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  • I know what you're all thinking, and yes, that is true.


  • I wasn't even expecting to make this video this early, but all major sources have reported that the iPhone 17 will be the biggest change since the iPhone X.

    我根本沒想到會這麼早就製作出這個視頻,但所有主要消息來源都報道稱,iPhone 17 將是自 iPhone X 以來最大的變革。

  • And based on everything that I've seen, I do have to agree, with the biggest change being a new slim model replacing the iPhone 17 Plus.

    根據我所看到的一切,我不得不同意,最大的變化是新的超薄機型取代了 iPhone 17 Plus。

  • This has been reported by well-known industry analyst Jeff Poo, and at first glance, it does sound like a very strange decision.

    知名行業分析師傑夫-普(Jeff Poo)對此進行了報道,乍聽之下,這確實是一個非常奇怪的決定。

  • Like, okay, I get why Apple would drop the iPhone 17 Plus, as both the 14 Plus and the 15 Plus were not very popular at all, with most people just going for the Pro Max model instead.

    好吧,我明白蘋果為什麼要放棄 iPhone 17 Plus,因為 14 Plus 和 15 Plus 根本就不受歡迎,大多數人都選擇了 Pro Max 機型。

  • But why would they replace it with a thinner version?


  • That's just weird, right?


  • Well, it's only weird if it's a direct replacement.


  • Based on everything that I'm going to be talking about in this video, you'll see that this slim model is actually the iPhone X all over again.

    根據我將在本視頻中講述的一切,你會發現這款超薄機型實際上就是 iPhone X 的翻版。

  • The super premium high-end iPhone that sits on top of all the other models, and comes with some groundbreaking features.

    超級高端的高端 iPhone,與其他所有機型一樣,擁有一些突破性的功能。

  • The main being this much slimmer design.


  • Up until the iPhone 6, Apple kept making their iPhones thinner and thinner every single year.

    在 iPhone 6 發佈之前,蘋果公司每年都會把 iPhone 做得越來越薄。

  • But since then, they've been making them thicker each year, as they changed their focus to improving their durability and giving them bigger batteries.


  • And personally, I don't mind that.


  • The battery life has seen some significant improvements over the years, with the 15 Pro Max being the longest lasting iPhone that I've ever used, and also the only one that was able to last me through a full day of travel.

    這些年來,電池續航時間有了明顯改善,15 Pro Max 是我使用過的續航時間最長的 iPhone,也是唯一能讓我堅持一整天旅行的 iPhone。

  • And while I do love these battery life improvements that we got over the years, part of me still misses the era of ultra-thin Apple devices.


  • So when Apple launched the new iPad Pro that was 20% thinner than the previous generation, I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Apple was making a return to their era of making every single one of their new devices thinner than it lasts.

    是以,當蘋果公司推出比上一代產品薄 20% 的新款 iPad Pro 時,我曾希望,也許,只是也許,蘋果公司會重新回到他們的時代,讓他們的每一款新設備都比上一代產品更薄。

  • And not long after, Mark Gurman published this article in which he detailed how Apple has indeed started working on a new class of devices that will be the thinnest and also the lightest in their categories, with the first being the iPad Pro.

    不久之後,馬克-古爾曼(Mark Gurman)發表了這篇文章,詳細介紹了蘋果公司如何開始研發同類產品中最薄、最輕的新設備,其中第一款就是 iPad Pro。

  • Future devices will include the Apple Watch, the MacBook Pro, which desperately needs to be getting thinner, and yes, it also includes the iPhone, with the iPhone 17 Slim being the first.

    未來的設備將包括 Apple Watch、急需變薄的 MacBook Pro 以及 iPhone,其中 iPhone 17 Slim 將是首款。

  • Now, we don't even know how thin this new iPhone will be.

    現在,我們甚至還不知道這款新 iPhone 會有多薄。

  • I would be surprised if it actually ends up being as thin as the new iPad Pro's at 5.1 millimeters thin, although based on what Mark Gurman has stated, it will be quote-unquote significantly skinnier.

    如果它最終真的像新款 iPad Pro 一樣薄(5.1 毫米),我會感到驚訝,不過根據馬克-古爾曼的說法,它將會明顯更薄。

  • In our concept, we did make it 5 millimeters thin, just to give you guys an idea of how it will look like at this incredible thickness.

    在我們的概念設計中,我們確實把它做薄了 5 毫米,只是為了讓你們瞭解在如此驚人的厚度下它會是什麼樣子。

  • Oh, and the chassis is also to be made out of aluminum instead of titanium, so it will be even lighter than it is now.


  • Of course, this also raises the question, will the battery life get a major downgrade given this thinner design?


  • Well, that does depend.


  • The new iPads are still rated the same as the previous models, despite being far thinner, and based on battery drain tests, the M4 models last even longer than the previous ones, by a whopping 4 hours and 20 minutes.

