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On the 18th of June, 2024, NVIDIA became the most valuable company in the world at $3.34 trillion.
2024 年 6 月 18 日,輝達以 3.34 萬億美元的身價成為全球最有價值的公司。
They overtook Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Alphabet.
它們超越了微軟、蘋果、三星和 Alphabet。
It's hard to stress just how big of a deal this is.
I mean, Pokemon, you know, the highest-grossing media franchise in the world?
This could buy that company 36 times.
這可以買下該公司 36 倍的股份。
And we know, NVIDIA.
You might even be watching this video using one of their graphics cards in your PC.
But we're talking a company that overtook Apple.
You know, the guys who manage to sell luxury smartphones to like a third of the world's population.
You don't beat that just with some high-end PC graphics cards.
僅靠一些高端 PC 顯卡是無法做到這一點的。
So what on earth have NVIDIA done?
To A, get themselves to a position where they could even dream of overtaking all the other big tech companies.
And B, actually overtake them.
B, 實際超越他們。
And one thing that I need to make super clear, which makes this all the more surprising, is that NVIDIA only started in 1993.
我需要特別說明的一點是,NVIDIA 公司 1993 年才成立,這讓人更加驚訝。
Which is recent enough that the guy who is now CEO, Jensen Huang, he was the same guy who founded the company along with two other guys.
最近,現任首席執行官黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)與另外兩個人一起創立了這家公司。
Jensen used to work as a waiter's assistant in a local Denny's diner when he was younger.
He fell in love with computer science and so eventually went from there to getting his dream job working with AMD, one of the leaders at the time as a microprocessor designer.
他愛上了計算機科學,並最終在 AMD 公司找到了他夢寐以求的工作,該公司是當時領先的微處理器設計公司之一。
Until one day when he decided, I got an idea.
Jensen basically realized the key thing that was holding PCs back from unparalleled performance, which I'm getting to.
So he booked a table all the way back where it began, at a Denny's diner with these two other guys.
And that is famously where they hatched the plan to form NVIDIA.
There's literally a plaque on the wall where that meeting happened.
But NVIDIA didn't have its name at this point.
Do you know where that came from?
Well, most of the guy's files documenting their plans about this future company had been pretty uncreatively named, Next Version.
他的大部分文件都記錄了他們對這家未來公司的計劃,這些文件被命名為 "下一個版本",非常沒有創意。
So when they decided that we're actually doing this, they looked up words that included NV in that order, and they found the Latin word NVIDIA, which is the name of an ancient Roman goddess.
是以,當他們決定真的要這麼做時,他們按順序查找了包括 NV 在內的單詞,並找到了拉丁文 NVIDIA,這是古羅馬女神的名字。
NVIDIA was the personification of envy, a pretty unpleasant lady with a poisoned tongue and green eyes.
Thus the name NVIDIA was born.
So the brand name basically means Next Version Envy.
是以,該品牌名稱的基本含義是 "下一個版本的羨慕"(Next Version Envy)。
Kind of saying, you're going to be so jealous of our next chip.
And now that you know where the green eye logo comes from, you too will no longer be able to see it without also seeing this haunting image alongside it.
So you're welcome.
And now that you know, you will see this origin all across their branding too.
Like the slogan for the GeForce 8 series graphics cards was Green with Envy.
就像 GeForce 8 系列顯卡的口號 "羨慕的綠色 "一樣。
And the company's highest end GPUs for a long time, they were called Titans.
在很長一段時間裡,該公司最高端的 GPU 被稱為 Titans。
And this NVIDIA was believed by some ancient Greeks to be the daughter of a Titan.
So it all links together.
But what actually made NVIDIA different?
What was this big idea that they were getting together for?
Well, in 1999, NVIDIA released the GeForce 256, the first chip ever to be marketed as a graphics processing unit or GPU.
1999 年,NVIDIA 發佈了 GeForce 256,這是有史以來第一款作為圖形處理單元或 GPU 上市的芯片。
A piece of hardware that could sit alongside your CPU, which at this time could only process one calculation at a time and take on the graphics rendering load while you're gaming using far more efficient parallel processing.
這種硬件可以與 CPU 放在一起,CPU 一次只能處理一個計算,而圖形渲染負載可以在玩遊戲時使用更高效的並行處理。
It was designed to divide big tasks that would previously be done very slowly into smaller parts and then distribute those parts amongst many, many small processor cores, which in turn freed up people's actual CPUs to focus on things like in-game physics.
