字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, world. In Japan's former capital city, Kyoto, these are the homes that, for a time, most lived in. 你好,世界。在日本的前首都京都,這些房子曾一度是大多數人居住的地方。 Kyo-machiyas. Kyo-machiyas. What does the word kyo-machiya mean? Kyo-machiya 是什麼意思? It's a blend of Kyoto and machiya. Kyoto, the city, and machiya, meaning townhouse. 它是京都和町屋的混合體。京都(Kyoto)指城市,町屋(Machiya)指町屋。 There are actually a ton of different types of dwellings that fall under the kyo-machiya categorization. 實際上,有很多不同類型的住宅都屬於京町屋的範疇。 But in general, they have to be built before the 1950s because of a building standards law that came into place at that time, and the wooden homes need to be put together without nails. 但一般來說,這些房屋必須是在 20 世紀 50 年代之前建造的,因為當時出臺了一項建築標準法,木製房屋需要在沒有釘子的情況下組裝起來。 So the question I feel this video needs to answer is what's so special about kyo-machiyas, and why live in an old Japanese townhouse? 是以,我認為這段視頻需要回答的問題是:京町屋有什麼特別之處,為什麼要住在古老的日本町屋中? Because, I mean, if you're like me, you might have heard that old Japanese homes are poorly built with no insulation. 因為,我的意思是,如果你和我一樣,可能聽說過日本的老房子都是劣質建築,沒有隔熱材料。 You can hear your neighbors, they're cold in the winter, and they're tough to maintain. 你能聽到鄰居的聲音,冬天很冷,而且很難維護。 And what about earthquakes? 那麼地震呢? Isn't there a reason for that building standards law, and isn't it a good thing that these old places are getting replaced by modern buildings? 建築標準法的出臺難道不是有原因的嗎,這些老房子被現代建築所取代難道不是一件好事嗎? To answer those questions, I visited four different families, as well as stayed in a guest house, and even saw a vacant traditional kyo-machiya. 為了回答這些問題,我走訪了四個不同的家庭,還住進了一家招待所,甚至看到了空置的傳統京町屋。 So this is our house. 這就是我們的家。 Yeah, I'm Richard. 我是理查德 I'm Masami. 我叫雅美 And while they lived many years overseas, from Africa to the Philippines, they are Canadian and Japanese. 雖然他們在海外生活多年,從非洲到菲律賓,但他們是加拿大人和日本人。 Sorry, I'm Bryn, and I'm originally from Canada, and as soon as I saw the photos online, I just thought, yeah, this looks absolutely perfect. 對不起,我叫布林,來自加拿大,一看到網上的照片,我就想,是啊,這看起來絕對完美。 My name is Cecilia Ramirez, and I'm from Mexico, for a period of maybe two years. 我叫塞西莉亞-拉米雷斯(Cecilia Ramirez),來自墨西哥,大概有兩年的時間。 She searched and finally found the kyo-machiya that she wanted to renovate. 她四處尋找,終於找到了她想要翻新的京町屋。 She'll also be... 她還將... Building everything with the use of natural materials. 使用天然材料建造一切。 I'm Vincent, and I'm French. 我叫文森特,是法國人。 Hi, I'm Ayu. I'm Indonesian. 你好,我叫阿尤。我是印度尼西亞人。 We wanted to live the Kyoto experience and to be in a traditional house, but at the same time, we wanted something quite comfortable, because we are living with two kids of three and six years old. 我們想體驗京都的生活,想住在傳統的房子裡,但同時也想住得舒適一些,因為我們有兩個 3 歲和 6 歲的孩子。 The fact that it's a beautifully made wood house, I think, was one of the key attractions. 我認為,這是一座製作精美的木屋,這也是吸引人的關鍵因素之一。 So these are the yoshidos. 這些就是 "義士"。 It's a traditional sliding partition door. 這是一扇傳統的滑動隔斷門。 The idea behind that was, particularly in the hot summers, it lets wind blow throughout the house while giving each of the rooms privacy. 這樣做的目的是,特別是在炎熱的夏天,既能讓風吹滿整個房子,又能讓每個房間都能保持私密性。 These are actually the flowers from the thousand-yen note, which is a trademark of the maker. 