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  • Who are you? I'm Travis. Travis Scott. Travis Scott, welcome to Vancouver, British Columbia,

    你是誰?我是特拉維斯特拉維斯-斯科特特拉維斯-斯科特 歡迎來到不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華市

  • Canada. Thank you, bro. Right off the bat, Travis, I have a gift for you. All right,


  • I have an Exodus LP for you. Yeah, dope. This is a re-recording of Bonded by Blood. You're into Exodus. How'd you get into thrash, metal, and punk? I like their t-shirts and images.

    我有一張出埃及記的唱片給你是啊,真不錯這是重新錄製的 "血之羈絆你喜歡出埃及記你怎麼會喜歡激流金屬和朋克的?我喜歡他們的T恤和圖片

  • The music is dope too, and the aggression is kind of like how I feel inside. But this is the t-shirt I wore in my Mama Cedar video. So it's like Slayer and Maiden too, right? Yeah. How'd you get into it? Like, what attracted you to it? Like, who told you about metal and thrash?

    音樂也很好聽,那種侵略性就像我內心的感受一樣。但這是我在 "媽媽雪松 "視頻裡穿的T恤。所以它也像殺手和少女樂隊,對嗎?是啊,你是怎麼喜歡上的?是什麼吸引了你?是誰告訴你金屬和激流的?

  • I went to an elementary. Some of my homies, they were really into metal. I never really got into it because it was super hard to listen to. But I just like the aesthetic and the vibes and the shows and the expression. So yeah, I listen to it time to time. Yeah, it's dope.


  • In the Lights Out video, you have some Keith Haring art.


  • Yeah, lovesick. Amazing. I love Keith Haring. Yeah, I fuck with him.


  • And I have a gift for you right here since it is Christmas time. A Run DMC postcard Christmas card record. It's actually a record with some Keith Haring art on it. Check it out right there.

    聖誕節到了,我給你們準備了一份禮物。一張 Run DMC 明信片聖誕卡唱片。實際上,這是張印有凱斯-哈林藝術作品的唱片。看這裡

  • Whoa, you went crazy. This is a wild Christmas card. It's amazing. Run DMC Christmas card, and it comes as well with a seven inch and an LP as well. More Keith Haring art.

    哇,你瘋了。這真是張瘋狂的聖誕卡太棒了Run DMC的聖誕卡 還附贈一張七寸唱片和一張LP唱片更多凱斯-哈林的藝術作品

  • It's lit. This is dope, bro. Have you got any Keith Haring art? Like you put in your video, have you got in your own Keith Haring art? I guess you do now. Do now, thanks to my guy, but I actually don't. It's super expensive. Yeah. Has Lior Cohen told you anything about Run DMC?

    太讚了太酷了,兄弟你有凱斯-哈林的藝術作品嗎?就像你在視頻裡說的 你有自己的凱斯-哈林藝術品嗎?我猜你現在有了現在有了,多虧了我的人,但實際上我沒有。太貴了利奧・科恩跟你說過Run DMC嗎?

  • Because he did some stuff with Run DMC, like on the road and stuff. And there's a Run DMC Christmas flexi you could send Lior if you want. Has he told you anything about that? No, he never talked about the niggas, but I got to actually ask him. That's some real tight. I always ask him about the

    因為他和 Run DMC 合作過,比如在路上什麼的。如果你想的話,可以給利奧爾寄一張 Run DMC的聖誕禮物。他跟你說過這事嗎?沒有,他從來沒說過黑鬼的事 但我真的問過他了那可真是太緊了我總是問他

  • Jay-Z tours and shit like that. I like that type of vibe. Lior also called you punk rock. Lior called you punk rock. Yeah. Hey, man, I guess I wouldn't call myself punk rock, but yeah,

    Jay-Z 巡演之類的。我喜歡那種氛圍。利奧也說你是朋克搖滾利奧叫你朋克搖滾是啊,嘿,我想我不會稱自己為朋克搖滾,不過是的

  • I guess it's tight. You do like the Sex Pistols. Yes. Yes, I fucking do. And Sid Vicious. Yes, that's my fucking idol. Do you like any other punk bands at all? Yeah, but not that I can think of the name, but just, you know, I'm not really into like the punk scene. I just like, you know, I like music, you know, the vibe is cool and shit, but I'm really into like.

