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  • Number nine.


  • Now, this one blew my whole mind away because, $900 in a single day for this?

    這讓我大吃一驚,因為用這個一天就可以賺進 900 美元?

  • I said, "The girls have to know."


  • If you're a woman and you've been searching for small business ideas that appeal specifically to us, then this is the video for you.


  • If you're new here, hi, I'm Vanessa, and on this channel, we talk all thingssmall business ideas, side hustle ideas, making money, building wealth as a woman.

    如果你是新來的,你好,我是 Vanessa,我們會在這個頻道討論所有與身為女性有關的小生意、副業、賺錢、累積財富等點子。

  • And today, girl, I have not five, not even seven, but ten small business ideas for you.


  • And, no, we're not gonna be talking about bundles, we're not gonna be talking about lashes, none of the really played-out business ideas.


  • These are business ideas that appeal specifically to us, and, literally, any woman can start any of these business ideas with barely any capital.


  • And the best part is that many of these business ideas can be done from home.


  • And if you miss everything else in this video, make sure you don't miss number three and number nine.


  • Because those two, they make the most money, they're the easiest to start, and I have the tea on how to get started.


  • So, if you're really here for the small business ideas and the side hustle ideas, go ahead and hit the "like" button because it lets me know that this is the kind of content that you like.


  • Now, girl, let's get into it.


  • Number one.


  • Girl, when I saw this one, I was so shocked.


  • I went down a rabbit hole only to find that a lot of people are becoming six-figure, seven-figure business owners simply by creating and selling something called Cash Stuffin' Envelopes.

    我陷入了一個困境,發現許多人僅僅透過創造和銷售一種名為 Cash Stuffin' Envelopes(塞現金信封)的東西就成為了收益六位數、七位數的企業主。

  • My name is Jasmine Taylor, I'm 31, from Amarillo, Texas, and my business brought in over $800,000 last year.

    我叫 Jasmine Taylor,31 歲,來自德州阿馬裡洛市,我的生意去年收入超過 80 萬美元。

  • Girl, did you hear that?


  • Number two.


  • Number two is to create and sell T-shirts for little girls.

    第二個銷售為小女孩製作的 T 恤。

  • Now, you and I know that the T-shirt business is a little bit played out, but that's just for adults.

    我們都知道賣 T 恤的生意有點老套,但那只是對成年人 T 恤而言。

  • Moms care about what they're putting on their children.


  • If you're able to create shirts that have text that are empowering, especially for, maybe, little girls,

    如果你能設計出具有激勵性文字的 T 恤,尤其是針對小女孩的,

  • for example, little black girls, if you have something like, "your hair is beautiful" or "you are a queen and your skin is poppin'",

    例如要給黑人小女孩的 T 恤上如果寫著「你的頭髮很美」、「你是女王而且你的皮膚很亮眼」等字樣,

  • moms usually get excited about brands like that, and you can position yourself in the marketplace.


  • Get on Canva, design your own shirts, and start empowering young girls while also getting to the big bag.

    登入 Canva、設計自己的 T 恤,然後開始在激勵年輕女孩的同時賺大錢。

  • Number three.


  • There's a reason why I told you to wait until number three, OK?


  • Because this small business idea is very, very accessible to literally any woman anywhere in the world.


  • Here's the secret.


  • You wanna find products that sell all year round to any kind of person.


  • For example, look at this product.


  • It has sold over 58,000 pieces, and the person who created this has generated over $585,000 from an Etsy store.

    它已售出 58,000 多件,創作者從 Etsy 商店獲得了超過 585,000 美元的收入。

  • Now, I know you might be watching this and you might think, "OK, good for her, but how do I find the right pieces?"


  • "How do I position myself?"


  • "I don't know where to start."


  • Girl, I got you.


  • The person I learned from by taking her class about Etsy has a class on Skillshare, who've been kind enough to sponsor this video.

    我從她那裡學到了關於 Etsy 的課程,她在 Skillshare 上也有一門課,他們很慷慨地贊助了這部影片。

  • Skillshare is an amazing platform with thousands of incredible teachers who have done what it is that you are trying to do.

    Skillshare 是一個了不起的平台,有成千上萬的優秀教師,他們都做過你想做的事情。

  • From launching an Etsy store to editing videos to starting a YouTube channel, it's all on Skillshare.

