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  • Anyone who's had a rice in a clay pot, they all know the best bits are the crispy bits on the bottom


  • That's what they've done here. But the whole thing is a crispy bit. Let's try it out


  • Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City. Today, it's all about the street food and our $100 street food challenge

    歡迎來到胡志明市。今天的主題是街頭小吃和我們的 100 美元街頭小吃挑戰賽

  • Vietnam is a land known for its delicious, affordable, one-of-a-kind street food


  • You can find this for under a dollar


  • You can find this for under $2. You can find this for under $4

    不到 2 美元就能找到這個。

  • Our previous videos were about how affordable street food can be here


  • But today we're going super expensive at least as expensive as we can find.


  • I have done the $100 challenge in many countries Japan, Korea, India

    我在許多國家都進行過 100 美元挑戰 日本、韓國、印度

  • Even in Disneyland in the USA and every time I came up short


  • I failed I got too full too quick or the food wasn't expensive enough.


  • I think we missed it by a lot. Today everything is gonna change because I am determined to eat $100 worth of street food any way I can. I'm hitting the streets of Saigon alone. Let's see if it can be done. Let's go

    我想我們錯過了很多。今天,一切都將改變,因為我下定決心,無論如何都要吃到價值 100 美元的街頭小吃。我要一個人在西貢街頭大吃一頓看看能不能做到走吧

  • Welcome to the beginning of our $100 street food challenge here in Saigon. In order to spend this much money

    歡迎來到西貢,開始我們的 100 美元街頭美食挑戰。為了花這麼多錢

  • We're gonna have to eat some super-sized food


  • And that's why we've come here to the place right behind me. Banh Bao Toa Phat. Banh Bao Toa Phat. Banh Bao Toa Phat.

    這就是我們來到我身後這個地方的原因。Banh Bao Toa PhatBanh Bao Toa Phat.Banh Bao Toa Phat

  • This establishment has been around for 30 years making the best steamed buns in the city

    這家店已有 30 年曆史,製作出全市最美味的饅頭

  • They sell up to 2,000 buns per day

    他們每天最多能賣出 2000 個包子

  • And that's not including the thousands more that are shipped off to convenience stores around Ho Chi Minh City made with an endless variety of fillings


  • Including pork, quail eggs, or even salted eggs always wrapped in a cushiony soft bun


  • Here we have the king of all Banh Bao

    這裡有 Banh Bao 之王

  • It has eight eggs inside seven quail eggs and one salted egg from a chicken


  • From a duck. Do you guys salt chicken eggs? No, that would be silly. Why would we salt the chicken egg?


  • All right, I'm gonna sink my teeth into it now


  • I


  • Was told this dish is all about the eggs, but there's so much meat


  • It's some kind of new fangled Vietnamese hamburger


  • Almost the meat inside is so juicy and porky and then the eggs. They're just like the cherry on top. It's so satisfying


  • Oh and here if I bust this open you can see the salted egg. So every bite a new surprise. Let's try it out


  • It's


  • Super dry. Oh, but it's so rich and flavorful. This is a very filling meal. Yeah, this whole big thing is only $2

    超級幹。哦,但它是如此的豐富和美味。這頓飯吃得很飽是啊,這一大份才 2 美元

  • It's a good deal, but that's a problem because I'm trying to spend $100. I don't know how we're gonna do it

    這很划算,但這是個問題,因為我想花 100 美元。我不知道我們該怎麼做

  • Maybe I could eat five of these. I doubt it


  • Street food number two this time the street is inside this restaurant. Is this street food?

    街邊小吃二號 這次街邊小吃就在這家餐廳裡。這是街頭小吃嗎?

  • I don't give us a break on the technicality. It's very near the street. You can hear the traffic, right?


  • So right here we have a fresh water prawn on sticky rice with a salted egg sauce


  • And this is a treat that you could eat with silverware or you could just dive in with your hands after lathering them up with antibacterial solution the dish starts with a coconut sticky rice mouth


  • That's coated with a generous dose of salted egg sauce and finally topped with a prawn


  • It's the signature dish and pride of this restaurant only found here now. I always like sticky rice


  • It is like the most underrated rice and then on top of it this salted egg sauce. Let's try out this salted egg sauce


  • Nice bro, there's something about the salted egg


  • You got to be careful with it man


  • Like when I had the salted egg in my bun bow, it was so concentrated that it just became like dry and chalky


  • But when you mix it with the right ingredients and make a nice sauce out of it


  • It can just be very like rich next


  • These are fresh water prawns and this whole thing is just caked with that salted egg sauce a couple notable features here


  • First of all, it has arms


  • What have you ever seen a shrimp with arms before second as very spiky arms and there's actually meat inside of each one of these


  • That's not it


  • That's not it either. I'm gonna eat that arm later. There's so much meat in there


