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  • In B.C.'s lower mainland the air is thick.


  • A heat dome trapping smog and spiking temperatures pushing people to find ways to cool down.


  • Ice water.


  • Can you say it a little louder buddy?


  • Say eat ice cream.


  • As almost everyone across the west finds ways to beat the heat new research by Environment and Climate Change Canada is revealing how much influence climate change had on a mid-June heat wave in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada pushing temperatures in some areas into the upper 30s.

    加拿大環境與氣候變化部(Environment and Climate Change Canada)的最新研究顯示,氣候變化對安大略省、魁北克省和加拿大大西洋地區 6 月中旬的熱浪產生了多大影響,使一些地區的氣溫升至 30 多度。

  • Our finding was that an event like this was made at least two to ten times more likely by human-caused climate change.


  • Experts say the new rapid research reinforces how burning fossil fuels over decades has powered extreme heat and drives home the need to build defences.


  • You have to have infrastructure that can deal with these levels of heat which before you might have said okay it's such a rare case that we don't really need to include that in our risk planning.


  • It's never this bad.


  • We've never experienced anything in the 40s in Vancouver.

    在溫哥華,我們從未經歷過 40 多度的天氣。

  • Research following B.C.'s heat dome in 2021 that killed hundreds found climate change could eventually make extreme events like it far more frequent.

    不列顛哥倫比亞省在 2021 年發生了造成數百人死亡的熱穹頂事件,之後進行的研究發現,氣候變化最終會使類似的極端事件更加頻繁發生。

  • These changes are not random circumstance.


  • These changes are because of a well-understood scientific phenomenon that is going to continue to impact our lives.


  • And as relief comes to Canadians out west by mid-week


  • Environment Canada says it expects to study just how much climate change influenced this heat wave as well.


  • Anand Ram, CBC News, Toronto.

    Anand Ram,CBC 新聞,多倫多。

In B.C.'s lower mainland the air is thick.


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