字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Adolf Hitler is giving a speech in a beer hall in Munich. 阿道夫-希特勒正在慕尼黑的一個啤酒館發表演講。 Right behind him in the column, a bomb has been hidden away. 就在他身後的縱隊裡,一枚炸彈被藏了起來。 And it is about to go off. 它就要爆炸了。 The German carpenter and Nazi opponent Georg Elser has planned this moment for months. 德國木匠、納粹反對派格奧爾格-埃爾瑟(Georg Elser)幾個月前就計劃好了這一時刻。 He knew Hitler would be here tonight. 他知道希特勒今晚會來 He knew when exactly the Führer would give a speech. 他知道元首究竟會在什麼時候發表演講。 Elser installed explosives with a time fuse. 埃爾瑟安裝了帶有定時引信的炸藥。 At exactly 9.20pm his bomb is supposed to detonate. 晚上 9 點 20 分整,他的炸彈應該被引爆。 The explosion causes the entire ceiling above the podium to collapse. 爆炸導致主席臺上方的整個天花板坍塌。 63 people get injured, 8 die. 63 人受傷,8 人死亡。 But Hitler isn't one of them. 但希特勒不在其中。 He left the beer hall earlier than expected at 9.07pm. 晚上 9 點 07 分,他提前離開了啤酒館。 Georg Elser failed. Georg Elser 失敗了。 This was just one of many attempts to assassinate Hitler. 這只是刺殺希特勒的眾多企圖之一。 One of almost 40. 近 40 箇中的一個。 Today we take a look at some of the most spectacular plans to rid the world of the Nazi leader. 今天,我們就來看看那些旨在讓世界擺脫納粹領袖的最壯觀的計劃。 Why did they all fail? 為什麼他們都失敗了? How did he keep getting away? 他是怎麼逃脫的? Was Hitler just that lucky? 希特勒就這麼幸運嗎? Or was there more to it? 還是另有隱情? This is Henning von Tresckow, a first general staff officer in the Wehrmacht. 這位是亨寧-馮-特雷斯科夫,德國國防軍的第一位總參謀。 At first, he's a supporter of Hitler when he seizes power in 1933. 1933 年希特勒奪取政權後,他起初是希特勒的支持者。 But that will soon change. 但這種情況很快就會改變。 Tresckow's turning point comes in 1941, when Germany attacks the Soviet Union. 特雷斯科夫的轉捩點出現在 1941 年,德國進攻蘇聯。 He thinks Hitler's invasion is military madness. 他認為希特勒的入侵是瘋狂的軍事行動。 He thinks they will lose the war. 他認為他們會輸掉戰爭。 But Tresckow also has moral concerns. 但特雷斯科夫也有道德方面的擔憂。 He knows about the mass murder of Jewish people. 他知道猶太人被大屠殺的事。 He knows what the regime is doing. 他知道政權在做什麼。 A resolve forms within him. 他下定了決心。 He's convinced that this mad dictator must be stopped at all cost. 他堅信,必須不惜一切代價阻止這個瘋狂的獨裁者。 And in spring of 1943, Tresckow makes his move. 1943 年春,特雷斯科夫開始行動。 He manages to persuade his commander-in-chief Gunther von Kluge to invite Hitler to Smolensk in the Soviet Union. 他設法說服他的總司令岡瑟-馮-克盧格(Gunther von Kluge)邀請希特勒前往蘇聯的斯摩稜斯克。 Here, Tresckow is stationed. 特雷斯科夫就駐紮在這裡。 And the Führer agrees. 元首也同意了。 On March 13, 1943, he makes a stopover in Smolensk on his flight from Vinnitsa to his headquarters in East Prussia. 1943 年 3 月 13 日,他在從文尼察飛往東普魯士總部的途中經停斯摩稜斯克。 At lunch, Tresckow asks Lieutenant Colonel Heinz Brandt, who is traveling with Hitler on the plane, for a favor. 午餐時,特雷斯科夫請與希特勒同機的海因茨-勃蘭特中校幫個忙。 Brandt is to deliver a package containing two bottles of Contreau cognac to a friend of Tresckow's in East Prussia. 