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  • Can you be a Beagle Scout?


  • Communication.


  • To be a Beagle Scout, you must master the art of nonverbal communication or expressing yourself without using words.


  • Your dog is waving at us from that island, Charlie Brown. "He is?" "Hi, Snoopy!" "Hi!" One form of nonverbal communication is Morse code, a form of code that uses short dots and long dashes to spell out letters. "Dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot." "I didn't realize you know Morse code, Franklin." "Well, I know of it." "Good grief." "On the plus side, he's putting on quite a light show." "Snoopy, we don't understand!" Another form of nonverbal communication is semaphore, communicating over distance using flags. "Is he doing rhythmic gymnastics?" "When all else fails, there's always good old-fashioned charades." "Ooh, charades!" "Two words." "First word." "Eat." "Supper." "Second word." "Wristwatch?" "Oh, time!" "Oh, it's supper time and he needs us to come get him off that island." "Whoo-hoo!" "Why didn't you just say so?" "Ah!"

    你的狗在那個島上向我們招手呢 查理・布朗"是嗎?""嗨,史努比!""嗨!"莫爾斯電碼是一種非語言交流方式 這種電碼用短點和長破折號來拼寫字母"點、點、點、破折號、破折號、破折號、點、點、點、點""沒想到你還會摩斯密碼 富蘭克林""我知道"天哪""好的一面是,他的燈光秀很精彩""史努比,我們聽不懂!"另一種非語言交流方式是旗語 用旗子進行遠距離交流"他在做韻律體操嗎?""當一切都失敗的時候" "還有老式的猜字謎""哦,猜字謎!""兩個字""第一個字""吃""晚餐""第二個詞""手錶?""哦,時間!""哦,晚

Can you be a Beagle Scout?


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