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Elon Musk once said that he would develop Tesla Optimus as a real-world Star Wars robot C-3PO that could do everything for humans and cost you 20 grand to get one.
埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)曾經說過,他要把特斯拉 "擎天柱"(Optimus)開發成現實世界中的《星球大戰》機器人 C-3PO,它可以為人類做任何事情,而且只需花費 2 萬美元就能買到一個。
But something was coming that made people think that the days of Optimus robots were over and this WAS 3PO. Yeah, so everything changes dramatically when a new rival, the Unitrix G1, appears for only $16,000. This not only turns the market upside down but also makes people wonder, can Tesla's Optimus retain its throne? It would not be wrong to say that humanoid robots are enticing targets for manufacturers. Every month and even every day we get news of a new humanoid robot being developed by a new robotics company. This trend has truly taken off as just about two years ago it was only Boston Dynamics and Tesla that were making new robots.
但是,有一件事讓人們覺得,擎天柱機器人的時代已經過去了,這就是 3PO。是的,當新的競爭對手 Unitrix G1 以僅 16000 美元的價格出現時,一切都發生了巨大的變化。這不僅顛覆了市場,也讓人們不禁要問:特斯拉的擎天柱還能保住王位嗎?對於製造商來說,仿人機器人是一個誘人的目標,這樣的說法並沒有錯。每個月,甚至每天,我們都會收到新的機器人公司正在開發新的仿人機器人的消息。就在兩年前,只有波士頓動力公司(Boston Dynamics)和特斯拉(Tesla)在製造新的機器人,而現在,這一趨勢已經真正興
Now China is heavily invested in robots and it seems every company's got one.
Of course, this is not a bad thing. We actually like seeing this trend.
Currently, Optimus and Unitrix G1 are getting discussed a lot.
目前,人們對 Optimus 和 Unitrix G1 的討論很多。
Let's talk about appearance and design first. Similar to Optimus, Tesla has upgraded from Gen 1, launched back in March of last year, to a more advanced version, Gen 2, at the end of 2023.
先說外觀設計。與擎天柱類似,特斯拉也從去年 3 月推出的第一代升級到了更先進的第二代,即 2023 年底推出的第二代。
This upgrade has made the appearance and design of the Tesla bot a lot more attractive, with a very high level of refinement. On the other hand, Unitrix has developed a humanoid robot version from H1 to their current G1. Fairly speaking, the design has turned 360 degrees to make the Unitrix humanoid robot look much less intimidating.
這次升級使特斯拉機器人的外觀和設計更具吸引力,精緻程度非常高。另一方面,Unitrix 也開發出了人形機器人版本,從 H1 到現在的 G1。公平地說,設計上的 360 度大轉彎讓 Unitrix 人形機器人看起來不那麼嚇人了。
In the H1 generation, the entire body was covered in black, enough to make your kids scream if you brought one home. The design wasn't impressive either, even when it was dressed in a brand-emphasizing shirt. However, when the Unitrix G1 was introduced, we felt a sense of novelty mixed with familiarity as it seemed to resemble something Boston Dynamics had released in April of this year. We're sorry to say this, but the Unitrix G1 is 70% similar to the Atlas robot Gen 2. Even the introduction video makes anyone confuse these two robots as the same thing, while you can review the way Tesla introduced their Optimus Gen 2. Not too complicated, but makes people remember it from the details, it appears.
在 H1 代中,整個車身都是黑色的,如果你把它帶回家,足以讓你的孩子尖叫。即使穿上強調品牌的襯衫,其設計也並不出眾。然而,當 Unitrix G1 問世時,我們感到一種新奇和熟悉的感覺交織在一起,因為它似乎很像波士頓動力公司今年 4 月發佈的產品。很遺憾,Unitrix G1 與 Atlas 機器人 2 代的相似度高達 70%,甚至連介紹視頻都讓人把這兩款機器人混為一談,而你可以回顧一下特斯拉介紹他們的 Optimus 2 代的方式。 看起來並不複雜,但卻讓人從細節中記住了它。
Putting aside whether Unitrix borrowed ideas from Boston Dynamics or not, it's easy to see that the G1 version is significantly smaller in size and stature than the Unitrix H1 humanoid.
