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  • Kobe about a minute 40 away if he can't come back about to be eliminated and why is Kobe about to be eliminated?


  • Well, first of all, he's not on the Lakers because in 2004 he almost left to play for the Clippers So Kobe's going from Shaq to Elton Brand and Corey Maggette and Chris Kamen and his interesting haircut And the reason for Kobe leaving was because of his beef with Shaq But in the simulation the Lakers which Shaq only won 61 or they lost 61 games They won only 21 you could say Shaq was being carried by Kobe and you wouldn't be wrong And while Shaq was sitting from the couch Kobe made it to the finals against the Sixers and they're now up against AI in Philly It's 2004 So this would be the second time Kobe's up against AI game number one to the Clips game number two to the Clips and Kobe Is just absolutely frying Shaq.

    首先科比從沙克變成了埃爾頓-布蘭德、科裡-馬蓋蒂、克里斯-卡門 還有他那有趣的髮型 科比離開的原因是他和沙克有過節 但在模擬比賽中,湖人隊和沙克只贏了61場或者輸了61場 他們只贏了21場你可以說沙克是被科比扛著走的 你不會看錯 當沙克坐在沙發上時 科比打進了對陣六人隊的總決賽 他們現在在費城對陣人工智能 2004年 這將是科比第二次對陣人工智能 第一場對陣快船隊 第二場對陣快船隊

  • I could not I'm actually completely shocked at how well this one But it wouldn't always be this easy, especially for the second team in the simulation, but that's for later We're now on to season two of three with the goal of getting Kobe a three-peat But that goal was in danger Kobe was down three to one to the Houston Rockets and TMAC Who he's literally said before was the hardest person for him to guard.

    但這並不總是那麼容易,尤其是對於模擬的第二支球隊來說,但那是以後的事了 我們現在進入了三季的第二季,目標是讓科比實現三連冠,但這一目標岌岌可危,科比以三比一落後於休斯頓火箭隊和 TMAC,而 TMAC 之前真的說過這是他最難防守的人。

  • Kobe's down three to one the Clippers with the early lead Can they hold on can they force a game number six?


  • Well right now they're blowing them out of the water So probably yeah Oh and Kobe with the nice bounce back 47-7-11 the question is can Kobe force a game seven and it looks like he probably will unless they fooled in the last two Minutes of the game and with that Kobe would be going to game seven and let's just say he wouldn't be looking back It looks like he's going to the NBA finals because they blew the Rockets out of the water 144 points in 2006 insane and Kobe with 53 5 and 8 21 of 27 just an Unbelievable closeout stat line and once again, we have a rematch between him and AI in the finals.

    現在他們把他們打得落花流水,所以很可能是的 哦,科比以47-7- 漂亮反彈。問題是科比能不能打到第七場 看起來他很有可能打到第七場 除非他們在比賽的最後兩分鐘耍了花招 科比會打到第七場比賽 而且他不會再回頭了他和人工智能將在總決賽中再次交手

  • Oh my god, bro What's going on?


  • Allen Iverson?


  • I don't you know TMAC was you know, the Rockets are a better team I don't know who's in the East Philly's not even a competition on to season number three Kobe wouldn't actually win the MVP Oh, but Kobe won defensive.


  • Okay, so he's not going home empty-handed and with a three-peat on the line Kobe went down three to two in the first round as the higher seed Shawn Livingston with the ball They're setting it up to throw it down to Kobe in the post and that's Tayshaun Prince guarding him one of the best defenders Of this generation and he blocks Kobe.


  • They throw it back down in the post to pow again pow Okay Could have probably taken the fadeaway had Tayshaun Prince wide open on the cut and he misses the shot Clippers still with the chance Shawn Livingston with the ball throws it down to Kobe when in doubt pass it to Kobe and he's Fouled Kobe about a minute 40 away if he can't come back about to be eliminated They throw it down to Gasol though Gasol answers Chris Kamen man the hair the defense a lot of it's questionable right now Kobe with the ball Kobe trying to respond pulls up for three wide open and he misses it Clippers decide to foul Reggie Miller At the line.

    他們又把球扔給了後場的波普 好吧,如果泰夏安-普林斯在空切時處於空位,他很可能會投籃不中 快船仍然有機會 肖恩-利文斯頓持球把球扔給了科比,當有疑問時把球傳給科比,他犯規了 科比大約還有1分鐘時間40 away if he can't come back about to be eliminated They throw it down to Gasol though Gasol answers Chris Kamen man the hair the defense a lot of it's ques

  • I don't know how old he's supposed to be that doesn't look like him But yeah, I don't know how old he's supposed to be at this point, but he makes both free throws man It's not looking good.


