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  • Man! The government really has to get spending under control.


  • How can you be concerned about something like government spending when rich fat cats like Jeff Bezos get to have $159 billion while the rest of us starve?

    當像 Jeff Beaos 這樣的大亨擁有 1,590 億美元、我們其他人都在捱餓時,你怎麼還能關心政府開銷這樣的問題呢?

  • If anything, we need the government to confiscate their wealth and spread it around.


  • - Actually, ... - Ah...

    - 其實⋯⋯ - 啊⋯⋯

  • - ... that might be a little bit short-sighted, Bob. - How so?

    - ⋯⋯那可能是有點短淺的目光,Bob。 - 怎麼說呢?

  • Well, first of all, to take the example of Jeff Bezos, that 159 billion he has isn't liquid wealth.

    首先,以 Jeff Bezos 為例,他擁有的 1,590 億美元並不是流動財富。

  • Not liquid wealth?


  • You mean, like, he can't dive into his safe and swim in it?

    你的意思是,他不能跳進保險箱裡游泳嗎?(譯註:liquid 為一字多義,表示「流動的」,也可以表示「液體」)

  • No, liquid wealth is the amount of cash you have, whereas your net worth is the value of everything you own, including assets.


  • So, if you have a house which is worth $100,000, own a business which is worth $50,000, and have a quarter in your pocket,

    也就是說,如果你有一間價值 10 萬美元的房子、擁有一間價值 5 萬美元的公司,口袋裡有 25 分錢,

  • your liquid wealth is 25 cents, and your net worth is $150,000 and 25 cents.

    那你的流動財富就是 25 分錢,而你的淨資產則是 15 萬又 25 分美元。

  • Oh.


  • Jeff Bezos is doing incredibly well, but it's not as if he has $159 billion in the bank.

    Jeff Bezos 很成功,但他的帳戶裡並沒有 1,590 億美元。

  • He owns shares in a company which are worth about that much.


  • So, in order to seize his wealth, you would basically have to sell off Amazon.


  • But selling all of his shares at once would lead to a massive devaluing of the company, and all of the stock would be worth less.


  • So, you'd end up bankrupting him only to get a fraction of his initial wealth.


  • It would also result in massive layoffs, and, in all likelihood, kill the company along with all of the value it's adding to the economy.


  • I don't care; being a billionaire is a crime!


  • They only make their money by exploiting others!


  • Can't you see?


  • We could fix our economy if we rounded them up and confiscated their wealth!


  • Well, there are about 550 billionaires in the US.

    嗯,美國大約有 550 名億萬富翁。

  • If we lived in a magical world where we could liquidate all of their assets without devaluing any of them or throwing the economy off of its very delicate balance,


  • we would shut down, virtually, all of the most profitable companies in America, and the world for that matter, for a one-time lump sum of $2.5 trillion.

    那麼我們就會關閉美國乃至全世界幾乎所有最賺錢的公司,一次性支付 2.5 萬億美元。

  • $2.5 trillion? Woohoo!

    2.5 萬億美元?嗚呼!

  • Imagine what we could do with that!


  • Run the federal government for under 8 months.

    讓聯邦政府運作不到 8 個月。

  • Man! The government really has to get spending under control, huh?


  • Hey, folks, thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed this, please check out for more educational content.

    嗨,大家,非常感謝你們的觀看。如果你們看得開心,請前往 取得更多教育性內容。

  • Thank you.


Man! The government really has to get spending under control.


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