    儘管新款 iPad 的機身要薄得多,但其評級仍與前代機型相同,而且根據電池耗電量測試,M4 機型的續航時間甚至比前代機型更長,達到了驚人的 4 小時 20 分鐘。

  • And based on my usage, I can also confirm that the M4 iPad Pro lasted me for multiple days of use, something that I was just never able to do on any of the previous models.

    根據我的使用情況,我還可以確認,M4 iPad Pro 可以讓我連續使用多天,而這是我以前的任何機型都無法做到的。

  • Plus, if Apple ends up using silicon carbon batteries, which is a new battery technology that allows batteries to be significantly thinner, they could easily achieve a much with the same battery capacity than what we have now.


  • After all, Honor, the first manufacturer to use silicon carbon batteries, has already released the incredibly thin Honor Magic V2, which is just 4.7mm when unfolded.

    畢竟,作為首家使用硅碳電池的製造商,榮耀已經發布了超薄的榮耀 Magic V2,展開後僅有 4.7 毫米。

  • And you know what else is pretty incredible to have?


  • Our sponsor.


  • Meet Norpass, the popular password manager made by the NorVPN team.

    認識一下 Norpass,NorVPN 團隊製作的流行密碼管理器。

  • Recently, I visited their HQ in Lithuania, and not only did I meet the team, but I also saw how they work and discussed why passkeys are the future of passwords.


  • We need something better, and that solution is passkeys.


  • And it's just like a set of two keys, one is a private one, one is a public.


  • The private one lives on your device, like on your phone or on your computer, it never leaves your device.


  • And the public one lives on the website servers.


  • A hacker has no benefits from stealing those public keys, because they need the private one to actually do some harm.


  • So that's why you're quite safe and protected if you use passkeys.


  • So passkeys are not just more secure than passwords, but also more convenient, as you don't need to remember a password, you simply use your biometrics as one.


  • Download Norpass today and start using passkeys on all of your devices.

    立即下載 Norpass,開始在所有設備上使用通行密鑰。

  • And if you use code ZOT at slash ZOT, you also get 3 months for free on Norpass's business plan, or the best possible offer on their personal plan.

    如果您在 使用代碼 ZOT slash ZOT,您還可以免費獲得 3 個月的 Norpass 商業計劃,或獲得其個人計劃的最佳優惠。

  • Now, remember when I said that the iPhone 17 slim will be the iPhone 10 approach all over again?

    現在,還記得我說過 iPhone 17 slim 將是 iPhone 10 的翻版嗎?

  • This wasn't just because of the 17 slim being this premium model that sits on top of all the other models, but also because just like the iPhone 10, it is also set to come with a smaller display at 6.55 inches, as opposed to the massive 6.9 inch panel that we're going to have in the iPhone 17 Pro Max.

    這不僅僅是因為 17 slim 是一款高端機型,位於所有其他機型的頂端,還因為與 iPhone 10 一樣,它也將配備 6.55 英寸的較小顯示屏,而不是 iPhone 17 Pro Max 的 6.9 英寸大屏幕。

  • And I think that the only reason why Apple's doing this is because they want to trick us into paying even more for a larger model the following year, which is exactly what they've done with the iPhone 10.

    我認為,蘋果公司這樣做的唯一原因是,他們想欺騙我們,讓我們在下一年花更多錢購買更大的機型,這正是他們在 iPhone 10 上所做的。

  • They priced it at $1000, $200 more than the iPhone 8 Plus.

    他們將其定價為 1000 美元,比 iPhone 8 Plus 高出 200 美元。

  • And even though the display was technically bigger on paper, the aspect ratio was narrower, so when I switched from the 8 Plus to the iPhone 10, it felt like I was getting a smaller display that was also less enjoyable to type on due to the more compacted keyboard.

    是以,當我從 8 Plus 換到 iPhone 10 時,感覺就像換了一個更小的顯示屏,而且由於鍵盤更緊湊,在上面打字也不那麼愉快了。

  • And I remember at that time being like, oh man, I wish Apple had a larger iPhone 10 model.

    我記得當時我就想,天啊,我真希望蘋果公司能推出更大的 iPhone 10 機型。

  • Well, fast forward a year later, and they launched the iPhone 10S Max, which they sold for $1100, or $300 more than the iPhone 8 Plus.

    一年後,他們推出了 iPhone 10S Max,售價 1100 美元,比 iPhone 8 Plus 高出 300 美元。

  • This is exactly what I believe Apple will be doing with this iPhone 17 slim or 17 Ultra, whatever they end up calling it.

    這正是我所相信的蘋果公司將在 iPhone 17 slim 或 17 Ultra 上做的事情,不管他們最終叫它什麼。

  • They'll release this smaller 6.55 inch model next year, probably at $100 to $200 more than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, so expect $1300 to $1400.