  • They throw it into Shawn Livingston Kobe's in the paint I'm assuming yes, they throw it down to him Kobe and he's blocked by Tayshaun Prince and I don't think the Clippers are fouling I think they've accepted defeat.


  • I mean they get the ball back unless they score I mean, hey Kobe with the shot.


  • He misses it and that's officially it Memphis Grizzlies are going to the NBA Finals We're not no way It's the first round but let's just say none of this happened and Kobe stay with the Lakers or at least until 2007 where he requested a trade once again with the team at the top of his list being the Bulls Yeah, so he specifically wanted to play with Luau Dang, which obviously is good But the rest of the team is kind of lacking to say the least and then you look at the trade package for him like Kirk Heinrich and Gordon Joakim Noah Like these are all really solid players that you know Obviously could have helped out Kobe and it showed because come playoff time even though the Bulls were in the conference finals I still wasn't very confident and I'm kind of scared to like check the team Steve Nash Chris Bosh.

    他失誤了,孟菲斯灰熊隊正式進入 NBA 總決賽,我們不是沒有辦法,這是第一輪,但讓我們只說這一切都沒有發生,科比留在湖人隊,或者至少直到 2007 年,他再次要求交易,他的名單上最重要的球隊是公牛隊、這顯然是件好事,但球隊的其他球員至少可以說是乏善可陳,然後你再看看他的交易方案,比如科克-海因裡希和戈登-喬金-諾阿,這些都是非常可靠的球員,你知道 顯然可以幫助科比,而這也顯示了這一點,因為到了季後賽的時候,即使公牛隊進入了總決賽,我仍然不是很有信心,我有點害怕去看看史蒂夫-納什-克里斯-波什這支球隊。

  • When did he get there?


  • We're just not gonna ask questions We're just gonna leave it to the 2k sim if 2k thinks Chris Bosh and Steve Nash would be a good duo Well, I mean first of all, they would be right seen a lot of blowouts for some reason in the simulations I don't know why but right now we're going to a very important game 5 if you don't pass it to Kobe, bro Where's Kobe?


  • Kobe's not on the floor.


  • Did he foul out?


  • Kobe's literally fouled out.


  • What do the Bulls have in store?


  • What are they cooking Larry Hughes with the screen?


  • They're probably you know, extremely out of their element drew good in with the double team and he does not see yo, he's blind Yo, somebody's open at the three-point line.


  • He finally hits him and he decides not to shoot.


  • Oh, but now okay So he waits until he's contested.


  • This is a team by the way that Kobe's working with So if they lose now, we know Luau Dang wide open for three Okay bulls down three to two have an early lead but they could very well after what we saw in that last possession I'm honestly surprised they made it this far pass it to Kobe.


  • Please pass it.


  • Oh my god It only took you like 10 seconds Kobe with a jab step to pull up mid-range.

    哦,我的天哪,你只用了 10 秒鐘,科比就用刺步拉到了中距離。

  • It's good.


  • They're running a play for Kobe He's wide open the most wide open shot He'll get the whole simulation and he makes they throw it down to Chris Bosh and drew good is playing the worst defense I've ever seen and I really wasn't kidding drew good and can't stop me in the pain Yeah, I don't know what he's doing Chris Bosh looks like Hakeem right now setting up for Kobe on the ISO on the post up and they throw it down to him In the post they don't send a double he fades away and he makes it He is taking over this game Kobe with the ball Kobe with the spin Kobe driving in who's guarding him, bro You are getting high and it seems like the Bulls have all the momentum So if they win this game, they might win game seven He's pretty much guaranteed to make both free throws and he does and the Chicago Bulls should be All right pistons with the second half lead and right now they're up 17 What happened to all the momentum the Bulls had earlier?


  • They're literally oh, they're getting cooked and that's it the Bulls They've been eliminated.


  • The Pistons would then win the championship and right now Kobe's trade request is backfiring How are we five and nine?


  • How are we somebody?


  • Yo, everything's automated the GM They drafted Mario Chalmers or traded for him or something.


  • I don't know.


  • Maybe I Don't know.


  • I don't know why we're not playing.


  • Well Byron Scott the head coach.


  • Okay.


  • Well Laker fans don't like Byron Scott I think there's only one thing we could do right now.


  • We'll see you later But that still wasn't enough looks like the Bulls missed the playoffs Entirely Denver's won the championship mellow with the finals MVP And we're now entering season number three with Kobe on the Bulls still with no championship And once again, they would miss the playoffs I even simulated one more season just to see what would happen and the Lakers won the championship without Kobe.

