字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Page 30 Read Hidden Army Clay Soldiers of Ancient China It is 210 BC and the moment before battle. 第 30 頁 閱讀《中國古代的隱軍泥兵》 公元前 210 年,戰鬥打響前的一刻。 The Chinese Emperor's army is ready to charge. 中國皇帝的軍隊已經做好了衝鋒的準備。 The soldiers, thousands of them, are lined up row after row as far as the eye can see. 成千上萬的阿兵哥排成一排又一排,一眼望不到頭。 However, the army will never attack. 但是,軍隊絕不會發動進攻。 The soldiers are not real. 阿兵哥們不是真的。 They are the size of real soldiers, but they are made of terracotta, a strong kind of clay. 它們與真正的阿兵哥一樣大小,但卻是用陶土製成的,陶土是一種堅固的粘土。 They are more than 2,000 years old. 它們已有 2000 多年的歷史。 Amazingly, no two soldiers are alike. 令人驚訝的是,沒有兩個阿兵哥是相同的。 Their faces are different. 他們的面孔與眾不同。 Some are old. 有些已經很老了。 Some are young. 有些人還很年輕。 Some look tired. 有些人看起來很疲憊。 Some look like they can't wait for the battle to start. 有些人看起來已經迫不及待要開戰了。 Their uniforms are different. 他們的制服與眾不同。 The uniforms are exact copies of what real soldiers wore. 這些制服完全是真實阿兵哥所穿制服的複製品。 The archers and foot soldiers were the lowest-ranking soldiers, so they have the plainest uniforms. 弓箭手和步兵是最低級的阿兵哥,是以他們的制服也最樸素。 The generals, of course, wore the most elegant uniforms. 當然,將軍們穿著最優雅的制服。 Some of their caps had feathers. 有些人的帽子上還有羽毛。 Sometimes their shoes turned up at the toes. 有時,他們的鞋子腳趾會翹起來。 Their armor had small iron rings that looked like fish scales. 他們的盔甲上有像魚鱗一樣的小鐵環。 Here you see an image of a clay general. 在這裡,您看到的是一個粘土將軍的形象。 It shows how he looked 2,000 years ago. 它展示了 2000 年前他的樣子。 Every single soldier in the Emperor's army was painted with bright colors. 皇帝軍隊中的每個阿兵哥都被塗上了鮮豔的顏色。 So were the terracotta horses. 兵馬俑也是如此。 Now, most of the soldiers have only tiny traces of paint left. 現在,大多數阿兵哥身上的油漆只剩下了一點點痕跡。 Scientists are trying to create a special varnish to brush over painted figures to hold the paint in place. 科學家們正在嘗試製作一種特殊的清漆,刷在畫好的人物身上,以固定顏料的位置。 Today, craftsmen near the pits where the soldiers were found make copies of the soldiers. 如今,在發現阿兵哥的坑洞附近,工匠們正在製作阿兵哥的複製品。 This helps archaeologists learn more about how people made the original army. 這有助於考古學家進一步瞭解人們是如何製造原始軍隊的。 Modern craftsmen have much better kilns than those in ancient times. 現代工匠擁有比古代工匠更好的窯爐。 Kilns are ovens that bake clay until it hardens. 窯是烘烤粘土直至其硬化的爐子。 Yet no copies ever come out as hard or shiny as the originals. 然而,沒有一份複製品能像原件一樣堅硬或閃亮。 Why? 為什麼? Nobody knows. 沒人知道。 It is a mystery. 這是一個謎。 An even bigger mystery is what lies inside the Emperor's tomb. 一個更大的謎團是皇帝陵墓裡究竟藏著什麼。 Nobody knows the answer because the tomb has never been opened. 沒有人知道答案,因為墳墓從未被打開過。 The Chinese government plans to keep it closed for now. 中國政府計劃暫時將其關閉。 Work will not start until archaeologists are sure the tomb can be opened without damaging any of the treasures inside. 在考古學家確定可以在不損壞墓內任何珍寶的情況下打開古墓之前,工作不會開始。 As for the Emperor's body, according to historical records, it rests in a heavy bronze coffin. 至於皇帝的遺體,根據歷史記載,它安放在一個沉重的銅棺中。 In ancient times, the custom was to dress the dead body of someone important in a suit the Chinese made from hundreds of pieces of thin jade. 在古代,中國人的習俗是為重要人物的屍體穿上用數百塊薄玉製成的衣服。 At that time, jade was more precious than gold. 在當時,玉石比黃金還珍貴。 The Emperor died when he was 49 years old. 皇帝去世時年僅 49 歲。 Three years after his death, peasants rose up against the Empire. 他死後三年,農民起義反抗帝國。 One of their leaders started a new royal family. 他們的一位領導人建立了一個新的王室。 Yet now, millions of people come to the Emperor's burial place. 然而,現在卻有數百萬人來到皇帝的墓地。 They visit the covered pits to see the clay soldiers. 他們參觀了有蓋的坑洞,看到了泥塑阿兵哥。 The Emperor lives on in the memory of all who see his amazing hidden army. you 皇帝永遠活在所有看到他那令人驚歎的隱藏軍隊的人的記憶中。
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 阿兵哥 皇帝 制服 軍隊 工匠 考古學家 牛津探索 4》第 3 單元跟讀《隱藏的軍隊 中國古代的泥土阿兵哥》(Hidden Army Clay Soldiers of Ancient China)。 (Oxford Discover 4 Unit 3 Read along Hidden Army Clay Soldiers of Ancient China) 5 1 Ben 發佈於 2024 年 07 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字