字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - [Voiceover] Your mind is one of many. - [旁述] 你的思想是人海中之一個 (calm music) (平靜的音樂) - Hello Agents. - Agent你好。 I'm Susanna Moyer 我是Susanna Moyer and this is The Ingress Report. 這是Ingress 報告。 On Saturday Agents around the world 星期六全世界各地的Agent collided in an intense contest 在一場緊湊的比賽中龍爭虎鬥 to control the Helios Anomalies. 以控制 helios anomalies。 The first was in Taipei 第一場比賽在台北 with Satellites in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. 在香港和 吉隆坡有衛星站點。 The second was in Chicago 第二場在芝加哥 with Satellites in Richmond and Galveston. 在列治文和加爾維斯頓市有衛星站點。 With a tremendous turnout of more than 1,000 參與人數非常踴躍 超過了1千人 Agents in both Taipei and Hong Kong 聚集在台北和香港 and over 800 in Chicago, 芝加哥有超過8百人 this was the largest ever single day 那天是Ingress anomaly 史上 of Ingress Anomalies. 最多參與人數的一天。 (upbeat music) (動感音樂) - [Voiceover] (speaking in another language) - [旁述] (另一種語言旁述) - There are about 800 to 900 people - 大約有8至9百人 in my Ingress circle. 在我的Ingress圈子裡。 (upbeat music) (動感音樂) - [Voiceover] (speaking in another language) - [旁述] (另一種語言旁述) - This year I'm sure we will do much better. - 今年我肯定 我們會做的更好 - [Susanna] The Anomalies were marked with - [Susanna] 這些Anomalies比賽裏面 ambitious strategy combined with tremendous efforts 我們見到了雄心勃勃的戰略策劃 還有極大努力 on the ground. 出現在比賽場地上。 (upbeat music) (動感音樂) - We're trying to maximize efficiency - 我們想最大限度地提高效率 in how we work, how we control, 在工作和控制度方面 and how we keep our team together. 還有在團隊精神方面 - [Susanna] In Asia Enlightened Operation Matahari - [Susanna] 在亞洲 Enlightened綠營的行動,代號Matahari blanketed portions of India, Sri Lanka, 完全覆蓋了印度和斯里蘭卡部份地區 South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, 還有南韓、越南和菲律賓、 Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, 馬來西亞、印尼、澳洲 Taiwan, China, and Mauritius 台灣、中國、毛里求斯局部地區 in a series of Megafields. 以一系列 mega-fields覆蓋 - We made a massive Field covering Kuala Lumpur. - 我們造出了一個巨大的field 覆蓋了吉隆坡 - The Operation, over two months in the planning, - 這次行動,計劃了 超過2個月時間 was executed alongside the Asian Helios Anomalies 行動策劃與 亞洲地區的helios anomalies同時進行 as part of the global Enlightened strategy. 並且是全球性綠營整體戰略 其中一部份。 The plan worked. 計劃成功了。 Despite a strong counter effort in Hong Kong , 雖然在香港 敵方戰鬥力高強 which the Resistance controlled 346 to 138, Resistance藍營 以346 對138作出了控制 the Enlightened claimed Kuala Lumpur 160 to 127. 但綠營以160對127分數 拿下了吉隆坡 And the Primary Site of Taipei 641 to 336. 台北為主要場地,被綠營以641對336拿下。 - [Voiceover] (speaking in another language) - [旁述] (另一種語言旁述) - I met a lot of people playing this game, - 我認識了很多玩這個遊戲的朋友 all of them telling you that this game 全部人都告訴我,今次行動 50 00:02:48,918 --> 00:02:49,948 非常重要 is very important 如果我不出席 and if you don't come, 綠營就會輸。 the Enlightened will lose. 所以那讓我下決心 So that gives me a strong determination 一定要打敗藍營。 to defeat the Resistance. - [Susanna] 還有,綠營 - [Susanna] In addition, the Enlightened 控制了非常不安定的 馬尼拉區域cell control the Volatile Regional Cell of Manila 還有其他cell 從加爾各答至哥印拜陀市。 and Additional Cells Fukuoka and Coimbatore. (動感音樂) (upbeat music) (群眾歡呼) (crowd cheering) - Agent MYGZ在吉隆坡 - In Kuala Lumpur agent MYGZ was present 親眼見證了anomaly and witnessed the Anomaly first hand 並將所見所聞,代表整個faction on behalf of the Cross-Faction Essex 行動,為大家 investigative effort, Operation Essex, 帶來這片段。 