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  • Sophisticated tech on display at the 2024 World AI Conference in Shanghai.

    在上海舉行的 2024 年世界人工智能大會上展示的先進技術。

  • The conference provided a stage for 25 humanoid robots, including Teslas.

    會議為包括特斯拉在內的 25 個仿人機器人提供了舞臺。

  • The EV maker showed off Optimus, its second-generation humanoid robot, which is equipped with a self-developed neural network and computer vision technology.

    這家電動汽車製造商展示了其第二代仿人機器人 Optimus,該機器人配備了自主開發的神經網絡和計算機視覺技術。

  • Optimus is able to walk autonomously, recognize objects and even fold clothes.


  • During the Expo's kick-off on Thursday, Chinese Premier Li Xiang said Beijing is willing to work with other countries to enable AI to better serve global development and enhance lives.


  • And as a highlight of the conference, China issued the Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance, which sets a global agenda for AI development, security and governance.


  • Let's check on European markets.


  • They are seeing one-week highs after the election in the UK went as expected, with a win for the opposition Labour Party.


  • The German DAX up seven-tenths of a percent, while London's FTSE 100 has seen spared gains, as reality sets in of the end of the Conservative Party's 14-year rule.

    德國 DAX 指數上漲了十分之七,而倫敦富時 100 指數(FTSE 100)隨著保守黨 14 年執政結束的現實到來,也出現了不小的漲幅。

  • Before leaving for Buckingham Palace to submit his resignation to the king, outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced the public in Downing Street to apologize for the election loss.


  • Sunak's Conservatives suffered the worst performance in the party's long history, as voters punished them for a cost-of-living crisis, failing public services and a series of scandals.


  • To the country, I would like to say first and foremost, I am sorry.


  • I have given this job my all.


  • But you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgment that matters.


  • I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss.


  • Sunak's successor, meanwhile, vowed to rebuild Britain, saying change begins now.


  • We said we would end the chaos, and we will.


  • We said we would turn the page, and we have.


  • Today, we start the next chapter, begin the work of change, the mission of national renewal, and start to rebuild our country.


  • Four and a half years of work, changing the party, this is what it is for.


  • A changed Labour Party, ready to serve our country, ready to restore Britain to the service of working people.


  • Over on Wall Street, futures are pointing to a muted open as the U.S. market returns from the Fourth of July holiday.


  • In Focus today, non-farm payrolls data.


  • Here are some stocks to watch out for.


  • We're monitoring shares of Shell, which has announced it will take an impairment charge of up to $2 billion linked to its Singapore and Rotterdam plants.

    我們正在關注殼牌公司的股票,該公司已宣佈將對其新加坡和鹿特丹工廠計提高達 20 億美元的減值費用。

  • Shell shares are down 0.8%.

    殼牌股價下跌 0.8%。

  • Also in Focus, shares of HSBC, after Bloomberg News reported, French bank BNP Paribas and Swiss lender UBS are interested in buying the British Bank's wealth management unit.


  • The stock sank 2%.

    股價下跌了 2%。

  • We're also keeping a close watch on mining Glencore and tech resources.


  • The Canadian government has approved Glencore's acquisition of tech's steel-making coal unit to preserve jobs.


  • Glencore shares last traded higher by 1%, while tech shares rose 3% in pre-market trading.

    格倫科爾股價在盤前交易中上漲了 1%,科技股上漲了 3%。

  • Bitcoin gears up for its biggest weekly fall in over a year as the now-defunct Mt.

    隨著比特幣交易所 Mt.

  • Gox exchange distributes around US$9 billion in owed funds.

    Gox 交易所分配了約 90 億美元的欠款。

  • The Japan-based exchange announced it has started repaying creditors after a devastating collapse in 2014.

    這家總部位於日本的交易所宣佈,在經歷了 2014 年毀滅性的倒閉之後,它已開始向債權人還款。

  • This triggered Bitcoin to slide by as much as 8% Friday, landing at a little over $54,000.

    這引發比特幣週五下滑多達 8%,跌至 54000 美元多一點。

  • As a whole, the cryptocurrency market shed over $170 billion in combined market capitalization in the past 24 hours.

    在過去的 24 小時裡,加密貨幣市場的總市值減少了超過 1700 億美元。

  • The Ninoy Aquino International Airport is set to implement higher terminal fees by next year.


  • Transport chief Jaime Bautista says the fees may rise to P950 from the current P550.

    運輸主管海梅-包蒂斯塔(Jaime Bautista)說,收費可能會從目前的 550 比索提高到 950 比索。

  • This is as a consortium led by San Miguel Corporation undertakes a P170 billion rehabilitation of the gateway.

    這是因為由生力公司牽頭的一個財團承擔了價值 1,700 億菲律賓比索的門戶修復工程。

  • Bautista explains they need to compensate the concessionaire's investments.

    Bautista 解釋說,他們需要補償特許公司的投資。

  • But he assures the public it will result in increased efficacy for the airport and a more comfortable experience for passengers.


Sophisticated tech on display at the 2024 World AI Conference in Shanghai.

在上海舉行的 2024 年世界人工智能大會上展示的先進技術。

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