital.

    大家好,我是Gillian Maness,Structure Capital的執行合夥人。

  • I'm Howie Dimon, managing partner of Pure Ventures.

    我是 Howie Dimon,Pure Ventures 的管理合夥人。

  • The Pitch for Locker is coming up after this.

    在此之後,"儲物櫃投球 "活動即將開始。

  • What happened to you?


  • I got fired, I guess.


  • No, you didn't get fired.


  • He's back now.


  • Hi.


  • High five on the way in.


  • From Josh.


  • I'm Christine, so nice to meet you.


  • Hi, how are you?


  • Nice to meet you, I'm Al.


  • Okay, hi.

    好的 嗨

  • You can do a different handshake for all of us.


  • Hi, so nice to meet you.


  • Hi everyone, I'm Christine Locker.


  • I'm the founder of Locker, and I'm excited to be here today to share more about why I left my successful career in real estate to build the future of e-commerce and social shopping.

    我是 Locker 的創始人,很高興今天能在這裡與大家分享更多關於我為何離開成功的房地產職業生涯,轉而打造電子商務和社交購物的未來。

  • So as you all know, the way that we shop and consume content has fundamentally shifted.


  • Inspiration can strike at any time.


  • Maybe you saw a link two weeks ago, now you can't remember who sent it to you, or you took a screenshot on your phone, and now that screenshot's lost in your camera roll.


  • So our consumer journeys have become incredibly fragmented, not to mention the abandoned carts and the billions in lost revenue for the brands involved.


  • So Locker's productizing these unmet needs for both consumers and brands.

    是以,Locker 正在為消費者和品牌將這些尚未滿足的需求產品化。

  • Locker started as a Chrome extension, and we quickly expanded into a mobile app where our users can save and organize their favorites and shop online.

    Locker 最初是 Chrome 瀏覽器的一個擴展功能,我們很快將其擴展為一個移動應用程序,用戶可以在其中保存和整理自己的收藏夾並進行在線購物。

  • There's an element of curation to the platform, so users can browse the Discover feed, and they can also follow other users on the platform to get inspired by what they're shopping for.

    該平臺有一個策劃元素,是以用戶可以瀏覽 "發現 "推送,也可以關注平臺上的其他用戶,從他們的購物中獲得靈感。

  • So Locker is equal parts utility, curation, and community.

    是以,Locker 兼具實用性、策劃性和社區性。

  • Our 40,000 users have organically saved over one million products to the platform, and so we are raising $3 million to invest in the people and the product that will continue to capture the $1 trillion online shopping market.

    我們的 40,000 名用戶已經為平臺保存了超過 100 萬件商品,是以我們正在籌集 300 萬美元,投資於我們的員工和產品,以繼續佔領價值 1 萬億美元的在線購物市場。

  • Thank you.


  • Very cool.


  • How do you make money?


  • Okay, so we monetize two different ways right now.


  • The first being affiliate revenue, and the second being direct brand partnerships.


  • So we turned on monetization three months ago, and in those last three months, we've generated 300K in GMV.

    是以,我們在三個月前開啟了貨幣化,在過去的三個月裡,我們創造了 30 萬 GMV。

  • Can you talk a little bit about the technology here?


  • The Chrome extension, how it works on desktop, is locating keywords on pages that have add to bag or add to cart, and so it doesn't pop up on any different image or page on the internet.

    Chrome 瀏覽器擴展在桌面上的工作原理是,在有添加到購物袋或添加到購物車的頁面上定位關鍵字,這樣它就不會在互聯網上任何不同的圖片或頁面上彈出。

  • Locker's technology only identifies the product detail images, which guarantees that anything that's saved on the platform is 100% shoppable product.

    Locker 的技術只識別產品細節圖片,這就保證了平臺上保存的任何產品都是 100% 可購物的產品。

  • Doesn't Pinterest do this?

    Pinterest 不也是這樣嗎?

  • If I could have used Pinterest,

    如果我能用上 Pinterest 就好了、

  • I wouldn't be here today.


  • Pinterest, because its core focus is inspiration, so if I go to my Pinterest home feed,

    Pinterest,因為它的核心重點是靈感,所以如果我進入 Pinterest 首頁、

  • I'm getting married in two weeks, so I see getaway cars and cakes and all these different wedding inspiration, but none of it is shoppable, or it's intermittently shoppable.


  • And so if you go into Pinterest, let's say you saw a picture of a woman in a dress that you were like, I like that, and you click on it, it might take you to a blog post from 2010, and you can't get to that dress because not everything on Pinterest is shoppable.

    是以,如果你進入 Pinterest,比方說你看到一個女人穿著裙子的照片,你會說 "我喜歡這條裙子",然後你點擊它,它可能會帶你進入 2010 年的一篇博文,而你卻無法買到那條裙子,因為 Pinterest 上並非所有東西都可以購物。

  • There's a lot of, users can upload any picture they want to Pinterest.