and provided this footage. (安穩的音樂) (calm music) - 我們就是幫了那些 把這計劃做得非常好的 - We had people who organized this very well 和組織的非常好的人。 and planned this very well. 說好了要參與的人,最後的出席率 And the commitment of those who signed up 也非常理想 actually was fantastic, 所以整體來說我們對 so overall we are very satisfied 最終出席人數非常滿意 with the turn out, 至少在馬來西亞這邊是這樣的 at least on the Enlightened side. 但我可以見到 藍營也是這樣的情況 But I could see it's the same for Resistance 因為我也見到藍營 because I can see that they have 最終出席率人數也很高 a large turn out as well. (動感音樂) (upbeat music) - 9個小時之後,在芝加哥 - Nine hours later in Chicago, 在列治文和加爾維斯頓市 Richmond, and Galveston Agent投入了很多資源 在fielding行動中。 agents invested heavily in Fielding efforts. 最叫人歎為觀止的 是一個14層layer The most impressive of which was a 14 layer 的位於加爾維斯頓市上空的mega-field。 Megafield over Galveston. 在芝加哥藍營成功鞏固 After the Chicago Resistance secured 第一項measurement後,綠營 Measurement 1, the Enlightened rallied 集中起來,拿下了第二項measurement,以 to take Measurement 2 by a lead 僅僅一分領先。 of just one. (笑) (laughter) - 這是第三個了。 - This is our third. - 我有兩個從科羅拉多 的朋友在這裡的單車隊 - I have two people from Colorado on my bike team today, 我覺得很厲害 which I think is astounding. 我們有很多從密爾沃基、印第安納州 來的人參與 We have a lot of people from Milwaukee, Indiana. 我們有很多美國中西部 來的人參與 We've got people from all over the Midwest 他們遠道而來,今天為 藍營打氣 who've come in to support the Enlightened today. - [Susanna] 塵埃落地以後, - [Susanna] When the dust settled, Enlightened綠營是最後贏家。 the Enlightened emerged victorious. 他們控制了6個區域cell 之中的4個 They controlled four of six Regional Cells, 包括了戰局混亂的在捷克的 including the Volatile Cell of Brno 布爾諾市的cell in the Czech Republic 還有兩個衛星站點 as well as both Satellite Sites, 列治文,231對113 Richmond with 231 to 113 加爾維斯頓市,248對139。 and Galveston with 248 to 139. - [旁述] (咕噥) - [Voiceover] (mumbling) - [旁述] 我有三個 就快要出動 - [Voiceover] I have three that are en route 現在要離開了 to leave right now. Over。 Over. - 這巨大的空間裏面 每一個角落 - Every corner of this broad vast expanse of space 都有人拿著手機 和外置電源 has somebody with a phone and a battery pack 在褲袋裏 in their back pocket. - Resistance藍營人數完全被比下去了 - The Resistance was really out numbered. - 他們放出了一個非常厲害的field - They put up an amazing Field 我們無法及時反應 and we weren't able to respond in time 在measurement前把它弄下來 to get it down before Measurement. - 這是我們一開始約會的大部份 - It was a lot of our first dates... - 對呀。 - Yeah. -當我們開始 拍拖時 - When we were first beginning our relationship 我們會一起Ingress we would Ingress together 他拉了我開始玩這個遊戲的 and he got me into it. - 我在外面人太多的地方 - I get panic attacks in open spaces, 會感覺恐慌 too many people around. Ingress令我聯想 到其他事情 With Ingress it makes you think of something else 然後在你不發覺的時候 and then before you know it, 你就會處於離家千里之外的地方 you're like miles away from home, 和一班你非常喜歡 you're with a group of people 的人們在一起 124 00:05:40,861 --> 00:05:42,254 做一些你從來沒有想過 125 你能做到的事情。 that you absolutely love, - 芝加哥被綠營拿下了 and you're doing something that (群眾歡呼) you never thought you could. - [Susanna] 完成了 今天的sweep - Chicago was captured by the Enlightened. 綠營控制了芝加哥 (crowd cheering) 這是anomaly的主要中心據點, - [Susanna] Completing their sweep of the day 辛辛苦苦打下684對550這個分數。 