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  • According to the latest research the average person has five secrets, which they've never told to a living soul So I'd like tonight to hear one of yours, please You're looking at me I was darling, but I think you've given enough Okay, where I keep my keys yes and for murders I Was once walking home across Hampstead Heath and I got caught short and I had to do a poo under some leaves Did you have to do that five times I've been four other secret poos I've done So you're crossing hamster teeth trousers down No, I didn't me trousers down so I needed to go walk around with this trousers but then Then as I went to put me pull me trousers up.

    根據最新的研究 平均每個人都有五個祕密 但他們從未對任何人說過 所以今晚我想聽聽你的祕密,拜託了 你看著我,我是親愛的,但我覺得你說得夠多了 好吧,我把鑰匙放在哪裡?我把鑰匙放在哪裡 是的,還有謀殺 我有一次走過漢普斯特德希斯回家的路上 被人發現了,我不得不在樹葉下大便 你必須這樣做五次嗎? 我還做過四次祕密大便 所以你是在穿過倉鼠牙齒 把褲子脫下來 不,我沒有把褲子脫下來 所以我得穿著這條褲子到處走 但是當我去把褲子拉起來的時候

  • I slipped over in it Sorry, have you not been mocking me not mocking you I've been sympathetic.

    我在裡面滑倒了 對不起,你不是在嘲笑我吧 不是在嘲笑你,我是在同情你。

  • No you haven't and you've shot in a book Did you get any paper with that I'd use some leaves Glasses fell off When I got over couldn't properly see my house I thought where am I got my glasses are falling off Back and look for them School it was a study.

    不,你沒有,你在一本書裡拍到的 你有紙嗎,我想用樹葉 眼鏡掉了,當我走過去的時候 我看不清我的房子了,我想我的眼鏡掉了,我去哪了 回去找學校,那是個研究室。

  • They use 38 categories of secrets So there's the all the normal ones that you might have, you know Stealing cheating fancying somebody that you shouldn't fancy and I said, but they also had some odd choices So a secret opinion and not liking something that people think that you like Planning a surprise for somebody a secret hobby and they asked 2,000 participants if they had any of those kind of secrets.

    他們使用了 38 類祕密,其中包括所有正常的祕密,比如偷竊、欺騙、喜歡上不該喜歡的人等等,但也有一些奇怪的選擇,比如祕密意見、不喜歡別人認為你喜歡的東西、給別人一個驚喜、祕密愛好等等,他們詢問了 2000 名參與者是否有這些祕密。

  • I didn't really realize those were the parameters Realize like a secret opinion I like yours as a benchmark.

    我真的沒有意識到這些就是參數 意識到就像一個祕密的意見,我喜歡把你的意見作為基準。

  • Oh, you didn't on the bench as well


According to the latest research the average person has five secrets, which they've never told to a living soul So I'd like tonight to hear one of yours, please You're looking at me I was darling, but I think you've given enough Okay, where I keep my keys yes and for murders I Was once walking home across Hampstead Heath and I got caught short and I had to do a poo under some leaves Did you have to do that five times I've been four other secret poos I've done So you're crossing hamster teeth trousers down No, I didn't me trousers down so I needed to go walk around with this trousers but then Then as I went to put me pull me trousers up.

根據最新的研究 平均每個人都有五個祕密 但他們從未對任何人說過 所以今晚我想聽聽你的祕密,拜託了 你看著我,我是親愛的,但我覺得你說得夠多了 好吧,我把鑰匙放在哪裡?我把鑰匙放在哪裡 是的,還有謀殺 我有一次走過漢普斯特德希斯回家的路上 被人發現了,我不得不在樹葉下大便 你必須這樣做五次嗎? 我還做過四次祕密大便 所以你是在穿過倉鼠牙齒 把褲子脫下來 不,我沒有把褲子脫下來 所以我得穿著這條褲子到處走 但是當我去把褲子拉起來的時候

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