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  • Welcome back to live now from Fox.


  • I'm Stephanie Quinn.


  • You time right now is 1037 Eastern 737 Pacific, and we do have some breaking news out of New York City as a family members of those who lost their lives in the September 11th terrorist attacks are calling on President Biden and former President Trump to address explosive revelations of new footage showing a Saudi intelligence agent assisting two of the lead terrorists in the attack.


  • We're live in New York City with the latest on the latest on the latest on the latest on the latest on the terrorist hijackers, and we do want to head over to that live press conference for you right now.


  • I'm with my colleagues in both parties to get the American Victims of Terror Compensation Act and September 11th Day of Remembrance Act passed and signed into law.


  • We owe nothing less to these families.


  • Justice for 9-11 families means we must ensure they receive the full compensation they are due for their losses and for their health care needs.

    為 "9-11 "家庭伸張正義,意味著我們必須確保他們獲得應得的全額賠償,以彌補他們的損失,滿足他們的醫療保健需求。

  • But it also means getting them the answers that they and the American people deserve.


  • The video filmed by Saudi intelligence agent Omar al-Bayoumi only just made public that appears to show him casing the capital at the same time that the 9-11 attacks were being planned out is incredibly disturbing and raises new questions about the number of and extent to which Saudi officials were involved in the September 11th terrorist attacks.

    沙特情報人員奧馬爾-巴尤米(Omar al-Bayoumi)拍攝的視頻剛剛公開,視頻顯示他在策劃 9-11 恐怖襲擊的同時在首都踩點,這令人難以置信地感到不安,並對沙特官員參與 9-11 恐怖襲擊的人數和程度提出了新的疑問。

  • These questions must be answered.


  • We owe it to Brett and to all those loved ones on September 11th that we lost, to the victims, the survivors, to those who continued to be diagnosed with health effects from that terrible day, and to all Americans.

    對佈雷特、對所有在 9 月 11 日失去的親人、對受害者、對倖存者、對那些因那個可怕的日子而不斷被診斷出健康受到影響的人,以及對所有美國人,我們都應該這樣做。

  • I will continue to speak out to demand answers and to ensure that every individual with ties to this horrific attack on our country is brought to justice.


  • Thank you.


  • Thank you, Dennis.


  • We take the words from Congressman Lawler.


  • You know, as we stand here today, surrounded by family members of those who died horrifically and tragically in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the flight in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, we're no longer searching for words of, you know, you're in our thoughts and prayers.

    今天,我們站在這裡,周圍都是在世貿中心、五角大樓和賓夕法尼亞州香克斯維爾的班機上慘死的人的家屬,我們不再是在尋找 "你知道,我們在為你祈禱 "這樣的話語。

  • We're no longer looking for to be coddled or comfort.


  • We stand here pissed off.


  • It's 23 years later, and our government has failed to bring us accountability, closure, and justice.

    23 年過去了,我們的政府卻未能為我們帶來責任、了結和正義。

  • Our government fails to talk tough on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


  • Every member of Congress, especially the two candidates running for the highest office in this land, the two candidates running for President of the United States, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, need to be addressing this issue.


  • There was a debate, if you want to call it a debate, less than a week ago, where these two candidates for President knew about the existence of this video, and neither one of them had the courage to stand with the 9-11 families and address this issue.

    在不到一週前的一場辯論中,兩位總統候選人都知道這段視頻的存在,但他們都沒有勇氣站在 "9-11 "家庭的立場上解決這個問題。

  • Former President Trump campaigns on the fact that he puts America first.


  • In 2016, he said live on Fox News, it wasn't Iraq that knocked down the towers.

    2016 年,他在福克斯新聞的現場直播中說,推倒雙子塔的不是伊拉克。

  • Somebody ought to open up the files.


  • It was Saudi Arabia that knocked down the towers.


  • In 2019, he invited myself and members standing with me on this stage to the White House.

    2019 年,他邀請我本人以及和我一起站在這個舞臺上的成員前往白宮。

  • He promised he was going to help.


  • He said he was going to declassify the documents.


  • He said we were right and just to pursue our actions against the Kingdom.


  • Keep going, he said.


  • I am with you, he said.


  • The next day, his Attorney General, Bill Barr, invoked the state secrets principle, keeping all of these documents under lock and key.


  • President Joe Biden campaigned on the promise that he was going to make Saudi Arabia a pariah state.


  • He wrote a letter to our families and our attorneys saying if he were elected President, he would declassify the documents.


  • It wasn't until pressure from these family members on the 20th anniversary of 9-11 when we threatened to protest his appearance at Ground Zero that he enacted Presidential Executive Order 14040.

    直到 9-11 20 週年紀念時,我們威脅要抗議他出現在零點地,在這些家庭成員的壓力下,他才頒佈了第 14040 號總統行政命令。

  • But despite of the fact that he enacted that Presidential Executive Order, guess what?