  • Well, we really want is in here. It's gonna be a massive tail pull it out just like that. Boom. That's a beauty

    我們真的很想把它放進去這將是一個巨大的尾巴 拉出來就像這樣。嘣真漂亮

  • Look at that. All right, I'm gonna get some rice get some more sauce. Let's try it out. Oh

    看看這個好了,我去拿點米 再拿點醬汁來我們來試試哦

  • That's super tasty


  • I'd like to order like five more shrimps to put on there


  • Well, so good and then in here a place where a few Americans have gone before you got it


  • Like take the top off and then look all that that's all food. Technically. This is the head butter. This is what everybody loves


  • It's so good. It's so rich and creamy. That's damn good


  • Right

  • Now we are on one of the busiest streets in Saigon and one of the busiest street vendors is right there


  • Can you guys see him in the camera frame? You see how he did that?


  • Cool

  • This business is on every food delivery app about every couple minutes


  • You'll see some delivery food guy pull up throw about 15 of these on his bike and take off and they've been here for 40

    你會看到一些送外賣的人把 15 個這樣的東西扔到自行車上就走了,他們在這裡已經呆了 40 年。

  • Years two sisters created this recipe and they've been running this place


  • Which is insanely popular now like they have built an empire off of papaya salad


  • You'll notice that no one's actually eating here


  • So what happens is over here in the park people order the food?


  • There's somebody over there with a walkie-talkie here. They make it and they deliver it to the park


  • So what is the food that everyone's going crazy for well


  • It's right here a papaya salad the first ingredient and the core of this dish is shredded young papaya


  • Then beef jerky made from cow lungs shrimp crackers peanuts and Vietnamese coriander

    然後是用牛肺製成的牛肉乾 蝦餅 花生和越南香菜

  • However, this dish wouldn't be complete without their own homemade sauce made with secret ingredients that if revealed could get me killed


  • You

  • Get a little bit of everything in here a little cracker a little bit of jerky a little bit of papaya

    這裡什麼都有 一點點餅乾 一點點牛肉乾 一點點木瓜

  • Wow, that's a bite worth getting a close-up on. Oh, there we go. I want to try it out


  • Mmm, that's awesome such a mix of fresh flavors. It's sweet spicy and savory


  • There's almost nothing better than getting a papaya salad in Vietnam


  • Like the name of it seems like first of all salad that doesn't sound good papaya


  • What is that a plant but it's more than that. I mean when you look at the elements here


  • It is a celebration of textures. You've got crunchy crackers chewy beef jerky and crunchy nuts


  • I say crunchy twice, but it's different types of crunchy. Oh, it makes that all with the fresh papaya. So damn good. Love it


  • Our next location a street side restaurant called soup kua cheap week

    我們的下一個地點是一家名為 "湯瓜便宜周 "的街邊餐館。

  • They opened two years ago, and I heard they have something really fancy


  • The $100 street food challenge continues and I was getting a little bit worried

    100 美元街頭美食挑戰仍在繼續,我有點擔心

  • We're getting behind because I'm getting full and I don't think we've even spent $10 yet

    我們已經落後了,因為我已經吃飽了,我想我們還沒花 10 美元呢

  • But here they have a fabulous luxurious crab claw dish nearing $20 and I got two of them just to be safe to make sure I'm extra full and that we actually hit our goal of $100 allow me to unveil for you guys now

    我買了兩份,以確保我吃得特別飽,也確保我們能達到 100 美元的目標。

  • A crab soup, but wait, there's much more to it than what you see at first glance


  • They add in a giant crab claw century egg and coriander all swimming in a viscous cornstarch


  • Thickened gravy this soup always reminds me of the egg drop soup. I had growing up as a young Chinese boy


  • What I'm gonna get just a bunch of this viscous almost not like broth. I'm gonna try that out


  • Oh

  • That's delicious, wow, it's got a bit of spice to it


  • It's super savory very satisfying warm as it just kind of slowly glides down your throat home


  • Let's try this thousand-year-old egg and the egg that you'll find all over many parts of Southeast Asia and China


  • That's so delicious no super intense taste just like super eggy enough of that now it's time for the main event


  • All right, giant crab claw. Let's go for it


  • Oh

  • They took many pieces of crab meat from different crabs and fused it all together to make a new crab claw


  • I've never seen anything like that. Very unique a little strange and very delicious. All right now the show must go on


  • We're about halfway to our goal of $100. We got to keep going. Let's go

    我們離 100 美元的目標只差一半了。我們得繼續努力讓我們

  • Our next food it seems simple but it packs a flavor punch


  • Overcooked rice and honestly anyone who's had a rice in a clay pot


  • They all know the best bits are the kind of crispy bits on the bottom


  • That's what they've done here. But the whole thing is a crispy bit home


  • Che call wit it consists of two parts the crispy shell made by spreading rice over a fiery hot pan and the dip made


