So, smaller file sizes benefit everyone, and the way that's done is through audio compression, which can be achieved in a variety of ways, with different methods delivering different levels of quality, file size, and cost. When Apple Music was originally released in 2015, Apple only offered songs compressed in their AAC format, which, while not retaining 100% of the original audio data, did deliver better sound quality than Spotify's AugVorbis format.
是以,更小的文件大小對每個人都有利,而實現這一點的方法就是音頻壓縮,它可以通過多種方式實現,不同的方法可以提供不同級別的音質、文件大小和成本。2015 年 Apple Music 發佈之初,蘋果只提供 AAC 格式的壓縮歌曲,雖然不能 100% 保留原始音頻數據,但音質確實優於 Spotify 的 AugVorbis 格式。