這些實際上是千元紙幣上的花朵,是製造商的商標。 But we also asked him to make these. This is a heron, and this is actually my family crest. 但我們也請他做了這些。這是一隻蒼鷺,這其實是我的家徽。 For this week, we keep it very minimalist. We keep it in the traditional Japanese bedroom sense. 本週,我們將保持非常簡約的風格。我們保持傳統的日式臥室風格。 So we just have the tatami mats. We store the futons every day in the cupboard. 所以我們只有榻榻米。我們每天都把被褥放在櫥櫃裡。 Dumped it there. 就扔在那兒了。 Okay, yeah. 好吧 So probably not done the traditional Japanese way. 所以可能不是按照傳統的日本方式進行的。 But that seems about right. 但這似乎也差不多。 What we really like about the upstairs here is the height of the ceilings. 我們最喜歡的是樓上的天花板高度。 So you can see these are the original beams from the house. 是以,你可以看到這些都是房子的原始橫樑。 This is supposed to be my pottery studio, but because of tatami, it's kind of difficult right now. 這裡本應是我的陶藝工作室,但因為榻榻米的緣故,現在有點困難。 This we can move around. 這個我們可以隨意移動。 See? 看到了嗎? Then I can extend this one to over there. 那我就可以把這個延伸到那邊。 So something dirty things I can drop to the front. 所以一些髒東西我可以扔到前面去。 So this is the tsuboni wa. 這就是tsuboni wa。 Traditionally in a machiya, this would be in the center of the house. 在傳統的町屋中,它位於房屋的中央。 You have a long house and it would be in the center. 你的房子很長,它會在中間。 And the reason they had them, they have an open area and would actually let light into the house. 他們之所以有這樣的設計,是因為它們有一個開放的區域,可以讓光線進入室內。 This one is actually one of my bonsai. 這個其實是我的一個盆景。 So this comes from my efforts with the bonsai group. 這是我在盆景小組的努力成果。 I cannot play. 我不會玩。 This one belonged to my grandmother who was from Kyoto originally. 這個是我祖母的,她原籍京都。 And then probably this is about 100 years old. 大概有 100 年的歷史了。 Modern homes, they're beautiful, they're functional. 現代住宅,美觀實用。 But they don't really reflect the culture of the people who live in them. 但它們並不能真正反映居住在其中的人們的文化。 Whereas machiya, I think, really reflects the culture. 我認為,"町屋 "真正反映了當地的文化。 Yeah, so there's three machiya here. 是的,這裡有三個町屋。 The guys beside me is a guest house and then it's a family next door. 我旁邊的房子是招待所,隔壁是一戶人家。 And then there are some businesses across the street and some families as well. 街對面還有一些企業和家庭。 Just looking at it, it feels like a modern way of finding any Japanese home. 光是看著它,就覺得它是尋找任何一個日本家庭的現代方式。 Exactly. 沒錯。 Every once in a while, I kind of go, oh yeah, that's right. 每隔一段時間,我就會想,哦,對,就是這樣。 There's a whole world out there. 外面的世界很精彩 Yeah, that's really cool. 是啊,這真的很酷。 I like that. 我喜歡這樣。 So the stairs are pretty steep. 所以樓梯很陡。 They're steep, but I don't think that's really unusual for a machiya. 它們很陡峭,但我認為這對町屋來說並不稀奇。 And this is the laundry. 這就是洗衣房。 The temple, they're really nice. 寺廟,他們真的很好。 And this belongs to the temple as well. 這也屬於神廟。 And then this is my daughter's room and it's probably not that clean. 這是我女兒的房間,可能沒那麼幹淨。 Yeah. 是啊 And this is just looking down at the kitchen from upstairs. 這是從樓上俯瞰廚房。 Natural beauty of machiya, I absolutely love. 町家的自然美,我絕對喜歡。 The alternates in Kyoto for me are just so, so unappealing. 對我來說,京都的替代品實在是太不討人喜歡了。 They're just really, really horrible kind of cookie cutter homes that kind of emulate 它們只是非常、非常可怕的餅乾切割房,有點像 Western style in a way. 在某種程度上是西方風格。 And they're just absolutely devoid of soul. 