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  • I know I make fun of my parents, but at the end of the day, I love them very much I think we all do right but Asian people we don't ever say I love you to each other That's just not our thing one time I got high and I called my mom I Was like mom I just I just want to tell you mom I love you And you can hear her start like crying on the other side of the line.

    我知道我取笑過我的父母,但說到底,我還是很愛他們的,我想我們都愛他們,但亞洲人之間是不會說 "我愛你 "的,這不是我們的風格,有一次我喝高了,打電話給我媽媽,我想說,媽媽,我只是想告訴你,媽媽,我愛你,你可以聽到她在電話那頭開始哭泣。

  • She was like, oh Jimmy Do you have a cancer?


  • I We just got different ways of showing love like when I see my grandmother I don't give her a hug I just give her a solid handshake We're not about that hugging and Asian grandmas.


  • They're the best you give her a handshake She's like a vending machine you give her a handshake outcomes a red envelope And you gotta pretend you don't want that shit you're like no no no no no no no no no no no, no, no, please Please okay.

    她們是最棒的,你和她握手,她就像個自動售貨機 你和她握手,她就會給你紅包 你得假裝你不想要那玩意 你就像不不不不不不不不不不不不不,求你了,求你了,好吧

  • Thank you Thank you That's just how we show love My dad still calls me like 20 times a day just to check up on me It's annoying but I understand that's how he shows love I was talking to my friend here and he was like, oh, I haven't I haven't talked to my dad in three weeks I'm like, what is he in jail?

    謝謝 謝謝 這就是我們表達愛的方式 我爸爸仍然每天給我打 20 多通電話,只是為了檢查我的情況 這很煩人,但我明白這就是他表達愛的方式 我在和我的朋友哈拉時,他說,哦,我已經三個星期沒和我爸爸說話了 我想,他在監獄裡幹什麼?

  • He's like no I live with him.


  • I just haven't talked to him in three weeks I'm like you do understand if I don't call my dad back in three hours.

    我已經三個星期沒跟他說話了 我想說,如果我三個小時內不給我爸回電話,你能理解嗎?

  • He's gonna call 911 911 what's your emergency?

    他會打911 911 你有什麼緊急情況?

  • My son is a dead.


  • It's like sir.


  • Is everything okay?


  • Is your son dead?


  • He's like no, but he's a dead to me.


  • Okay.


  • Bye That's just how we show love

    再見 這就是我們表達愛的方式

I know I make fun of my parents, but at the end of the day, I love them very much I think we all do right but Asian people we don't ever say I love you to each other That's just not our thing one time I got high and I called my mom I Was like mom I just I just want to tell you mom I love you And you can hear her start like crying on the other side of the line.

我知道我取笑過我的父母,但說到底,我還是很愛他們的,我想我們都愛他們,但亞洲人之間是不會說 "我愛你 "的,這不是我們的風格,有一次我喝高了,打電話給我媽媽,我想說,媽媽,我只是想告訴你,媽媽,我愛你,你可以聽到她在電話那頭開始哭泣。

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