    我們稍後再見,但這仍然不夠,看起來公牛隊完全錯過了季後賽 丹佛隊以總決賽 MVP 的身份贏得了總冠軍,我們現在進入了有科比的第三賽季,公牛隊仍然沒有獲得總冠軍,他們又一次錯過了季後賽 我甚至還模擬了一個賽季,看看會發生什麼,結果湖人隊在沒有科比的情況下贏得了總冠軍。

  • Oh my god, bro No, I don't understand.

    天哪,兄弟 不,我不明白。

  • Thank God Kobe didn't get traded in real life But let's just say he did and instead of going to the Bulls He got traded to the Mavs and paired up with Dirk The Mavs are the second seed up against Houston again and Houston still with that Terrifying team and the terrifying duo of T Mac and Ty Lou.

    感謝上帝,科比在現實生活中沒有被交易,但假設他真的被交易了,他沒有去公牛隊,而是被交易到了水牛隊,與德克搭檔,水牛隊再次以第二種子的身份對陣休斯頓隊,休斯頓隊仍然擁有那支恐怖的球隊,以及T Mac和Ty Lou這對恐怖的組合。

  • We're just gonna simulate the round though.


  • Come on You're the higher seed.


  • You're the higher seed man.


  • How does this keep happening?


  • How are they losing man?


  • Like it's Kobe It's Dirk Dirk's Lily a better player.


  • Look the Rockets wound up winning.


  • Anyways, how did this happen?


  • They were the seventh seed Dirk's like a better like like I mean, yeah, he's better than pow How did they lose man and the second of two seasons actually started off pretty well some reason I don't trust it and my Instincts were right the team really struggled in February and they weren't really able to recover bro.

    他們是七號種子隊,德克就像一個更好的,就像我的意思是,是的,他比POW更好 他們是怎麼輸掉的人,兩個賽季的第二個賽季實際上開始得很好一些原因,我不相信它和我的直覺是正確的,球隊真的掙扎在二月,他們並沒有真正能夠恢復兄弟。

  • How are they the sixth seed?


  • How did they get worse bro?


  • It's literally like the same.


  • Come on, bro Like I know maybe the bench is bad, but that's like I don't know.


  • What am I gonna do about it?


  • We got Ty Lou.


  • We literally have a 99 and a 96 and I would assume we're probably going to lose in the first round No, we actually I don't I don't we won at this point.

    我們有一個 99 分和一個 96 分,我想我們可能會在第一輪就輸掉比賽。

  • I thought the team had turned a corner They were now up against Tim Duncan in the second round and they lost in seven games Oh my god, and the Rockets are about to win another championship T Mac has like three chips Kobe hasn't won one since you know He was on like the Clippers and that was like a whole alternate reality at this point Kobe was frustrated He spent even more time in the gym even more hours.


  • He was more determined than ever to win a championship, bro Wait, they started off.

    他比以往任何時候都更有決心贏得冠軍,兄弟 等等,他們開始了。

  • Yo, what is this win streak?


  • Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, stop it Stop it.

  • Did they sign somebody?


  • It's like the same team as last season I don't know what's going on, but I'm not complaining but I still don't trust it But despite my skepticism the Mavs were the first seed and I took a leap of faith I decided to simulate the first couple of rounds.


  • I don't know.


  • Where was this?


  • Where was this like five minutes ago?


  • I don't even know how long ago was how are they winning now?


  • How where was this the first two seasons and now they've made it to the finals and the Hawks for the final season They have Chris Paul and Blake, which is very interesting and we take game number one number two and potentially number three No, the Hawks take number three But Kobe would bounce back the Mavs are going up three to one officially and they would have the chance to win the championship On their home court, but late in the fourth quarter, they were still down It was time for Kobe to take over Kobe's going off Kobe is winning this one right now Chris Paul with a ball to spin move blocked.

    前兩個賽季的情況如何,現在他們打進了總決賽,最後一個賽季的對手是老鷹隊,他們有克里斯-保羅和布雷克,這非常有趣,我們拿下了第一場比賽,第二場比賽,還有可能拿下第三場比賽、老鷹隊拿下第三場 但科比會反彈 水牛隊以三比一正式領先 他們有機會在主場贏得總冠軍 但在第四節末段,他們仍然落後 是時候讓科比接管比賽了 科比要走了,科比現在贏了這場比賽 克里斯-保羅帶球旋轉的動作被擋住了

  • Okay, it looked like it was blocked by J kid I don't know what that was Kobe apparently right now Well, not apparently he does have 46 points.

