字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Absolute pleasure to meet you. 很高興見到妳 -Thank you! - I love the film. What a nail-bitter, I had -謝謝! - 我好愛這部片,真是一部令人摒息的電影 goosebumps throughout it. 我邊看邊起雞皮疙瘩 Had you read the book? 妳看過書了嗎? Yes, I'd read the book. I got really bad sunburn because I didn't leave the beach... 當然,我還因為在沙灘上看書捨不得離開而曬傷了 -That's so funny! 好好笑! It was terrible but the film is incredible. I mean was it an instant ‘yes’ when you 真的很慘,但這部電影棒呆了!我想問妳是一看到劇本 got that script? 就毫不猶豫的接演了嗎? Well, it was a long time before I got the script, I mean there was a lot of, you know 嗯~其實我等了很久才看到劇本 it was a coveted role this and you know clearly. You can see why because as a woman in a Hollywood 我很清楚這是我夢寐以求的角色,妳也知道身為好萊塢女演員 film you're often asked to - there are big parts, there are interesting parts but you're 不論是演大角色或有趣的角色 often asked to play a very sort of, a version of being female, being a woman that's palatable, 難免要表現出女性化的一面,呈現女人秀色可餐的樣子 that's sort of in the way of male fantasy of some sorts and sympathetic and sweet, obviously 滿足男人幻想中那種甜美惹人憐愛的形象 There are exceptions, but here is a part that sort of blows femininity, sort of the whole 當然也有例外,但這個角色完全與溫柔扯不上邊 door of femininity wide open, and says look, you know this is a new way that you can look 徹底顛覆既定的女性形象,你可以從全新視角看待現代女性 at the modern woman. You know, are you going to like her, are you going to agree with her, 妳會想,我喜歡她嗎?我認不認同她? are you going to relate to her, is she like you? It's asking all these questions of us 她讓我產生共鳴嗎?我像不像她? 這部電影讓我們反思這些問題 and I just thought 'wow', this is something I've never seen before. So yes, the chance 我當時覺得「哇~這是我以前都沒碰過的題材」,所以我答應了 to work with Fincher, the chance to do this, the chance for someone to take a risk on me 這是個跟大衛芬奇導演合作的機會,他們願意為我承擔風險 and say 'look this is nothing like you've done before but I know you've got this in 然後對我說:「我知道這與妳過往形象差距甚大,但妳有這個潛力 you. Come on let's go on this ride together!’. 讓我們一起大膽嘗試吧」 And you did have it in you. You were absolutely fabulous -- completely captivating. 妳的確潛力無窮呀,真的是棒透了!超有魅力 Well, probably because, you know I think we've all got the darkness in us if we want to explore 嗯~可能是因為只要我們去探索,就會發掘心中的陰暗面 it or go there, you know it's just when - as an actor you've got to make all of you available 你知道的,身為演員某個程度上你必須將自己完全釋放 some point, it's just when someone asks for which bit. Someone's going to ask for your humour. 準備好別人要你演譯某個部分,可能這部片需要你搞笑 Someone's going to ask for your rage. Someone's going to ask for your sort of romantic side 另一部要你歇斯底里、或是表現多情浪漫的一面 and that's you know, that's what's fun about it. That's what keeps me doing this job and loving it. 這就是當演員有趣的地方,也是為什麼我能保有熱情持續做這份工作 And a very challenging role, especially some of those sex scenes. That library one I was 這個角色非常有挑戰性耶,特別是那些性愛場面...圖書館那段真是 like, 'OH!'. 哇嗚~~~ I didn't think you were going to say that! Yes, it's a funny. In some ways you know those 我沒想到妳會提這段,的確很有趣!不過某個程度上 are far less difficult than the, especially with Fincher work, than the dialogue scenes because 對白場景比性愛場景難拍多了,尤其是大衛芬奇執導的電影 Fincher's sort of intense scrutiny of language and intense scrutiny of what people do to 他對措詞的要求非常嚴謹,對劇中角色的言語互動也是 each other with how they speak is you know, the multiple layers of meaning, you know 那種一語雙關的意境..你知道的... it really turns your brain into a knotted mass at the end of it but you know it's fun. 難度之高讓你的腦袋都打結了,雖然很有趣 It was good to have some romantic scenes in there, come on we needed a bit of... 但穿插一些浪漫場景滿好的,可以讓我們喘口氣 And I heard with Neil Patrick Harris, especially, you guys were in fits of laughter. You kind 我聽尼爾·哈里斯說,你們兩個玩得很開心 of have to make it a little bit fun don't you when you're doing these scenes? 總得在拍電影的時候製造一些歡樂,對吧? Well, Neil and I - Neil was just a wonderful guy to work with, he's just a dream sort of 尼爾是個很棒合作對象,他可以說是最理想的搭檔 partner to work with. He's dead professional and we did have fun and it was you know, we 非常專業的一位演員,跟他拍片也很好玩 had to do a lot of rehearsal because in order to make something look wild and abandoned 我們為了某些狂放不稽的片段,經過很多次的排演 and free, it has to be technically quite precise and you have to make sure you - and it was 技術上要相當精準,才能完美呈現 very corrupt. It's not a sex scene like you've ever seen it before. It's pretty corrupt, 而且性愛場面非常大膽露骨,不像你平常看到的那樣…很有爆點 pretty shocking - the kind of thing my grandmother will probably avert her eyes from. But you 非常駭人 – 我奶奶看到應該會把眼睛摀住 know the experience of doing it is obviously very funny because you think 'god, can we 但詮釋的過程非常有趣,因為你會覺得 go this far? Shall we do this? Will that be too naughty?'. 「天啊太超過了吧?可以這樣演嗎,會不會太鹹濕?」 It was very naughty, some of them... 真的是很重口味喔~某些片段 And Ben Affleck, wow - working alongside a massive Hollywood star like that - what is 哇~還有班艾弗列克 – 跟妳合作過的一大票好萊塢男星相比 he like? Is he a really lovely guy? 他怎麼樣? 真的很可愛嗎? Well, Ben is probably funnier than people imagine, you know because he's and he's totally willing 嗯~班可能比大家想像的還幽默,因為他非常樂意 to sort of laugh at himself and David Fincher would sometimes say to him you know are you 拿自己開玩笑。大衛導演有時候會問他: not worried about your leading man status at the end of this job? And he said I wouldn't 「難道你不怕自己的男主角地位不保嗎?」,他說: of taking this job if I was worried about my leading man status and he's having this 「會怕當初就不會參與演出了」,在他目前的職業生涯中 moment in his career where he's, you know acclaimed sort-after as a director, writer 他身兼廣受歡迎的導演、作家 and actor and he's got all the confidence that goes with that, which is incredible attractive 以及演員的身分,他擁有與這些頭銜相稱的迷人自信與風采 but without any of the arrogance. He's a great, great collaborator and it was exciting. When 卻沒有絲毫傲慢,他真的是非常棒的合作對象!跟他合作很高興 you're around someone and they just carry that energy 就像當你跟某些人在一起 of this success with them I suppose, it's exciting. 你感受的到他們身上那股卓越能量,很令人振奮!
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 角色 演員 合作 形象 導演 場景 亂世佳人Rosamund Pike on those 'naughty' sex scenes and working with Ben Affleck(本-阿弗萊克) (Gone Girl: Rosamund Pike on those 'naughty' sex scenes and working with Ben Affleck) 1918 96 Huang-ru Kuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字