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  • Hello, my name is Rosario Wilson.


  • I started my eValve on the 18th of this month, with the special discount of the 80% discount, so I took 150,000 account.

    我是本月 18 日開始使用 eValve 的,當時享受的是八折優惠,所以我用了 15 萬的賬戶。

  • And I started trading on the same day.


  • I made 1800 on Wednesday.

    我週三做了 1800 個。

  • That Wednesday, the Thursday, I made one trade, I won 400, that took my account to 2000 plus.

    那個週三,也就是週四,我做了一筆交易,贏了 400 美元,我的賬戶是以增加到 2000 多美元。

  • And then the Friday, I started the Friday, I was a little bit, I have a good strategy, a strategy that actually I have 80 plus percent of win rate.

    然後到了週五,我開始了週五的工作,我有點,我有一個很好的策略,一個實際上我有 80% 以上勝率的策略。

  • However, I started trading with fear, the Friday morning when I started trading.


  • And I found myself taking profit early and also allowing my, and also because I was trading with fear, I was increasing my stop loss.


  • And then in one trade, I actually lost 4000 and my trade, actually 5000, and I ended up losing actually 45, not even 4000, 45.

    在一次交易中,我實際上損失了 4000 美元,而我的交易實際上是 5000 美元,最後我實際上損失了 45 美元,甚至不是 4000 美元,而是 45 美元。

  • And after that point, I just, my mind set to switch.


  • I look at my mistake and I said, you know what?


  • I have a good strategy.


  • I'm not going to take my profit early, but also I will not move my stop loss and I will just go for it.


  • And I went for it.


  • And after that, after that point, I made 72 and I win the eval.

    之後,在那之後,我打出了 72 分,贏得了評估。

  • And on the same Friday, the Saturday morning, I got an email from Apex, congratulate me, I'm passing the eval.

    就在同一個週五,也就是週六上午,我收到了一封來自 Apex 的郵件,恭喜我,我通過了評估。

  • And also instruction of how to set up my PA account.

    還指導我如何設置我的 PA 賬戶。

  • So with the instruction of how to set up the PA, I signed the agreement, I followed the instruction and also paid the fee for the PA.

    是以,在收到關於如何設置 PA 的說明後,我簽署了協議,按照說明操作,並支付了 PA 的費用。

  • Once I did that, within 15 minutes, I received another email from Apex.

    一旦我這樣做了,不到 15 分鐘,我就收到了 Apex 的另一封郵件。

  • My PA account was activated.

    我的 PA 賬戶已激活。

  • And so I went, I logged into my TraderVid account.

    於是我登錄了我的 TraderVid 賬戶。

  • I signed out and also signed back in.


  • And once I did that, my PA account was there with new balance.

    一旦我這樣做了,我的 PA 賬戶就有了新餘額。

  • And so ready to go for tomorrow.


  • Yes.


  • So I'm happy.


  • Yes.


  • So Apex is what it says it is.

    所以,Apex 就像它說的那樣。

  • Just trust your ability to not trade with fear.


  • And if you have a good strategy, follow your strategy.


  • And that's, you know, you will pass the eval without problem or even your PA account.

    這樣,你就能順利通過評估,甚至是你的 PA 賬戶。

  • Just, you know, once you have a strategy, just trust it.


  • Don't trade with fear.


  • That's all I could advise.


Hello, my name is Rosario Wilson.


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