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  • Good afternoon everybody.


  • I hope you can all hear me see me and see my presentation.


  • So we are going to have a this afternoon we're going to go through talk about DORA compliance for ICT providers, what you need to do, what you need to know, some of the key things you need to think about, need to understand and what DORA is, how it's affecting things, all these all these wonderfully interesting topics.

    是以,今天下午我們將討論資訊和通信技術提供商的 DORA 合規性,你需要做什麼,你需要知道什麼,你需要思考和理解的一些關鍵問題,以及 DORA 是什麼,它如何影響事物,所有這些都是非常有趣的話題。

  • So we will start off in a couple of minutes.


  • I'm going to ask you to be a bit interactive and respond to a few questions because it's going to be useful for me to to understand who I've got on the call etc.


  • So first of all who am I?


  • Very good question.


  • So my name is Andrew Paterson.


  • I'm the head of GRC consultancy for IT Governance Europe and I've been working in GRC for probably it's near the 30 years and 20 years anyway, probably quite a lot closer to 30 years and 20 years.

    我是 IT Governance Europe GRC 諮詢公司的負責人,從事 GRC 工作大概有 30 年和 20 年之久,可能更接近 30 年和 20 年。

  • I'm a certified ISACA trainer.

    我是 ISACA 認證培訓師。

  • I have a master's in information systems management which was quite a long time ago but we weren't just looking at advocacies we were looking at proper IT even then.


  • I'm the SME within the group in things like NIS, NIS2 which as we may know is a directive, things like cybersecurity framework 27001, SIS 18, ECC which is a Saudi Arabian standard and DORA.

    我是組內的中小型企業,負責 NIS、NIS2(我們都知道這是一項指令)、網絡安全框架 27001、SIS 18、ECC(沙特阿拉伯標準)和 DORA 等方面的工作。

  • I've worked in lots and lots of sectors over the years.


  • That's just a few examples of some of the areas I've been helping people affected with DORA for around the last 12 months, helping them to get ready for the deadline which we'll talk about when that is a bit later.

    這只是我在過去 12 個月中幫助受 DORA 影響的人的幾個例子,幫助他們為截止日期做好準備,我們稍後會討論截止日期。

  • I'm also the author of a DORA, a guide to the DU Digital Operationals Resilience Act and it's very much that book is a practical guide about what you need to do about it.


  • It's not particularly legalistic, it's about how you develop and implement an ISMS that will meet the requirements of DORA.

    這不是什麼法律問題,而是關於如何制定和實施符合 DORA 要求的 ISMS。

  • So just a couple of little slides here about who we are, IT Governance.

    是以,這裡只需要幾張小幻燈片,介紹一下我們的定位--IT 治理。

  • You've obviously heard of us before because you're sitting on this webinar but we've been in the industry for over 20 years, 12,000 clients, we work globally.

    顯然,你已經聽說過我們,因為你現在就坐在網絡研討會上,但我們在這個行業已經有 20 多年的歷史,擁有 12,000 家客戶,我們的業務遍及全球。

  • The big area of people more familiar with us is in 27001 and GDPR and everything but when you start looking at DORA, 27001 is an incredibly useful vehicle for helping you to deal with what is required out of DORA.

    人們更熟悉我們的主要領域是 27001 和 GDPR 等,但當您開始關注 DORA 時,27001 是一個非常有用的工具,可以幫助您處理 DORA 的要求。

  • It talks about the same sort of things, there's a different emphasis in some areas but we'll go through that.


  • So that's who we are, we've worked with all of these different people, we've got 1300 projects in ISO, we've got our cyber essentials and we've got our governance and risk tool called cyber comply which has got almost two and a half thousand people customers using it globally.

    這就是我們,我們與所有這些不同的人合作,我們在 ISO 中有 1300 個項目,我們有我們的網絡要領,我們有我們的治理和風險工具,名為 cyber comply,全球有近兩千五百名客戶在使用它。

  • You can see all the information on there, just a little thing on the slides, you will be given access to a slide pack because some of the slides have got quite a lot of detail on them and probably more useful if you come back and read them later because I will not be reading every single line on every slide, I'll be talking around them.


  • So that's that sort of thing.


  • If you're familiar with Net Promoter Scores, that's our things like that over the last whatever you've had to do.


  • So this is where we're going to ask you to do a little bit of interaction and voting and it'll give me a little bit idea about who's on the call and maybe I will make sure I mention a few things which are specific to those requirements.


  • So the first question we'd like you to respond to is this one, what is your role in the DORA compliance decision making process?

    我們想請您回答的第一個問題是,您在 DORA 合規決策過程中扮演什麼角色?