    我猜它很緊你喜歡性手槍樂隊?喜歡是的,我他媽的做的。還有席德-維icious是的,他是我的偶像你還喜歡其他朋克樂隊嗎?是的,但我想不起來名字了 只是,你知道,我不是很喜歡朋克場景我只是喜歡,你知道,我喜歡音樂, 你知道,氛圍很酷和狗屎, 但我真的很喜歡。

  • Your energy is very punk. Yeah, but I really like, you know, melodic shit. I like, you know, a lot of just like Tame Impala type shit, like shit like that. I fuck with shit like that.

    你的能量非常朋克。是的,但我真的很喜歡,你知道,旋律性的東西。我喜歡,你知道,很多像Tame Impala類型的東西,就像那樣的東西。我就喜歡這樣的東西

  • I think it's really great that you're also into Malcolm McLaren. You like Malcolm McLaren, don't you? Malcolm McLaren? Who the fuck is that? The manager of the Sex Pistols,


  • Malcolm McLaren. Okay. He comes along with the Sex Pistols. And I thought I'd give you a gift to introduce you to Malcolm McLaren. Here is a Malcolm McLaren do like scratching LP with Keith


  • Herring Art as well on there. Bro, where the fuck you find this shit, bro? This is fucking crazy.


  • Yo, so this dude's a DJ too? He is a legendary manager and he also is a musician and he put together this record, Do You Like Scratching? And this has been sampled by the Beastie Boys and a whole bunch of stuff. And it has your favorite Keith Herring Art. Keith Herring is everywhere, isn't he? Yeah, he's every fucking where. This is fucking actually rare as fuck.

    喲,這傢伙也是個 DJ?他是一位傳奇經理人,同時也是一位音樂家 他錄製了這張唱片《Do You Like Scratching?這張唱片被野獸男孩和其他很多樂隊採樣過裡面有你最喜歡的基思-赫林的藝術作品。凱斯-赫林無處不在,不是嗎?是的,他無處不在這東西真他媽少見

  • I'm super dope that you told me about this. Yeah, there's some instrumentals on there too that you might be interested in sampling. It'd be something cool to sample. That's crazy.


  • I didn't even know that. Travis Scott, your dad was in a band FBI.


  • Is my dad? No, I don't think he did it. No. First born of Israel? Nah. He's in a band called FBI and a song called Reclaimed Pyramids and Styx as well. The band Styx. Yeah, Styx. Yes, that was his first band. I don't know if this FBI is his new band. That's kind of crazy. And he has another project, Weapons of Mass Destruction. You know more about my dad's shit than I do. This is crazy.

    是我爸爸嗎?不,我不認為是他乾的以色列長子?不是他參加了一個叫FBI的樂隊 還有一首叫 "重塑金字塔 "的歌 還有Styx樂隊冥河樂隊對,冥河樂隊是的,那是他的第一個樂隊我不知道FBI是不是他的新樂隊這有點瘋狂他還有另一個項目 "大規模殺傷性武器你比我更瞭解我爸的事這太瘋狂了

  • I don't know anything about my dad's music and shit, but I know he plays the drums. He taught me how to play the drums. But Styx, that's crazy. That's what he used to call himself. That was his first drummer name. That's wild as fuck. That's cool. He's into music and he's working on projects too. You're working on projects and so is your dad. It's crazy. My dad had a studio in Den and I had a studio in my bedroom. And we used to get into little fights and shit because he used to work on his music and I used to work on mine and shit. And it was pretty fresh now because it's like, man, there'd be times when my dad would knock down my door because we were playing music too loud and I was making beats too loud. It's fucking crazy you know that. It's fucking wow. That's crazy. I gotta tell him to change his group from FBI. It's kind of like scary.

