字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 60 Minutes Rewind Israel has begun what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls the second stage of the war by expanding its military ground operations in Gaza. 60 分鐘倒帶 以色列開始了本雅明-內塔尼亞胡總理所說的戰爭第二階段,擴大了在加沙的地面軍事行動。 We spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris this past week as the Biden administration was trying to balance Israel's need to retaliate against Hamas with the urgent need to get relief to the Palestinian people. 上週,當拜登政府正試圖在以色列報復哈馬斯的需要和向巴勒斯坦人民提供救濟的迫切需要之間取得平衡時,我們採訪了副總統卡馬拉-哈里斯。 Vice President Harris told us she is also involved in the administration's efforts on the war in Ukraine, as well as countless intractable problems including gun violence at home. 哈里斯副總統告訴我們,她還參與了政府在烏克蘭戰爭以及包括國內槍支暴力在內的無數棘手問題上的努力。 But with the Middle East on a razor's edge, we started our conversation there. 但由於中東局勢岌岌可危,我們的談話就從這裡開始。 How close is this to becoming a regional conflict that could draw in U.S. troops? 這距離演變成可能吸引美軍介入的地區衝突還有多遠? We have absolutely no intention nor do we have any plans to send combat troops into Israel or Gaza, period. 我們絕對無意也沒有任何計劃向以色列或加沙派遣作戰部隊,僅此而已。 Vice President Harris told us the U.S. is not telling Israel what to do, but is providing advice, equipment and diplomatic support. 哈里斯副總統告訴我們,美國不會告訴以色列該怎麼做,但會提供建議、裝備和外交支持。 A terrorist organization, Hamas, slaughtered hundreds of young people at a concert. 恐怖組織哈馬斯在一場音樂會上屠殺了數百名年輕人。 By most estimates, at least 1,400 Israelis are dead. 據大多數人估計,至少有 1 400 名以色列人死亡。 Israel, without any question, has a right to defend itself. 毫無疑問,以色列有權自衛。 That being said, it is very important that there be no conflation between Hamas and the Palestinians. 儘管如此,不把哈馬斯和巴勒斯坦人混為一談是非常重要的。 The Palestinians deserve equal measures of safety and security, self-determination and war must be adhered to, and that there be humanitarian aid that flows. 巴勒斯坦人應當享有同等的安全保障、自決權,戰爭必須得到遵守,人道 主義援助必須源源不斷。 She told us the U.S. wants to keep the conflict from escalating, but that's proving difficult. 她告訴我們,美國希望阻止衝突升級,但事實證明這很困難。 In the last two weeks, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen, both proxies of Iran, have launched missiles, rockets and drones against Israel. 在過去兩週裡,黎巴嫩真主黨和葉門胡塞武裝都是伊朗的代理人,他們都向以色列發射了飛彈、火箭彈和無人機。 And Iranian-backed militias have fired on U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Syria. 伊朗支持的民兵向駐紮在伊拉克和敘利亞的美軍開火。 In response, the U.S. launched airstrikes against Iranian weapons facilities in Syria. 作為迴應,美國對伊朗在敘利亞的武器設施發動了空襲。 If that weren't enough of a signal to Iran and other adversaries, the Pentagon has also deployed two imposing aircraft carrier strike groups to the region. 如果這還不足以向伊朗和其他對手發出信號,五角大樓還在該地區部署了兩個氣勢洶洶的航母打擊群。 And what's the message to Iran? 給伊朗的資訊是什麼? Don't. 不要 As President Biden said, just don't. 正如拜登總統所說,就是不要。 Exactly. 沒錯。 One word, pretty straightforward. 一個詞,非常直接。 Since the Hamas attack on Israel, the vice president says she has spoken with President Isaac Herzog of Israel and joined President Biden on calls with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. 副總統說,自哈馬斯襲擊以色列以來,她已與以色列總統伊薩克-赫爾佐格(Isaac Herzog)通了話,並與拜登總統一起與本雅明-內塔尼亞胡總理和巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德-阿巴斯通了電話。 President Joe Biden told us in a statement, this is as high stakes and complex a situation as it gets. 喬-拜登總統在一份聲明中說:"這是最危險、最複雜的情況。 And Kamala is my partner in all of it. 而卡馬拉是我在這一切中的夥伴。 He told us Harris's advice and counsel are invaluable. 他告訴我們,哈里斯的建議和意見非常寶貴。 When he was vice president, Mr. Biden famously said that he wanted to be the last person in the room with President Obama. 拜登先生在擔任副總統時曾說過一句名言:他希望成為與奧巴馬總統共處一室的最後一個人。 