姑且不論 Unitrix 是否借鏡了波士頓動力公司的創意,但不難看出,G1 版本在尺寸和身材上都明顯小於 Unitrix H1 人形機器人。
As far as we know, the Unitrix H1 is the size of an average adult at 5'11 or 180cm tall, quite similar to Optimus' Gen 2. However, the new-generation Unitrix G1 is only the size of an average 8-year-old child with a published height of 4'2 or 127cm. In terms of size, Optimus meets the standard proportions of a good humanoid robot better, as you can see that most other humanoid robots are also around 5'8 or taller. Of course, we're not saying that the Optimus will be more effective than the Unitrix, because each size does have its advantages.
據我們所知,Unitrix H1 是普通成年人的大小,身高為 5 英尺 11 或 180 釐米,與擎天柱的 2 代非常相似。然而,新一代的 Unitrix G1 只有普通 8 歲兒童的大小,公佈的身高為 4 英尺 2 或 127 釐米。從體型上看,擎天柱更符合優秀人形機器人的標準比例,因為你可以看到,其他大多數人形機器人的身高也都在 5 英尺 8 左右或更高。當然,我們並不是說 "擎天柱 "會比 Unitrix 更有效,因為每種體型都有自己的優勢。
Example, in industrial environments or places requiring a higher reach, where objects are put up high and out of reach for kids and the elderly, Optimus is more suitable, whereas the Unitrix G1 may perform better in narrow spaces or tasks that require better flexibility.
舉例來說,在工業環境或需要較高觸角的地方,物品擺放得較高,孩子和老人夠不著,Optimus 更合適,而 Unitrix G1 在狹窄空間或需要較高靈活性的任務中可能表現更好。
Tesla's Optimus is mainly composed of lightweight metals such as aluminum, plastic, and carbon fiber, with a ratio of 40% metal and 60% impact and scratch-resistant casing.
特斯拉的 Optimus 主要由鋁、塑膠和碳纖維等輕質金屬組成,其中金屬佔 40%,抗衝擊和抗劃痕外殼佔 60%。
Thus, overall, Optimus looks quite balanced and deserves the title of the best-designed humanoid robot in the world to date. The current reported weight for Tesla's humanoid robot is 138 pounds, making it lighter than the initial 160. Looking at the Unitrix G1, the Chinese manufacturer has announced a quite astonishing weight for their new robot, only 77 pounds or 35 kg. They can hold it gently as it's wrapped in 90% metal, mainly aluminum except for the head and feet, which seem to be made of plastic. Normally, a robot with a stable weight like Optimus would have an advantage in maintaining balance compared to a lightweight robot, even if it affects its movement speed.
是以,總體而言,"擎天柱 "看起來相當平衡,無愧於迄今為止世界上設計最好的仿人機器人的稱號。據報道,特斯拉人形機器人目前的重量為 138 磅,比最初的 160 磅更輕。再看 Unitrix G1,這家中國製造商宣佈其新機器人的重量相當驚人,只有 77 磅或 35 千克。他們可以輕拿輕放,因為除了頭部和腳部似乎是塑膠製成外,其餘90%都是金屬包裹,主要是鋁。通常情況下,與輕型機器人相比,像 Optimus 這樣重量穩定的機器人在保持平衡方面更有優勢,即使這會影響其移動速度。
However, the Unitrix G1 achieves exceptional balance-holding capability.
不過,Unitrix G1 的平衡保持能力非常出色。
In the intro video, it remains upright even when someone tries to push it over, which is something Tesla has not yet dared to test with their own humanoid robot yet.
But it's undeniable that the Unitrix G1 is quite attractive.
但不可否認的是,Unitrix G1 確實非常吸引人。
We've noticed that in most humanoid robots today, such as Optimus, Unitrix, or Boston Dynamics, they're equipped with at least one strip of LED lights on the robot's head.
我們注意到,如今大多數仿人機器人,如 Optimus、Unitrix 或 Boston Dynamics,都在機器人頭部配備了至少一條 LED 燈帶。
These LEDs may indicate the robot's status such as low battery, fully charged, or danger alert. Both Unitrix G1 and Optimus have these features.
這些 LED 可顯示機器人的狀態,如電池電量不足、電量充足或危險警報。Unitrix G1 和 Optimus 都具有這些功能。
Speaking of the heads of Optimus and the Unitrix G1, Tesla and Chinese manufacturers may consider equipping their robots with a display screen on their face along with the sensors.
說到擎天柱和 Unitrix G1 的頭部,特斯拉和中國製造商可能會考慮在其機器人的面部配備顯示屏和傳感器。
While Tesla utilizes neural network-based sensors in their FSD full self-driving software, combined with multiple 2D cameras for wide-angle environmental observation, the Unitrix G1 robot is equipped with 3D LiDAR and Intel RealSense D435 depth cameras.