  • Of a concentrated fish sauce dried pork fat dried shrimp ease scallions and stir-fried minced pork

    濃縮魚露 豬油幹 蝦乾 蔥和炒肉末

  • The


  • Move here mix it up and that's gonna be almost like the jam to my bread


  • So I'm gonna bust off a piece of this put on a little bit of jam and honey


  • Oh, it's gonna be good. Try it out. Oh


  • That's a winner super good I probably put too much on there it's very salty but the best part is the texture


  • It's so thin and the one side is just golden brown crispy. I can munch on that all day. That's it


  • It's not a super dynamic food. Did you love crunch? You'll love this 10 by 10

    這不是一種超級有活力的食物。你喜歡嘎嘣脆嗎?你一定會喜歡這個 10 乘 10

  • Welcome to our next food. It's totally the same day. It's not the next day. I'm so full, right?


  • Good. So here this is a great story


  • She has a snail cart, but no one's really eating here people actually drive up


  • They get their snails and they get them to go actually someone just ordered snails through a delivery app


  • Unless the delivery guy is just hungry. That could be too also with this place. It's a heartwarming story a


  • Long time ago


  • She used to be a mobile vendor


  • But she's been able to kind of settle down here in one place in this small market because a youtuber came here did a little


  • Feature on her sales and now she's very busy lots of traffic people ordering online and us here right now


  • She has a few different types of snails available and I went with the biggest one she had because they look delicious and plump


  • Plump snails she steams them at home with only a touch of lemongrass


  • Then she brings them here selling them with a homemade chili sauce. All right, let's try it out


  • Mmm, this is so delicious. This is kind of what makes it right here. I think everyone's coming here for her famous sauce


  • It's just a little spicy


  • So you feel a little heat kind of warms you up and then very sweet and a bit sour


  • It's delicious. If you've never had a snail before you have to give it a try. I always say this snail. Oh, thank you


  • This is a different brand of snail. She's given me


  • When there's that much sauce, I can't really tell a difference


  • They're all just kind of delightfully chewy but at different sizes


  • So it's like do you want something small and chewy or big and chewy?


  • I like big and chewy


  • But if you're afraid of trying kind of adventurous wild food a snail is a great place to start


  • It's pretty doable and in Vietnam, it's gonna taste great


  • They're delicious, all right, did we do it we did a good job since I


  • I


  • Here we are welcome to my sausage party


  • Behind me such a wonderful array of sausages and the queen of sausages


  • She's back there whipping up some more sausage concoctions for all the people coming through


  • Oh, you shouldn't say sausage and concoction too close to each other

    哦,你不應該把 "香腸 "和 "調料 "說得太近

  • Miss knew it has been whipping up these sausages for over 30 years

    小姐知道它製作這些香腸已經有 30 多年的歷史了

  • Recently a local food blogger discovered her reviewed her food and blew up her spot now


  • She can't stop people from snatching her plump sausages


  • Her staple dish nem chua chay made of fermented pork ears and skin garlic chilies steamed pork sausage raw pork sausage

    她的主食是用發酵豬耳朵和豬皮製成的 "糯米餈"(nem chua chay),蒜蓉辣椒蒸豬肉香腸,生豬肉香腸

  • Vietnamese coriander kumquat and a pinch of salt it gets all mixed up and served with banh mi bread or shrimp chips


  • I'm gonna try just some of this chalua

    我只想嚐嚐這個 Chalua

  • Mmm, chalua is very yummy. It's very dense. It's like the perfect sandwich and deli meat just savory

    嗯,chalua 非常美味。口感很綿密就像完美的三明治和熟食肉一樣美味

  • Meat


  • I'm running out of words guys. Can we look up synonyms for savory?

    我快沒詞兒了我們能找找 "鹹味 "的同義詞嗎?

  • Salty spicy piquant acceptable and those are all words that I think suit this food quite well


  • It's very piquant and acceptable here. This is kind of like a cured pork. I believe it cooks through the acid


  • That's in there maybe from the salt maybe from some lime science


  • Oh, I love that and it has this delightful kind of tang to it no part of this pig was wasted


  • Look at that. That's a bunch of skin


  • The skin is very bouncy


  • I like that and then get a little cracker put some meat on there some herbs and we can take that down, too


  • It's so good, but so intense and there's such a heavy amount of salt in there


  • It's almost like starting to cook your own tongue. Eventually if you eat enough of this your tongues gonna look like this


  • It's a lot of sausage I might have to take some of this home


  • Guys we came to the giant meatball place. Do you have a giant meatball place in your town?


