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由 AI 自動生成
  • 10 AI tools for teachers.

    為教師提供 10 種人工智能工具。

  • The educational landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence.


  • Teachers now have access to a wide range of AI-powered tools that can streamline their work, enhance productivity, and improve the learning experience for students.


  • In this video, we will explore the top 10 AI tools for teachers, explaining what each tool is and how you can use it to make your life easier.


  • Wondershare Presentory is an AI-driven presentation tool designed to help teachers create engaging and interactive presentations.

    Wondershare Presentory 是一款人工智能驅動的演示工具,旨在幫助教師製作引人入勝的互動演示文稿。

  • It offers features such as automatic content recommendations, design suggestions, and real-time audience feedback.


  • Teachers can save time on creating visually appealing presentations and receive insights on how to keep students engaged during lectures.


  • Here we are in Presentory.

    我們現在在 Presentory。

  • One of the things you can do is create a presentation using their AI.


  • Put in your presentation topic, create a presentation teaching the present continuous tense with activities and examples for ESL learners.

    輸入演示主題,為 ESL 學習者創建一個演示文稿,通過活動和示例教授現在進行時態。

  • This is something you can use if you're teaching online, or if you're in a class, you can quickly create lessons using this AI.


  • Here we've got the outline, and you can just pick your theme that you want to create.


  • This is the presentation you can use.


  • You can switch some things around if you want to.


  • You can switch the camera.


  • You can fix some of the fonts.


  • This is what it looks like.


  • It's got the content in there for you, the introduction to it.


  • You might want to just make these bigger.


  • Got examples of it.


  • They are cooking dinner.


  • She's working on the project.


  • We are going on vacation.


  • It's got some practice activities, sentence completion, picture descriptions.


  • It's got role plays that they can use to engage learners, interactive exercises that you can use with a class.


  • You can go through it with your students, and you can present your lesson using this AI.


  • Check out Presentery by Wondershare.

    查看 Wondershare 的 Presentery。

  • ChatGPT, the granddaddy of all AI tools.

    ChatGPT 是所有人工智能工具的鼻祖。

  • I made a video with 50 ways that teachers can use ChatGPT.

    我製作了一個視頻,介紹了教師使用 ChatGPT 的 50 種方法。

  • A PDF of all the ways are in the description below.

    所有方法的 PDF 文件都在下面的說明中。

  • ChatGPT is a versatile AI chatbot that can be used by teachers to provide personalized support to students, whether it's answering questions, offering explanations, or even assisting with homework.

    ChatGPT 是一個多功能的人工智能哈拉機器人,教師可以利用它為學生提供個性化支持,無論是回答問題、提供解釋,甚至是輔導作業。

  • ChatGPT can serve as a virtual teaching assistant.

    ChatGPT 可以充當虛擬助教。

  • Teachers can use it to complement their teaching efforts and ensure that students have access to help outside of class hours.


  • So open up ChatGPT, you can do anything.

    打開 ChatGPT,你可以做任何事情。

  • I've done a video on it before with 50 ideas for it.

    我以前做過一個視頻,裡面有 50 個創意。

  • So let's say, for example, create a curriculum for level A2 ESL learners.

    比如說,為 A2 級 ESL 學習者創建一個課程。

  • As you can see, quickly makes it for us.


  • Week one to four, introductions, greetings, alphabet, basic pronunciation.


  • Go down for all the weeks it's got.


  • It's made 16 weeks for this curriculum.

    這門課程有 16 周。

  • Then you can also ask it to create a lesson plan.


  • Create a lesson plan on week eight, food and dining.

    就第八週 "食物和餐飲 "制定課程計劃。

  • It says here food and dining, materials, introduction, vocabulary, practice, a role play, activity that you can do, and some homework.


  • ChatGPT has so many functions that you can use for your class.

    ChatGPT 有很多功能,您可以在課堂上使用。

  • Roshi is an AI tool designed to improve student writing skills.

    Roshi 是一款旨在提高學生寫作能力的人工智能工具。

  • It offers real-time feedback on grammar, style, and structure.


  • Teachers can integrate Roshi into their writing assignments to help students develop better writing habits and skills.


