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  • President Biden has officially ended his presidential campaign, a stunning cap to one of the longest and most consequential political careers in modern American history.


  • Biden, at 81 years old, was due to accept the party's nomination at its national convention in August.

    拜登現年 81 歲,本應在今年 8 月舉行的全國代表大會上接受黨內提名。

  • It's a remarkable end to a career in politics that spanned half a century.


  • I know how to do this job.


  • I know how to get things done.


  • Here's a look back at Biden's biggest moments in the Senate and White House.


  • Take a measure of me and my heart.


  • If you still disagree, so be it.


  • That's democracy. That's America.


  • Throughout his political career, Biden forged a role representing middle-class Americans.


  • I grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in Claymont, Delaware, among working-class people who built this country.


  • Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the Senate.

    拜登曾代表特拉華州在參議院任職 36 年。

  • As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Biden presided over the contentious Supreme Court hearings for Clarence Thomas, who was accused of sexual harassment by law professor Anita Hill, which Thomas denied.


  • Biden was criticized by some Democrats for his handling of the allegation, and he later said he regretted how he handled the hearings.


  • I regret I couldn't come up with a way to get her the kind of hearing she deserved.


  • As chairman of various other committees, Biden had several signature accomplishments.


  • He helped pass a sweeping crime bill that was later viewed as having contributed to mass incarcerations.


  • As a senator, Biden was intimately involved in U.S. foreign policy, as a leading voice on conflicts ranging from Bosnia and Kosovo to Iraq.


  • I have supported all along the need to remove Saddam Hussein or his weapons.


  • It's easy to second-guess what we should have done on the way to this point.


  • Biden entered the 1988 race as one of the leading contenders for president.

    拜登是作為總統競選的主要競爭者之一參加 1988 年競選的。

  • That campaign quickly unraveled amid allegations that he plagiarized a speech, which he ultimately said was an oversight.


  • I've concluded that I will stop being a candidate for president of the United States.


  • Twenty years later, Biden joined the 2008 presidential race but stepped out after a poor showing in Iowa.

    20 年後,拜登參加了 2008 年總統競選,但在愛荷華州表現不佳後退出了競選。

  • That summer, Barack Obama tapped Biden as his running mate, in large part because he needed a seasoned Washington politician who had foreign policy experience.


  • Yes, I accept your nomination to run and serve with Barack Obama, the next president of the United States of America.


  • As vice president, Biden's portfolio included some of the most complicated and politically fraught issues on the president's agenda.


  • Biden oversaw the implementation of the controversial economic stimulus bill that was designed to address the recession following the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008.

    拜登監督了備受爭議的經濟刺激法案的實施,該法案旨在應對 2007 年和 2008 年金融危機後的經濟衰退。

  • He also became an advocate for ending the war in Iraq, despite voting for the U.S. invasion in 2002.

    儘管在 2002 年投票支持美國入侵伊拉克,他還是成為結束伊拉克戰爭的倡導者。

  • We went to war with too few troops. We went to war unnecessarily.


  • Throughout his career, Biden prided himself on being able to reach across the aisle.


  • You've been a real friend. You've been a trusted partner.


  • Biden launched his third attempt to win the Democratic nomination in 2019.

    拜登第三次嘗試贏得 2019 年民主黨提名。

  • We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.


  • During the campaign, a group of women alleged that Biden touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable.


  • To that, he responded, "I hear what they're saying. I understand it. And I'll be much more mindful. That's my responsibility."

    對此,他回答說:「我聽到他們說的話了。我明白了。 我會更加注意的。這是我的責任。」

  • Biden struggled early on in the race, but he turned the tide in his favor by winning overwhelming support from Black voters in the South Carolina primary.


  • We know Joe. But most importantly, Joe knows us.


  • Biden selected then-Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate, making her the country's first woman, first Black person, and first of Indian descent to serve as vice president.


  • After the most competitive primary in history, the country received a resounding message that Joe was the person to lead us forward.


  • In 2020, Biden defeated Trump and became the oldest person to assume the presidency.

    2020 年,拜登擊敗川普,成為最年長的總統候選人。

  • I, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., do solemnly swear.


  • Taking office just two weeks after the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, Biden cast his presidency as an attempt to unify the country after years of political polarization.

    1 月 6 日美國國會大廈遇襲事件發生兩週後,拜登上任,他將自己的總統任期視為在多年政治兩極化後團結國家的嘗試。

  • Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire destroying everything in its path.


