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  • The other day, I googled "difference, client vs. customer"⏤I mean, I'm an English coach, I do things like that.

    我某天上網搜尋了「client(客戶)和 customer(顧客)的差別」——我是說,我是一個英語教練,我會做這樣的事情。

  • But also because clients often confuse these two very similar words.


  • And what I found was, well, it's kind of normal if you confuse these words, too.


  • Hi, I'm your English coach, Christina, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, where we eliminate your blockages and increase your confidence in business English communication step by step.

    嗨,我是各位的英語教練 Christina,歡迎來到 Speak English with Christina,我們將在這裡消除你的障礙,逐步增強你對商務英語溝通的信心。

  • Customer or client?

    要用 customer 還是 client?

  • Two words, basically, to indicate a person who pays money for something.


  • Simple, right?


  • Nah, this is English; it's never simple.


  • And, as I explored the explanations on the Internet, I found things like, "It's best to think of a client as a particular type of customer."

    當我在網路上搜尋相關解釋時,我發現了諸如:「最好把 client 視為一種特殊類型的 customer」之類的內容。

  • "A client buys services, so, in some sense, he or she is a customer. And customers can buy services, too, instead of physical goods."

    也有人說:「Client 購買服務,所以說,從某種意義上來看,這個人就是 customer。而 customer 也可以購買服務,而不是實物商品。」

  • Client vs. customer is one of the biggest mysteries in the business world.

    「Customer 還是 client」是商業界最大的謎團之一。

  • Well, I love a good challenge, so, let's try to demystify the difference.


  • To make the difference between client and customer, there are two things to consider:

    要區分 client 和 customer 有兩點需要考慮:

  • What the person buys and the relationship between the seller and the buyer.


  • So, for example, a client buys personalized or highly professional services, like legal advice, coaching, graphic design, real estate, consultations, etc.

    舉例來說,client 購買個人化或高度專業化的服務,如法律諮詢、培訓、平面設計、房地產、諮詢等。

  • And the seller-buyer relationship for a client, there's a notion of relationship, accompaniment, help, and support.

    就 client 的買、賣家關係而言,有一種關係、陪伴、幫助和支持的概念。

  • Now, a customer, what they buy is products or services that they choose at the moment and pay for with an immediate money transaction.

    至於 customer,他們購買的是當下選擇的產品或服務,並透過即時金錢交易進行付款。

  • The seller-buyer relationship for a customer, there's a notion of immediate financial exchange, where the customer pays money and gets a product or service immediately.

    Customer 在買、賣方關係中,有一種即時金融交換的概念,即 customer 付錢就能立即獲得產品或服務。

  • So that adds some clarification, but what if you're still not sure if you have clients or customers?

    這樣就有了一些釐清,但如果你仍然不確定自己是擁有 client 還是 customer 呢?

  • Let's go a step further in trying to solve one of the biggest mysteries in the business world.


  • So, you have clients if your business is a law firm, a coaching or consulting business, a web or design agency, a real estate agency, an insurance agency, or an advertising agency.

    所以說,如果你的公司是律師事務所、培訓或諮詢公司、網路或設計公司、房地產公司、保險公司或廣告公司,你就是服務 client。

  • You have customers if your business is a retail store, a supermarket, a restaurant, software-as-a-service products, a bakery, cafe, or other similar business, or a service station or garage.

    如果你的公司屬於零售店、超市、餐館、軟體即服務產品、烘焙坊、咖啡廳或其它類似企業,或是服務站或車庫,你的客人就是 customer。

  • And let's take it one step further:


  • Is one word more formal or sophisticated than the other?


  • No.


  • Don't think that the word customer is more general, shallower, or less sophisticated.

    不要認為 customer 這個字更籠統、更膚淺或較不高級。

  • No, you can still make your services personalized and have lawyer-buyers, even if you're dealing with customers.

    不,即使你面對的是 customer,你還是可以讓服務個人化,並擁有律師買家。

  • What's important is how you treat your buyers, whether they are customers or clients.

    重要的是你如何對待你的買家,無論他們是 customer 還是 client。

  • And, the final step:


  • What if you still confuse the two and use the wrong word?


  • Now, no one will throw rotten tomatoes at you.


  • They won't feel insulted and they won't think that you speak bad English.


  • I promise.


  • And I think we did it.


  • In about five minutes, we solved one of the biggest mysteries in the business world.


  • So, I think that you and I both deserve a coffee.


  • Oh, wait, before you go, can I ask you two things?


  • Go to and sign up for my free newsletter so that I can continue helping you become more confident in business English.

    前往 並註冊、訂閱我的免費電子報,這樣我就能繼續幫你們更自信地使用商務英語。

  • And the second thing, let's take a few more steps together to continue increasing your confidence.


  • I created a playlist for you where you'll discover why "they" is a singular pronoun, how to use the infinitive and -ing correctly, and we'll clarify how to use prepositions like "at", "in", or "on".

    我為你們建立了一個播放清單,你們將在其中了解為什麼 they 是單數代名詞、如何正確使用不定詞和 -ing,以及如何使用介係詞 at、in 或 on。

  • Just click over there to continue learning with me and I'll see you in the next video.


  • See ya.


The other day, I googled "difference, client vs. customer"⏤I mean, I'm an English coach, I do things like that.

我某天上網搜尋了「client(客戶)和 customer(顧客)的差別」——我是說,我是一個英語教練,我會做這樣的事情。

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