    從創辦 Etsy 商店、編輯影片到建立 YouTube 頻道,一切盡在 Skillshare。

  • This class by Tiffany Emery will teach you everything you need to know about setting up an Etsy store for success.

    Tiffany Emery 的這堂課將教給你關於如何成功開設 Etsy 商店的一切知識。

  • Tiffany runs a million-dollar Etsy store, so if there's anybody to learn from, it's her.

    Tiffany 經營著一間價值百萬美元的 Etsy 商店,所以如果要向任何人學習,非她莫屬。

  • And guess what?


  • Thanks to this partnership, the first 1,000 people to use my link below have the opportunity to explore Skillshare for free for one whole month.

    多虧這次合作,使用下方連結的前 1 千名用戶將有機會免費使用 Skillshare 整整一個月。

  • And if you decide to stay with Skillshare longer than that month, you still get 50% off the entire first year of your membership.

    如果你決定繼續使用 Skillshare 超過一個月,你還是可以享受第一年會員資格 50% 的折扣。

  • If I were you, I would run, I wouldn't walk.


  • Because the fact that you have access to information like this in this class for freegirl, don't say I never did anything for you.


  • So, thanks, Skillshare, for sponsoring this video.

    感謝 Skillshare 贊助這部影片。

  • Number four is something called "retail arbitrage".


  • And don't click out⏤I'm gonna break it down for you, OK?


  • So, basically, what that simply means is, you wanna find an item that's sold for different prices in different places.


  • So, for example, something could be sold for $10 at Walmart, $40 on Amazon.

    舉例來說,有些東西在沃爾瑪可以賣 10 美元、在亞馬遜可以賣 40 美元。

  • That's why there are a lot of Amazon-based businesses that make so much money simply by doing this.


  • You don't have to manufacture the product, don't have to have a warehouse.


  • You can literally run a business like this from home by simply finding items that are sold for different prices (in) different places.


  • And, so, you set up your own company, your own business, and you have a storefront on a platform like Amazon, for example, or any platform that already has a marketplace.


  • Then you go shopping for this item at stores that sell it for cheaper, and you just sell it for higher on your own online store.


  • Number five.


  • Number five is a business idea that I found out about because my homegirl is getting married.


  • And wedding stay (is) giving me ideas because these wedding people are making so much money.


  • Did you know that brides pay up to $85 for wedding planner books?

    你知道新娘們為婚禮策劃書支付的費用高達 85 美元嗎?

  • And a wedding planner is simply a low-content book.


  • Like, it's a book that just has a few lines.


  • You can go onto ChatGPT and ask it what you should put in a wedding planning book.

    你可以登入 ChatGPT,詢問婚禮策劃書中應包含哪些內容。

  • And go onto a website like Blur, create a wedding planning book, have it up for sale online in less than a week.

    然後登入像是 Blur 等網站,創建婚禮策劃書,並在一週內將其在網上出售。

  • And people, brides, brides who are pulling their hair out 'cause they really wanna get this wedding right would pay you good money for your wedding planners.


  • If you've been enjoying this video so far, don't forget to hit the "like" button.


  • And if you want me to make a specific video about how to sell low-content books online and have a quick turnaround, then let me know down in the comments section.


  • Also, don't forget to hit the "subscribe" button and hit the bell right next to it so you get notified when I make that video.


  • Number six.


  • If you're a mom and you've bounced back and you're good with fitness and you're good with your diet, you know you can monetize that?


  • A friend of mine recently started a postpartum coaching company, teaching women how to get back in shape after having a baby.


  • I know for most of us, that's not priority one after having a baby.


  • But if you're someone that got to a point where you were like, I'm ready to lose this weight, you did some workouts, you ate in a certain way, and you have a formula that works,


  • you could actually start coaching other women to do the same thing.


  • There's a lot of demand for that, especially for mothers of color.


  • So, if you're a woman with this plug, take up this space, girl.


  • We need you.


  • Number seven.


  • I'm one of those women who starts getting ready for Christmas in October.


  • One of the things that I want to have at my Christmas party this year is handwritten name cards.


  • And I paid money for someone to write all my guests' names on cards.


  • Granted, the Christmas market might not get you to the big bag, but you know what will?


  • The wedding industryyes, yes.