Do you have that relationship with President Biden? 你和拜登總統有這種關係嗎? I do. 我是這麼想的。 You do? 是嗎? I do. 我是這麼想的。 And I take that responsibility quite seriously. 我非常認真地對待這份責任。 How often do you meet with him? 你們多久見一次面? Multiple times a day, quite often, unless he or I are traveling. 除非我和他出差,否則每天都會多次。 They're in total agreement the U.S. must stand with Israel and Ukraine, two democracies under attack. 他們完全同意美國必須與以色列和烏克蘭這兩個受到攻擊的民主國家站在一起。 We are as committed to Ukraine as we've always been to authorize additional aid to defend itself against Russia's unprovoked aggression. 我們一如既往地致力於授權向烏克蘭提供更多援助,使其能夠抵禦俄羅斯的無端侵略。 That is not going to waver. 這一點不會動搖。 Does this war in the Middle East put Ukraine on a back burner? 中東戰爭是否會將烏克蘭置於次要地位? Not for us. 不適合我們。 No, it does not put them on a back burner at all. 不,這根本沒有把它們放在次要位置。 Vice President Harris has visited 19 countries and met with more than 100 world leaders. 哈里斯副總統已經訪問了 19 個國家,會見了 100 多位世界領導人。 But lately, she has been the administration's point person on domestic priorities, traveling the country talking up the Democrats' key issues before the 2024 election, issues she hopes will fire up the base but are bound to inflame the GOP. 但最近,她成了政府在國內優先事項上的指路人,在 2024 年大選前奔走於全國各地,大談民主黨的關鍵議題,她希望這些議題能激起基礎選民的熱情,但勢必會激怒共和黨。 She went to North Carolina to mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. 她前往北卡羅來納州,紀念最高法院推翻 "羅伊訴美國 "案的週年紀念日。 Wade. 韋德 How dare they attack our fundamental rights? 他們竟敢攻擊我們的基本權利? How dare they attack our freedom? 他們竟敢攻擊我們的自由? In Virginia, it was guns. 在弗吉尼亞州,是槍支。 Our nation is being torn apart by gun violence. 我們的國家正因槍支暴力而四分五裂。 We joined the Vice President and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff on Air Force Two for a trip to Las Vegas. 我們與副總統和第二先生道格-艾默霍夫一起乘坐空軍二號前往拉斯維加斯。 It was five days after the terror attack on Israel. 那是以色列遭受恐怖襲擊的五天之後。 Welcome on board. 歡迎加入。 Thank you very, very much. 非常非常感謝。 While in the air, the Vice President joined a secure video call with the president and their national security teams to discuss measures to keep the homeland safe. 在空中,副總統參加了與總統及其國家安全團隊的安全視頻通話,討論確保國土安全的措施。 Once on the ground in Las Vegas, Vice President Harris went to the College of Southern Nevada, the eighth stop on her Fight for Our Freedoms college tour. 一到拉斯維加斯,哈里斯副總統就前往南內華達學院,這是她 "為我們的自由而戰 "大學之旅的第八站。 Because you voted, Joe Biden is President of the United States and I am Vice President of the United States. 因為你們的投票,喬-拜登是美國總統,我是美國副總統。 Because you voted. 因為你投了票。 But nationally, the Biden-Harris administration is not generating the kind of enthusiasm she's seeing on her tour. 但在全國範圍內,拜登-哈里斯政府並沒有像她在巡迴演講中看到的那樣引起人們的熱情。 A recent CBS poll found that at the beginning of President Biden's term, 70 percent of young people, people under 30, said he was doing a good job. 哥倫比亞廣播公司最近的一項民意調查顯示,在拜登總統上任之初,70%的年輕人,即 30 歲以下的人,認為他的工作做得很好。 Now it's less than 50 percent. 現在還不到 50%。 Why is that? 為什麼會這樣? What's going on? 怎麼了? If you poll how young people feel about the climate and the warming of our planet, it polls as one of their top concerns. 如果你調查年輕人對氣候和地球變暖的感受,這將是他們最關心的問題之一。 When we talk about what we are doing with student loan debt, polls very high. 當我們談及學生貸款債務時,民意調查的結果非常高。 The challenge that we have as an administration is we've got to let people know who brung it to them. 作為政府,我們面臨的挑戰是,我們必須讓人們知道是誰把它帶給他們的。 That's our challenge. 這就是我們面臨的挑戰。 But it is not that the work we are doing is not very, very popular with a lot of people. 但這並不是說我們所做的工作不受很多人歡迎。 She blames the disconnect in part on lack of media coverage. 她將這種脫節部分歸咎於缺乏媒體報道。 Still, the vice president herself is not very popular now. 儘管如此,副總統本人現在還是不太受歡迎。 Just 41 percent of adults told CBS News they approve of the job she's doing. 