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  • Why six-years-old avoid chunky food?


  • In an article published by Science Daily on July 3rd, 2024, researchers from University of Copenhagen revealed that six-years-old have a strong aversion to food with chunks such as fruit pieces in yogurt.

    科學日報》2024 年 7 月 3 日發表的一篇文章中,哥本哈根大學的研究人員發現,6 歲的孩子對酸奶中的水果塊等帶塊狀的食物非常反感。

  • The study led by Dr. Shen-Yu Chu involved 485 children aged 5 to 12 and found that 76% of six-years-old prefer smoother texture.

    由 Shen-Yu Chu 博士上司的這項研究涉及 485 名 5 至 12 歲的兒童,結果發現 76% 的 6 歲兒童更喜歡光滑的質地。

  • This aversion is linked to food neophobia, a protective mechanism against potentially harmful foods.


  • Studies have reported that food neophobia starts from a low baseline at weaning.


  • It increases sharply as child become more mobile and independent, reaching a peak at around 6 or 7 years old.


  • The findings aim to help parent and food industry understand and address children's food preferences better.


Why six-years-old avoid chunky food?


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