the Enlightened control Chicago, 在列治文,有一個 人生方面的贏家 the primary center of the Anomaly, Agent Philistine11在anomaly時 with a hard-earned 684 to 550. 向Agent NSUNEB求婚。 In Richmond there was a winner of a different kind - 請你嫁給我吧 when agent Philistine11 proposed - 好 to agent NSUNEB during the anomaly. - [Susanna] 她說 "好" - Will you marry me? (群眾歡呼) - OK. 綠營有一個大優勢 - [Susanna] She said, "Yes." 以12 對4的成績 進入下一次的helios anomalies (crowd cheering) 會以布拉格為中心 The Enlightened hold a strong advantage 衛星站點 會在曼徹斯特和鹿特丹 of 12 to four going into the next Helios anomalies, 還有底特律和 巴爾的摩的衛星站 which is centered in Prague, 和印弟安納,在8月23日舉行 with Satellites in Manchester and Rotterdam, Resistance藍營現在面對重大壓力 and in Detroit, with Satellites in Baltimore 上星期,Agent聚集抗議 and Indianapolis, on August 23rd. Devra Bogdanovich博士的行動 The pressure is now on the Resistance. 她重複deploy了 她的Portal病毒 Last week Agents rallied to protest 是類似下一代的XM 武器的東西。 the actions of Dr. Devra Bogdanovich 這是CDC研發的 who deployed a second iteration of her Portal Virus, 會令Portal自然耗損和腐壞 a next generation XM weapon of sorts. 並且以每天25%的進度耗損 Developed by the CDC, 令到一個已經完全resonate好的Portal it caused natural Portal decay 會分化至一個中性狀態 to increase to 25 percent per day, 這過程在短短4天便會發生 causing a fully-Resonated portal 當看過了幾個area portal的樣本後 to break down to a neutral state Agent MarkBoy81向Bogdanovich博士 in just four days. 作出了一個嚴正的承諾 After showing examples of area Portals - 我不會容許你的病毒 agent MarkBoy81 made a solemn promise 吃下任何一個resonator to Dr. Bogdanovich. 隨便做你要做的事 162 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:15,153 我準備好了。 - I will not allow your Virus - [Susanna] Martin Schubert博士 to eat one single resonator out here. 是一個備受尊重的XM研究學者 Do what you have to do. 他預測一個 全球性的、mind unit I'm ready. 等級為一億或以上的 - [Susanna] Dr. Martin Schubert, 會有機會減輕這 病毒的影響。 a respected XM researcher, 雖然一系列非常壯觀 had predicted that a combined Global Mind Unit 和令人震撼的fielding行動 level of one billion or higher 為兩個陣營所作出 would be able to mitigate the effects of the Virus. 但Agent們無法達到那個目標 Although a series of impressive 在印度的哥印拜陀市 班加羅爾和印度的 and inspiring fielding operations were 綠營起了一個有11層layer under taken by both factions, 的一連串的mega-field agents were unable to reach that target. 控制了3千9百萬mind units In Coimbatore, India the Bangalore and India 在巴西,代號 Green Cry of the West的行動 Enlightened groups built an 11 layered 由Agent LeeDWeedy,Igitchi和Madimbu所做 series of megafields 他們起了一個 15層layer,有2千1百萬mind unit controlling 39 million mind units. 的被控制範圍給予藍營 While in Brazil Operation Green Cry of the West 在星期六的anomaly完結後 by agents LeeDWeedy, Igitchi, and Madimbu Devra Bogdanovich 再發出了通告 built a 15 layered 22.1 million Mind Unit 表達了她的失望 control area for the Resistance. 她認為人類已經-以下引述她的說話- Following the end of Saturday's anomaly "被XM深深感染" Devra Bogdanovich released a statement 她說她會不懈地繼續 expressing her disappointment 她的以人力推動策劃的XM 接種 that humanity had become quote, 這將會令人類 "Deeply infected by Exotic Matter." 對XM的效果免疫。 And vowed to continue her work 如推測一樣,根據在都柏林和 on a human administered XM inoculation 聖地牙哥發出的anomaly 來看 that would render humans immune 新的XM 文物(artifact)開始出現了。 to the effects of XM. 