字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, there, I'm your English coach, Christina, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, 大家好,我是你們的英語教練 Christina,歡迎來到 Speak English with Christina, where you'll learn American culture and business know-how to become confident in English. 你們將在這裡學習到美國文化和商業訣竅,進而對英語充滿信心。 So, you have a Skype meeting with an American business. 那麼,你和一間美國企業約好進行 Skype 會議。 You have the usual stress of a "real meeting" but with even more questions. 你會有「真正會議」所有的壓力,但只會有更多問題。 What if you also have to deal with technical problems? 如果你還需要處理技術問題呢? What if the connection fails? 如果連線失敗怎麼辦? Don't worry; here's how you can use that situation to your advantage. 別擔心,下面教你怎麼讓這種情況對自己有利。 Let's go! 開始吧! Can you hear me? 你聽得到我的聲音嗎? OK, what about now? 好,那現在呢? Is that... is that OK now? 那⋯⋯那現在可以了嗎? OK, I can see... I can see you, but I can't hear you. 好,我可以⋯⋯我看得到你,但聽不到你的聲音。 Can you hear me now? 現在能聽到我說話了嗎? If you've used Skype, you've experienced a conversation like that. 如果你用過 Skype,就曾經歷過那樣的對話。 And if you have American colleagues or clients, then Skype is probably part of the job. 而如果你有美國同事或客戶,那 Skype 大概是工作的一部分。 And there's even a verb for that in English, to Skype someone. 英語裡甚至有一個動詞可以用來形容它:Skype 某人。 American companies often use Skype interviews in the hiring process. 美國公司在招募過程中,經常使用 Skype 面試。 The interviewer wants to see your smile and your energy and how reliable you are. 面試官希望看到你的微笑、你的活力以及你有多可靠。 And that's why technical problems can be devastating. 這就是為什麼技術性問題可能具有毀滅性。 Because you might make one of these two common devastating mistakes. 因為你可能會犯以下兩個常見的致命錯誤之一。 The first one is pretending everything is OK. 第一種是假裝一切安好。 That will not help you. 那對你不會有幫助。 The interviewer might think that's how you handle tough situations, 面試官可能會認為那就是你應付棘手情況的方式, by ignoring the problems instead of dealing with them. 忽視問題,而不是解決問題。 Technical problems are real problems. 技術問題是真正存在的問題。 If you can't hear well, the conversation won't be productive, you won't understand the questions, and you'll give irrelevant answers. 如果你聽不清楚,對話就不會有效率、你不會理解問題,也就會給無關緊要的答案。 The second devastating mistake is panicking. 第二個毀滅性錯誤是驚慌失措。 It shows that you're easily stressed by something as common as using Skype. 這說明你很容易因為使用 Skype 這麼普通的事情而感到壓力。 You'll appear uncomfortable with technology. 你會顯得不習慣使用技術。 You'll look like you can't control your emotions and stay calm when things don't go as planned. 你會顯得無法控制自己的情緒,且無法在事情不如意時保持冷靜。 In both cases, it sends a bad signal⏤nobody wants to hire a candidate like that. 在這兩種情況下,都會發出不好的訊號,而沒有人會想要僱用這樣的人。 So, how should you react instead? 那麼,你該如何應對呢? Start by being prepared. 從做好準備開始。 You should be just as serious in your preparation for a Skype or phone interview as you would for a physical interview. 在準備 Skype 或電話面試時,你應該像準備實體面試一樣認真。 In fact, maybe you should prepare more. 事實上,也許你應該準備得更多一些。 Skype is notorious for connection problems⏤probably 1 out of 3 calls that I do on Skype have connection problems at some point. Skype 的連線問題是出了名的,我在 Skype 上進行的 3 次通話中,可能就有 1 次會遇到連線問題。 So, to minimize the risks, check Skype's recommendations for connection bandwidth on this page and I'll put the link below. 所以說,為了將風險降到最低,請參閱 Skype 在這個頁面上對連線頻寬的建議,我會把連結放在下面。 Then, use this site to test your connection; link below. 然後,用這個網站測試你的連接,連結如下。 And if your bandwidth is not enough, use an Ethernet cable to connect instead of Wi-Fi. 如果頻寬不夠,可使用以網路線連接,而不是 Wi-Fi。 Yes, it's old school, but it works. 沒錯,很老派,但很管用。 You should also get familiar with the extra features of Skype. 你也應該熟悉 Skype 的額外功能。 Be sure that you know how to turn on your video, in case this isn't automatic. 確保你知道怎麼打開攝影機,以防它不是自動開啟的。 And how to send a chat message so you can give email addresses, phone numbers, and links to the interviewer. 另外也要知道如何發送訊息,以便提供你的電子郵件地址、電話號碼和相關連結給面試官。 And learn how to share your screen⏤it might prove useful. 並學習如何共享螢幕,它可能會有用。 As I said, connection problems aren't unusual on Skype. 正如我所說,連線問題在 Skype 上並不罕見。 At some point, problems will happen. 問題總會在某個時刻發生。 So, here's my step-by-step guide to handling connection problems based on my experience of teaching online and talking to business clients. 以下就是我根據線上教學和與企業客戶交談的經驗,總結出處理連接問題的逐步指導。 Step 1, be prepared. 步驟 1:做好準備。 