    好吧,看起來好像是被J小子擋住了,我不知道那是什麼,科比現在很明顯 嗯,不明顯,他確實得到了46分。

  • They throw it down to Dirk in the post Dirk with the fadeaway the shimmy Okay, he didn't do up, you know the one-legged shot But he hits the hook shot and now they're only down to CP 3 at the top of the key to Tim Thomas pick and roll With Robin Lopez, they pass it over to Chris Paul's wide open Jason kid with the light defense and he misses it CP 0 is in full effect Toby with the ball with Robin Lopez on him.

    他們把球扔給了後場的德克,德克接球后虛晃一槍,好吧,他沒做起來,你知道單腳投籃,但他勾手命中,現在他們只剩 CP 3 了,在關鍵時刻,蒂姆-托馬斯接球后和羅賓-洛佩茲一起,他們把球傳給了克里斯-保羅的空位傑森-小子,他防守很輕,但他沒投進 CP 0 正發揮著巨大的作用,託比持球,羅賓-洛佩茲盯防他。

  • That is the most obvious bucket I've ever seen and he makes it and it's a tie game Chris Paul with the ball Chris Paul with a wide open 3 He misses it so badly it flies off of the screen 25 with the ball passes it down low to Jason kid So the big three we might see a bucket from all three Chris Paul gets cooked and Jason kid and his disgusting free throw form He makes it and the Dallas Mavericks have stormed all the way back in the final minutes of the game Chris Paul all the way Dirk with the defense Dirk with the stop But he doesn't get the rebound blocked by Jason kid who just stood there didn't even jump but Chris Paul makes it and it's a one Point game.

    這是我見過的最明顯的扣籃 他投進了,雙方打成平手 克里斯-保羅持球 克里斯-保羅投出空位三分 他嚴重失誤,球從螢幕上飛了出去 25號球員持球,將球傳給低位的傑森-基德 所以我們可能會看到三巨頭的扣籃 克里斯-保羅被煮熟了 傑森-基德和他噁心的罰球姿勢他的罰球姿勢令人作嘔 他罰進了 達拉斯小牛隊在比賽最後幾分鐘一路反超 克里斯-保羅一路打德克防守 德克停球 但他沒有搶到籃板 傑森-基德封蓋了他的籃板 他只是站在那裡甚至沒有起跳 但克里斯-保羅罰進了比賽只剩一分

  • I like it I like the back-and-forth action Kobe with the ball Kobe driving in with the spin move half spin wide open still can shoot it I'm running out of breath.


  • He made it respond the ISO.


  • Why is he I swing up Jason kid?


  • I have no idea but he spins in and he missed the layup again Chris Paul He's allergic to winning a championship Jason kid misses that 45 seconds left Chris Paul with the ball Chris Paul a very important possession wide Open where he's trying to get wide open He takes a terrible shot with 15 seconds left Dirk with the rebound over to Kobe you pass it to J kid who's doing a Random spin move.


  • I am assuming Jason kid.


  • Nope.


  • He's not going to pass it to Dirk.


  • He goes all the way So, I don't know what he's doing There's 19 seconds left Dallas could win it with a stop Kobe with the block Kobe Unbelievable with the defensive stop perfect timing and Kobe has 50 points, but he's not showing the free throw I don't know who is Dallas up 514 seconds left.


  • Chris Paul is cold.


  • Do not pass it to Chris Paul That's probably a better shot than he missed it terribly.

    不要把球傳給克里斯-保羅 這可能是比他失誤更糟糕的投籃。

  • But honestly, you know Chris Paul sold so badly and That would do it the Dallas Mavs would win the championship Dirk and Kobe with the ring The Atlanta bench is in shambles Chris Paul Definitely in shambles after what we just saw and Kobe, of course with the finals MVP raising the trophy But by the way, have you noticed a Steph Funko pop right on top of my old TV that I don't use anymore Well, if you're wondering why it's there, I'm have the video up in the middle of the screen It was very interesting to say the least

    但老實說,你知道克里斯-保羅賣得太差了,這樣做達拉斯小牛隊會贏得總冠軍,德克和科比帶著戒指,亞特蘭大的替補席一塌糊塗,克里斯-保羅肯定一塌糊塗,因為我們剛剛看到了科比、順便說一句,你們有沒有注意到,在我那臺已經不用的舊電視機上,放著一個斯蒂芬的Funko Pop? 如果你們想知道為什麼會有它,我在螢幕中間放了一段視頻,可以說非常有趣。

Kobe about a minute 40 away if he can't come back about to be eliminated and why is Kobe about to be eliminated?


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