  • So you've got the choice of this, I am a key decision maker, I influence decisions but I'm not the final decision maker, I am gathering information for my team.


  • So you should get the option there to respond to that question.


  • So I'll give you a little bit of time to do that.


  • It's like waiting for the the results of Eurovision.


  • So a few more moments.


  • Okay then, so we've got a few decision makers on there and then it's split between people influencing the decision maker and I'm gathering for the team.


  • So it's pretty much your most most of you are finding out more information etc and all that sort of stuff.


  • That's brilliant, thank you very much.


  • Okay the next question, what is your timeline for implementing DORA?

    好的,下一個問題是,您實施 DORA 的時間表是什麼?

  • We might have a different response at the end of the webinar on this one.


  • Within the next three months, in four to six months, beyond six months or no timeline set?


  • So if you can respond to the questions there.


  • Okay we'll wait for a couple of more responses on that.


  • Okay then, so most of you are talking about probably something in beyond six months.


  • Okay if you speak quicker than that.


  • Okay thank you for that.


  • Next question, what type of support does your organization need most for DORA compliance?

    下一個問題,貴組織在遵守 DORA 方面最需要哪種類型的支持?

  • So compliance software solutions, consultancy and advisory services, training and education, and so on and so forth.


  • Okay, so what type of support do you need most for DORA?

    好吧,那麼您最需要 DORA 提供哪種類型的支持?

  • So if you could give us your response on that.


  • A few more seconds.


  • Okay, so on this we've got a pretty much a split, we could be almost across the three areas on that.


  • So thank you very much for that.


  • And now the last question, has your organization allocated a budget for DORA compliance solutions?

    現在是最後一個問題,貴組織是否為 DORA 合規解決方案分配了預算?

  • Yes, we have a dedicated budget.


  • Budget is under consideration.


  • No budget allocated yet.


  • Just a few more moments and then we'll close that poll.


  • Okay then, so mainly no budget allocated yet and a few people have got a budget under consideration, but actually you need to be able to show that you have budgets for cyber security etc.


  • So we'll talk about that.


  • So a couple of things, you will see that you've got the ability to ask questions.


  • If you put questions in there, we'll have some time at the end of the webinar for me to respond to those questions.


  • So if anything comes to mind as we're going through, please put them up.


  • Also, just to remind you, you do actually get a CPD point for this, so you will get a certificate for that.

    另外,提醒您一下,您確實可以是以獲得 CPD 點數,所以您會是以獲得證書。

  • It's always useful for your professional development, do a few webinars and you can make inroads into the amount you need to get through the year.


  • So we're going to go through several of the topics and again some of the slides are quite detailed and you'll have access to them.


  • You may be going to read those later.


  • So it's all about trying to explain to you what DORA is and how we're particularly looking at it, what it means for third party suppliers.

    是以,我們要向你們解釋什麼是 DORA,我們如何特別關注它,它對第三方供應商意味著什麼。

  • So we'll go through all these different things and we will talk to them some in more detail than others.


  • So what's DORA got to do with ICT third party suppliers?

    那麼,DORA 與 ICT 第三方供應商有什麼關係呢?

  • Now DORA is the Digital Operational Resilience Act.

    現在,DORA 就是《數字運行復原力法案》。

  • It's a regulation.


  • So to understand that, that means that it without need to go through parliaments, it's not a directive.


  • So it doesn't have to go through 27 parliaments and be approved.

    是以,它不必經過 27 個議會的準許。

  • And it's very specific in what it says needs to be covered by the regulation.


  • And they talk about financial entities and they describe what a financial entity is.


  • It's anything which is regulated, okay.


  • Few exceptions etc and all that, but basically anything.


  • And then on the last line, it goes ICT third party suppliers.

    最後一行是 ICT 第三方供應商。

  • So if you supply into a financial entity, which is in the European Union, you're going to be covered by DORA, okay.

    是以,如果您向歐盟的金融實體供貨,您將受到 DORA 的保護。

  • Even if you're not in the European Union, okay.


  • So if you're an ICT third party supplier and you're supplying into a financial entity in the European Union, you're covered by it.


  • If you're a large organization, which is supplying services to a part of your organization, which is in the European Union, okay, you have to comply with the requirements of DORA.

    如果您是一家大型機構,為您機構中位於歐盟的一部分提供服務,那麼您必須遵守 DORA 的要求。

  • So if you're sitting there thinking, all right, so who's that?


  • Does that affect me?


  • This is not a definitive list, but this is because it doesn't actually say in there, what is an ICT third party supplier, but it builds up and gives you some sort of ideas on this.


  • So it's people who are impacted, people who are delivering services.


  • And it is specifically where I'll talk about on the next slide in more detail is that supporting critical important functions, right, or services that the financial entity provides.