    我對我父親的音樂什麼的一無所知,但我知道他會打鼓。是他教我打鼓的但冥河樂隊,太瘋狂了他以前就是這麼叫自己的那是他第一個鼓手的名字真他媽狂野太酷了他喜歡音樂,也在做項目你在做項目 你爸爸也是太瘋狂了我爸在丹恩有個工作室 我在臥室裡有個工作室我們經常小打小鬧,因為他做他的音樂,我做我的音樂。現在想起來還挺新鮮的,因為有的時候我爸爸會敲我家的門,因為我們放音樂的聲音太大了,我打節拍的聲音太大了。真他媽瘋狂這是他媽的哇。太瘋狂了我得告訴他改變他的組 從FBI。有點嚇人

  • What's interesting as well, your grandfather, Prairie View, was a professor. Your grandfather was a professor. Yeah, he was. That is awesome. Yeah, it's super dope. And he was also into music as well too, wasn't he? Yeah, he was a jazz player. He played the piano and shit and he's like very talented and, you know, he was like my biggest inspiration in music, man. Like, he was like the one that taught my dad. He taught the flute player from the Quiet Storm shit. He was like the original Webster. He's the original La Flame. Rest in peace, man.

    有趣的是,你的祖父,草原之景,是一位教授。你祖父是個教授是的這是真棒。是啊,這是超級塗料。他也喜歡音樂 對吧是啊,他是一個爵士樂手。他彈鋼琴和狗屎 他就像非常有才華 而且,你知道,他就像 我最大的靈感 在音樂,男人。他是我父親的啟蒙老師他教過 "安靜風暴 "的長笛手他就像最初的韋伯斯特。他是最初的拉火焰。安息吧

  • Travis Scott, did you have a teacher called Mrs. Hair?

    特拉維斯-斯科特,你是不是有個老師叫 "毛太太"?

  • Whoa, my Spanish teacher? Is it from high school? Yeah, she had the big titties.


  • Yeah, is that her? That's what I was curious about. Yeah, I remember she was my Spanish teacher.


  • She had the big tits. I remember, yeah. Yeah, and she was actually Spanish. I wonder where the fuck she's at. That's fucking crazy. How the fuck you know that, bro? Travis Scott, we have to know. It's fucking crazy. Yeah. And Travis, what exactly is going on in this photo right here? Holy shit! Yeah, man, this is Christmas at my grandfather's house, actually.

    她的奶子很大我記得對,而且她其實是西班牙人不知道她現在在哪裡真他媽瘋狂你他媽怎麼知道的 兄弟? How the fuck you know that, bro?特拉維斯・斯科特,我們必須知道。太他媽瘋狂了是啊特拉維斯,這張照片到底是怎麼回事?我的天啊這是在我爺爺家過的聖誕節

  • And yo, this is so wild. You see the CD I have in my hand? Yeah, what are you holding? I'm holding my mixtape. And on this day, I went to DJ Premier's house because my dad and DJ Premier, they like grew up together. They're like best friends. No way. Yeah. They're like, like my next door neighbor and shit, basically. So every Christmas he comes to fucking Houston and I walked and gave him the CD. But he never did nothing with it. He just wanted to give me like some merch and shit. Kind of like pissed me off. But yeah, that's my brother and sister, the twins, Jordan and Josh. Oh, gee, Travis Scott. And the all air hearty flex. Travis, you're also into Jean-Michel Basquiat, aren't you? Yeah, that's kind of like the old, this one, that's like the old Travis, man. I was into like the Basquiat, Keith Haring, yeah, like super early.