特斯拉在其 FSD 全自動駕駛軟件中使用了基於神經網絡的傳感器,並結合多個二維攝像頭進行廣角環境觀測,而 Unitrix G1 機器人則配備了三維激光雷達和英特爾 RealSense D435 深度攝像頭。
These sensors provide a robust hardware platform for powerful and sensitive perception, allowing the G1 robot to better understand its surrounding environment.
這些傳感器為強大而靈敏的感知提供了一個強大的硬件平臺,使 G1 機器人能夠更好地瞭解周圍環境。
Both Optimus Tesla and Unitrix G1 are built quite well in terms of design and offer different advantages. However, we believe that in some aspects, Optimus' design is more aesthetically pleasing because it resembles the human form. Unitrix also excels in minimalism, striving to reduce costs without compromising design quality.
Optimus Tesla 和 Unitrix G1 在設計上都相當出色,並具有不同的優勢。但我們認為,在某些方面,Optimus 的設計更美觀,因為它更像人的外形。Unitrix 也擅長極簡主義,在不影響設計品質的前提下努力降低成本。
Now, what truly matters is what tasks the robot can perform, its operational efficiency, and for tasks assigned to them. The dexterity of humanoid robot hands is always valued.
Who will have the better hand? Listen to Elon Musk say this.
Yeah, Elon Musk has said multiple times that Optimus gets 22 degrees of freedom in the future version, possibly Gen 3 or 4. Degrees of freedom is a term used to describe the number of independent movements a robot can perform. More specifically, for humanoid robots, degrees of freedom describe the ability of the robot's joints and body parts to move.
是的,埃隆-馬斯克曾多次說過,擎天柱在未來版本(可能是第三代或第四代)中將獲得 22 個自由度。自由度是一個術語,用來描述機器人可以執行的獨立動作的數量。更具體地說,對於仿人機器人來說,自由度描述的是機器人關節和身體部位的移動能力。
The more degrees of freedom, the more the robot's hand can do until it reaches 27 degrees of freedom like a human hand. It'll be no different from a human. With this update, Tesla's robotic hand becomes crazier than ever, with Elon talking about it even being able to thread a needle.
自由度越大,機器人的手就能做更多的事情,直到達到像人手一樣的 27 個自由度。它將與人類無異。通過這次更新,特斯拉的機器手變得前所未有的瘋狂,埃隆說它甚至可以穿針引線。
Jim Fan, NVIDIA's Senior Research Manager and lead of Embodied AI, noted that Optimus's hands are among the best in the industry in his comment about the Optimus video.
NVIDIA 高級研究經理兼 Embodied AI 負責人 Jim Fan 在評論 Optimus 視頻時指出,Optimus 的雙手是業內最好的。
While this update's not happening right now, it's eventually going to come, and 11 degrees of freedom is more than enough for Tesla to be able to diversify its tasks, whether in the Tesla factory or around your house. However, in contrast to Optimus's five-fingered hand, according to
雖然這種更新現在還沒有實現,但它終究會到來,11 個自由度足以讓特斯拉實現任務多樣化,無論是在特斯拉工廠還是在你家周圍。不過,與擎天柱的五指手相比,根據
Unitry, the G1 humanoid robot can be optionally equipped with a three-fingered dexterous hand, which can be optionally equipped with haptic feedback. Through hybrid force position control, the Unitry G1 can simulate the precise operation of a human hand and accurately control a variety of objects. Whether it's cracking walnuts, carrying heavy objects, or picking up fragile objects like eggs, the G1 can demonstrate extreme high precision and stability. What's more, the G1 robot can also handle delicate operations such as opening soda bottles and even welding.
Unitry G1仿人機器人可選配三指靈巧手,並可選配觸覺反饋功能。通過混合力位置控制,Unitry G1 可以模擬人手的精確操作,準確控制各種物體。無論是敲擊核桃、搬運重物,還是拿起雞蛋等易碎物品,G1 都能表現出極高的精度和穩定性。更重要的是,G1 機器人還能進行精細操作,如打開汽水瓶,甚至焊接。
Although the exact number of degrees of freedom in the Unitry G1's hand is unknown, it's undeniable that it is no less impressive than what Optimus has. Going a little further in the hand, the Unitry
雖然 Unitry G1 手部自由度的確切數量尚不清楚,但不可否認的是,它的自由度絲毫不遜色於 Optimus。再進一步看,Unitry
G1 has a large joint movement of space, with 23 to 43 joints and a maximum joint torque of 121 Nm.
