The Buds' default audio codec is AAC, which tends to sound just fine. As I said, this is just a quick first look at the Galaxy Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro, and I'll have lots more to talk about in my upcoming full review, including sound quality, performance comparisons to the AirPods Pro 2, and other top true wireless earbuds. I know some of you might be a little disappointed that Samsung sort of gave in a bit and followed Apple's design lead, but I personally prefer earbuds with stems, and I do think it makes some sense to move to this design, even if it does seem like a cop-out to go with the herd, so to speak. From what Samsung has told me, they simply found from their testing that this design worked best for the most people, and at the end of the day, you don't want people returning your products because they don't quite fit right. But let me know what you think about these earbuds' designs in the comments section below.
Buds 的默認音頻編解碼器是 AAC,聽起來還不錯。正如我所說,這只是對 Galaxy Buds 3 和 Buds 3 Pro 的初步瞭解,在我即將發佈的完整評測中,我還會討論更多內容,包括音質、與 AirPods Pro 2 的性能比較以及其他頂級真無線耳塞。我知道你們中的一些人可能會對三星屈服於蘋果的設計有點失望,但我個人更喜歡有杆的耳塞,而且我確實認為採用這種設計是有道理的,即使它看起來像是一種隨大流的逃避。三星告訴我,他們只是在測試中發現這種設計最適合大多數人,而歸根結底,你不希望人們因為不合適