    他們將於明年發佈這款較小的 6.55 英寸機型,價格可能比 iPhone 15 Pro Max 高出 100 到 200 美元,是以預計在 1300 到 1400 美元之間。

  • And then the following year, they'll release the bigger variant at $100 more.

    第二年,他們會推出更大的變體,價格要高出 100 美元。

  • And then a few years from now, the other iPhone models will also get a price bump, once again repeating the iPhone 10 moment that eventually led to the entire smartphone industry bringing their prices up.

    幾年後,其他 iPhone 機型也將提價,再次重演 iPhone 10 的輝煌時刻,最終導致整個智能手機行業提價。

  • Now, in order to justify this price increase, they just cannot make it only thinner, right?


  • They need to do more than that.


  • And of course, we do have some other notable upgrades here too.


  • For example, the Face ID camera is rumored to now be placed under the display, something that we've been hearing for many years now, with only the front camera remaining visible and likely the same size as the Dynamic Island is right now in height, in order to make it easy for developers to keep that same Dynamic Island functionality as we have now.

    例如,有傳言稱 Face ID 攝像頭將被放置在顯示屏下方,這一點我們已經聽說了很多年,只有前置攝像頭仍然可見,而且很可能與 "動態島 "現在的高度大小相同,以便於開發人員保持與現在相同的 "動態島 "功能。

  • This front camera is also set to be upgraded to a brand new 24MP sensor with a 6-element lens from the current 12MP with a 5-element lens that we've got on the 15s.

    該前置攝像頭也將升級為全新的 2400 萬像素傳感器,配備 6 鏡式鏡頭,而目前 15s 上配備的是 1200 萬像素和 5 鏡式鏡頭。

  • Also this year, we're getting that new 48MP ultrawide.

    今年,我們還將獲得全新的 4800 萬像素超寬屏。

  • And then next year, we're set to be getting a new 48MP telephoto too, which means that if this iPhone 17 slim is getting a 24MP front camera too, then all the photos will be taken at a default resolution of 24MP, no matter which lens you use, giving you a much sharper image.

    明年,我們還將獲得新的 4800 萬像素長焦鏡頭,這意味著如果這款 iPhone 17 slim 也配備 2400 萬像素前置攝像頭,那麼無論使用哪種鏡頭,所有照片都將以默認的 2400 萬像素分辨率拍攝,從而獲得更清晰的影像。

  • So that's the front.


  • Now, the back is also getting some big changes.


  • As we all know, ever since the iPhone 11 Pros, the camera module design hasn't really changed at all, it only got bigger.

    眾所周知,自 iPhone 11 Pros 發佈以來,相機模塊的設計其實沒有任何變化,只是變得更大了。

  • The standard iPhone 16s are getting a new camera design this year, but the 16 Pros are not.

    標準版 iPhone 16s 今年採用了新的攝像頭設計,但 16 Pro 卻沒有。

  • So this high-end iPhone 17 model is set to finally be changing that, by possibly having the camera in the top center, essentially the same approach that Google has taken with their Pixel phones.

    是以,這款 iPhone 17 高端機型將最終改變這一現狀,它可能會將攝像頭安裝在頂部中央,這與谷歌在其 Pixel 手機上採用的方法基本相同。

  • Which does make a lot of sense.


  • Think about it.


  • Apple is making this iPhone 17 model significantly thinner.

    蘋果公司將大幅減薄 iPhone 17 機型。

  • Unless they give it a potato camera, the camera bump would stick out even more.


  • And it is already 4mm thick on the 8.25mm iPhone 15 Pro Max.

    而 8.25 毫米的 iPhone 15 Pro Max 厚度已經達到 4 毫米。

  • If Apple were to decrease the thickness of the iPhone to 5.25mm, then the camera module would increase by at least 3, to a total of 7, possibly even more with that new larger main sensor that's been rumored.

    如果蘋果公司將 iPhone 的厚度減至 5.25 毫米,那麼攝像頭模塊將至少增加 3 個,總數將達到 7 個,如果採用傳聞中的新的更大的主傳感器,增幅可能更大。

  • The iPhone already wobbles significantly when it's sitting flat on a table.

    當 iPhone 平放在桌面上時,已經會出現明顯的晃動。

  • This new version will just wobble like crazy, unless of course they put the camera modules in the middle.


  • Then they can immediately solve this issue, while also giving the iPhone a brand new look too.

    這樣他們就能立即解決這個問題,同時還能給 iPhone 帶來全新的外觀。

  • Additionally, we're expecting some even more upgrades.


  • We could see up to 12GB of RAM from the current 8, Jeff Boo states 8 only for the Slim model and then 12 for the Pro models, although I would expect the Slim or Ultra to have at least 12, as it is going to be more expensive than the Pros.

