The first animated film in Oscar history to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, the only Pixar film at that time to have full opening credits, the highest-grossing domestic film in 1995, the first Pixar film to be adapted for television and the first Pixar film to debut as a live-action musical on Disney Cruise Lines The Disney Wonder in 2008.
奧斯卡歷史上第一部獲得奧斯卡最佳原創劇本提名的動畫電影,當時唯一一部擁有完整片頭的皮克斯電影,1995 年票房最高的國產電影,第一部被改編成電視電影的皮克斯電影,以及第一部作為真人音樂劇於 2008 年在迪士尼郵輪 "迪士尼奇妙號 "上首次亮相的皮克斯電影。