勃蘭特要把一個裝有兩瓶康特羅白蘭地的包裹交給特雷斯科夫在東普魯士的一位朋友。 Tresckow tells him that he lost the bet. 特雷斯科夫告訴他,他賭輸了。 Instead of two bottles of alcohol, however, the package contains a bomb with a detonator. 然而,包裹裡裝的不是兩瓶酒精,而是一枚帶雷管的炸彈。 Tresckow wants to feign an airplane accident. 特雷斯科夫想假裝發生飛機事故。 His co-conspirator Fabian von Schlabrendorf secretly activates the time pencil and then hands the package to Brandt. 他的同謀法比安-馮-施拉布倫多夫(Fabian von Schlabrendorf)祕密啟動了時間筆,然後將包裹交給了勃蘭特。 The plane takes off at around 3pm. 飛機在下午 3 點左右起飛。 On board are Hitler, Brandt, and the bomb. 船上有希特勒、勃蘭特和炸彈。 The bomb is supposed to explode within an hour. 炸彈應該在一小時內爆炸。 Schlabrendorf set the timer by crushing a glass vial filled with a corrosive liquid in the time pencil. Schlabrendorf 將一個裝滿腐蝕性液體的玻璃瓶壓碎,然後用計時筆設置計時器。 The airplane should crash at about the height of Minsk. 飛機應該在明斯克的高度墜毀。 Hitler lands in his headquarters unscathed. 希特勒毫髮無損地回到了他的總部。 Brandt had packed the package in the cold cargo hold. 勃蘭特把包裹放在冰冷的貨艙裡。 The acid detonator had frozen. 酸性雷管已經凍結。 Tresckow immediately calls Heinz Brandt and tells him that he accidentally gave him the wrong package. 特雷斯科夫立即打電話給海因茨-勃蘭特,告訴他自己不小心給錯了包裹。 The next day, Schlabrendorf flies to East Prussia, exchanges the package with two bottles of cognac, and diffuses the bomb. 第二天,施拉布倫道夫飛往東普魯士,用兩瓶白蘭地交換了包裹,並拆除了炸彈。 Creating videos like this one takes a lot of time, and we actually deal with math and science quite a bit while building 3D scenes. 製作這樣的視頻需要花費大量時間,實際上,在構建 3D 場景時,我們需要處理大量的數學和科學問題。 A great way to approach such challenging subjects is Brilliant. 處理這些具有挑戰性的主題的一個好方法就是 "輝煌"。 Brilliant is a platform that helps you learn new skills across various subjects like math, programming, and artificial intelligence. Brilliant 是一個幫助你學習數學、編程和人工智能等各種學科新技能的平臺。 With thousands of interactive lessons, you can customize the content to fit your needs and work through exercises at your own pace. 通過數以千計的互動課程,您可以根據自己的需要定製內容,並按照自己的進度完成練習。 For example, Brilliant offers a course on probability. 例如,Brilliant 開設了概率課程。 You will learn the basics and how to make predictions using probability theory. 您將學習基礎知識以及如何利用概率論進行預測。 If that's not your cup of tea, there's a vast library of other topics. 如果您不喜歡這個主題,我們還有大量其他主題的資料。 New lessons are added every month. 每月都會增加新的課程。 If you want to check out Brilliant, you can get started today. 如果您想了解 Brilliant,今天就可以開始。 Scan this QR code or visit brilliant.org.fern and try it for free for a full 30 days. 掃描此二維碼或訪問 brilliant.org.fern,免費試用 30 天。 You'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription. 您還可以享受年度高級訂閱 8 折優惠。 The link is in the description. 鏈接在說明中。 Tresckow's assassination attempt failed, but he didn't get caught either. 特雷斯科夫的暗殺企圖失敗了,但他也沒有被抓到。 