只有 41% 的成年人告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞頻道,他們認可她所做的工作。 About the same for President Biden. 拜登總統也差不多。 We talked to her the day before the carnage in Maine, but she had told us issues like mass shootings are more important than poll numbers. 我們在緬因州發生屠殺事件的前一天與她進行了交談,但她告訴我們,像大規模槍擊這樣的問題比民調數字更重要。 You have a portfolio that includes gun violence, the root cause of migration. 你的工作包括槍支暴力,這是移民的根源。 These are some of the most intractable issues facing the country. 這些都是國家面臨的一些最棘手的問題。 We've done some of the most significant gun safety laws in 30 years, but we still need an assault weapons ban. 我們已經制定了 30 年來最重要的槍支安全法律,但我們仍然需要禁止攻擊性武器。 It doesn't have to be this way. 沒必要這樣。 There was an assault weapons ban at one time. 攻擊性武器曾一度被禁止。 It expired. 它過期了。 Let's renew it. 讓我們重新開始吧。 Most Americans say that they don't think you're doing a good job on the border. 大多數美國人說,他們不認為你在邊境問題上做得很好。 You and the administration. 你和行政部門 The number of people trying to cross the U.S. southern border is at an all-time high. 試圖穿越美國南部邊境的人數創下歷史新高。 It's no secret that we have a broken immigration system. 我們的移民系統存在漏洞,這已不是什麼祕密。 Short term, we need a safe, orderly, and humane border policy. 短期內,我們需要一個安全、有序和人道的邊境政策。 And long term, we need to invest in the root causes of migration. 從長遠來看,我們需要對移民的根源進行投資。 But the bottom line, Congress needs to act. 但最重要的是,國會需要採取行動。 Come on, participate in the solution instead of political gamesmanship. 來吧,參與解決問題,而不是玩政治遊戲。 If politics is a game, Kamala Harris has proven herself to be a savvy player, forging a career that has gone from one first to another. 如果說政治是一場遊戲,那麼卡馬拉-哈里斯已經證明自己是一個精明的玩家,她的職業生涯從一個第一走向另一個第一。 The child of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, she was the first woman district attorney for San Francisco. 她的母親是印度人,父親是牙買加人,她是舊金山第一位女地方檢察官。 The first woman to serve as California's Attorney General. 第一位擔任加州總檢察長的女性。 The first woman of color elected senator from California. 第一位當選加州參議員的有色人種女性。 So help me God. 上帝保佑我 And the first woman and woman of color to be elected vice president of the United States. 也是第一位當選美國副總統的女性和有色人種女性。 Being in that unique position, being that first, does that bring added pressure? 作為獨特的位置,作為第一人,這是否會帶來額外的壓力? No doubt. 毫無疑問。 No doubt. 毫無疑問。 You know, my mother, she would say, Kamala, you may be the first to do many things. 我媽媽會說,卡馬拉,你可能是第一個做很多事情的人。 Make sure you're not the last. 確保你不是最後一個。 And among the responsibilities that I carry, and maybe impose on myself, that is one of them. 在我肩負的責任中,也許是我強加給自己的責任,這就是其中之一。 She showed us around the vice president's ceremonial office. 她帶我們參觀了副總統的禮儀辦公室。 I brought in this bust of Thurgood Marshall. 我帶來了瑟古德-馬歇爾的半身像 And I always have him over my right shoulder in the drawer here. 在這個抽屜裡,我總是把他放在我的右肩上。 The desk where previous vice presidents left their signatures. 前任副總統留下簽名的辦公桌。 Al Gore, Quayle, Cheney. 戈爾、奎爾、切尼 Harry Truman. 哈里-杜魯門 Some of these men went on to become president. 其中一些人後來成為了總統。 But Kamala Harris told us she is focused on getting the Biden-Harris ticket re-elected next year. 但卡馬拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)告訴我們,她的工作重點是讓拜登-哈里斯組合在明年獲得連任。 The GOP is using her low poll numbers and President Biden's age as a battering ram. 美國共和黨正在利用她的低民調數字和拜登總統的年齡作為敲門磚。 And some Democrats are growing worried. 一些民主黨人越來越擔心。 We were talking to some Democratic donors. 我們在和一些民主黨的捐贈者談話。 And they have told us that should something befall President Biden and he is not able to run, that there would be a free-for-all for who would run as president. 他們還告訴我們,如果拜登總統遭遇不測,無法參選,那麼誰來競選總統將是一場自由競爭。 You are in the spot that that would be unnatural for you to step up. 