  • At the start of his term, he focused on helping the country reemerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    上任之初,他專注於幫助該國從 COVID-19 疫情中恢復過來。

  • He signed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief plan into law that included direct payments to Americans and enhanced unemployment and child tax credits.

    他簽署了一項 1.9 萬億美元的 COVID 減免計劃,使之成為法律,其中包括向美國人直接支付款項,以及加強失業和兒童稅收抵免。

  • He also nominated and won confirmation of Justice Katonji Brown Jackson in 2022, making her the country's first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.


  • It has taken 232 years and 115 prior appointments for a Black woman to be selected to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.

    一名黑人女性歷經 232 年、經過 115 次任命才被選為美國最高法院法官。

  • Biden also enacted a sweeping $1 trillion infrastructure law, a central component of his domestic policy agenda.

    拜登還頒布了一項涉及 1 兆美元的全面基礎設施法,這是其國內政策議程的核心組成部分。

  • He also worked to cancel student loan debt.


  • My campaign for president, I made a commitment.


  • I made a commitment that would provide student debt relief. And I'm honoring that commitment today.


  • Following the Supreme Court's 2022 ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, Biden's administration made efforts to protect abortion rights.


  • Early in his presidency, Biden made the controversial call to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan.


  • The Taliban's swift takeover surprised Biden's administration and led to a tumultuous ending to America's longest war, leaving a mark on Biden's presidency.


  • His foreign policy record was also marked by the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.


  • Biden gained bipartisan support for taking a strong stance against Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, though he drew some criticism for not issuing sanctions sooner.


  • He pledged unwavering support for Israel.


  • But as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsened, he received backlash from Muslim and Arab American voters, as well as progressives.


  • Cease fire now.


  • He later pushed Israel to reduce the rate of civilian casualties in Gaza.


  • The conduct of the response in Gaza, in the Gaza Strip, has been over the top.


  • A swell of immigrants illegally crossing the border from Mexico presented another set of challenges for Biden.


  • Many voters came to believe the president wasn't aggressive enough in stopping illegal immigration.


  • Biden also dealt with the challenge of high inflation, which reached levels not seen since the early 1980s.

    拜登也應對高通膨的挑戰,高通膨已達到 1980 年代初以來的最高水準。

  • This hurt his approval ratings, despite strong job growth, a roaring stock market, and low unemployment.


  • Throughout his decades in government, Biden's personal life became intertwined with his political narrative.


  • He lost his wife and young daughter in a car accident, and his two sons were badly injured, all just weeks after the 1972 Senate election.

    他在一場車禍中失去了妻子和年幼的女兒,兩個兒子也受了重傷,而這一切都發生在 1972 年參議院選舉後的幾周。

  • In 1988, he had surgery for two life-threatening brain aneurysms.

    1988 年,他接受了兩個危及生命的腦動脈瘤手術。

  • And in 2015, his elder son Beau died of brain cancer.

    2015 年,他的大兒子博因腦癌去世。

  • While president, Biden also grappled with his son Hunter's legal issues.


  • The younger Biden became the first child of a sitting President to be convicted of criminal charges when he was found guilty of falsely claiming to be drug-free when applying to buy a handgun.


  • Republicans also targeted Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings.


  • Both Bidens denied wrongdoing.


  • For over half a century, Biden became known as an affable public figure, with a penchant for saying what he thought.


  • No one ever doubts I mean what I say the problem is I sometimes say all that I mean.


  • But he also became known for his gaffes, which raised questions about his ability to serve as the oldest president in American history.


  • Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.


  • Keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust, horror of the Holocaust.


  • Those concerns only heightened when he launched his 2024 re-election bid.

    這些擔憂在他發起 2024 年連任競選時更加強烈。

  • In June, a lackluster debate showing led to calls for Biden to step away from his re-election campaign.

    今年 6 月,拜登在辯論中的表現乏善可陳,人們呼籲他退出競選連任。

  • That decision brought a surprising end to a political career that gave Biden a central role in the nation's wars, diplomacy, and pressing domestic battles for more than 50 years.

    這一決定出人意料地結束了拜登的政治生涯,50 多年來,拜登在國家的戰爭、外交和緊迫的國內鬥爭中發揮了核心作用。

President Biden has officially ended his presidential campaign, a stunning cap to one of the longest and most consequential political careers in modern American history.


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