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  • It's really three things.


  • I work out every day.


  • I work on main channel videos and I work on festivals.


  • You're not going to be able to do this forever.


  • Here we are.


  • I'm 25 and I love it more than I did when I was 19.

    我今年 25 歲,比 19 歲時更愛它。

  • Wait a minute, where almost every single other big creator has struggled with motivation, burnout, taking long breaks or quitting creating altogether.


  • Mr. B seemingly just keeps growing with no end in sight.

    B 先生似乎一直在成長,看不到盡頭。

  • Some people have the personalities like I want the pressure.


  • It excites me like it doesn't scare me.


  • I'm like, I want more.


  • So I had to find out why.


  • What makes him different?


  • And I had to see if other people could access this unlimited motivation as well.


  • Right away, I knew it couldn't be because of his job.


  • All these other big creators have the best jobs in the world.


  • They make millions of dollars, have millions of fans, and they get to do what they love.


  • Yet they still end up taking long breaks or slowing down after a few years.


  • But then again, Mr. B's really does love YouTube, right?

    不過話說回來,B 先生真的很喜歡 YouTube,對吧?

  • It's clearly his passion.


  • So maybe that's it.


  • Find what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, right?


  • But the more I thought about it, that didn't really make sense either.


  • When Mr. B started, he was more of a classic YouTuber making pretty simple videos.

    B 先生剛出道時,更像是一個製作簡單視頻的經典 YouTuber。

  • Do what?


  • But now he's more of a CEO running an insanely complex network of channels and businesses with hundreds of employees.


  • And he's still expanding and growing even more.


  • So his job and daily life has completely changed.


  • Yet his motivation and passion hasn't.


  • He clearly has a massive passion for YouTube.

    顯然,他對 YouTube 充滿了熱情。

  • But how is he able to apply that to Feastables or working out every day?


  • Or even how does he keep that same passion for YouTube for that matter?

    他是如何保持對 YouTube 的熱情的?

  • While making completely different styles of content, filming somebody else in a circle for 100 days is a lot different than burying yourself for 48 hours, let alone the things like YouTube shorts and other forms of content that he makes.

    雖然製作的內容風格完全不同,但在一個圈子裡拍別人 100 天和自己埋頭 48 小時是完全不同的,更不用說他製作的 YouTube 短片和其他形式的內容了。

  • So how does his passion for YouTube apply to such a wide variety of content?

    那麼,他對 YouTube 的熱情是如何應用到如此廣泛的內容中的呢?

  • And on top of that, how is he able to do all these things at the highest level?


  • It couldn't just be passion or talent.


  • It just wasn't adding up.


  • So I listen to every podcast that Mr. Beast has been on, tons of presentations and watch his videos.


  • And things all of a sudden start to make sense, but not in the way I initially thought.


  • I started to notice something.


  • Whenever somebody asked Mr. Beast about his goals, he would almost give almost the exact same answer.


  • Better videos.


  • And I just want to make better videos, edit a video better.


  • I want to figure out how I make the best videos possible.


  • What makes this so important and so interesting is that he always used the words better or best videos.

    這一點之所以如此重要和有趣,是因為他總是使用 "更好 "或 "最好的視頻 "這樣的詞語。

  • His primary goal wasn't to be a billionaire or reach a specific number of subscribers.


  • He just wanted to be better.


  • And better is never a finished product.


  • You can't achieve better or best because you'll always have room to improve even more that you can always work towards being better or being the best.


  • Then I noticed a lot of other creators, when asked similar questions, would describe tangible fixed goals like a dollar amount or owning a house or whatever it may be.


  • And when they achieve those goals, that fire in their belly that made them work so hard would naturally calm down.


  • So then they would slow down as a search for new purpose and new meaning.


  • Well, Jimmy, a.k.a.


  • Mr. Beast, on the other hand, has a variable goal.


  • His goal is a moving target, which allows him to draw motivation, joy and meaning from the process rather than the results.


  • Now, this is the foundation of what is called a growth mindset, meaning a person that believes that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.


  • And most importantly, find joy in the process of working towards a desired outcome more so than the outcome itself.


  • A great quote for this is a person who loves to walk will walk further than the person who loves the destination.


  • Now, this is so incredibly ingrained in Jimmy's mindset and belief system at this point that he feels bad when he's not working towards a goal.


  • Dude, and if I try to take time off, I just get depressed and I feel like I lose my sanity.


  • You know, every time you take even like an hour off, you feel bad because you're like, damn, that's an hour I could have been working.


  • Where most people dread work.


  • Mr. Beast is genuinely most happy and most fulfilled when he's working.


  • And I realized you don't need to be a YouTuber to tap into this.


  • Anybody can cultivate this exact same mindset and apply it into their own life, tapping into this source of almost unlimited motivation if you know what to do and where to start.


  • And partly, Jimmy gives his secret on how to do this when he said this.


  • Just work out for like three months really consistently, and then it'll just become part of your lifestyle.


  • Like I couldn't fathom a year ago, like how am I ever going to do this religiously, you know, because we just have so much stuff going on.


  • But now it's just truly a habit.


  • What Mr. Beast did with going to the gym was establish a habit.


