By 2013, the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense estimated that China's military had three times as many helicopters, more than four times as many battleships, eight times as many fighter jets, 10 times as many tanks, more than 15 times as many submarines and an overwhelming number of ballistic missiles that could reach Taiwan.
據臺灣 "國防部 "估計,到 2013 年,中國軍隊擁有的直升機數量是美國的三倍,戰艦數量是美國的四倍多,戰鬥機數量是美國的八倍,坦克數量是美國的十倍,潛艇數量是美國的十五倍多,可射入臺灣的彈道導彈數量也是美國的壓倒性優勢。