In fact, he was part of a sworn circle of military resistance fighters determined to kill Hitler, and they were far from giving up. 事實上,他是一群誓死要殺死希特勒的軍事抵抗戰士中的一員,而且他們還遠遠沒有放棄。 A key figure in the group was Lieutenant Colonel Klauschenk Graf von Stauffenberg. 克勞琛克-格拉夫-馮-施道芬堡中校是該小組的關鍵人物。 Over the years, he became the head of the military conspiracy. 多年來,他成為了軍事陰謀的首領。 Tresckow and Stauffenberg were close companions, and they were always looking for a new opportunity to eliminate the Führer. 特雷斯科夫和施道芬堡是親密的夥伴,他們一直在尋找消滅元首的新機會。 They didn't have to wait for long. 他們沒有等太久。 Fast forward 9 months. 快進 9 個月。 This is Axel Freiherr von dem Busche. 這位是阿克塞爾-弗萊赫爾-馮-德姆-布什。 He's an officer, almost 2 meters tall, blonde, and has blue eyes. 他是一名軍官,身高近 2 米,金髮碧眼。 He truly embodies the Nazi ideal. 他真正體現了納粹的理想。 This appearance is supposed to provide him with the perfect opportunity to kill Hitler. 這次出現應該是為他提供了殺死希特勒的絕佳機會。 Von dem Busche and a group of other soldiers are to present the new Wehrmacht's uniform to Hitler at his headquarters. 馮-德姆-布歇和其他一些阿兵哥將在希特勒的總部向他展示新的國防軍制服。 Von dem Busche plans to use a hidden British hand grenade to blow himself up along with the dictator. Von dem Busche 計劃用一枚隱藏的英國手榴彈將自己和獨裁者一起炸死。 But then in Berlin, a railroad wagon is destroyed by an Allied bomb. 但是,在柏林,一輛鐵路貨車被盟軍的炸彈炸燬。 It contained the new uniforms. 裡面有新的制服。 No uniforms, no presentation. 沒有制服,沒有介紹。 The meeting is postponed. 會議延後。 By then, von dem Busche isn't an option anymore. 到那時,von dem Busche 就不再是一個選擇了。 Just one month earlier, he was seriously wounded. 就在一個月前,他受了重傷。 One of his legs had to be amputated. 他的一條腿不得不截肢。 Instead, Stauffenberg now wants the 21-year-old lieutenant Ewald Heinrich von Kleist to trade his life for Hitler's death. 相反,施道芬堡現在希望 21 歲的埃瓦爾德-海因裡希-馮-克萊斯特中尉用自己的生命換取希特勒的死亡。 The young lieutenant takes his time to think about it and agrees. 年輕的中尉慢慢想了想,同意了。 Von Kleist is ready to do the job and prepares. 馮-克萊斯特已經做好了準備。 But Hitler cancels the appointment on short notice. 但希特勒臨時取消了約會。 On July 7th, 1944, the presentation of the new Wehrmacht uniforms finally takes place at a castle near Salzburg. 1944 年 7 月 7 日,德國國防軍的新制服終於在薩爾茨堡附近的一座城堡裡亮相。 This time, Major General Helmut Stief is chosen as the assassin. 這一次,赫爾穆特-斯蒂夫少將被選為刺客。 He too is part of the resistance group. 他也是抵抗組織的一員。 The odds of success are extremely high. 成功的機率極高。 An explosion at that distance is nearly unsurvivable. 在這個距離上發生爆炸幾乎是不可能的。 It's the perfect opportunity. 這是一個絕佳的機會。 Then at the last minute, Stief hesitates and backs out. 但在最後一刻,斯蒂夫猶豫了,他退縮了。 Sure he wants to see Hitler dead, but he isn't willing to sacrifice his life for it. 他當然想看到希特勒死,但他不願意為此犧牲自己的生命。 But the group around Stauffenberg doesn't give up. 但施道芬堡周圍的團隊並沒有放棄。 They plan a new attack. 他們計劃發動新的襲擊。 This time, Stauffenberg wants to do it himself. 這一次,施道芬堡想親自動手。 