你所處的位置,讓你站出來是不自然的。 But we're hearing from donors that they would not naturally fall into line. 但我們從捐贈者那裡聽說,他們不會自然而然地站在一起。 Why is that? 為什麼會這樣? Well, first of all, I'm not going to engage in that hypothetical because Joe Biden is very much alive and running for re-election. 首先,我不會參與這種假設,因為喬-拜登還活著,而且正在競選連任。 But you do know, I mean, that is a concern and a legitimate concern, I would say. 但你知道,我的意思是,這是一個令人擔憂的問題,也是一個合理的問題。 I hear from a lot of different people a lot of different things. 我從很多人那裡聽到了很多不同的說法。 But let me just tell you, I'm focused on the job. 但我要告訴你,我只專注於工作。 I truly am. 我真的是。 Our democracy is on the line, Bill. 我們的民主岌岌可危,比爾。 And I frankly, in my head, do not have time for parlor games. 坦率地說,在我的腦海裡,我沒有時間去玩客廳遊戲。 When we have a president who is running for re-election. 我們的總統正在競選連任。 That's it. 就是這樣。 The story will continue after this. 之後的故事還將繼續。 Joe Biden. 喬-拜登 Conventional wisdom is that most presidential elections are won or lost on the economy. 傳統觀點認為,大多數總統選舉的勝負都取決於經濟。 And while inflation has been coming down, prices for basics like food and shelter remain staggeringly high. 雖然通脹率有所下降,但食品和住房等基本生活必需品的價格仍然高得驚人。 We came into office during the height of a pandemic, record unemployment. 我們上任時,正值大流行病肆虐,失業率創下新高。 And because of our economic policies, we now are reducing inflation. 由於我們的經濟政策,我們現在正在降低通貨膨脹。 We have created over 14 million new jobs. 我們創造了超過 1400 萬個新的就業機會。 We've created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. 我們創造了 80 多萬個新的製造業工作崗位。 Wages are up. 工資上漲。 And so we've seen great progress. 是以,我們看到了巨大的進步。 Considering what you are laying out as your achievements, you have the current front runner for the GOP, Donald Trump, facing, what, 91 criminal charges? 考慮到你所列出的成就,你讓目前美國共和黨的領跑者唐納德-特朗普(Donald Trump)面臨91項刑事指控? I've lost count. 我已經數不清了。 Yet, the Biden-Harris ticket is running neck and neck with Donald Trump. 然而,拜登-哈里斯的選票卻與唐納德-特朗普並駕齊驅。 Why are you not 30 points ahead? 你為什麼沒有領先 30 分? Well, I'm not a political pundit, so I'm not going to speak to that. 我不是政治評論家,所以我不想談這個問題。 But what I will say is this, when the American people are able to take a close look at election time on their options, I think the choice is going to be clear. 但我要說的是,當美國人民能夠在選舉時仔細審視他們的選擇時,我認為選擇將是明確的。 Bill, we're going to win. 比爾,我們會贏的 Let me just tell you that. 讓我告訴你吧。 We're going to win. 我們會贏的 And I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but we will win. 我不是說這會很容易,但我們會贏。 You say that with such conviction. 你說得如此堅定。 I have no doubt, but I also have no doubt it's going to be a lot of work. 我毫不懷疑,但我也毫不懷疑這將是一項艱鉅的工作。 And everyone's going to have to participate. 每個人都必須參與其中。 This is a democracy. 這就是民主。 Democracy. 民主。 She said that word often during our interview. 在採訪過程中,她經常提到這個詞。 Despite the criticism and low poll numbers, former prosecutor Kamala Harris told us she's prepared to trust the verdict of the American people. 儘管受到責備,民調數字也不高,前檢察官卡馬拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)告訴我們,她準備相信美國人民的裁決。 Do you have to ask yourself, why are people seeming not to hear our message? 你是否要問自己,為什麼人們似乎聽不到我們的資訊? I look at it more as, let's keep getting out there. 我更願意把它看作是,讓我們繼續走出去。 And as with any election, we've got to make our case to the American people. 與任何選舉一樣,我們必須向美國人民說明我們的理由。 That's part of our responsibility. 這是我們責任的一部分。 And that's this process. 這就是這個過程。 And that's what it is. 就是這樣。 And that's a fair process. 這是一個公平的過程。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 副總統 拜登 哈里斯 以色列 美國 卡馬拉 【2024總統大選】看賀錦麗對戰爭、槍枝問題及種族議題的看法 (Vice President Kamala Harris | 60 Minutes Archive) 5106 39 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 07 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字