  • He went to the gym for long enough that he got used to it as a routine.


  • And now it's just part of his life.


  • And if you continue with something long enough, that habit will become part of your identity or personality.


  • So what if you apply that same lesson about the gym to the rest of life as well?


  • Habits are just triggers, actions and rewards.


  • For me, a trigger is boredom.


  • The action is checking TikTok, and the reward might be a small release of dopamine, the feel good chemical in my brain.

    操作是查看 TikTok,而獎勵可能是大腦中感覺良好的化學物質多巴胺的少量釋放。

  • The same boredom trigger could happen for Jimmy, but his automatic action is to be productive with a similar release of dopamine.


  • And if you do this 20 times a day, it can compound a lot.

    如果每天這樣做 20 次,效果會非常明顯。

  • So at this point, Mr. Beast's identity is so strongly ingrained as being a YouTuber and making the best videos possible through these repeated habits that you could probably ask him to think of a viral video idea involving his right pinky finger in the color purple.


  • And he could give you five viral video ideas that'll get over a million views within a minute.


  • But if you look at his original YouTube videos, he clearly wasn't born that way.

    但如果你看看他最初的 YouTube 視頻,他顯然不是天生如此。

  • So he got there through repetition and practice.


  • And the same thing can be applied to anyone else.


  • So if I want to have more motivation like Mr. Beast, I'd have to make it very easy and accessible to do the positive habits and very difficult to do the habits that I want to change.


  • I can have the same trigger of boredom.


  • But if I remove all the social media apps off my phone, then download a productive app, maybe something like a book summary app, let's say, then I could change the icon of that book summary app to be the icon of TikTok or Instagram or something.

    但如果我把所有社交媒體應用從手機上移除,然後下載一個高效的應用,比方說書摘應用,那麼我就可以把書摘應用的圖標換成 TikTok 或 Instagram 的圖標。

  • Now that we understand how to change our habits, we just need to figure out which habits make Mr. Beast so laser focused with so much motivation.


  • And then I noticed something when he said this.


  • In my head, I had already had a hundred million subscribers for like five years because I was just like, I envisioned it so much that it was already reality.


  • Now, that sounds a lot like manifestation to me, which you've probably heard of, but actually works a lot different than how most people think it works.

    現在,在我看來,這聽起來很像 "顯現",你可能聽說過它,但實際上它的工作原理與大多數人想象的有很大不同。

  • Mr. Beast didn't just think he was going to have 10 million subscribers one day.

    野獸先生並不只是認為自己有一天會擁有 1000 萬用戶。

  • He embodied it in his mind.


  • It had already happened.


  • So subconsciously and consciously, he acted in alignment with how he felt, and that could have caused the outcome.


  • Now, this is one thing that I can personally relate to Jimmy on because I've seen this work amazing in my own life.


  • And the best way I can describe it is having memories about things that haven't happened yet, the same beliefs and feelings that you have about the past.


  • You just have those same feelings and beliefs about the future.


  • And I know that might sound kind of weird to some people, but that habit of self-belief almost forces you to have a growth mindset because you aren't currently where you want to be, but you know that you get there.


  • So then you just kind of figure out how you've done it.


  • If you want to learn more about that concept, I'd recommend a book called Changing the Habit of Being Yourself.


  • It talks a lot about the science behind this and just how alarmingly effective it is at changing people's lives.


  • Highly recommend it.


  • I'll leave a link to that below, as well as links to some of the other podcasts and other things that I reference in this video.


  • But that whole manifestation or mindset thing only really works if you truly value the desired outcome.


  • Mr. Beast was failing in school.


  • He was still a workaholic, but he couldn't bring himself to work hard in school.


  • It's pretty clear Mr. Beast found his passion with YouTube and use that as an outlet for his new passion for improvement and growth.

    很明顯,野獸先生在 YouTube 上找到了自己的激情,並將其作為新激情的出口,不斷改進和成長。

  • But I realize that you don't need to discover your life's purpose to be motivated.


  • You just need to value the outcome of your actions and understand how your current actions will help you get to that desired outcome.


  • Jimmy couldn't work hard in school because it wasn't going to help him be a YouTuber, which is what he really wanted to do.


  • But now he can spend hours a day learning about a variety of different topics because he can see how that information can help him make videos.


  • He can work hard on running multiple businesses because it gives him the money that will help him make better videos, which helps keep him motivated on tasks that aren't really related directly to YouTube.

    他可以努力經營多項業務,因為這可以為他提供資金,幫助他製作出更好的視頻,這有助於讓他在與 YouTube 並不直接相關的任務上保持動力。

  • So even if you haven't found your life's purpose or aren't fully passionate about some things that you might be doing, you can still be highly motivated if you understand how those actions will help you lead to your desired outcome, whatever that may be in the long run.


  • Now, I don't think I'm going to be the next Mr. Beast, nor do I really want to be.

    現在,我不認為我會成為下一個 "野獸先生",我也不想成為。

  • He's definitely a very unique person with a very unique personality and extremely unique goals and aspirations.


  • But I can definitely apply the lessons into my own life to become a happier and more motivated person on a daily basis, which can help me achieve my dreams and the things that I value.


  • And so can you.


It's really three things.


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