他們完全沒有靈魂。 I know what he's talking about. 我知道他在說什麼。 My house. 我的房子 Yep. 是的。 Bought it three years ago and it's completely cookie cutter. 三年前買的,完全是曲奇餅乾。 And nope, I wouldn't describe it as beautiful. 不,我不會用美麗來形容它。 Although I do find it very practical for my family's needs. 儘管我覺得它對我的家庭需求來說非常實用。 So this is our bathroom. 這就是我們的浴室。 And yeah, as you know, we have Japanese toilet, you know. 是的,你也知道,我們有日本廁所。 Please come here. 請到這裡來。 This is my favorite place. 這是我最喜歡的地方。 You know, it's the bath time. 你知道,現在是洗澡時間。 And in the same time, you can see the beautiful garden. 同時,您還可以看到美麗的花園。 As we love to cook, it's important for us also to have a big kitchen. 因為我們喜歡烹飪,所以擁有一個大廚房對我們來說也很重要。 So we decided to put the kids upstairs. 所以我們決定把孩子們安置在樓上。 This looks really, really fun place. 這個地方看起來非常非常有趣。 We enjoy the fact of being just near the river. 我們很喜歡這裡靠近河流的環境。 Let's go to Kamogawa. 我們去鴨川吧 This is the neighbor's wall. 這是鄰居家的牆。 That's the neighbor's wall? 那是鄰居家的牆? Yeah. 是啊 So this is the back of the wall of earthen wall. 這就是土牆的背面。 Okay. 好的 And here, of course, it needs to be repaired. 當然,這裡也需要修復。 Okay. 好的 And so when you renovate it, you keep it the same style? 那麼在翻新時,你會保持相同的風格嗎? Like earthen walls? 比如土牆? Yes. 是的。 The walls are composed of a straw and mud mixture, both which used to come from rice fields. 牆壁由稻草和泥土混合物組成,這兩種材料以前都來自稻田。 That's bamboo. 那是竹子。 Yes. 是的。 It's the base for putting the first layer of soil. 這是鋪設第一層土壤的基礎。 So the first three layers are quite rough. 是以,前三層是相當粗糙的。 And then the last layers will be the finish. 最後幾層是收尾。 And this is what I really like about these old places. 這就是我喜歡這些古老地方的原因。 You can see the history. 你可以看到歷史。 Since Cecilia was so passionate about Keomachias, I asked what she most liked about them. 既然塞西莉亞對 Keomachias 如此熱愛,我便問她最喜歡 Keomachias 的什麼。 Everything, the materials, how it's built, also the part of the conservation. 所有的一切,包括材料、建造方式,還有保護的部分。 Because it's not just conservation of architecture, but it's also conservation of the urbanism of Kyoto and wood structures, just everything. 因為這不僅是對建築的保護,也是對京都城市化和木結構等一切的保護。 Okay. 好的 So let's have a rundown of a basic Keomachia. 讓我們來了解一下基本的 Keomachia。 First off, they're often called unagi no neruko, or eel beds. 首先,它們通常被稱為 unagi no neruko(鰻魚床)。 There are two popular theories as to how the name came about. 關於這個名字的由來,有兩種流行的說法。 One theory states that as taxes were determined by the width of the building's entrance, the portion of the building that faced the street became narrower and the building's length increased. 有一種理論認為,由於稅收是由建築物入口的寬度決定的,是以建築物面向街道的部分變得越來越窄,建築物的長度也隨之增加。 Another theory posits that land plots were divided up into smaller units to bring in as many merchants as possible to help make the city thrive. 另一種理論認為,將地塊劃分為較小的組織、部門,是為了吸引儘可能多的商人來幫助城市繁榮發展。 So the front part is called mise no ma, or shop space. 是以,前面的部分被稱為 "mise no ma",即店鋪空間。 It's where craftsmen might put together kimonos, like in Cecilia's place, or sell goods, like at her neighbor's place. 在這裡,工匠們可能會組裝和服,比如在塞西莉亞家,或者出售商品,比如在她鄰居家。 A really friendly guy, by the way. 順便說一句,他是個非常友好的人。 So they often had dual purposes, long before live-work condos were all the rage. 是以,早在住人公寓風行之前,這些公寓往往具有雙重用途。 