它的設計目的是將以前需要非常緩慢才能完成的大型任務劃分為較小的部分,然後將這些部分分配給許許多多的小型處理器內核,這反過來又解放了人們的實際 CPU,使其能夠專注於遊戲中的物理等工作。
The concept of the GPU quickly caught on in both PC and console gaming, which pretty much revolutionized gaming and very quickly turned NVIDIA into a household name.
GPU 的概念很快在 PC 和遊戲機上流行開來,幾乎徹底改變了遊戲行業,並迅速讓 NVIDIA 成為家喻戶曉的品牌。
And NVIDIA has absolutely killed it with GPUs ever since then.
從那時起,英偉達(NVIDIA)公司在 GPU 方面就大放異彩。
Fun fact, actually, this is the graphics card I installed on the first ever PC I built.
Every couple of years, they've come on stage, they've announced a new generation of graphics cards, and they've been so successful at making each one a leap above the last that they're now outselling their traditional rival, AMD, you know, the company who Jensen originally got his dream job working at, to a ridiculous extent.
每隔幾年,他們就會在舞臺上發佈新一代顯卡,而且他們非常成功地使每一代顯卡都比上一代顯卡有了飛躍,以至於他們現在的銷量已經超過了他們的傳統競爭對手 AMD,你知道,詹森最初就是在這家公司找到了他夢寐以求的工作。
With NVIDIA's first quarter revenue this year at $26 billion compared to AMD's, well, measly 5.5 billion.
英偉達今年第一季度的收入為 260 億美元,而 AMD 只有 55 億美元。
But they didn't get as big as they are today just by coasting on GPU sales.
但它們並不是靠 GPU 的銷量才有今天的規模。
Here's the rocket fuel that made their growth just explode.
NVIDIA made a huge bet on AI.
In 2006, NVIDIA released CUDA, Compute Unified Device Architecture, which they could have done a better job naming for something that's actually a bit of a game changer.
2006 年,英偉達™(NVIDIA®)發佈了 CUDA,即 "計算統一設備架構"(Compute Unified Device Architecture)。
It was a software platform that allowed the developers of apps to properly utilize the full power of NVIDIA GPUs, even for non-graphics tasks.
這是一個軟件平臺,允許應用程序開發人員適當利用英偉達™(NVIDIA®)GPU 的全部功能,甚至用於非圖形任務。
Developers could take tasks that would usually be performed one by one on the CPU cores, and instead, just like they've been able to do with games on NVIDIA GPUs, split those tasks up and perform parallel processing using the thousands of GPU cores they now had access to.
開發人員可以將通常在 CPU 內核上逐個執行的任務,像在英偉達™(NVIDIA®)GPU 上開發遊戲一樣,將這些任務拆分開來,利用他們現在可以使用的數千個 GPU 內核進行並行處理。
This was a big moment for apps.
It made NVIDIA's graphics cards the tool for much more than just gaming.
They became the gold standard for video editors, for financial modelers, cryptocurrency miners, anyone who wanted to do anything with a computer, and most importantly, for any company wanting to build and train a big, powerful AI model.
How do you do that?
Not on CPUs, which are doing things one step at a time, but instead by harnessing the full power of a GPU.
這不是靠 CPU 一步步完成的,而是通過充分利用 GPU 的強大功能實現的。
And which GPU are you most likely gonna pick?
你最有可能選擇哪種 GPU?
NVIDIA being the first company to unlock the full computational power of the GPU for the average developer meant that their CUDA software became the default option.
英偉達™(NVIDIA®)是首家為普通開發人員釋放 GPU 全部計算能力的公司,這意味著他們的 CUDA 軟件成為默認選項。
Developers got comfy with it.
It improved very quickly.
And because this CUDA programming environment was built specifically around NVIDIA's graphics chips, it was super efficient.
由於這種 CUDA 編程環境是專門圍繞英偉達™(NVIDIA®)圖形芯片構建的,是以效率極高。
It's very similar to how efficient iPhones are because every thread of that iOS software is designed around every fragment of the iPhone hardware.
這與 iPhone 的高效率非常相似,因為 iOS 軟件的每個線程都是圍繞 iPhone 硬件的每個片段設計的。
And with this, by being very forward-thinking, by working with other tech companies on AI for literally the last two decades, NVIDIA became embedded into the very fabric of artificial intelligence.
Whether it's researchers wanting to run complex simulations to figure out what proteins could potentially cure major diseases, or Tesla wanting to train algorithms for their self-driving cars, NVIDIA became the crutch to lean on.
Literally right now, Tesla's nearing completion on a supercomputer cluster at their Texas Gigafactory, which is supposed to improve Tesla's full self-driving using 50,000 NVIDIA GPUs.