  • Here we are in Roshi, and you can create lessons with just one click.

    這裡是 Roshi,只需點擊一下即可創建課程。

  • Create your first lesson.


  • Generate a lesson, so you can make a story or a dialogue.


  • Pick from their feed to any article on the web, to a YouTube video, or write your own text.

    您可以從他們的信息源中選擇網絡上的任何文章、YouTube 視頻,或撰寫自己的文字。

  • Let's go to my YouTube channel, Etiquette English Teachers channel, and pick one of our videos to use.

    讓我們進入我的 YouTube 頻道,禮儀英語教師頻道,挑選一段視頻使用。

  • For example, a lesson on teacher body language.


  • Add the video you want to use.


  • So it looks at the information, and it creates a lesson, gives a summary, gives us vocabulary that we can use based on the YouTube video.

    是以,它可以查看資訊,並根據 YouTube 視頻創建課程、提供摘要和我們可以使用的詞彙。

  • It creates activities based on it, an answer key to show how it's done.


  • Alternatives include Tweet, Teach Anything, and literally anything.

    其他選擇包括 "推特"(Tweet)、"教任何東西"(Teach Anything)以及其他任何東西。

  • AI Cheat Check is an AI tool that aids in detecting plagiarism in student submissions.

    AI Cheat Check 是一款人工智能工具,可幫助檢測學生提交的論文中是否存在抄襲行為。

  • Teachers can use this tool to ensure academic integrity and maintain high standards of honesty.


  • AI Cheat Check scans through students' work, highlighting potential instances of plagiarism, and making it easier for educators to address academic misconduct.

    AI Cheat Check 掃描學生的作業,突出顯示潛在的抄襲情況,使教育工作者更容易處理學術不端行為。

  • Students can use AI to plagiarize their assignments.


  • So use an AI checker to check if it's their work or not.


  • Copy, and then you go here, you paste in whatever they gave you, and then check.


  • It's 96% certain that this text was written by AI.

    可以確定的是,96% 的文本是由人工智能撰寫的。

  • You can also use tools like Grammarly or Turnitin to check for plagiarism.

    您還可以使用 Grammarly 或 Turnitin 等工具檢查是否存在抄襲現象。

  • Diffit is an AI tool for creating personalized learning paths for students.

    Diffit 是一款為學生創建個性化學習路徑的人工智能工具。

  • Teachers can use it to analyze students' strengths and weaknesses, and tailor lessons to meet individual needs.


  • This tool can significantly enhance the effectiveness of personalized learning in the classroom.


  • At Diffit, you can create differentiated activities or work for your students.

    在 Diffit,您可以為學生創建不同的活動或作業。

  • You can search for a topic, let's say the past continuous tense.


  • It created an adapted reading passage, and it also creates a summary, vocabulary words, it creates some questions, and some open-ended prompts on the subject.


  • Story AI is an innovative tool that helps teachers create compelling educational content, such as stories and narratives.

    Story AI 是一款創新工具,可幫助教師創建引人入勝的教育內容,如故事和敘事。

  • With AI-generated content suggestions and enhancements, educators can make learning materials more engaging and relatable to students, ultimately enhancing the learning experience.


  • With Story AI or Story Wizard, you can write your own story for the students to use.

    使用故事 AI 或故事精靈,您可以編寫自己的故事供學生使用。

  • You can also encourage them to create their own stories and then fix it up.


  • What type of genre do you want?


  • Let's say I want an adventure.


  • What characters are there?


  • Eric, age 23, because everybody loves you when you're 23.

    埃裡克,23 歲,因為每個人都喜歡 23 歲的你。

  • A very cool guy.


  • Where does the story take place?


  • Home.


  • Make it a happy ending with a lesson being learned about friendship.


  • You have to add your email address, and then they will email it to you.


  • And here we have our stories, and now generate the full story.


  • Eric sets out on a camouflaged adventure after accidentally discovering a true treasure map in his school library, ultimately unraveling the importance of shared experiences and friendships along the journey.


  • And here is our story.


  • Cool beyond the map, an adventure of friendship.


  • Eric had always been cool.


  • Okay, and here we go, a short story on it.


  • Sure, it's fun to be cool, but in the end, it's our shared moments and deep connections that become our real treasures.