    傑夫-布稱 Slim 機型只有 8GB 內存,而 Pro 機型則有 12GB 內存,不過我預計 Slim 或 Ultra 至少會有 12GB 內存,因為它將比 Pro 機型更貴。

  • As for any other new features, there's also set to be a new anti-reflective coating for the display, possibly something similar to what Samsung has done with the S24 Ultra, which was great, as it significantly reduced reflections without giving us that grainy texture that we got on the nanotexture display of the iPad Pro for example.

    至於其他新功能,顯示屏還將採用新的防反射塗層,可能與三星在 S24 Ultra 上所做的類似,後者非常出色,能顯著減少反光,同時又不會像 iPad Pro 的納米紋理顯示屏那樣產生顆粒紋理。

  • And this glass is also set to be more durable, although it isn't quite clear yet if this will just be on the iPhone 17 Slim or on the other Pro models as well.

    此外,這種玻璃還將更加耐用,但目前還不太清楚這是否只適用於 iPhone 17 Slim,還是也適用於其他 Pro 機型。

  • We're also getting WiFi 7 with up to 40Gbps speeds, 4 times higher than WiFi 6C, and literally the same speeds as Thunderbolt.

    我們還將獲得速度高達 40Gbps 的 WiFi 7,是 WiFi 6C 的 4 倍,與 Thunderbolt 的速度完全相同。

  • Obviously in practice these will be far lower, but still fairly impressive tech.


  • And I do believe that WiFi 7, by the way, will be coming to the other iPhone 17 models, at least the Pro models, as WiFi is integrated into the main chip itself.

    順便說一句,我相信 WiFi 7 將出現在 iPhone 17 的其他機型上,至少是 Pro 機型,因為 WiFi 本身就集成在主芯片中。

  • And of course, given that this is an entirely new generation of iPhones, we're likely going to see some fresh new colors too.

    當然,鑑於這是全新一代的 iPhone,我們也可能會看到一些全新的顏色。

  • The ones that we designed are Gold, Silver, Tungsten, and Sapphire.


  • With Sapphire looking especially gorgeous.


  • Oh, and if you love the wallpaper that we've got in our concept, it is part of our new Candy Canvas Pack for our app Wallpapers, made by our designer Michael Swengle.

    對了,如果你喜歡我們概念中的壁紙,它是我們新推出的糖果畫布包應用程序壁紙的一部分,由我們的設計師 Michael Swengle 製作。

  • And speaking of wallpapers, due to popular demand, we've now launched an actual store on our website, where you can purchase individual packs.


  • And if you guys love this, we'll bring this feature into our app as well.


  • The store refreshes each Wednesday with a different selection of 6 packs.

    每週三,商店都會推出不同的 6 包產品。

  • This week we've got Vibrant Views, Spectrum Splash, Poetic Pigments, Minimal Mammals, Mesmerizing Mountains, as well as Striking Stadiums.

    本週我們帶來了 "生機勃勃的景色"、"光譜飛濺"、"詩意的顏料"、"極簡哺乳動物"、"令人著迷的山脈 "以及 "引人注目的體育場"。

  • A beautiful pack of 10 of the most popular football stadiums in the world, which to celebrate the ongoing 2024 Euros, we are selling at a 50% discount.

    為慶祝 2024 年歐洲盃的到來,我們將以半價出售這套精美的 10 座世界上最受歡迎的足球場。

  • You can check out our Wallpapers store and our Wallpapers app by using the links below.


  • All in all, I do believe that one of the main reasons for this iPhone 17 Slim or Ultra even existing is Apple wanting to recreate that iPhone X pricing moment in order to boost their slowing iPhone sales, where they released a super expensive high-end model of the iPhone, but in a smaller 4-factor, only for this to be followed by an even more expensive, larger models adopting this higher price point.

    總之,我認為,iPhone 17 Slim 或 Ultra 存在的主要原因之一是蘋果公司希望重現 iPhone X 的定價時刻,以促進其放緩的 iPhone 銷量,在這一時刻,他們發佈了一款超級昂貴的高端 iPhone 機型,但採用的是較小的 4 機型,隨後又推出了採用這一較高價位的更昂貴、更大的機型。

  • And according to this poll from 9to5Mac, a lot of people would actually be fine paying this much for an iPhone.

    而根據 9to5Mac 的民意調查,很多人其實並不介意花這麼多錢購買 iPhone。

  • But let me know, what do you guys think?


  • And definitely subscribe if you enjoyed this video.


  • I'm Daniel, this has been Zenoftech, and I'll see you guys in the next one.

    我是丹尼爾,這裡是 Zenoftech,我們下期再見。

  • Zenoftech, signing out.


  • Cheers.


I know what you're all thinking, and yes, that is true.


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