  • We did not get the video that CBS obtained.


  • It was the families, and it was our dogged pursuit of justice.


  • We were the ones that were able to obtain this video.


  • We didn't get this video from the United States government.


  • We got this video from the British government.


  • You could argue that the families did a better job investigating the attacks of 9-11 than the United States government with its hundreds of billions of dollars of resources.

    你可以說,在調查 9-11 襲擊事件方面,這些家庭比擁有數千億美元資源的美國政府做得更好。

  • The former Deputy Director of the CIA went live on Face the Nation and said he's never seen this video.

    中情局前副局長在 "面向全國 "節目中說,他從未見過這段視頻。

  • Listen, the time for gains and doubts about whether Saudi Arabia did it is over.


  • This is a bipartisan issue.


  • You just heard from Congressman Mike Lawler, who's a Republican.


  • Senator Blumenthal on the left side has been one of our biggest supporters.


  • Senator Cornyn, Senator Grassley, Senator Gillibrand.


  • There's no issue today in the United States politics that members of the left and right can agree on except this.


  • And it's unconscionable that the two candidates for President of the United States are refusing to address this issue.


  • They'd rather bury their heads in the sand than come out and stand with these 9-11 family members.

    他們寧願把頭埋在沙子裡,也不願站出來和這些 9-11 家庭成員站在一起。

  • It's been 23 years, and we're no longer looking for words of comfort.

    23 年過去了,我們不再尋求安慰的話語。

  • We're looking for justice, and we're looking for a champion who's going to put America first.


  • We're sick of it.


  • I won't say anything else before I start swearing, but I think Dennis had a couple comments.


  • Yeah, I just wanted to share my personal comments.


  • You know, again, as Brett mentioned, the 9-11 community, with little help from our own Department of Justice, FBI, and government, was able to finally obtain smoking gun evidence of the...

    你知道,正如佈雷特提到的,"9-11 "組織在司法部、聯邦調查局和政府的幫助下,最終獲得了......的證據。

  • But now is the time for President Biden, former President Donald Trump, Congress, and the Senate to help us obtain justice, accountability, and closure from those who perpetrated the largest mass murder on American soil.


  • In just the past week, President Biden stated that we are the United States of America.


  • There is nothing we cannot achieve when we stand together.


  • Then, the next day, he said, we are the United States of America.


  • We bow to no one.


  • Well, we've been bowing to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the past 23 years.

    過去 23 年來,我們一直向沙特阿拉伯王國俯首稱臣。

  • We've allowed them to get away with murdering 3,000 innocent Americans, murdering our Navy servicemen in Pensacola, Florida, murdering and dismembering a Washington Post reporter, ruin our institution of professional golf, manipulate our economy, and presidential elections.

    我們允許他們逍遙法外,謀殺 3000 名無辜的美國人,在佛羅里達州彭薩科拉謀殺我們的海軍軍人,謀殺並肢解一名《華盛頓郵報》記者,破壞我們的職業高爾夫制度,操縱我們的經濟和總統選舉。

  • President Biden also, in his speech last evening, talked about the January 6th protesters.

    拜登總統在昨晚的講話中也談到了 1 月 6 日的抗議者。

  • They were held accountable for their actions that day.


  • But not the people and government that actually tried to blow up the Capitol and kill everyone in it?


  • It's bizarre.


  • It's just...


  • It's mind-boggling.


  • My family and I took a tour of the Capitol Building just two weeks ago.


  • You cannot replace that building, the history there, nor the lives that would have been lost.


  • There's a beautiful plaque memorial in the Capitol Building honoring the heroes of Flight 93.

    國會大廈裡有一塊美麗的紀念牌,向 93 號班機的英雄們致敬。

  • These heroes, our loved ones, the first responders that are still dying from 9-11-related illness, deserve more than plaques and memorials.

    這些英雄、我們的親人、仍在因 9-11 相關疾病而死亡的急救人員,應該得到的不僅僅是牌匾和紀念碑。

  • They deserve justice, accountability, and closure.


  • The innocent Americans who were murdered on that horrific day would have done anything to gather those buildings and planes.


  • We're calling on our president, former President Donald Trump, all of our leaders and representatives in Washington to stand together, do something, and finally end this cat-and-mouse game, this national nightmare that we've been living for the last 23 years.

    我們呼籲我們的總統、前總統唐納德-特朗普、我們在華盛頓的所有領導人和代表站在一起,做點什麼,最終結束這場貓鼠遊戲,結束這場我們過去 23 年來一直生活在其中的國家噩夢。

  • Bring it to an end.


  • We've been through enough.


  • Thank you.


  • Thank you.


Welcome back to live now from Fox.


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