目前,特斯拉德克薩斯州 Gigafactory 工廠的超級計算機集群已接近完工,該集群將使用 50,000 個英偉達™(NVIDIA®)GPU 來改進特斯拉的全自動駕駛技術。
And a sub to the channel would be GPU-tiful.
That also could have been better.
And so when AI development exploded over the last couple of years, with every single person and their dog now having access to tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and more, what's running all of that?
過去幾年,人工智能的發展呈現爆炸式增長,每個人和他們的狗現在都可以使用 ChatGPT、Gemini 等工具,那麼是什麼在運行這一切呢?
When we ask for an image of a robotic flamingo doing roly-polies on the moon, what's processing that AI request?
But another crazy bit of context, NVIDIA's tech is also what powers Amazon Web Services, which is the world's most broadly adopted web services provider.
但另一個瘋狂的背景是,英偉達™(NVIDIA®)的技術也是亞馬遜網絡服務(Amazon Web Services)的動力,而亞馬遜網絡服務是世界上應用最廣泛的網絡服務提供商。
They're the company who builds the infrastructure for basically 30% of the cloud-based internet.
該公司為 30% 的雲端互聯網提供基礎設施。
So the chances are pretty high that anytime you visit a website, there is NVIDIA tech somewhere along the pipeline that's bringing it to you.
是以,無論您何時訪問一個網站,都很有可能是 NVIDIA 技術在為您提供服務。
So that explains the first part of this puzzle, how NVIDIA became the sole arms dealer of the chips required for the now massive AI industry arms race.
But how did they go one step further to actually overtake every single other tech company in June?
但是,他們是如何更進一步,在 6 月份超越其他所有科技公司的呢?
Well, they decided to do a 10-to-1 stock split.
他們決定進行 10 比 1 的股票拆分。
And to find out what that is, I can just ask the ARIA AI baked into the Opera browser.
要想知道那是什麼,我可以直接問 Opera 瀏覽器中的 ARIA 人工智能。
Explain to me a 10-to-1 stock split in two sentences with an example.
請用兩句話解釋 10 比 1 的股票分割,並舉例說明。
Right, so a 10-to-1 stock split means that each existing share of a stock is divided into 10 new shares.
沒錯,10 比 1 的股票分割意味著每股現有股票被抽成 10 股新股票。
And then it gives an example to say that if you owned 100 shares of a company and they did a 10-to-1 stock split, you would now have 1,000 shares in your possession.
然後舉例說明,如果你擁有 100 股公司股票,而他們進行了 10 比 1 的股票分割,那麼你現在就擁有 1000 股股票。
But the total value of your investment is the same because it's just that now each individual share is worth a 10th of what it used to be.
Why does that matter?
Well, it means that for new investors, NVIDIA shares have just gotten 10 times more affordable.
這意味著,對於新投資者來說,英偉達股票的性價比提高了 10 倍。
So it makes investing in this company much more accessible at a time where the entire world is looking for some way to invest in AI.
It became a no-brainer.
It was explosive, as for now and the future.
While NVIDIA has been hit with a pretty severe market correction, so they're back down into third most valuable company.
And while there are some question marks around AI, like is it being overvalued in the same way that the dot-com bubble was?
And can the world sustain it?
Because, you know, there was a recent study that showed that at the current rate of growth, our AI needs alone will consume the amount of power of an entire country the size of the Netherlands.
But even then, now that the AI cat is out the bag, it doesn't look like AI is going anywhere.
And even if it does, there's no changing that the world is going digital.
Movies are now being made using game engine graphics.
Surgeons are now honing their craft using digital twins of patients before operating on the real thing.
The metaverse, if that ever comes to fruition, it's all being powered by NVIDIA GPUs.
元宇宙(metaverse),如果真的實現了,它將全部由英偉達™(NVIDIA®)GPU 驅動。
So that's how NVIDIA got to the crazy position that they're currently in.
And by the way, ARIA isn't even the most fun thing about the Opera browser anymore.
順便說一句,ARIA 甚至不再是 Opera 瀏覽器最有趣的地方。
So you've seen how tab islands can help you group together all of your tasks into buckets so they're organized.
But now you can hover over any tab and add a tab emoji too.
Well, aside from a delightful touch of customization, I've had two benefits from this.
One, that every time I have two similar tabs open, this allows me to differentiate them.
Instead of persistently gaslighting myself into opening the wrong one every time.
But also when you're browsing, you tend to have one or two key tabs.
Like for me, it's the document I'm compiling all of my research into.
And tab emojis mean that even if you've got like 40 things open at once, I always know to return to my cooking emoji.
而標籤表情符號意味著,即使你同時打開了 40 個東西,我也總知道要回到我的烹飪表情符號。
So give it a go using my link in the description.