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Oh And we're clear Now break the fourth wall.
Oh hi there.
I bet you're wondering how I got here Well, it all started back in 2009.
我想你一定很好奇我是怎麼來到這裡的吧,一切都要從 2009 年說起。
Do we have to do narration?
I mean, what are we spider-man?
I Love our girlfriend.
She's so pretty Yep, okay people, you know the drill embarrassment you're gonna leave for this part What where'd our hotness go Yeah, who is that guy?
她真漂亮 好了,各位,你們知道該怎麼做了吧 這一段你們會尷尬地離開 我們的性感去哪兒了 那個人是誰?
That's the new guy running the TV a I guess we need you to save Marvel quick Call him a funny name.
那是管理電視的新來的 我猜我們需要你快點救出馬維爾 給他起個有趣的名字
Okay, look here.
Mr. Darcy I don't know who made you Lightning McQueen, but you can take this TV a and go shove it up your shiny little party We're party.
達西先生,我不知道是誰造就了你這個 "閃電麥昆",但你可以把這臺電視拿去塞進你那閃閃發光的 "我們是派對 "裡。
We're Good one.
We're Gotta save Marvel people.
Of course we do Disney plus you're ain't trying to we already lost Greenlander town We cannot lose the MCU.
迪士尼當然會這麼做,而且你也沒打算這麼做,我們已經失去了格陵蘭小鎮,我們不能失去 MCU。
It's way too important.
Is it though?
Yeah We still have soccer land and cell phone tower and Aviation Island saving the MCU sounds like a lot.
是啊,我們還有足球場、手機信號塔和航空島,拯救 MCU 聽起來很有必要。
Don't worry We have the entire multiverse to help us which means we can finally work with Wolverine He's the only X-Men anyone actually cares about in the movies if we get Wolverine we can go down as one of the best stories ever Go down Why can't like any the current MCU people save their own universe Shang-Chi ain't doing shoddy work Oh, I want a Jimmy Chongas.
別擔心,我們有整個多元宇宙幫助我們,這意味著我們終於可以與金剛狼合作了,他是電影中唯一有人真正關心的 X 戰警,如果我們得到了金剛狼,我們就可以成為有史以來最好的故事之一。
There's no time for that now who drink all the gin Tastes like Ryan Reynolds To be my X-Men Now move in slow motion We're doing it you guys we are making some epic memories We finally got Wolverine and in comic-book accurate costume like I always dreamed.
現在沒時間了,誰喝光了杜松子酒,味道就像瑞安-雷諾茲(Ryan Reynolds),成為我的 X 戰警,現在慢動作,我們正在做,夥計們,我們正在創造一些史詩般的回憶,我們終於有了金剛狼,而且穿著漫畫書中的服裝,就像我一直夢想的那樣。
I wonder what his emotions are like in there You We're gonna make so much money Hey guys Thank you so much for watching and special thanks to epic voice guy John Bailey for bringing Deadpool and all of his emotions for this One be sure to follow him and be sure to enable alerts on this channel So that you won't miss our next one because as always we hope to see you next time Bye
我想知道他在裡面的情緒是怎樣的 我們會賺很多錢的 嘿 夥計們 非常感謝你們的收看 特別感謝史詩級配音員約翰-貝利為我們帶來了死侍和他所有的情緒 請務必關注他 並務必在本頻道啟用提醒功能 這樣你就不會錯過我們的下一部作品了