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字幕列表 影片播放

  • Mission begins in 60 seconds.

  • Gentlemen!

  • Rock paper scissors! On three!

  • One! Two! Three!

  • Rock wins! Bloody stupid game....

  • Dosido time!

  • Oh..Heavy does not feel-

  • Boom! I'm a dance machine!

  • Let's do this! Flippin' Time!

  • We Flippin'?

  • Who wants a flip?

  • Aww..Crap.

  • Alright let's do this!

  • Stop laughing at Heavy!

  • Mission begins in 5

  • 4

  • 3

  • 2

  • 1

  • Heavy, why are you not moving?!

  • Spy...

  • Help me flip!

  • No!

  • Oh...Merde ( Shit)

  • Like a car crash in slow motion

  • It's like I'm watching the freaking Sol' fly through the windshield!

  • Come on.. I don't-

  • Is Heavy flip time!

  • Ya'll ready?

  • Ready!

  • You know what to do!

  • Boom! That is a skull fracture!

  • Let's play!

  • On three! One! Two! Three!

  • Yes! I beat you with scissors!

  • Nice job! Let's dosido!

  • Do-do-do Dosido!

  • Conga you fools!

  • Get into it, Heavy!

  • Oh, my precious hat!

  • What will I ever find to replace you?

  • What have you done?!

  • Some people think they can outsmart me...

  • I have yet meet one that can outsmart....

  • Trader!

Mission begins in 60 seconds.


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B2 中高級

A Flippin'Story [SAXXY AWARDS 2014] 。 (A Flippin' Story [SAXXY AWARDS 2014])

  • 131 2
    eaglekuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日