字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 1,000 years into the future, humans might look like this. 1000 年後的人類可能是這樣的 This is Mindy, a model that shows what we humans might look like in the year 3000. 這是明迪,一個展示 3000 年後人類模樣的模型。 Equipped with a hunched-over back, claws and a smaller brain, Mindy has adapted this way, primarily due to technology and cell phones. 明迪的背駝了、爪子長了、腦袋小了,她之所以能適應這種生活方式,主要得益於科技和手機。 But this is just a start of a potential evolutionary journey of the human body. 但這僅僅是人體潛在進化之旅的開始。 Let's travel 1 million years into the future to see the even crazier ways our bodies will evolve. 讓我們穿越到一百萬年後的未來,看看我們的身體會以怎樣更加瘋狂的方式進化。 Super strength, giant eyes, and edited genes are all things you might see later in this episode. 超級力量、巨大的眼睛和經過編輯的基因都是本集稍後可能會出現的內容。 But why are we getting all these traits anyway? 但為什麼我們會有這些特徵呢? Well, more on that in a second. 稍後再談。 But for now, let's check in and see what the next phase of evolution is for humans. 5,000 years into the future. 但現在,讓我們來看看人類進化的下一個階段是什麼。未來 5000 年 We're now several thousand years into the future, and in many ways, humans would look relatively similar to how we do now. 我們現在身處幾千年後的未來,在很多方面,人類都會與現在的人類相對相似。 If we look 5,000 years into the past, from where we are today, humans look basically the same. 如果我們從今天的角度看過去 5000 年,人類看起來基本上是一樣的。 The main differences are that we're now healthier, taller, and stronger. 主要區別在於,我們現在更健康、更高大、更強壯。 This is primarily due to how our diet, health care, and lifestyle have changed throughout the centuries. 這主要是由於幾個世紀以來我們的飲食、保健和生活方式發生了變化。 This is speculation, but you can assume that a lot will have happened 5,000 years into the future. 這只是一種推測,但你可以假設,在未來的 5000 年裡,會發生很多事情。 Changes that include space travel, and massive advancements in technology and AI. 這些變化包括太空旅行以及技術和人工智能的巨大進步。 And how we look all depends on where humans decide to live in the future. 而我們的面貌取決於人類未來決定在哪裡生活。 If humanity becomes an interstellar civilization, well, we might look like this. 如果人類成為星際文明,那麼我們可能會是這個樣子。 And if we stay on Earth and go all in on AI, well, humans might look more like this. 如果我們留在地球上,全力發展人工智能,那麼人類可能會更像這樣。 So we'll explore a couple of options as we move through the years. 是以,隨著時間的推移,我們將探索幾種方案。 Today, I want to share a tool that we here at What If find incredibly useful, Surfshark VPN. 今天,我想與大家分享一個我們在 What If 發現非常有用的工具--Surfshark VPN。 Have you ever had the frustration of not being able to watch a movie or a show you like because of regional restrictions? 您是否有過因為地區限制而無法觀看自己喜歡的電影或節目的苦惱? Well, with Surfshark VPN, that problem is a thing of the past. 有了 Surfshark VPN,這個問題就不復存在了。 You can explore the globe and unlock resources on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and more. 您可以探索全球,解鎖 Netflix、Hulu、Disney+ 等平臺上的資源。 Moreover, if you're like me, you often use public Wi-Fi in coffee shops or airports, and you're concerned about your online security. 此外,如果你和我一樣,經常在咖啡館或機場使用公共 Wi-Fi,你就會擔心自己的網絡安全。 Well, Surfshark VPN encrypts your connection, ensuring you stay safe in any network environment. Surfshark VPN 會加密您的連接,確保您在任何網絡環境中都能保持安全。 What gives me peace of mind is that Surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. 讓我放心的是,Surfshark 提供 30 天退款保證。 This means you can try it out, and if it doesn't suit you, you can get a full refund. 這意味著您可以試用,如果不合適,可以全額退款。 No risks involved. 沒有風險。 If you want to enhance your online experience and address security concerns, consider Surfshark VPN. 如果您想提高上網體驗並解決安全問題,請考慮使用 Surfshark VPN。 You can get it through the following link, surfshark.deals slash what if Chinese. 您可以通過以下鏈接獲取:surfshark.deals slash what if Chinese。 Enter the promo code What If Chinese, and you'll immediately enjoy a free offer. 輸入促銷代碼 What If Chinese,您將立即享受免費優惠。 Give it a try now. 