G1 的關節活動空間大,有 23 至 43 個關節,最大關節扭矩為 121 牛米。
The Tesla Optimus has 28 joints, 14 rotary actuators, and 14 linear actuators. While Tesla's shown off moves like jumping, yoga, and extremely flexible squats to demonstrate the flexibility of its Optimus robot, Unitry also did not hesitate to show off the high-low dynamic movements of the G1 robot, such as standing up, folding chairs, and swinging sticks. Comparing the operations and number of tasks of the two humanoid robots, it's difficult to decide which one's better, because both are like two different movie genres, a romance movie and an action movie.
特斯拉 Optimus 有 28 個關節、14 個旋轉執行器和 14 個線性執行器。特斯拉展示了跳躍、瑜伽和極其靈活的深蹲等動作來展示 Optimus 機器人的靈活性,而 Unitry 也毫不猶豫地展示了 G1 機器人的高低動態動作,如起立、摺疊椅子和揮舞棍棒等。比較這兩款仿人機器人的操作和任務數量,很難決定哪一款更好,因為兩者就像兩部不同類型的電影,一部是愛情片,一部是動作片。
Optimus performs operations more gently, but highlights the dexterity.
Optimus 的操作更加輕柔,但突出了靈巧性。
Unitry G1 is decisive and full of brutality. Overall, both are good.
Unitry G1 果斷而充滿野性。總的來說,兩者都不錯。
So, what's there to discuss about the performance of Optimus and Unitry G1?
那麼,關於 Optimus 和 Unitry G1 的性能有什麼值得討論的呢?
The biggest drawback of Optimus that we all know is its speed, a moving speed that's always compared to the speed and gait of a certain president, because currently, according to
Optimus's engineer, Milan Kovac, confirmed that it's only about 6 meters a second or 1.34 miles an hour. Tesla has set the target speed for Optimus at 5 miles an hour until these robots are more commercially available on the market. Meanwhile, Unitry once set the world record for the fastest humanoid robot with the H1 robot at 3.3 meters a second or 7.4 miles an hour.
擎天柱的工程師米蘭-科瓦奇證實,它的速度只有每秒 6 米左右,即每小時 1.34 英里。特斯拉將 Optimus 的目標時速設定為 5 英里,直到這些機器人在市場上更加商業化。與此同時,Unitry 公司的 H1 機器人曾以每秒 3.3 米或每小時 7.4 英里的速度創造了最快仿人機器人的世界紀錄。
However, the G1 version is a bit slower, with a robot having a brisk walking speed of 2 meters a second or 4.5 miles an hour. In terms of market, this is a fast speed for any humanoid robot or AMR that's currently on the market. The truth is that the movement and speed of a humanoid robot will have many benefits in emergency or dangerous situations. A fast-moving robot can react promptly, help save lives, or resolve situations quickly. In service applications, a fast-moving robot can interact and serve customers more efficiently, improving the user experience. Finally, faster movement helps the robot save time in moving from one place to another, optimizing the workflow. The movement speed of Tesla's Optimus still lags behind considerably when compared to Unitry's robots, but that's not all. There are tasks where the robot simply needs to remain stationary to perform them. In such cases, the upper body becomes more crucial as it significantly impacts the robot's work efficiency. Despite its slower speed, Optimus confidently beats out Unitry when it comes to operating time before these robots need to be recharged. With the 2.3 kWh battery pack that Tesla's announced, the manufacturer may continue to increase the battery pack capacity for upcoming updates, but for now, it may be only 2.3 kWh. With its battery pack size, Optimus can operate for more than 8 hours before needing to get recharged, and the charging time is only within a maximum of 10 minutes. You know, it doesn't take that much time to charge a small battery pack when
不過,G1 版本的速度稍慢,機器人的行走速度為每秒 2 米或每小時 4.5 英里。就市場而言,這個速度對於目前市場上的任何仿人機器人或 AMR 來說都是很快的。事實上,在緊急情況或危險情況下,仿人機器人的移動和速度會帶來很多好處。快速移動的機器人可以迅速做出反應,幫助挽救生命或快速解決各種情況。在服務應用中,快速移動的機器人可以更高效地與客戶互動併為其提供服務,從而改善用戶體驗。最後,更快的移動速度可以幫助機器人節省從一個地方移動到另一個地方的時間,優化工作流程。與 Unitry 的機器人相比,特斯拉 O
Tesla's already got giant ones for its electric vehicles. The huge advantage of electric car batteries is transferred to Optimus, which saves Tesla from having to spend too many stages to produce and source these separately. We say Optimus beats out G1 in terms of operating time because the regular Chinese robots only go up for about 5 hours, while Unitry has an operating time of about 2 hours, which means you have to recharge this robot multiple times a day if you use it a lot. As for the ability to perform tasks, more time is needed to answer for both Optimus and
特斯拉已經為其電動汽車配備了巨型電池。電動汽車電池的巨大優勢被轉移到了 Optimus 上,這使特斯拉不必花費太多階段來單獨生產和採購這些電池。我們說擎天柱在工作時間上勝過 G1,是因為普通的中國機器人只能工作 5 個小時左右,而 Unitry 的工作時間約為 2 個小時,這意味著如果你經常使用這款機器人,每天都要給它充電多次。至於執行任務的能力,需要更多的時間來回答擎天柱和
Unitry because the AI on them has not reached its maximum upgrade when it's still in the early stages. Elon Musk has talked about Optimus being able to do anything when we just needed to show it a video and it can learn, and it's emphasized self-learning ability many times since its launch.