    喲,這太瘋狂了。看到我手裡的 CD了嗎?是啊,你拿著什麼?我拿著我的混音帶。這一天,我去了DJ Premier的家 因為我爸爸和DJ Premier從小一起長大他們是最好的朋友不會吧不會吧他們就像我的隔壁鄰居一樣所以每年聖誕節他都會來休斯頓 我走過去把CD給了他但他什麼都沒做他只是想給我 像一些商品和狗屎。這讓我很生氣那是我弟弟和妹妹,雙胞胎,喬丹和喬什還有特拉維斯-斯科特和所有的空氣酣暢彎曲。特拉維斯,你也喜歡讓・米歇爾・巴斯奎特,對吧?是啊,這就像以前的特拉維斯,夥計。我很早就喜歡巴斯奇亞和凱斯-哈林

  • It was just like a product of growing in Houston. I didn't really, you know, it was some art shit, but like that was kind of like the super ill shit, you know, I wanted to discover. But now it's like way more iller shit, like Jim Joe and like even my homie Dozie, that nigga's ill, you know? I thought I'd get you some more Basquiat because I have the Rammel Z versus K-Rob Jean-Michel

    這就像是在休斯頓成長的產物。我並不真的喜歡,你知道,這是一些藝術狗屎,但就像那種像超級病狗屎,你知道,我想發現。但現在更多的是病態的東西,比如吉姆-喬,甚至我的老鄉多齊,那黑鬼都病了,你知道嗎?我想我應該再給你一些巴斯奎特的作品,因為我有 Rammel Z 對 K-Rob Jean-Michel 的作品。

  • Basquiat illustrated 12 inch from 1983 for you. Bro, this is like a fucking amazing. These are like all dope vinyls. It's like, fuck. Yeah, this is dope. And this is a CD too? What's on here?


  • It's a 12 inch. It's Rammel Z versus K-Rob. It's actually a rap 12 inch from 1983 and Basquiat actually funded the record. So Rammel Z and K-Rob are rappers. So it's an amazing rapper. Something maybe you can sample as well. It's fucking crazy. Rare facts. So you'd be learning this shit on this shit as well. Steve Boys and Cypress Hill sampled it too. Okay, dope, dope. I noticed

    這是 12 英寸的。是Rammel Z對陣K -Rob這其實是一張1983年的12寸說唱唱片 巴斯奎特為這張唱片提供了資金支持所以Rammel Z和K -Rob都是說唱歌手所以這是一個了不起的說唱歌手。也許你也可以去採樣真他媽瘋狂罕見的事實所以你也可以學學這些東西史蒂夫-博伊斯和賽普拉斯-希爾也採過樣好吧,好吧,好吧我注意到了

  • Mamacita, and I have a gift here for you, samples Bobby Blue Bland.


  • Yes, it does. How did that song come together? Bobby Blue Bland. Man, it's interesting. We actually made that beat for Diddy at his crib. It was me, Metro, and Dahe. Yeah. And like, man,

    是的,沒錯。這首歌是怎麼創作出來的?鮑比-布魯-布蘭德天啊,真有意思實際上,我們是在迪迪的小屋裡為他做的這首歌。是我 麥特羅和大河做的 It was me, Metro, and Dahe.是啊 Yeah.然後

  • Dahe had his laptop up. Metro had his laptop up. And like, you know, I think Dahe played the sample first. And then like, man, I was like, yo, this is fucking crazy. And Metro had like some drums on something else. That was like dope as fuck. And they like put it together in the sample. And it was like, boom, Mamacita. Travis Scott, quote, nobody in the back chills.


  • Nobody in the back chills. Travis Scott, New Year's Eve, 2014 at the Waldorf in Vancouver,

    後排無人膽寒。特拉維斯-斯科特,2014 年除夕夜,溫哥華華爾道夫酒店、

  • British Columbia, Canada. Travis Scott, New Year's Eve at the Waldorf, British Columbia,

    加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省。特拉維斯-斯科特(Travis Scott),不列顛哥倫比亞省華爾道夫酒店除夕夜、

  • Canada. Yeah, do you remember that gig? You were in Vancouver on New Year's Eve. No one in the back chills. That's what you said. What does that mean?