  • So there's a quick list there of some of the things.


  • So if you actually look at it, it's very broad on what they mean by an ICT third party supplier.


  • So, you know, GIC risk management providers, collaborative tool providers, desktop service providers, IT service providers, SOC service providers.

    是以,你知道,GIC 風險管理提供商、協作工具提供商、桌面服務提供商、IT 服務提供商、SOC 服務提供商。

  • So if you're working with a financial entity and you're providing any ICT services, you're probably going to be covered by the requirements of DORA.

    是以,如果您與金融實體合作,並提供任何資訊和通信技術服務,您很可能會受到 DORA 要求的保護。

  • And what do I mean by covered by the requirements of DORA?

    我說的 "DORA "是什麼意思?

  • The next slide gives you a bit of a feel for how the structure works and why it's important to think about where you are.


  • So this is a nice little, nice and colourful pyramid.


  • And it just gives you a feel.


  • So at the top, we've got the EU Parliament, we've got the European Central Bank, we've got the supervisory authorities, the member states, they need to be enforcing this and making sure this happens.


  • And then they have things in their countries called national competent authorities.


  • These are the guys who are going to make sure that financial entities are doing what they need to do with DORA.

    這些人將確保金融實體按照 DORA 的要求行事。

  • And then you have the financial entity.


  • And the financial entity needs to make sure that you're doing what they need to ensure that they are going to comply with DORA.

    金融實體需要確保您正在做他們需要做的事情,以確保他們將遵守 DORA。

  • Okay.


  • So much so that DORA specifies certain things that need to be in the contractual requirements while dealing with third parties.

    是以,DORA 規定了與第三方打交道時合同要求中的某些事項。

  • And when you get into that particular, some of And if you think about it, if you've got third parties working for you who are providing your services to you, which is central to the services that you're providing a financial entity, you're going to have to manage your third party supply chain as well.


  • And this is one of the very key things.


  • It's about improving resilience and operational resilience, not just within the financial entity, but within that supply chain, because there is an understanding of weakness.


  • And that more comes on to what we talk on the next section.


  • So why does DORA exist and what is it?

    那麼,為什麼會有 DORA,它又是什麼呢?

  • Okay.


  • So this slide is the sort of slide, but when you've got it back and you can zoom it up, but it gives you the, you know, it's about a risk, systemic risk across financial services in the European Union.


  • We all know that with, I mean, I'm old enough to remember when, you know, you had to be physically on a, in front of a machine with a cable coming out the back of it in the same building to get access to things.


  • And we don't work in that world anymore.


  • We've got 24 seven access.

    我們提供 24/7 全天候服務。

  • Everything is interrelated.


  • So there's so much interconnectivity within all sectors and within financial services that if you get a problem somewhere, it's multiple countries.


  • So it's about building up and understanding this, where the resilience is, because, you know, it's so important that these functions from financial services operate.


  • That's basically how economies don't work.


  • Okay.


  • And if you're an ICT third-party supplier in that chain, it's very important for you meeting those requirements.


  • So what was the key things and what they were talking about when they were developing this?


  • DOOR sets out a harmonized approach to digital operational resilience across the EU's financial sector.

    DOOR 為歐盟金融部門的數字業務復原力制定了統一的方法。

  • So everybody has to do it.


  • Okay.


  • Level playing field.


  • It's not like somebody in one legislation doesn't have to do the same.


  • It's why it's a regulation and not a directive, because it doesn't need to go through national law or national parliaments.


  • This is what people need to do.


  • And it's been around since 22.

    它從 22 年就開始存在了。

  • Okay.


  • It's not just like appeared recently.


  • Okay.


  • It's been around since December 2022.

    它從 2022 年 12 月開始使用。

  • And it harmonizes, removes, you know, certain directives, etc.


  • As it's a regulation, it supersedes the requirements of the NIST directive and NIST 2.

    由於這是一項法規,它取代了 NIST 指令和 NIST 2 的要求。

  • And it sets out certain things expected by financial entities.


  • And this will be new for many service providers.


  • Okay.


  • So you may be doing some of these things, but this is not a tick box.


  • Okay.


  • This is about operational resilience.


  • So this is about financial entities being able to provide their services when bad things are happening to them.


  • Okay.


  • I describe it in one simple way, and we'll go into more detail of this, is if you think about incident management, business continuity, and disaster recovery, which you all probably do, but the volume's turned up on it, it's taking it to the next level.


  • Okay.


  • And it's definitely not tick box.

    這絕對不是 "勾選框"。

  • You have to do things.


  • And they're very specific in what they require.


  • So the regulation covers certain things.


  • So ICT risk management, everything