Along the whole side of the building would be the tori niwa, which is an earthen floor corridor. 沿著建築的整個側面是土層走廊(tori niwa)。 This is also where the okudo-san, the kitchen, was located. 這裡也是廚房(okudo-san)的所在地。 And this is what the traditional cooking equipment looked like. 這就是傳統烹飪設備的樣子。 Because it was earthen floors, footwear would be worn in this area. 由於是土質地面,在這一區域需要穿鞋。 If you looked up, you'd notice a double-height ceiling called the hibukuro. 如果您抬頭仰望,就會發現一個雙層高的天花板,稱為 "日布黑"。 This space acted both as a chimney for the smoke from cooking and as a skylight. 這個空間既是煙囪,用來排放烹飪產生的煙霧,也是天窗。 Behind the shop space, there would be the kyoshitsubu, or the living space. 在店鋪空間的後面,則是 Kyoshitsubu(即生活空間)。 That's where you could host guests or simply eat your meals. 您可以在這裡接待客人,也可以在這裡用餐。 At the end of the house would be the engawa. 房子的盡頭是恩加瓦。 This is the wooden veranda, and to me, it's very iconically Japanese. 這是木製長廊,對我來說,它是日本的標誌性建築。 It'll feature a double set of sliding doors. 它將採用雙套滑動門。 Based on the weather and the desired amount of wind or light you wanted, you could open and close them to transform the room. 根據天氣和所需的風力或光照,您可以打開或關閉它們來改變房間。 There's even these cute little ones above. 上面還有這些可愛的小傢伙。 An engawa will have a little courtyard garden called subo niwa. 恩加瓦會有一個小庭院花園,叫作 "subo niwa"。 Many kyo-machiya are right on the street, so gardens out front were rare. 許多京町家都臨街而建,是以門前的花園很少見。 So in the back, this is where you could have some greenery and let some light in. 是以,在後面,你可以擺放一些綠色植物,讓光線照射進來。 In quite a few of these house designs I've seen, this is also where you'd have your bath. 在我見過的很多房屋設計中,這裡也是你洗澡的地方。 If you go up the stairs to the second floor, you might notice a hakokaidan, which literally means box stairs. 如果您沿著樓梯上到二樓,您可能會發現一個 "盒子樓梯"。 With the lack of space, it's a practical way of putting in extra storage. 在空間不足的情況下,這是一種實用的額外儲物方式。 At the top is generally where sleeping quarters would be. 頂部一般是睡覺的地方。 Tatami rooms with closets where you could store your futons, which you'd put out at night to sleep in. 榻榻米房間裡有壁櫥,可以存放被褥,晚上可以把被褥放出來睡覺。 While a new kyo-machiya can be built from scratch, due to time, money and scale restraints, it is rarely done. 雖然可以從零開始建造一個新的京町屋,但由於時間、資金和規模的限制,很少有人這樣做。 As a result, their numbers are decreasing at a worrying rate. 是以,它們的數量正在以令人擔憂的速度減少。 Roughly two or three kyo-machiya is being demolished each day. 每天大約有兩三個京町屋被拆除。 With a current stock of around 40,000, that means by 2050, there'll be very few left. 目前的存量約為 40,000 個,這意味著到 2050 年將所剩無幾。 So that's one of a very big kind of mission that we wanted to accomplish, to preserve as much as we can. 是以,這也是我們想要完成的一項重大使命,即儘可能多地保護文物。 Increasingly, people are coming together to keep these historical buildings, as well as being creative with the spaces. 越來越多的人聚集在一起,共同保護這些歷史建築,並對這些空間進行創造性利用。 For example, the four families I visited purchased or rented their homes through Hachisei, ensuring they're preserved. 例如,我訪問的四個家庭都是通過 Hachisei 購買或租賃的房屋,以確保房屋得到保護。 Other uses for kyo-machiya include guesthouses, shops and restaurants, just to name a few. 京町屋的其他用途還包括飯店、商店和餐館等。 Hachisei is a 64-year-old real estate agency, mainly deal with kyo-machiya. Hachisei 是一家擁有 64 年曆史的房地產中介公司,主要經營京町屋。