On the day of the interview, check your connection strength and keep an Ethernet cable around. 面試當天,請檢查連線強度,並確保周遭有網路線。 Step 2, if the connection lags or breaks down, 步驟 2:如果連線延遲或中斷, you can say, "Um, hold on a minute, I'm just going to plug in my Ethernet cable to fix the connection." 你可以說:嗯,稍等一下,讓我插上網路線來修復連線問題。 Step 3, if that doesn't work, suggest cutting the video. 步驟 3:如果還行不通,建議關掉攝影機。 Not ideal, but it's more important to hear clearly than to see the other person. 這並不理想,但聽清楚聲音比清楚看到對方更重要。 Say, "Do you mind if I cut the video?" 説:「你介意我關掉攝影機嗎?」 "I'm going to see if that improves the connection." 「我想看看這是否能改善連線狀況。」 Step 4, if that still doesn't solve the problem, suggest starting the call again. 步驟 4:如果那仍不能解決問題,建議重新開始通話。 Say, "Why don't we start over? Can you hang up and call me back?" 說:「我們何不重新開始?你能掛斷後再打給我嗎?」 Step 5, another option. 步驟 5:另一個選擇。 Keep Skype on for the video so you can see each other, but use the phone for clear audio. 繼續使用 Skype 進行視訊,這樣你們就能看到對方,但用電話以確保清晰的聲音。 You can say, "Can I suggest a solution?" 你可以說:「我能提出一個解決方案嗎?」 "Why don't you call me on the phone, but we can keep the video on Skype." 「你不如打電話給我,但我們可以在 Skype 上進行視訊。」 "Here's my number in the chat." 「聊天視窗裡是我的電話號碼。」 And then, you enter your number into the chat on Skype. 接著,你就可以在 Skype 的聊天視窗裡輸入你的號碼。 Step 6, if all else fails, suggest just using the telephone. 步驟 6:如果其它方法都不奏效,建議直接使用電話。 You can say, "I think Skype is having a bad day." 你可以說:「我覺得 Skype 今天狀態很糟糕。」 "It would be more efficient to do this on the phone, perhaps." 「也許透過電話進行會更有效率。」 "Would you like to call me on the phone instead?" 「你願意改成打電話給我嗎?」 In this whole situation, don't panic. 在這種情況下,不要驚慌。 Use this opportunity to show that you can control your stress, handle an unplanned situation, and manage the problems of everyday business. 利用這個機會證明你可以夠控制壓力、應付意外情況,並處理日常業務中的問題。 For example, one time, I had a video interview with a big business client who wanted to discuss English coaching for their sales manager. 舉例而言,我有一次和一間大企業的客戶進行視訊面試,目的在於討論他們為公司銷售經理提供英語輔導的問題。 We had terrible Skype connection problems and it took us 10 very long minutes to find a solution. 我們遇到了嚴重的 Skype 連線問題,花了冗長的 10 分鐘才找到解決辦法。 But, in the end, the company signed up 3 students for coaching programs instead of 1, as they originally planned. 但最終,該公司為 3 名學生報名參加了輔導計劃,而不是原定的 1 名。 And the HR manager said, 人力資源經理說: "You were so calm during the connection problems I felt that you must be really good at teaching online." 「在出現連線問題時,你表現得很鎮定,我覺得你一定很擅長線上教學。」 If I had panicked, maybe they would've said, "Thanks for your offer, but we're gonna continue looking." 如果我當時驚慌失措,也許對方就會說:「謝謝你的提議,但我們會繼續尋找。」 So, remember: Prepare your call, learn Skype extra features, and check your connection. 所以說,請記住:為通話做好準備、學習 Skype 的額外功能,並檢查你的連線。 Don't ignore the problem and don't panic. 不要忽視問題,也不要驚慌失措。 And you can always fall back on my step-by-step guide to handling technical problems. 你也可以隨時參考我的逐步指南來處理技術問題。 Now, write down your plan and the sentences that you can use in that situation and keep them around during your call. 現在,請寫下您的計劃以及在這種情況下可以使用的句子,並在通話時,放在手邊。 And that's an advantage of Skype, is that you can "cheat" and be prepared with notes so you know that everything will be fine even if problems arise. 而那正是 Skype 的優勢,也就是,你可以「作弊」,並準備好筆記,深知這樣即使出現問題也不會有問題。 And now, you're done. 現在就一切就緒。 So, tell me, how did you handle your last Skype connection problems? 那麼,跟我說說,你是如何應付上一次的 Skype 連線問題? Write down your experience in the comments. 請在留言區寫下你的經歷。 It's a great way to practice and share with the world. 這是一種很好的練習和與世界分享的方式。 And, if you would like to become more fluent, more confident, and work with one of my expert teachers, check out my new program, Speak English Confidently. 如果你希望口語更流利、更有自信,並向我旗下的專家老師學習,請參考我的新課程 Speak English Confidently。 It combines private training sessions with regular conversation practice so that you speak more correct English more fluidly. 它結合了私人培訓課程與定期對話練習,讓你能更流利地講出更正確的英語。 Details are below the video. 詳情請見影片下方。 Alright, thanks so much for improving your English with me, and I'll see you next time. 好了,非常感謝各位和我一起提升英語能力,我們下次再見。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 問題 步驟 英語 面試 處理 電話 【商務英語】後疫情時代,線上會議或面試已變常態,遇到連線問題該如何冷靜應對?(How to Handle Zoom & Skype problems) 12072 51 Susan 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字