He aims not only to kill Hitler, but also to bring down the entire Nazi regime in one coordinated strike. 他的目標不僅是殺死希特勒,還要在一次協調打擊中摧毀整個納粹政權。 In the early morning of July 20th, 1944, Stauffenberg and 1st Lieutenant Werner von Heften fly from 1944 年 7 月 20 日清晨,施道芬堡和維爾納-馮-赫夫頓(Werner von Heften)少尉從 Berlin to the Führer's headquarters. 柏林元首總部。 Stauffenberg is to report on the Eastern Front at a meeting with Hitler. 施道芬堡將在與希特勒的會議上報告東線戰況。 It presents the perfect opportunity for Stauffenberg. 這為施道芬堡提供了絕佳的機會。 He plans to arm two bombs in his briefcase, place it near Hitler during the meeting and leave the room before the bombs go off. 他計劃在公文包裡裝上兩枚炸彈,在會議期間放在希特勒附近,然後在炸彈爆炸前離開房間。 Then he plans to fly back to Berlin, where he and other resistance fighters plan to take over power after Hitler's death. 然後,他計劃飛回柏林,與其他抵抗戰士一起計劃在希特勒死後奪取政權。 At the Führer's headquarters, Stauffenberg learns that the time of the meeting has been changed. 在元首總部,施道芬堡得知會議時間已經更改。 Due to a visit of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, it is moved forward by half an hour. 由於意大利獨裁者貝尼託-墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的到訪,時間提前了半小時。 At around 12.15, Stauffenberg pretends to want to change his shirt. 12 時 15 分左右,施道芬堡假裝要換衣服。 Together with Heften, he wants to secretly activate the time fuse for the bomb before the meeting begins. 他想和海夫頓一起,在會議開始前祕密啟動炸彈的定時引信。 But they get interrupted and told to hurry not to be late for the meeting. 但他們被打斷了,並被告知要加快腳步,別遲到了。 Therefore they can only arm one of the two explosives. 是以,他們只能為兩種炸藥中的一種配備武器。 So Stauffenberg doesn't pack the second one and leaves it with Heften. 所以施道芬堡沒有打包第二件,而是留給了赫夫騰。 He then enters the meeting. 隨後,他進入會場。 He puts his briefcase down near his target at the end of the table. 他把公文包放在桌子盡頭的目標附近。 Hitler and the bomb are now separated by only about 1.3 meters. 希特勒和炸彈之間的距離現在只有 1.3 米左右。 Stauffenberg gives his report and then immediately leaves the room, supposedly to make an important phone call. 施道芬堡做完報告後立即離開了房間,據說是去打一個重要電話。 Everything is going according to plan. 一切都在按計劃進行。 A few minutes later, Hitler leans over the table to further discuss war strategy. 幾分鐘後,希特勒趴在桌子上進一步討論戰爭策略。 And the bomb detonates. 炸彈爆炸了 Stauffenberg watches the explosion from 200 meters away and is certain. 施道芬堡在 200 米外目睹了爆炸,並確信無疑。 Hitler is finally dead. 希特勒終於死了。 He flies back to Berlin with Heften to continue Operation Valkyrie. 他與海夫騰一起飛回柏林,繼續瓦爾基里行動。 They plan to blame the SS and the Gestapo for Hitler's death. 他們計劃將希特勒的死歸咎於黨衛軍和蓋世太保。 Then they want to take power and put an end to the Nazi dictatorship. 然後,他們想要奪取政權,結束納粹獨裁統治。 But Operation Valkyrie failed. 但瓦爾基里行動失敗了。 In the meeting room, the pressure wave caused the ceiling to collapse and there is now a gaping hole in the floor where the briefcase once stood. 在會議室裡,壓力波導致天花板坍塌,現在公文包所在的地板上有一個大洞。 