    用戶可以上傳任何圖片到 Pinterest。

  • Okay, so the main distinction between you and Pinterest is that everything is shoppable.

    好了,你和 Pinterest 的主要區別在於,所有東西都可以購物。

  • We are 100% shoppable.

    我們是 100% 可購物的。

  • 100%.


  • 100% shoppable.

    100% 可購物。

  • If I click on something in Locker, it'll take me to the purchase page.


  • Brand website.


  • It sounds like it's a memory bank, too, and for a consumer who can't buy everything they immediately see or hear.


  • Couldn't Pinterest make theirs 100% shoppable?

    難道 Pinterest 不能讓他們的產品 100% 可購物嗎?

  • They've tried.


  • Pinterest has tried to have a shop tab, but Pinterest allows brands to upload their data feeds, so it's much more brand-driven when you go to the shop tab on Pinterest.

    Pinterest 曾嘗試設置一個商店標籤,但 Pinterest 允許品牌上傳自己的數據源,是以當你進入 Pinterest 上的商店標籤時,更多的是以品牌為導向。

  • It's Nike putting a product in front of me, or Madewell putting a product in front of me, and so it doesn't have that element of, what is my best friend shopping for?

    是耐克把產品擺在我面前,還是 Madewell 把產品擺在我面前,是以沒有 "我最好的朋友在買什麼?

  • I would think brands would be very into this, too, because imagine if you were Nordstrom's, and you could say, oh, wow, look at all the, there's 47,000 shoes in Walkers right now, so I could see a very strong B2B play.

    我認為品牌商也會對此非常感興趣,因為想象一下,如果你是諾德斯特龍百貨公司(Nordstrom's),你可以說,哦,哇,看看沃克百貨公司現在有 47,000 雙鞋子,所以我可以看到一個非常強大的 B2B 遊戲。

  • Yeah, let's say Essence has a dress and Nordstrom sells the same dress.

    是的,比方說 Essence 有一條裙子,Nordstrom 也賣同樣的裙子。

  • How do they get in front of that?


  • And so with this raise, the Discover feed will become a place where brands can put paid placement in front of their target consumer.

    是以,通過這次提升,"發現 "Feed 將成為品牌在目標消費者面前進行付費投放的地方。

  • The conversation has led down a path of, you sound like you are Pinterest for shopping.

    我們的談話開始了,你聽起來像是在 Pinterest 購物。

  • One, I'm curious how that makes you feel, and then two, how do you get past that and go to market with it?


  • Yeah, so people do call us the Pinterest for online shopping.

    是的,所以人們稱我們為網上購物的 Pinterest。

  • That's the easiest way that our users relate to us as well, and I don't feel negatively about that at all.


  • Our go-to-market strategy at the very beginning, since I was bootstrapping, we used influencer marketing.


  • One of our go-to-market strategies for post-raise is to democratize influence.


  • So platforms like LTK, ShopMy have gatekept who gets to be an influencer and curate and earn off of their recommendations.

    是以,像 LTK、ShopMy 這樣的平臺對誰能成為影響者、誰能通過他們的推薦進行策劃和盈利進行了把關。

  • And so if I can curate a collection and share it with my family or my friends and somebody buys it and I make $5, that's incredible.

    是以,如果我能策劃一個系列,並與家人或朋友分享,有人買了,我賺了 5 美元,那就太不可思議了。

  • And so in September is our timeline for turning on democratized affiliate.

    是以,9 月份是我們開啟民主化聯盟的時間表。

  • And who is this shopper?


  • Is it a Gen Z out of college?

    是大學畢業的 Z 世代嗎?

  • Is it a older millennial professional?


  • Who are we talking about?


  • Our core group is 18 to 27.

    我們的核心團隊年齡在 18 歲到 27 歲之間。

  • We skew 95% female and our secondary group is 28 to 34.

    我們的女性比例佔 95%,我們的次級群體為 28 至 34 歲。

  • How long you been at this and what's your revenue look like?


  • Yeah, so we started building the platform in March of 2020.

    是的,我們從 2020 年 3 月開始構建平臺。

  • I started as a solo founder and I used independent contractors to build the initial version of the platform.


  • So I put 250,000 of my own money into the company to get it to our first 10,000 users.

    是以,我投入了自己的 25 萬美元,讓公司有了第一批 1 萬名用戶。

  • Then I raised a million from an angel investor who was a user of the platform in June of 2022.

    然後,我在 2022 年 6 月從一位天使投資人那裡籌到了一百萬美元,這位投資人也是該平臺的用戶。

  • And then I was able to hire my first full-time employee who is an engineer.


  • Revenue, we turned on revenue three months ago.


  • In the first month of turning on revenue, we generated 9K.

