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  • Friends and participants in Glasgow, and those who are joining us virtually from around the world.


  • First, I want to extend a warm welcome to you all for your presence at COP26 Taiwan Day.

    首先,我熱烈歡迎各位出席 COP26 臺灣日活動。

  • While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present tremendous challenges to the world, the efforts to tackle the global climate crisis also requires our immediate and joint attention.

    在 COVID-19 大流行病繼續給世界帶來巨大挑戰的同時,應對全球氣候危機的努力也需要我們立即共同關注。

  • In recent decades, the world has faced increasingly grave challenges from extreme weather and climate change.


  • Taiwan, as an integral part of the global community, is looking to play a role and make greater contributions in this important endeavor, so we can leave a better world for our future generations.


  • Therefore, on this critical issue of climate change, Taiwan is determined to join the world in working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

    是以,在氣候變化這一關鍵問題上,臺灣決心與全世界一道,努力實現到 2050 年淨零排放的目標。

  • My Administration has been aggressively implementing an Energy Transition Plan since 2016 and is cultivating an even more aggressive plan to expedite our energy transition towards the net-zero goal.

    自 2016 年以來,我的政府一直在積極實施能源轉型計劃,並正在制定一項更加積極的計劃,以加快我們的能源轉型,實現淨零目標。

  • To demonstrate our commitment, we are also incorporating the target of 2050 net-zero emissions into our domestic law.

    為了表明我們的承諾,我們還將 2050 年淨零排放的目標納入了國內法。

  • Our Government is also engaging the private sector to jointly develop green energy.


  • Our collaboration has helped Taiwan's installed solar power capacity grow 450% over the past five years.

    我們的合作幫助臺灣的太陽能發電裝機容量在過去五年中增長了 450%。

  • And our first offshore wind farm began operation in 2019.

    我們的第一個海上風電場於 2019 年開始運行。

  • Our efforts don't stop here.


  • We aim to do more than just to expedite our own energy transition.


  • Taiwan is also working to become the green energy hub in Asia.


  • We also want to share our experience with neighboring countries to facilitate a more sustainable region.


  • With the international community taking steps towards a zero-carbon economy, I am pleased to see so many experts from government agencies, industry, civil society, and academia gathered here today.


  • This is a wonderful opportunity for us to discuss and exchange views on green energy and green finance with our friends from around the world.


  • Let me take this opportunity to reiterate that Taiwan is willing and capable to work side-by-side with our international partners to achieve our collective goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

    請允許我藉此機會重申,臺灣願意並有能力與我們的國際夥伴並肩努力,實現到 2050 年淨零排放的集體目標。

  • Taiwan regards attaining net-zero and mitigating crises as our collective and generational responsibility.


  • And for this very reason, Taiwan should be included as part of the solutions to address the global climate crisis.


  • No single country can do this alone.


  • Only by being united can we ensure a sustainable environment for future generations.


  • Thank you all again for your participation.


  • I wish you all a productive and fruitful COP26 Taiwan Day.

    祝大家度過一個富有成效的 COP26 臺灣日。

  • Thank you.


Friends and participants in Glasgow, and those who are joining us virtually from around the world.


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