At the same time, Unitry G1 is based on simulation training and deep reinforcement learning, using the rapid development of AI to continuously upgrade and develop. Hopefully, we'll see these robots soon take advantage of AI to help humans in dangerous tasks out there in the real world.
同時,Unitry G1 基於模擬訓練和深度強化學習,利用人工智能的快速發展不斷升級和發展。希望在不久的將來,我們能看到這些機器人利用人工智能的優勢,在現實世界中幫助人類完成危險任務。
Finally, what we think many of us are looking forward to the most is the price. No one wants to call this a race because both Optimus and Unitry have prices that are shocking the entire industry. Why the Optimus, Tesla, and Unitry G1 price will be a fierce race. The first thing to consider when buying a humanoid robot is its affordability, but looking at some humanoid robots and their estimated prices make anyone shaken because the average price is between $70,000 and $300,000. The reason humanoid robots are expensive is because it's not easy to build and the utility humanoid robots bring after a long time of use can be estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Both Tesla and Unitry are actually achieving something that goes against the majority. While Elon Musk has repeatedly promised to keep Optimus at around 20 grand,
最後,我們認為許多人最期待的是價格。沒有人願意稱這是一場競賽,因為 Optimus 和 Unitry 的價格都令整個行業震驚。為什麼說擎天柱、特斯拉和 Unitry G1 的價格將是一場激烈的角逐?購買人形機器人,首先要考慮的是其經濟承受能力,但看看一些人形機器人及其估價,誰都會心有餘悸,因為平均價格在 7 萬至 30 萬美元之間。人形機器人價格昂貴的原因在於它的製造並不容易,而且人形機器人在長期使用後所帶來的效用估計也要數十萬美元。特斯拉和 Unitry 其實都在實現一些與大多數人背道而馳的事情。雖然埃
Unitry G1 has a list price of $16,000 for its basic configuration, which is much cheaper than the H1 version, which has a base price of 90 grand. At this price, anyone can own both Optimus and Unitry G1 without wondering whether or not these humanoid robots will be sold worldwide.
Unitry G1 基本配置的上市價格為 1.6 萬美元,比基本價格為 9 萬美元的 H1 版本便宜得多。按照這個價格,任何人都可以擁有 Optimus 和 Unitry G1,而不用擔心這些人形機器人是否會在全球銷售。
The reason Tesla can keep the price low for its robots is that the manufacturer can produce the transmission, the motor, and the battery for its robots without the need for suppliers.
They've saved a large amount of money by transferring the technologies and electric vehicles to their humanoid robots, along with the potential for large-scale production with at least 5 gigafactories in operation. This is a big advantage to Tesla compared to other manufacturers out there. Meanwhile, to reach its projected price of $16,000, the G1's smaller size and design requires less material and can use smaller motors than the H1 version, but both units weigh about the same. With a smaller robot, you'd expect a lower bill of materials. In terms of designing and manufacturing robots, every detail is crucial for improving efficiency and reducing costs. Unitry said that when they asked about how they managed to bring down the cost of the G1 so significantly, for example, reducing the number of wires and cables, minimizing the quantity of chips, decreasing screws, and so on. These might seem basic, but they're indeed crucial and necessary. Except for chips, almost all hardware components of Unitry's robots are designed in-house. Through their experience in robot design and manufacturing, they achieve better performance and lower costs. Despite seeming contrary to common belief, for instance, both motors and gearboxes are models designed by Unitry Robotic. The price of $16,000 could possibly be the cheapest unit on the market, and many are excited because of this impressive price point. Unitry H1, although it may have borrowed some ideas from Boston Dynamics' Atlas, was smart in achieving such a low price. We think the new Atlas Gen 2 will cost at least $200,000, considering the spot dog is at $74,000. But keep in mind that these are just the expected prices for both robots. They could be more expensive, or they could be cheaper than what has been announced.