    在開始創收的第一個月,我們就獲得了 9K 的收入。

  • In the second month it was 11 and in the last month it was 13K.

    第二個月是 1.1 萬,最後一個月是 1.3 萬。

  • Do you have anything you can share in terms of engagement from the Chrome app?

    在 Chrome 應用程序的參與度方面,您有什麼可以分享的嗎?

  • Yeah, so we have 2000 daily active users.

    是的,我們每天有 2000 個活躍用戶。

  • We're at 11,000 monthly active users.

    我們的月活躍用戶達到 11000 人。

  • Of those users, the engagement we know is that they come to the platform and spend an average of 30 minutes a day, whether they're browsing the Discover feed, their own profile, or other shoppers' profiles.

    在這些用戶中,我們瞭解到的參與情況是,無論是瀏覽 "發現 "推送、自己的個人資料,還是其他購物者的個人資料,他們每天來到平臺的平均時間為 30 分鐘。

  • The app doesn't launch until Monday the 12th, so we've got just a half a week left until we can start doing some cohort testing and analysis on the app.

    該應用程序要到 12 日星期一才推出,是以我們只有半個星期的時間來對該應用程序進行群組測試和分析。

  • Does anyone know if that ratio is a good ratio?


  • 40,000 users, is 2000 DAU and 11,000 MAU a good ratio?

    40,000 個用戶,2000 個 DAU 和 11,000 個 MAU 的比例合適嗎?

  • To be honest, I don't know.


  • Do you have any tips for that?


  • Well, 25% are using it once a month, which is certainly not horrible.


  • The trick is, that's great, do they convert, the lower part of the funnel is where the revenue is.


  • I don't even care so much about the conversion into an actual purchase, but if, like Pinterest, there's people who go on there every day, four times a day and never purchase anything, but that engagement is really powerful.

    我甚至不太在意實際購買的轉化率,但如果像 Pinterest 一樣,有人每天都上,一天上四次,卻從不購買任何東西,但這種參與度真的很強大。

  • For a company like this, the numbers are everything.


  • Does Christine have enough people shopping on Locker to get a deal done in the room?


  • Or will she need some retail therapy after this pitch?


  • You'll find out after the break.


  • Welcome back to the Mall of America, online edition.


  • Christine Locker is pitching her app, Locker, as the online shopping destination.

    Christine Locker 將其應用程序 Locker 定位為在線購物目的地。

  • Big, if true.


  • Can she and her team pull it off?


  • Here's Gillian.


  • So tell us about your team.


  • So you have this engineer, he's now one of the founders of Locker, and he's been using Locker for a long time.

    這位工程師現在是 Locker 的創始人之一,他使用 Locker 已經有很長一段時間了。

  • How does he do it?


  • Well, first of all, Locker is a mobile app.

    首先,Locker 是一款移動應用程序。

  • You have this engineer, he's now what, is he a co-founder?


  • He's a founding engineer, I'm a solo founder.


  • And then I have a director of growth.


  • So it's just the three of us.


  • Where is the director of growth from?


  • She lives in New York, she's moving to LA next week.


  • No, I meant, I'm sorry, professionally.


  • Oh, yeah, sorry, yeah.


  • She came over from a company called Nate.

    她是從一家叫 Nate 的公司過來的。

  • So Nate was our key competitor in this space.


  • They started in 2018 as a way that you could pay $1 transaction fee to check out and not have to put your information in.

    它們始於 2018 年,當時您只需支付 1 美元的交易費即可結賬,而無需輸入您的資訊。

  • They raised over $50 million and closed their doors

    他們籌集了 5000 多萬美元,然後關門大吉

  • January of this year and laid off their entire team.

    今年 1 月,他們解僱了整個團隊。

  • So what did you learn from that?


  • I've learned a lot from Nate.


  • Nate spent a lot of money to acquire their customers.

    Nate 花了很多錢來爭取客戶。

  • You could create an account on the app and you got $50.

    你可以在應用程序上創建一個賬戶,然後就能獲得 50 美元。

  • So they got a lot of users, because why wouldn't you sign up to get $50?

    是以,他們獲得了很多用戶,因為你為什麼不註冊以獲得 50 美元呢?

  • I was like the PayPal model in the early days.


  • And Uber.

    還有 Uber。

  • So the strategy wasn't built community first.


  • It was let's go pay a bunch of people to download the app and the conversion wasn't taking place.


  • Nate also required you to check out on the app and you could only buy one product at a time.

    Nate 還要求您在應用程序上結賬,而且一次只能購買一件產品。

  • If you want to buy a swimsuit and it's two pieces, you have to buy the top and pay shipping on the top and then you have to buy the bottom.


  • Come on, who would invest in a company like that?


  • He sold a big dream of like this technology is incredible.


  • Five years from now, what does this look like?


  • So our goal with Locker is to be the destination that<