  • People spend a lot of money on their weddings, and some of that money goes to wedding invitations.


  • So, if you're a calligraphy girly or your handwriting is pretty and you know you can make a business out of this, get on your Zoom.

    所以,如果你是一個會寫書法或者字寫得很漂亮的人,知道自己可以以此為生,那就趕緊上你的 Zoom。

  • Get on your Zoom, girl, 'cause there's money to be made.

    快登入 Zoom 吧,因為有錢賺。

  • Number eight.


  • You can launch an online food store for your specific type of food if it's hard to come by in the area that you live in.


  • So, for example, if you live in, I don't know, Wisconsin, and it's hard to find Caribbean food


  • I don't know this for sure, I'm just using this as an example


  • you could be the person who launches the business that serves your community in that area.


  • For example, recently, a good friend of mine launched an African food store, because it can be really hard to get African food delivered within Texas,


  • and not everyone wants to drive all the way to the African food store to get their meat pies and their malt and their plantain chips.


  • Like, don't nobody got time for that.


  • Like, if you can order it online, you would, right?


  • So, you could be the person that offers this service.


  • Number nine.


  • Now, this one blew my whole mind away because, $900 in a single day for this?

    這讓我大吃一驚,因為用這個一天就可以賺進 900 美元?

  • I said, "The girls have to know."


  • Listen, if you've been watching this channel for a while, you know that I cut my hair this year.


  • I actually went bald, y'all.


  • I went bald, but thank you, Jesus, thank God, my hair grew back.


  • For the first time in my life, I went natural, and when I tell you, I did not know what I was doing.


  • My head was tender, my hair was always tangling, like, I struggled, right?


  • And then I started to do research, trying to figure out how to take care of this hair, and I came across someone called a "natural hair consultant".


  • I was like, "This can't be real, this cannot be real."


  • But, you know, I talk about businesses and side hustles for a living, so, I was like, "Let me even engage this woman, this young lady, just to see if she's real or if it's a scam."


  • And, so, I paid; I paid $100 for an hour of consultation with her.

    於是我付了 100 美元,請她做了一個小時的諮詢。

  • She asked me what I was putting in my hair, she told me what to do and what not to do, and I saw results.


  • My hair grew so fast; now I can put it in braidssomething that I cut bald, I could put it in braids because I paid for a natural hair consultant.


  • And I asked her how many clients she gets in a day, she said nine to ten.


  • Nine to ten clients a day, paying her $100 per hour.

    每天有九到十個客戶,每小時付給她 100 美元。

  • So, $900 to $1,000 a day talking to people about natural hair.

    所以每天只跟人討論自然髮質就有 9 百到 1 千美元的收入。

  • And number ten, launch a community.

    第 10,發起一個社區。

  • Myleek is a perfect example of someone who came to the internet and took over.

    Myleek 就是一個完美的例子,他出現在網路上並掌管了一切。

  • From growing an Instagram page, she launched a business called Curlbox.

    從發展 Instagram 頁面開始,她創辦了一家名為 Curlbox 的企業。

  • And, after building Curlbox into a successful business, she has launched a community called Myleek and Mamas.

    在把 Curlbox 打造成成功企業之後,她又創辦了一個名為 Myleek and Mamas 的社區。

  • (It's) Basically a safe space for black mothers to connect, share ideas, learn from each other, and learn from experts.


  • Now, this is something that pretty much anyone can do.


  • All you have to do is show up online, build an audience by delivering free value, and then have a closed community with a specific value proposition, and you can start getting to the bag.


  • Now, all of these ideas are absolutely no good if you don't take action.


  • I know it can feel really, really challenging when you feel stuck at a job or a situation that you don't want to be in,


  • and you're constantly thinking, "What should I do next, what should I do next, what should I do next?"


  • "I don't have enough resources, I don't have enough this, I don't have enough that."


  • But I wanna take a moment to encourage you, because I know how hard it can be to try to start something when you have very little in your hands.


  • But here's the thing: You're not doing this alone.


  • You have God, we have God, and every time we do our part, he comes and he meets us right where we are.


  • Don't get discouraged; don't give up on yourself.


  • I'm not gonna give up on you; God is not gonna give up on you.


  • Remember that I'm rooting for you, so please do not stop rooting for yourself.


  • And until next time, please take care.


Number nine.


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