  • Yo, there's no bystanders. I wish I still had that chain. But I hate at my shows when people just like sit around and fucking like, you know, just like not do shit, man. It's like you got a show and especially my shit. You need to be sweating, you know, like some type of steam raging. You know, you just gotta live life, man. For gigs and stuff. You've actually brought an entire crowd into a back room like in Connecticut. You did that. That's incredible. You definitely know about that one. That's fucking crazy. That was rare. I did a show maybe like a year, half ago or maybe like two years ago and no one came. It was probably like all of 10 people, 14 people.

    喲,沒有旁觀者。真希望我還有那條鏈子但我討厭在我的演出中 人們只是坐在那裡,他媽的就像, 你知道,就像不這樣做狗屎,男人。這就像你有一個節目,尤其是我的屎。你需要出汗,你知道,像某種類型的蒸汽洶湧。你知道,你只是得生活,男人。為了演出什麼的你曾在康涅狄格州的一間密室裡 召集了全場觀眾你做到了太不可思議了你肯定知道的太他媽瘋狂了這是罕見的。我做了一個節目,也許像一年半前 或者像兩年前,沒有人來。大概只有10到14個人吧

  • So instead of performing in that big ass venue, I just took them backstage and performed backstage.


  • Travis Scott, in the Classmates McBride video, it copies Kanye's Through the Wire.

    特拉維斯-斯科特(Travis Scott)在《同學麥克布萊德》(Classmates McBride)的視頻中複製了坎耶(Kanye)的《穿越電線》(Through the Wire)。

  • Have you told Kanye about that or showed him the video?


  • No, man, I haven't. I haven't since I took it down. But that's crazy. You know about that joint.


  • Yeah, it was like a college, like when I was in college, just trying to vibe up with that video.


  • That's dope, you know. And it's exactly like Through the Wire. You did a great job on that.


  • Did you do that editing? It was incredible. Yeah, I did. Do you remember that store, Buc-ee's?

    是你剪輯的嗎?太不可思議了是啊你還記得那家店嗎 Buc -ee's?

  • Do you know Buc-ee's store? What's Buc-ee's? It's a pig in Texas, isn't it? Buc-ee's.

    你知道 Buc-ee's 商店嗎?什麼是Buc -ee's?是德州的豬,對吧?Buc -ee's

  • It's like a gas station out there. When you take road trips to San Antonio and shit, you always stop at a Buc-ee's. You're always getting swishers from the Buc-ee's. You're always getting like, that's the greatest thing you know about the Buc-ee's. That was wild, yeah.

    就像加油站一樣當你去聖安東尼奧旅行的時候 你總會在Bucee's停下來你總能從Bucee's喝到swishers啤酒你總是得到像, 這是最偉大的事情 你知道的Buc -ee's 。那很瘋狂

  • Travis Scott, we have some other people over here and we have a DJ Chase B somewhere.

    特拉維斯-斯科特(Travis Scott),我們還有其他一些人在這裡,我們還有一個 DJ Chase B 在某處。

  • Who is DJ Chase B as we round up DJ Chase B? Could you explain who DJ Chase B is?

    我們對 DJ Chase B 進行了盤點,誰是 DJ Chase B?您能解釋一下 DJ Chase B 是誰嗎?

  • That's my DJ, man. Come over here, DJ Chase B.

    那是我的DJ過來,DJ Chase B

  • What's up, dawgs? What can you say about Travis Scott?


  • What's up, what's up? What can I say about him? He's been my friend for a very long time.


  • Childhood friend. Now we're in Vancouver about to do a show.


  • And you're repping the Grizzlies, I say again.


  • Sharif, man. He was a beast, dawg. You know what I'm saying? That's like the


  • Kobe Bryant NBA court side in 64 days and shit. You know what I'm saying? So yeah.