  • The sentiment rings loud and clear through this tale.


  • For younger learners, you can use Story Wizard.


  • Quiz Gecko is an AI-based quiz and assessment generator.

    Quiz Gecko 是一款基於人工智能的測驗和評估生成器。

  • Teachers can use it to create quizzes, tests, and assessments quickly.


  • The tool also provides analytics to help teachers understand student performance and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.


  • Quiz Gecko and all these other question apps can create tests and quizzes easily.

    Quiz Gecko 和所有這些其他問題應用程序都可以輕鬆創建測試和測驗。

  • It can turn any text into a quiz.


  • It makes it shareable, multiple question types, and a YouTube video to quiz, so you can add a video.

    它具有可共享性、多種問題類型和 YouTube 視頻問答功能,是以您可以添加視頻。

  • It's got marking, it's got reports, and stats.


  • Other alternatives include Quiz Generator, QuizBot, and Concur. iScanner is an AI tool that simplifies document management for teachers.

    其他替代方案包括 Quiz Generator、QuizBot 和 Concur。iScanner 是一款人工智能工具,可簡化教師的文檔管理。

  • It can scan, organize, and store documents digitally, making it easier to access and share materials with students.


  • This tool streamlines administrative tasks and reduces clutter in the physical classroom.


  • Here we've got an example of how iScanner works.

    這裡我們有一個 iScanner 工作原理的示例。

  • Download the app, and then you take a photo of the paper document, and you turn it into a PDF, and you can easily send it to other people.

    下載該應用程序,然後給紙質文檔拍照,將其轉化為 PDF 格式,就可以輕鬆地發送給其他人。

  • This is fantastic, so that you don't have that much paper in class.


  • Canva is a popular AI-powered graphic design tool that teachers can use to create visually appealing educational materials.

    Canva 是一款廣受歡迎的人工智能圖形設計工具,教師可以用它來製作具有視覺吸引力的教學材料。

  • From infographics to posters, teachers can design stunning visual content to engage students and convey information effectively.


  • It also has a magic write tool where you can create documents.


  • Canva, in my opinion, is one of the best apps or websites out there, which allows you to create any type of visual content.

    在我看來,Canva 是最好的應用程序或網站之一,它可以讓你創建任何類型的視覺內容。

  • Thumbnails for YouTube, you can create whiteboards, documents, presentations for social media.

    你可以為 YouTube 製作縮略圖,也可以為社交媒體制作白板、文檔和演示文稿。

  • And you can also use the AI to create documents.


  • Write a document explaining the present continuous tense with examples and activities.


  • Here are some activities.


  • If you're not happy with it, you can add to it.


  • Give five activities for ESL learners to practice the present continuous tense.

    為 ESL 學習者提供五種練習現在進行時態的活動。

  • Thing, charades, picture prompts, Simon Says, video clips, and role-playing.


  • Gradescope is an AI-driven grading and assessment platform that streamlines the grading process for teachers.

    Gradescope 是一個人工智能驅動的評分和評估平臺,可簡化教師的評分流程。

  • It enables educators to efficiently grade assignments, quizzes, and exams online.


  • The platform employs AI to recognize and categorize student responses, making the grading process faster and more consistent.


  • Teachers can provide detailed feedback and analytics to students, helping them understand their performance and areas for improvement.


  • With Gradescope, teachers can spend less time on manual grading and more time focusing on teaching and providing valuable feedback to their students, ultimately improving the educational experience.

    有了 Gradescope,教師可以減少人工評分的時間,將更多時間用於教學和向學生提供有價值的反饋,最終改善教育體驗。

  • Here we have Gradescope.

    這裡有 Gradescope。

  • This is where you can get AI to check your students' exams, homework, and even code.


  • Use paper-based assignments or programming.


  • Pick which subject it is, and then the app will check it using AI, and it will also give feedback.


  • So it scans student work, grade submissions, send or export grades, and detailed analytics.


  • By incorporating these tools into their teaching strategies, educators can not only make their lives easier, but also provide a more enriching educational journey for their students.


10 AI tools for teachers.

為教師提供 10 種人工智能工具。

由 AI 自動生成

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