兩個在美國出現 As predicted, based on intel released 一個在夏威夷,一個在加州。 at the Anomalies in Dublin and San Diego 三個在法國 new XM Artifacts have begun to emerge. 塞浦路斯和斯里蘭卡 Two appeared in the U.S, 藍營的目標 Portal在西班牙出現 one in Hawaii and one in California. 而綠營的目標portal And three more surfaced in France, 在秘魯出現 Cyprus, and Sri Lanka respectively. 看來各位Agent 終於有機會 The Resistance target portal appeared in Spain 徹底摧毀Portal病毒 and the Enlightened Target Portal 但有一些,如 綠營的artist Roland Jarvis先生 appeared in Peru. 認為 XM文物 可能比我們現時所有的對其了解 It looks as if Agents finally have an opportunity 有著更大的力量 to permanently destroy the Portal Virus. 這意味著,與文物接觸 Some however, including Enlightened artist Roland Jarvis, 可能會造成 believe the XM artifacts may contain more power 無意讓其出現的後果。 than we currently understand. - [穿黑衣的女人]對,當然。 The implication is that interacting 絕對是的。 with the Artifacts may cause 從多方面來說。 unintended consequences. Helios 有著 改變事情的力量。 - [woman in black] Yes, of course. 而且是千真萬確的。 212 00:09:06,382 --> 00:09:08,092 這變化未必是好事。 Definitely. 所以文物對我們來說 非常重要。 In many ways. 40件文物。 Look, Helios has the power to change things. 它們會順著 link來在Portal之間移動。 And it will. 會在第7級或更高時resonate You know, perhaps not for the better. 每小時準時發生 That's why the Artifacts are so important to us. 你可以在不同 40 Artifacts. 特別目標 portal尋獲它們 They will travel along links between Portals 這會在全球不同地方發生。 Resonating at level seven or higher (巨大交通聲響) on the hour. 對,不讓文物落入不懷好意的人手裡 They can be captured at various 是非常、非常重要的 special Target Portals that will appear 因為我們不完全明白它們的 at locations around the world. 力量,這讓其變得非常重要 (loud traffic noise) - [Susanna] 最後,在最新科技消息方面 Yes, it is imperative that the Artifacts Ingress intel地圖 獲得了可將 do not fall into the wrong hands. 行動密碼兌換的能力 No look, it's because we do not understand 行動密碼可能含有豐富容量的XM、 their power that makes them so important. 物件或彰顯成績的獎牌, - [Susanna] Finally, in tech news, 如參與 anomaly等 the Ingress intel map has gained the ability 有很多方法讓你獲得這些物件 to redeem Passcodes. 例如網上解開拼圖 These Passcodes can contain valuable XM 在Niantic Project G Plus 頁面 objects or medals for accomplishments, 參與討論 such as attending an Anomaly. 或以其他方式獲得 They can be obtained in various ways, 例如傳聞中的,XM加強的 Hint water。 including solving puzzles online, 除此之外,最新版的 Ingress掃描儀 participating in discussions on the 第1.58版本,讓用iPhone的Agent Niantic Project G Plus page, 可以尋找新Portal, and from other sources, 讓他們可以參與 豐富了內容的 such as the reportedly XM enhanced Hint Water. 全球性Portal網絡之內。 In addition, the latest version of the Ingress scanner, 我們會持續追蹤 helios文物 version 1.58, enables iPhone agents 並且希望能夠在下星期 to scout new Portals, 給予大家一個詳盡的最新報告 allowing them to take part in the enrichment 為Ingress報告報導,我是Susanna Moyer。 of the global Portal network. - [旁述] 40 個機會 讓你拯救未來。 We'll be tracking the Helios Artifacts (動感音樂) and hope to have an extensive update for you next week. For The Ingress Report, I'm Susanna Moyer. - [Voiceover] 40 chances to save the future. (upbeat music)
B2 中高級 中文 文物 動感 芝加哥 行動 吉隆坡 台北 INGRESS REPORT - Raw Feed 2014年8月14日 - #HELIOS - TAIPEI AND CHICAGO(臺北和芝加哥) (INGRESS REPORT - Raw Feed Aug 14 2014 - #HELIOS - TAIPEI AND CHICAGO) 1271 41 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字