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  • You extend my line until you build more equity in your home or pay down the loan.


  • There's nothing I can do Unfortunately, that's immaterial.

    我無能為力 很遺憾,這無關緊要。

  • Well, I've got 13 locations in nine states.

    我在九個州有 13 個分店。

  • It's a home equity loan Then give me a business loan these 13 locations.

    這是房屋淨值貸款,那就給我這 13 個地點的商業貸款。

  • You want me personally?


  • It's your business, correct?


  • You own it.


  • I'm the head of franchising I'm the one behind this program.


  • That's all well and good, but you need assets Have you been to McDonald's because we've got three right here in the Chicagoland area you should come by and take a look No, I would love to give you a tour to get a better sense of what I'm talking about.


  • Thank you Mr. Kroc Can I help you?

    謝謝您,克洛克先生 有什麼可以幫您的嗎?

  • No, but perhaps I can help you.


  • Harry Sonnenborn.


  • Nice to meet you No, thanks.


  • We're very happy with our current supplier.


  • I'm not here to sell you ice cream What the hell do you want?

    我不是來賣冰淇淋的 你到底想要什麼?

  • I caught a bit of your conversation back there.


  • Sounds like you're having financial troubles Why don't you mind your own business?


  • I'm a great admirer of your establishment Thank you.


  • I eat lunch at your Waukegan location at least twice a week.


  • Always a fantastic crowd.


  • Your point being?


  • Mr. Kroc If you're not making money hand over fist Something's terribly wrong You grab the ledger, would you come on in the office?

    克洛克先生,如果你沒有大把大把地賺錢 那就大錯特錯了 你拿著賬本,能到辦公室來一下嗎?

  • So to summarize You have a minuscule revenue stream No cash reserves and an albatross of a contract that requires you to go through a slow approval process to enact changes if they're approved at all Which they never are Am I missing anything?


  • I'm about sums it up Tell me about the land Land the land the buildings how that whole aspect of it works.


  • Oh pretty simple really Franchisee finds a piece of land.


  • He likes gets a lease usually 20 years.

    他喜歡的租期通常是 20 年。

  • It takes our construction loan Those help the building and off he goes So the operator selects the site, yeah, he picks the property, right?


  • You provide the training the system the operational know-how and he is responsible For the rest.


  • Mmm.

  • Is there a problem a big one?


  • You don't seem to realize what business you're in You're not in the burger business you're in the real estate business You don't build an empire Off a 1.4 percent cut of a 15 cent hamburger You build it by owning the land upon which that burger is cooked What you ought to be doing is buying up plots of land then turning around and leasing said plots to Franchisees who as a condition of their deal should be permitted to lease from you and you alone This will provide you with two things one a steady upfront revenue stream money flows in before the first stake is in the ground to greater capital for expansion Which in turn fuels further land acquisition which in turn feels further expansion and so on and so on Land That's where the money is and more than that control Control over the franchisee fail to uphold quality standards.

    你似乎沒有意識到你在做什麼生意 你不是在做漢堡生意,你是在做房地產生意 你不能靠從一個15美分的漢堡包中分得1.你應該做的是購買地皮,然後把地皮租給加盟商 作為交易條件,他們應該被允許向你租賃,而且只能向你租賃 這將為你提供兩樣東西穩定的預付收入流 在第一根木樁入土之前,就有資金流入,為擴張提供更多資金,這反過來又促進了進一步的土地收購,而土地收購又反過來促進了進一步的擴張,如此等等,土地就是錢的來源,而更重要的是控制權,控制加盟商不能堅持質量標準。

  • You cancel their lease Control Over dick and Mac end result.

    你取消了他們的租約,控制了 dick 和 Mac 的最終結果。

  • You'll have the banks and the franchisees in the palm of your hand If I were to do this the brothers they Affectively would be yes So, what do you say Ray?


You extend my line until you build more equity in your home or pay down the loan.


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