  • I fucking doubt it on a more serious note. Have you ever seen a meatball this big? It's incredible inspired by Indonesia's giant meatballs and the movie


  • Inception this creation is a dream come true for ball lovers like me inside the giant meatball

    對於像我這樣的球類愛好者來說,"Inception "這個巨型肉球簡直是夢想成真。

  • You'll find a grocery list of items corn carrots seafood and smaller balls within the big ball


  • All that is topped with purple cabbage fried onions dried cabbage and spring onions

    所有這些都澆上了紫甘藍炒洋蔥 捲心菜乾和蔥花

  • Finally, our meaty majesty is bathed in a meatball broth


  • I think you're supposed to share this with friends or family loved ones someone you met off Craigslist. That would be acceptable, too

    我覺得你應該把這個分享給你在 Craigslist 上認識的朋友或家人。這也是可以接受的

  • I did put up a tinder ad that said looking for someone to eat balls with but nobody got back to me

    我在 Tinder 上發了條廣告,說想找個人一起吃蛋蛋,但沒人回覆我。

  • What is this one? It's probably a fish cake. I bet


  • It's seafood tofu I bet


  • Very nice here. I'm told this one is a cheese ball. Try that up. Oh


  • It tastes cheesy. I think the outer layer is a fish ball and then some kind of processed cheese on the inside


  • It's so like processed, but I still love it


  • And then of course there's like the main meat wrapping here kind of split apart making a giant meat flower


  • One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen and honestly for Valentine's Day


  • This is what people want right here a meat flower


  • Roses, right? I want a meat flower


  • Mmm, that's a good meatball. It's like real dense. It's got some nice chew to it soft


  • Like just very comforting dude what this meatball is giving birth to other smaller meatballs


  • This is also a meatball from inside the meatball. You never know what to expect in here


  • I feel like I'm gonna pull up an entire Big Mac burger or a fish


  • Then there's like little vegetables in here, let me try this specials, huh?


  • Remarkable all this was in the ball. I kind of wish life was more like that


  • Like I wish every food came in a ball of meat. Oh, you want a piece of cake?


  • It's inside the ball of meat ranch sauce all the meat


  • You want a ball of meat we put it in a bigger ball of meat men


  • What a day we've had eight different foods at eight different price points. Oh wait, that's a different kind of video today was wild


  • We had eight different foods


  • I'm super full right now, but our main goal wasn't just to eat a lot of food


  • But to see if I can really spend a hundred dollars and right now we have our final food calculator on the screen


  • And the final number appears right now


  • We didn't get it again, I have an idea we can still do this. It's not too late. Give me a second. I


  • Wait you see


  • Your golden smile


  • Every time I've set out to complete a hundred dollar street food challenge


  • I've failed in Korea, India, Japan even in Disneyland where I missed it by less than a dollar 9970 but today I'm determined to be victorious and do a good deed at the same time by using the remaining money and buying as

    我在韓國、印度、日本都失敗過,甚至在迪斯尼樂園也失敗過,我只差不到一美元 9970,但今天我決心取得勝利,同時做一件好事,用剩下的錢儘可能多地買東西。

  • Many sausages as it'll get me


  • Ho Chi Minh City a city of 8 million

    胡志明市 一個擁有 800 萬人口的城市

  • There is no shortage of diverse affordable delicious street food


  • And even when you're trying your hardest to spend your cash, you'll almost certainly have some leftover for sausages


  • Hey guys, how's it going with that quarantine more like quarantine am I right?

    嘿,夥計們,"隔離 "的事怎麼樣了? 我說的 "隔離 "是什麼意思?

  • If you're anything like me, you're probably stuffing yourself twice a day. Listen, we're gonna get through this


  • I'm not talking about the apocalypse. I don't know anything about that


  • I'm talking about this constant stomach stretching that we keep doing but if we move forward if we persevere at the end of the day


  • We can call ourselves food coma survivors


  • Buy the shirt


  • And we're donating 25% of the profits from this campaign to feed America's COVID-19 response fund

    我們將把此次活動利潤的 25% 捐贈給美國 COVID-19 應急基金。

  • They are assisting food banks and helping people across America who are in need. So it's a cool shirt. It's a great cause


  • Thank you guys for the support from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best-ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality

    感謝你們的支持,從研究、拍攝到剪輯和母版製作,我們的 10 人美食評論節目團隊一直在努力推出最高品質的節目。

  • Travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here


  • Please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras

    請考慮支持我們的 patreon patreon 允許節目粉絲每月捐款,並獲得大量額外內容

  • Like early video releases private Q&A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon


  • Check out the link in the description box down below. And if you can't give or don't even feel like it, that's okay, too


  • We're just happy you're here guys. That is it for this one. Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next time a piece


  • You

Anyone who's had a rice in a clay pot, they all know the best bits are the crispy bits on the bottom


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