現在就試試吧 The generations of humans who decide to go to Mars will notice the most significant changes. 決定前往火星的幾代人類將注意到最顯著的變化。 Mars' lower gravity would lead to less bone density and muscle mass. 火星較低的重力會導致骨密度和肌肉品質降低。 But the change in gravity might also lead to increased height and longer limbs. 但重力的變化也可能導致身高增加和四肢變長。 And there'll be a lot more changes coming up. 未來還會有更多變化。 But for now, let's take another jump into the future and check on some other options for human evolution. 25,000 years into the future. 但現在,讓我們再跳進未來,看看人類進化的其他選擇。未來 2.5 萬年 It's safe to say that technology will play a heavy role in how humans evolve. 可以肯定地說,技術將在人類的進化過程中扮演重要角色。 Traveling 25,000 years into the future, you might decide to have a designer baby. 穿越到 2.5 萬年前的未來,你可能會決定生一個設計師寶寶。 Instead of creating life naturally and leaving so many things to chance, you would select various traits for who you want your baby to be. 與其自然而然地創造生命,讓很多事情聽天由命,不如選擇各種特徵來塑造你希望的寶寶。 You could choose physical characteristics like hair and eye color, and much more essential features like the ability to avoid certain diseases and allergies. 您可以選擇頭髮和眼睛顏色等身體特徵,也可以選擇避免某些疾病和過敏的能力等更基本的特徵。 In a way, this is already happening today. 在某種程度上,這種情況今天已經發生。 But in the future, it'll be more advanced and accessible. 但在未來,它將變得更加先進和便捷。 It's also likely that humans will begin to fuse with technology, becoming cyborg-like beings. 人類也很可能開始與科技融合,成為類似機械人的生物。 Think neural links, robot limbs, and sensory enhancements. 想想神經鏈接、機器人肢體和感官強化。 Imagine having a chip in your brain that's equipped with an AI that provides you with any answer you need. 想象一下,在你的大腦中裝有一個芯片,它配備了人工智能,可以為你提供任何你需要的答案。 Humans will have all these cybernetic enhancements that will make them smarter, stronger, and able to live longer. 人類將擁有所有這些電子增強技術,使他們更聰明、更強壯、更長壽。 One of the ways which we can see how much humans have evolved is by looking at our faces and heads. 我們可以通過觀察臉部和頭部來了解人類的進化程度。 As you see here, in 100,000 years, our eyes and heads will be significantly larger. 如圖所示,10 萬年後,我們的眼睛和頭部將明顯增大。 This will be due to multiple reasons, one of them being that we'll be living in different environments, like space. 這有多種原因,其中之一就是我們將生活在不同的環境中,比如太空。 Our larger eyes will allow us to see better in low-light environments. 更大的眼睛能讓我們在弱光環境下看得更清楚。 They'll also help protect our eyes from the cosmic rays found in space. 它們還有助於保護我們的眼睛免受太空中宇宙射線的傷害。 On Mars, along with bones becoming less dense and limbs continuing to get longer, residents there will need to develop some new survival traits to last this long. 在火星上,隨著骨骼密度越來越低,四肢越來越長,那裡的居民需要發展一些新的生存特徵,才能堅持這麼久。 As humanity has developed on Mars over the generations, they've been experiencing tons of radiation in their environment. 隨著人類在火星上世世代代的發展,他們所處的環境已經經歷了成噸的輻射。 That's thanks to the lack of an atmosphere on the Red Planet. 這要歸功於紅色星球上沒有大氣層。 Over time, humanity there has slowly adapted to this new way of life. 隨著時間的推移,那裡的人類慢慢適應了這種新的生活方式。 But the radiation levels are so harsh that they likely haven't adapted enough to live comfortably. 但由於輻射水準過於嚴酷,它們很可能還沒有適應,無法舒適地生活。 One of the problems with evolution is that it's incredibly slow. 進化論的問題之一就是它的速度非常緩慢。 Seeing significant change in our bodies can take millions of years. 我們的身體發生重大變化可能需要數百萬年的時間。 So to fix that, we'll need to make some changes ourselves. 是以,要解決這個問題,我們需要自己做出一些改變。 You'll see what I mean as we continue on to our one-million-year mark, 250,000 years into the future. 當我們繼續向未來的 25 萬年邁進時,你就會明白我的意思了。 Yeah, humanity was tired of waiting and waiting for changes in evolution to happen. 是啊,人類已經厭倦了等待,等待進化過程中發生變化。 So they've decided to do it themselves. 是以,他們決定自己動手。 We've been altering our bodies with technology for hundreds of thousands of years at this point. 幾十萬年來,我們一直在用科技改變我們的身體。 But now, we're going to take it to another level. 但現在,我們要把它提升到另一個高度。 