The loud explosion ruptured the eardrums of almost everyone present. 巨大的爆炸聲幾乎震破了在場所有人的耳膜。 Four people die, almost all of the others are injured. 四人死亡,其他人幾乎全部受傷。 Only two people got off lightly. 只有兩個人從輕發落。 One of them is Adolf Hitler. 阿道夫-希特勒就是其中之一。 The fact that Hitler leaned over the table during the explosion saved his life. 希特勒在爆炸時俯身趴在桌子上,這才保住了性命。 He was only thrown slightly upwards by the force of the explosion. 他只是被爆炸的力量稍微向上拋了一下。 If Stauffenberg had also placed a second bomb in his briefcase, the explosion probably also would have killed Hitler. 如果施道芬堡還在公文包裡放了第二枚炸彈,爆炸很可能也會炸死希特勒。 With the failed assassination attempt on Hitler, the planned coup to end the Nazi regime also fails only a few hours later. 隨著刺殺希特勒未遂,為結束納粹政權而策劃的政變也在幾小時後失敗。 Stauffenberg and the three other main plotters are shot that very night in the courtyard of the Blenderblock. 當晚,施道芬堡和其他三名主要策劃者在 Blenderblock 的院子裡被槍殺。 Those are the headquarters of the General Army Office and was the heart of military resistance. 那裡是陸軍總司令部,也是軍事抵抗的中心。 Two hundred other co-conspirators also get executed. 另外 200 名同謀也被處決。 It is the last known attempt to assassinate Hitler. 這是已知的最後一次刺殺希特勒的企圖。 On April the 30th, 1945, Hitler committed suicide in the Führerbunker in Berlin. 1945 年 4 月 30 日,希特勒在柏林的元首碉堡自殺身亡。 Why did Hitler survive again and again? 為什麼希特勒一次又一次地活了下來? In old photos and video recordings, we almost always see Hitler walking around alone. 在老照片和錄像中,我們幾乎總能看到希特勒一個人走來走去。 Hitler was part of his image as an invincible, untouchable dictator. 希特勒是他不可戰勝、不可觸碰的獨裁者形象的一部分。 But in reality, Hitler had made many precautions to protect himself. 但實際上,希特勒為保護自己採取了許多預防措施。 He had many highly trained bodyguards. 他有許多訓練有素的保鏢。 A special security service checked all routes and locations meticulously before Hitler arrived. 在希特勒抵達之前,一個專門的安全部門對所有路線和地點進行了細緻的檢查。 His whereabouts were top secret. 他的行蹤是最高機密。 He was always well protected when he traveled by train, car or plane. 他乘坐火車、汽車或飛機旅行時,總是受到很好的保護。 He had his own pilot and cook. 他有自己的飛行員和廚師。 He always had his meals tasted by his personal doctor before he started eating, all to minimize the risk of an assassination. 他總是讓私人醫生品嚐他的飯菜後才開始用餐,這一切都是為了將暗殺的風險降到最低。 Besides these security precautions, Hitler pursued a special tactic. 除了這些安全防範措施,希特勒還採取了一種特殊策略。 He allegedly once said, Das einzige Gegenmittel ist ein unstettes Leben. 據稱他曾說過:Das einzige Gegenmittel ist ein unstettes Leben. Which means, the only antidote is an unsteady life. 這意味著,唯一的解藥就是不穩定的生活。 He often changed his routes, canceled trips at short notice, came earlier to meetings than planned, or left events earlier than expected. 他經常改變路線,臨時取消行程,比計劃提前參加會議,或比預期提前離開活動。 We don't know if and how a successful assassination would have changed Germany's history. 我們不知道成功的暗殺是否以及如何改變德國的歷史。