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  • Symbolic immortality.


  • Ernest Becker, in his seminal work, The Denial of Death, delves into the profound psychological mechanism human employ to cope with existential dread of mortality.

    歐內斯特-貝克爾(Ernest Becker)在其開創性著作《否認死亡》(The Denial of Death)中,深入探討了人類為應對死亡帶來的生存恐懼所採用的深刻心理機制。

  • Becker posits that the fear of death is a fundamental driving force behind human behavior, influencing a wider rate of cultural, societal, and individual actions.


  • To mitigate this pervasive fear, humans seek symbolic immortality, a concept where they create lasting symbols and legacies that transcend their physical demise.


  • According to Becker, these symbols can take many forms, such as works of art, literature, scientific achievement, or even progeny.


  • By contributing to culture and society in meaningful ways, individuals embed a part of themselves into the collective memory, ensuring their essence endures beyond their lifetime.


  • This pursuit of symbolic immortality provides a sense of continuity and significance.


Symbolic immortality.


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