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  • What's the sitrep on New York the Russian jamming rigs have neutralized our air support as long as they maintain air dominance it's a losing fight we cannot lose New York are there any special mission units in the area we can request J socks got a Delta Force team at Bennett field call sign metal overlord metal 0-1 is up on green sap glad to have you in our corner Sandman the Russians are using electronic countermeasures to jam our comms and guidance systems the primary emission tower is on top of the stock exchange I need your team to destroy it the jammers full spectrum so until it's down you'll have no radio contact I have ground assets to get you close over copy all we'll get it done you

    紐約的情況如何? 俄國人的干擾裝置削弱了我們的空中支援 只要他們保持制空權,我們就輸定了 我們不能輸掉紐約 這裡有沒有特殊任務部隊?1號在綠樹蔭下 很高興你能加入我們 睡魔 俄國人用電子對抗干擾我們的通訊和制導系統 主要發射塔在證券交易所頂上

What's the sitrep on New York the Russian jamming rigs have neutralized our air support as long as they maintain air dominance it's a losing fight we cannot lose New York are there any special mission units in the area we can request J socks got a Delta Force team at Bennett field call sign metal overlord metal 0-1 is up on green sap glad to have you in our corner Sandman the Russians are using electronic countermeasures to jam our comms and guidance systems the primary emission tower is on top of the stock exchange I need your team to destroy it the jammers full spectrum so until it's down you'll have no radio contact I have ground assets to get you close over copy all we'll get it done you

紐約的情況如何? 俄國人的干擾裝置削弱了我們的空中支援 只要他們保持制空權,我們就輸定了 我們不能輸掉紐約 這裡有沒有特殊任務部隊?1號在綠樹蔭下 很高興你能加入我們 睡魔 俄國人用電子對抗干擾我們的通訊和制導系統 主要發射塔在證券交易所頂上

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