Instead of adding some sort of enhancement to our bodies, we'll now alter our DNA with advanced genetic manipulation. 現在,我們將通過先進的基因操作改變我們的 DNA,而不是給我們的身體添加某種增強劑。 Scientists are already experimenting with this technology, but 250,000 years from now, you can bet the science will be advanced beyond belief. 科學家們已經在試驗這種技術,但 25 萬年後,你可以打賭,科學的發展將超乎想象。 Scientists will be able to alter, edit, and even add different genetic mutations, both before people are born and after. 科學家將能夠在人出生之前和之後改變、編輯甚至添加不同的基因突變。 In the case of our colony on Mars, people on that planet could alter their genes so that the radiation isn't as harmful to their bodies. 就我們在火星上的殖民地而言,火星上的人們可以改變他們的基因,這樣輻射對他們的身體就不會那麼有害了。 And that's just the start. 這僅僅是個開始。 Eventually, we'll alter our genes to produce all sorts of insane attributes. 最終,我們會改變自己的基因,產生各種瘋狂的屬性。 You could be brilliant, have super strength, or be immune to every disease. 你可以才華橫溢、力大無窮,也可以百病不侵。 As humanity unlocks this new era of human evolution, things are about to get even better. 500,000 years into the future. 隨著人類開啟人類進化的新紀元,一切將變得更加美好。50 萬年後的未來 Okay, it's been another 250,000 years. 好吧,又過了 25 萬年。 Humanity has been playing around with this gene-editing thing, and it's gotten pretty ridiculous. 人類一直在玩基因編輯這一套,而且玩得越來越離譜。 Scientists have managed to combine parts of lizard DNA with our human DNA. 科學家成功地將蜥蜴的部分 DNA 與我們人類的 DNA 結合在一起。 This has allowed us to regrow our limbs and grow new organs if we need them. 這使我們能夠重新長出四肢,並在需要時長出新的器官。 Also, along with the help of technology and gene-editing, humans are more intelligent than ever. 此外,在技術和基因編輯的幫助下,人類比以往任何時候都更加聰明。 We can now naturally have any appearance we want. 現在,我們可以自然而然地擁有自己想要的任何外表。 This might sound kind of scary, but gene-editing like this will likely be essential for us to survive in new environments, like space and our evolving Earth. 這聽起來可能有點嚇人,但這樣的基因編輯很可能是我們在新環境中生存的必要條件,比如太空和不斷進化的地球。 One million years into the future. 一百萬年後的未來 Remember the humans back on Earth, the ones who were adding tons of cybernetic enhancements to their bodies? 還記得地球上的人類嗎,那些在身體上添加了大量電子增強技術的人類? Yes, they've continued to do that, along with tons of gene-editing. 是的,他們一直在這樣做,還有大量的基因編輯。 And the people in space have been doing the same thing. 太空中的人們也一直在做同樣的事情。 But as we've been progressing through these one million years, the environments on Earth and Mars have been very different. 但是,當我們走過這 100 萬年時,地球和火星上的環境已經大不相同了。 And because of these different environments, the humans living on these planets would have different needs and desires for the types of bodies they want. 由於環境不同,生活在這些星球上的人類對身體類型的需求和願望也不同。 Remember, evolution is all about lifestyle and environment. 記住,進化與生活方式和環境息息相關。 That's why Mindy, at the start, looked the way she did. 這就是為什麼明迪在一開始看起來是那個樣子。 It's possible that the humans living on these two planets would be so different that they'd essentially be two completely separate species. 生活在這兩個星球上的人類可能會有很大的不同,以至於他們基本上是兩個完全不同的物種。 Sort of like 50,000 years ago, when there were humans on Earth at the same time as Neanderthals. 有點像 5 萬年前,當時地球上的人類與尼安德特人同時出現。 But regardless of how they're different, it's likely that both types of future humans will be the most advanced species ever seen. 但不管它們有什麼不同,這兩種未來人類都很可能是有史以來最先進的物種。 We'll live longer, maybe forever, be smarter than ever, and be ready to take on whatever challenges the future holds. 我們將活得更長,也許是永遠,比以往任何時候都更聰明,並準備好迎接未來的任何挑戰。 Speaking of the future, at this point, humanity is likely in a Type II or maybe even a Type III civilization. 說到未來,目前人類很可能處於第二類文明,甚至可能是第三類文明。 But what happens after that? 但之後呢? Well, that sounds like a story for another WHAT IF. 這聽起來像是另一個 "如果 "的故事。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 人類 進化 基因 火星 編輯 環境 一百萬年後人類會是什麼樣子? (一百萬年後人類會是什麼樣子?【中文字幕】|大膽科學) 50 2 ghshshsad 發佈於 2024 年 07 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字