他們將技術和電動汽車轉移到人形機器人上,節省了大量資金,同時還具備大規模生產的潛力,至少有 5 個千兆工廠在營運。與其他製造商相比,這是特斯拉的一大優勢。與此同時,為了達到 16000 美元的預計售價,G1 較小的尺寸和設計比 H1 版本需要更少的材料,也可以使用更小的電機,但兩者的重量差不多。對於小型機器人來說,材料成本會更低。在設計和製造機器人方面,每個細節對於提高效率和降低成本都至關重要。當問及他們是如何將 G1 的成本大幅降低時,Unitry 如是說,例如,減少電線和電纜的數量、儘量減少芯片的數量
Optimus could cost under $20,000, and Unitry could cost over $16,000, and vice versa. Time will tell. What are the goals for Tesla, Optimus, and Unitry for the big market? Elon has said that
Optimus 的價格可能低於 20 000 美元,而 Unitry 的價格可能超過 16 000 美元,反之亦然。時間會證明一切。特斯拉、Optimus 和 Unitry 在大市場上的目標是什麼?埃隆曾說過
Tesla's AI-powered Optimus robot will be a fundamental transformation for civilization, as we know it, once the prototype is fully developed. Optimus is important precisely because it isn't revolutionary. Instead, it's a natural evolution of how technology can solve business problems, like addressing the global labor shortage and finding better, safer ways to perform tasks that are either too repetitive or too dangerous for us humans. For example,
特斯拉的人工智能機器人 "擎天柱"(Optimus)的原型一旦完全開發出來,將會給人類文明帶來根本性的變革。Optimus 之所以重要,正是因為它不是革命性的。相反,它是技術如何解決商業問題的自然演進,比如解決全球勞動力短缺問題,以及找到更好、更安全的方法來完成對我們人類來說過於重複或過於危險的任務。例如
Amazon, the second-largest private company in the U.S., is concerned about running out of labor to hire in the U.S. Therefore, the company is rapidly developing automated solutions. Their latest solution is a robot that can pick and stow items much faster than human workers. Most importantly,
Elon announced that the Optimus robot could turn Tesla into a $25 trillion company, more than half the value of the current S&P 500, highlighting Tesla's ambition through the Optimus robot as a strategic weapon to achieve this goal. With the Unitry G1 being so small, this design decision actually eliminates the Unitry G1 from being a realistic human labor replacement, as it would not be able to achieve the same scope of work as a worker. So, the question remains, what market is the Unitry G1 actually designed for? With its entry-level price, nimble kinematic design, large overall operating range, and optional features, the G1 could be a great research platform for university labs. The G1 could provide a quicker start for a lab that wants a platform to develop new embodied AI algorithms. Tasks that were once considered difficult for machines are now a piece of cake under the skillful control of the G1. In short, whether it's Optimus or Unitry
埃隆宣佈,"擎天柱 "機器人可以把特斯拉變成一家價值 25 萬億美元的公司,超過目前標準普爾 500 指數價值的一半,通過 "擎天柱 "機器人作為實現這一目標的戰略武器,彰顯了特斯拉的雄心壯志。由於 Unitry G1 體積太小,這一設計決定實際上排除了 Unitry G1 成為現實的人類勞動力替代品的可能性,因為它無法實現與工人相同的工作範圍。那麼問題來了,Unitry G1 究竟是為哪個市場設計的呢?憑藉其入門級的價格、靈活的運動設計、較大的整體操作範圍和可選功能,G1 可以成為大學實驗室的絕佳研究平
G1, both bring their own advantages in design, and will definitely continue to highlight the development of humanoid robots in the near future. Time will tell, will Optimus or Unitry
G1,二者在設計上各有優勢,在不久的將來必將繼續彰顯人形機器人的發展。擎天柱還是 Unitry?
G1 win the race? Which one are you going to choose? Let us know in the comments down below.
G1 贏得比賽?您會選擇哪一款?請在下面的評論中告訴我們。
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