    科比-布萊恩特 64 天后 NBA 賽場邊上的狗屎。你知道我在說什麼嗎?所以是的

  • What can you say about DJ Chase B? You know, this is a light-skinned

    關於 DJ Chase B,你能說什麼呢?你知道,這是一個淺膚色的

  • Irish number one DJ phenomenon, sneaker pro, four-eye flexing, Irish oil spilling, no gas smoking, Jameson chugging, number one spinner. I know, bro.

    愛爾蘭頭號現象級 DJ、運動鞋專家、四眼屈指可數、愛爾蘭石油溢出、不吸菸、喝詹姆森酒、頭號旋風小子。我知道,兄弟。

  • Number one spinner. You're spinning a lot, aren't you, DJ Chase B?

    頭號旋轉高手DJ Chase B,你轉了很多吧?

  • Yeah, pretty often. Yeah, I can say that.


  • And I brought you some gifts here for the tour because I thought it was important for you to space yourself. What do we have right here? Some DJ Kool for you.


  • Wow. Oh, shit. Yo.

    哇哦哦,該死喲 Yo.

  • What can you say about DJ Kool?

    你能對 DJ Kool 說點什麼呢?

  • Let me clear my throat is like the reason I'm a DJ. That's like my favorite shit ever. So

    讓我清清喉嚨,這就是我當 DJ 的原因。這是我最喜歡的東西所以

  • DJ Kool is like the man. And he's some DC shit, so.

    DJ Kool就像個男人。他是華盛頓特區的人,所以。

  • And underneath it, we have another one of your favorites.


  • Wow. Yo, I can't lie, bro. You snap. I actually bought this in DC and I lost it when I moved out.

    哇哦喲,我不能說謊,兄弟。You snap.實際上,我買了這個在DC 我失去了它,當我搬出去。

  • Kid Capri.

    Kid Capri.

  • That's my favorite DJ of all time.

    這是我最喜歡的 DJ。

  • Look at the cover. I love the cover. Look at the cover. Look what he's got on the cover.


  • He's got the cassette. He's crazy.


  • Oh, gee. Wow. Yeah. No, this is like you snap, bro.

    哦,天哪。Wow.Wow. - Yeah.不,這就像你扣,兄弟。

  • Bro, you're a fucking pro. I love you. I like you. You're smart.


  • Well, thank you. And underneath, we have some Biz Markie.


  • This is crazy, yo. See, bro, covers ain't like this no more. You know what I'm saying?


  • This shit crazy.


  • When I first started DJing, I was a huge like 80s hip hop head and shit. So like

    我剛開始做 DJ 的時候,是個 80 年代嘻哈迷。所以就像

  • I'll Be Square Mall, that's like one of my favorite songs ever.

    I'll Be Square Mall》是我最喜歡的歌曲之一。

  • Bro, I'm going to let you know, bro, to recall a lot of this shit, it's kind of crazy.


  • Yeah, bro, I don't know how you-


  • It's on 10. It's crazy.

    在 10 點鐘方向太瘋狂了

  • Well, thanks so much, Chase B and Dutu Lutu.

    非常感謝大通 B 和杜圖-盧圖。

  • Dot dot.


  • Thank you. Anything else you want to add to the people out there at all?


  • Yo, Kanye West for president. And I have one more question. What are those?


  • Tiger of London.


  • Are you pointing to my pants?


  • Are you pointing to my shoes?


  • Are you pointing to the bulge in my pants?


  • And you are, Travis Scott. Travis, I was curious, speaking about pants here, how do you keep your pants up when you're performing? It's incredible.

    你就是特拉維斯-斯科特特拉維斯,我很好奇,說到褲子 你表演的時候是怎麼把褲子穿起來的?太不可思議了

  • Belt.


  • But they're about to fall down. The belt must be really tight.


  • Belt.


  • Well, thanks so much, Travis. Keep on rocking in the free world and Dutu Lutu.


  • Do those.


Who are you? I'm Travis. Travis Scott. Travis Scott, welcome to Vancouver, British Columbia,

你是誰?我是特拉維斯特拉維斯-斯科特特拉維斯-斯科特 歡迎來到不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華市

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